Chapter 192 Heavenly Soul Dao Sect
Bitterness appeared on the corner of Liu Chuanzong's mouth, and he saluted quickly and respectfully: "I pay my respects to this senior, I took the liberty to disturb your hidden cultivation, this junior apologized to you, please be generous, don't take it to heart, I will leave immediately Here, I will never come to the Lieyang Sect to cause trouble again, please forgive me, senior..."

"Hehe, I'm afraid you have misunderstood me. I am not a senior. I have only practiced for nearly two years. You are right. I am currently in the Qi refining period. I am able to fly in the air because of my spirit body. Can..." Su Poman said triumphantly, he looked like a "Heaven's Chosen" who was proud of his talents.

Hearing the words, Liu Chuanzong's expression changed instantly, his breathing involuntarily became heavy, and his evil eyes flashed, "A spirit body? A spirit body that can fly... Could it be the legendary Yifeng spirit body? It seems not, you This kid is really ridiculous, even revealing his background, it seems that he is impatient to live! This lord likes genius spirits like you the most, among them, the spirits are mixed, and the most delicious. It's not bad to become an external avatar, just to assist the old man in his cultivation! Jie Jie you have any last words? If you don't say it, you won't have a chance!"

"I heard that you old dog's 'dream-eating way' is very powerful, why don't you let me see it and draw me into a dream?" Su Po said provocatively with a strange light in his eyes.

Liu Chuanzong's face sank, and he smiled angrily: "Okay! Haha, you little thief is really bold. For so many years, you are the first Qi-refining monk who dares to insult the old man! Since you want to die, then The seat will fulfill you!"

In the evil eyes, the lotus-shaped pattern suddenly rotated.

"Secret technique, the void creates dreams!"

Liu Chuanzong gave a low shout, and a transparent brilliance burst out instantly, covering Su Poman.

Su Poman felt an inexplicable drowsiness welling up in his heart, but with a slight shock in Niwan Palace, the drowsiness disappeared instantly.

"Hey, why didn't you fall asleep?" Liu Chuanzong looked at Su Poman in surprise.

Su Poman couldn't help touching his nose, and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I didn't cooperate well just now, do it again!"

"Little thief, how dare you tease this old man! At such a close distance, I also have the secret method of seizing the soul!" Liu Chuanzong couldn't hold back his face, and shouted in horror and anger, "Go to hell!"

A misty divine light straddled the void, directly submerging into Su Poman's body.

"Whoever realizes the big dream first, I know it all my life..."

Su Poman felt that there was a pulling force in another dimensional space acting on his soul. If he didn't want to, he would naturally be able to resist this strange force, but he had just acquired a new ability at this time, so he naturally wanted to test it out. The strength of the soul, so let go of the body and mind, and the soul directly followed the pull of this force and entered another space.

There was a vast expanse of white mist in front of him, and eerie laughter continued to be heard at this moment.

"Hahahaha...Little thief, once you enter the dream-eating space of this seat, don't even think about going out again. Do you know that you are afraid now?"

The voice was ethereal, as if it came from all directions.

The expression of Su Poman's soul did not fluctuate at all, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and the purple light in his eyes flashed, instantly piercing through the clouds and mist, and saw a bloated soul with a strange shape in the distance.

Liu Chuanzong's soul is very different from that of a normal monk. It is more than ten feet tall. The soul energy in his body is extremely mixed, and it seems to contain all kinds of souls. The distorted faces are embedded in his fat body. Above the belly, there are seven or eight arms, and the thighs are exposed behind the back. The whole soul is bloated and weird, as if it is a patchwork and stitched corpse monster.

Although it looked extremely disgusting, looking at the surging soul energy, Su Poman's soul-swallowing body felt an inexplicable desire, as if seeing delicious food.


Liu Chuanzong let out a strange cry. Although the huge figure was bloated, its speed was extremely fast. It approached in an instant, and opened its huge mouth to swallow Su Poman into his stomach.

"Humph! I don't know whether to live or die!"

Su Poman snorted coldly, and as soon as the aura of the soul body was released, the aura belonging to swallowing souls permeated instantly.

Horror, horror, trembling, as if facing a superior person!

Liu Chuanzong's spirit suddenly screamed and fell down suddenly. The body of the spirit kept shaking, and an inexplicable huge suppression made it lie on the spot and could not move at all.

"What the hell are you?"

On Liu Zongyuan's ugly giant face, there are two strange pale eyes inlaid, and the skin of the soul body is covered with lotus-like lines. At this moment, his face is full of remorse, in this dream-eating space , there is a peculiar rule, that is, one party can only leave after swallowing the order.

He was full of confidence at first, but after feeling the terrifying aura coming from Su Poman's soul, he discovered in horror that he had been tricked, and he actually caught a prehistoric giant crocodile while fishing.

The positions of the hunter and the prey changed instantly!
Su Poman moved his footsteps, and his figure instantly disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Liu Chuanzong, and he punched out.

Accompanied by Liu Chuanzong's painful neighing, a large part of his body was directly beaten into a smoky soul energy.

Su Poman opened his mouth, and a suction force came, and the large mass of soul energy was instantly sucked into his abdomen.


Su Poman hiccupped, and the purple light shone on the soul body. In an instant, this large mass of soul energy was refined, and the breath on his body increased by a large amount.

"How is it possible that such a mixed soul energy...has been refined so thoroughly, which old monster are you?" While Liu Chuanzong howled miserably, he saw a scene that horrified him.

The dream-eating way he practiced is an evil method that can enter dreams and swallow souls. It is invincible against beings weaker than himself, and it advances very quickly, but the only disadvantage is that it cannot be completely refined and devoured. The mixed soul energy in the soul, because it is mixed with countless memories, emotions and desires, etc., if you don't pay attention, you will lose yourself. Even if you use the secret method in the dream-eating way to suppress it, it will gradually affect the character of the practitioner and change his temperament drastically.

But just now, after he saw Su Poman swallowing his soul energy, he was not affected at all, and there was no abnormal change in his body. This discovery made him even more desperate.

Su Poman didn't answer. After swallowing a ball of soul energy, he felt an intoxicating sense of fullness. There was a faint sign that the soul-swallowing body was about to break through. He didn't hesitate, and shot one after another.

Groups of soul energy scattered into the air with the sound of howling.

"Ahhh... the pain kills me! It really hurts me!"

"Stop hitting! Stop swallowing..."

"Forgive me! Forgive me senior, don't swallow me anymore, I am willing to be your slave!"

"Please, don't swallow me!"

"You shameless boy, let's go out to fight if we have the ability, what is it to show off your prestige here!"


Su Poman turned a deaf ear to the continuous howls and begging for mercy, and kept devouring the wisps of soul energy that fell down, and the soul became stronger and stronger in the process.

Not long after, the white space suddenly shattered, and Su Poman's soul also returned to the Niwan Palace of his physical body. He opened his eyes, first took off the storage ring on Liu Chuanzong's body, and then waved his hand to remove his corpse. Income into his own storage bag.

The figure flashed again, and Su Poman returned to the training platform in the center of the courtyard.

There was silence all around, as if nothing had happened.

"The soul of a fake baby is really a great supplement!" Su Poman closed his eyes and looked inside for a while, and said in great surprise. He felt a little bit, and found that his soul-swallowing body had gone through the previous two transformations. , The body has grown a bit, not only that, but the strength and range of the spiritual consciousness have also doubled several times, and other benefits need to wait for him to realize it slowly.


Shangluo Kingdom, Heavenly Soul Dao Sect.

In an old and clumsy hall, the tabletop was burning like a bean green fire, and the surrounding soul energy was so dense that it seemed to condense into liquid droplets.


There was a crisp sound in the darkness.

"Hey, a 'Human Pill' has fallen... Shedai, go and find out, who is the blind guy who actually destroyed a Human Pill cultivated by my Heavenly Soul Dao Sect!"



(End of this chapter)

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