Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 193 Heavenly Fortune Compass

Chapter 193 Heavenly Fortune Compass
Outside the Wind and Rain Pavilion.

A black-robed monk with a coffin on his back suddenly appeared, bowed and bowed down several meters away, and said respectfully: "Greetings to Patriarch Nie, Senior Brother Juesha, I have something urgent to report, can I borrow a step?" say."

"Senior Nie is not an outsider, if you have anything to do, just speak up!" Young Master Juesha said flatly.


"If you want to say it, just say it, what a waste!"

"Yes, brother, Liu Chuanzong's imprint on the 'Tianyun Compass' suddenly disappeared for some reason, he may have fallen by accident, or he used some means to unlock the tracking secret method..."


Bai Zi spilled all over the ground.

Young Master Jue Sha suddenly stood up, walked out of the Wind and Rain Pavilion, his face was as cold as ice, "Bring it!"

The black-robed monk didn't dare to be negligent, and with a flick of his hand, he sent the 'compass of fortune' to Young Master Jue Sha.

Young Master Juesha took the compass, and with a light tap of his finger, it activated the compass of fortune.

I saw the pointer on the compass spinning creakingly, and a blue light mirror appeared above it. The mirror surface was a misty color, and there was no imprint.

"Where did the mark of the compass disappear?" Young Master Juesha asked with a gloomy expression.

The black-robed cultivator replied without hesitation: "Since Senior Nie drove away, Liu Chuanzong left Nanling Continent and fled to the east. The juniors of Xuntianwei followed him to pick up the corpses until three hours ago. The imprint on the Compass of Destiny suddenly disappeared, as if it was erased instantly, they tried many methods, but none worked, and then passed the news back..."

"This matter... is troublesome!"

Master Juesha sighed slightly, and waved his hands, "You go down first, I'll ask Senior Nie for advice, and then I'll deal with this matter!"


The black-robed monk saluted, turned around and disappeared into the drizzle.

"Senior Nie, you heard it just now, that Liu Chuanzong may be more or less auspicious, don't worry, the elixir will be delivered to you as agreed, but this matter is too involved, and I need your advice!" Mr. Jue Sha slowly Dao, his eyes are full of evil spirits.

The white-haired old man thought for a while, nodded, and said slowly: "Liu Chuanzong is cunning by nature, and he is extremely cautious in his actions. He will never fight with monks of the same rank, and will only bully those low-ranking monks in the Qi refining stage and Foundation building stage. Cultivator, this time the ship capsized in the East Holy Continent, it is really beyond my expectation, although there are four Golden Core cultivators in the Lieyang Sect, there is only one who can pose a threat to him!"


Young Master Juesha suddenly became interested.

"Ouyang Hong, the great elder of the Thousand Casting Sect in the past! This person is amazingly talented. He created the "sword embryo method" sword casting method, which can be regarded as creating a new school of sword casting in the Cangyun Continent." Bai Bai The old man said slowly, "However, the possibility of this person making a move is extremely low. Although he once had the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, he fell to the Golden Core Stage due to his injuries a few years ago, and his lifespan is not long. , so as long as Liu Chuanzong doesn't fight to the death with him, he shouldn't draw out his cards!"

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Apart from senior Nie, he is probably the only one in the Nanyue Kingdom capable of killing Liu Chuanzong!" said Mr. Juesha, squinting his eyes.

"This matter is still a bit strange, and Ouyang Hong has no reason to make a move, and Liu Chuanzong is not stupid, and he will definitely not fight to the death with such a cultivator at the Golden Core Stage!" The white-haired old man continued to analyze.

Master Juesha showed a sneer on his face, and said: "Senior Nie, to tell you the truth, that 'Liu Chuanzong' is a human pill cultivated by the Heavenly Soul Taoist Sect. Although I didn't take good care of it, someone must bear the responsibility for it. I think Ouyang Hong is not bad, he is going to die anyway, why not die now, so as to appease the anger of those big shots."

"But the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect of the Shangluo Kingdom, the Seventh Class Xiu Kingdom?" The white-haired old man lost his composure, and suddenly looked at Young Master Juesha with a somewhat unkind look, "No wonder you have no scruples, and use my Nanyue Kingdom to raise 'rendan' ', Mr. Jue Sha, could it be that you are a poor old man, if you don’t tell me in advance, the benefits you promised before are a little bit less! Once the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect comes, I’m afraid the old man will not be able to get rid of it!”

"Senior Nie, don't worry, those who don't know are innocent, even if someone from the Taoist sect has no reason to blame you!" Young Master Jue Sha comforted him with a smile, "Besides, didn't we just find a perfect scapegoat? If someone had beheaded him before, it would be enough to prove it! Besides, Liu Chuanzong may not have fallen, maybe he was hiding in a secret place isolated from the world..."

"Hehe, you underestimate the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect too much! Master Juesha, do you know that what you are doing now is playing with fire, and if you are not careful, you may be burned yourself! No one who cultivates the country can do it!" How foolish!" The white-haired old man said with a sneer.

【I told this old man after something happened, do you really think that this old man dare not offend your Corpse Yin Sect? If it wasn't for that 'Wu Nian Muguo', this old man would have killed you, a pretentious little bastard! 】

Young Master Jue Sha nodded noncommittally, thought carefully for a moment, and then bowed, "Senior Nie, this junior will take his leave first!"


Nie Yudao withdrew his gaze and put it on the chessboard in front of him again, his eyes were full of displeasure.


East Saint Continent, Lieyang Sect.

The 'Zhenyang Lishen Great Formation' began to be set up in full swing on Tianyang Peak, but others didn't know that the demonic monster that made them anxious had already fallen.

After Su Poman finished training, he had a friendly discussion with Cai'er and Ruizhu, then went to the secret room and took out Liu Chuanzong's body.

After groping the corpse, Su Poman pulled out more than 50 storage bags from his body, each of which was a high-level storage bag. When he poked into it with his spiritual sense, he was stunned.

[Good guy, the storage bag is actually full of spirits!This one contains spirit stones, talismans, magic tools, yo, there is actually a jade slip of the "Dream Eater" exercise in the storage ring, tsk tsk, this exercise is really evil, the soul has become a monster, we can't Practice, progress quickly in the early stage, even if you are lucky enough to conceive a baby, there may be no hope of becoming a god in the future! 】

【Hey, is this the magic weapon of the old monster?It's so strange, it turned out to be made from a mirage bead, bah, trash, it's far worse than my Fenji Sword...]

[With so many spiritual objects, Ziyuan Roulette can be converted into a lot of energy points, what is the next ability to extract?Speaking of which, the 'soul-swallowing' ability that I drew before is too expensive. Although it is a complete ability, it actually cost more than 8000 million energy points, which feels a little worthless...]

[The next ability...]

[The next ability is the best ability to extract the invincible body type, or the ability to resurrect infinitely, no matter how bad it is, it must be a space magic power like 'dimension jumping'. With this ability, I can go everywhere It’s a waste, hehe, go and kill a few more demon sects, the snowball will roll, then my abilities will increase and my cultivation will become faster and faster, tsk tsk, the road can be expected! 】

(End of this chapter)

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