Chapter 220 Soul Search
Three ghosts with different shapes wandered out of the black mist, revealing hideous and terrifying ghost faces looming.


Ghost howling sounds like the north wind in winter came from all directions, and there was a pungent smell of rancidity in the air.

There was a faint luster on Su Poman's eyelids, and then he lightly patted the dragon-scale sword case on his back.

A red shadow pierced through the air.

On the high platform, Jia Feng focused his attention on this place, and when he saw the Fenying sword unsheathed, he couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

[This imperial sword technique is really powerful. I don't know how Master Ouyang trained it, but it can raise his spiritual consciousness to such a level!This battle should be stable! 】

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. Just by starting the gesture, you can see the extraordinary through some details.

"What a flying sword!"

"That's the sword cultivator of the Lieyang Sect!"


Under the arena, many people exclaimed, sword cultivator can be said to be a unique existence in the world of cultivating immortals, pursuing the ultimate attack power, there is no brilliant and changeable fighting method, only relying on the natal flying sword.

Thousands of miles away, taking the head of the enemy is a sword cultivator!
The fiery red light traveled through the black mist, appearing extremely dazzling.

The black mist could not block Su Poman's sight, and under the control of his mind, the Fenying Sword slashed straight at the three ghosts.

Before everyone on the field could recover, three crisp sounds came from the black mist.

In the black mist, a fiery red hole the size of a fist appeared on the heads of the three ghosts, and traces of fiery spiritual power containing the real fire of the sun raged, and exploded in an instant.


Qin Ming's face froze, feeling that the connection with Li Gui suddenly disappeared, and before he was ready for his next move, a sharp and fiery breath suddenly came from the back of his head.

"you lose!"

Su Poman looked directly into Qin Ming's eyes through the vast black mist, as if the black mist that had the effect of hindering spiritual consciousness did not exist at all.

Qin Ming turned his head slowly, and found that a beautiful fiery red flying sword was quietly floating behind his head at this moment. As long as the other party moved his mind, he could decapitate himself.

[How could he be so strong? 】

Qin Ming was filled with incomparable resentment and aggrieved, the three-headed ghosts that he carefully reared were cut into ashes before he could use all his means. This kind of loss made his heart bleed.

He lightly raised his head, glanced at Su Poman, exhaled heavily, and then said in a deep voice, "I-admit-defeat!"

These three words seem to have a great weight. After he spoke, it meant that this martial arts meeting not only did not gain anything, but also lost most of its combat power.

"In this battle, the Fierce Sun Sect, Su Po is completely victorious!"

Under the arena, there was an uproar.

"What happened, why did you suddenly admit defeat?"

"The competition has just started with dozens of breaths!"

"Senior Brother Qin, what's going on, he gave up so easily!"

"Could it be that the fight was too fast, and the winner has already been decided? This is too fast!"

"Sword cultivator is worthy of being a sword cultivator, just one word, hurry up!"

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel offended?"


The black and thin old man descended slowly, and with a wave of his hand, the black mist in the field dissipated immediately, revealing Qin Ming's dejected figure.


Su Poman turned around and got off the arena. He looked around and found that the monks who had finished the martial arts competition had all gone back to recuperate their injuries or went to submerged cultivation. He didn't bother to waste time here and went directly to the mountain road.

After returning to the small courtyard, he lay on a chair in the courtyard, basking in the sun lazily.

The warm sunlight shone on his body, wisps of energy diffused in the superman's body, continuously strengthening every inch of muscle.

In this process, not only does it not feel strange, but it is like doing a full-body massage, and the whole person will be immersed in the pleasure that gradually becomes stronger.


Shangluo Kingdom, Heavenly Soul Dao Sect.

In an ancient hall, the blue flame on the table was slowly burning, no matter how the wind blowing at the door, it could not change its direction.


A figure was thrown to the ground like being thrown a sack.

It was a luxuriously dressed purple-haired old man, but now he has lost all spiritual power, the ancient crown on his head is skewed, and his hair is extremely messy, making him look very embarrassed.

"Who the hell are you? I told you that I didn't kill Liu Chuanzong, so why don't you believe me?" Master Ling Chong shouted hoarsely, with a look of fear on his face.

It was unlucky to say that he went to Nanyue Kingdom to look for the murderer who killed Li Tianhong, but when he returned, he ran into a great cultivator at the transformation stage. He kept saying that he had killed Liu Chuanzong, and then silenced the three elite disciples of the corpse Yin sect. When he tried to capture him away, he felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

At that time, he still had a fluke mentality and wanted to use teleportation to leave, but this person's methods were terrifying, and his Nascent Soul was sealed up in two or three strokes.

"Hmph, in the small South Vietnam country, only you and Nie Yudao have the Nascent Soul cultivation base. As the guardian of the alliance, that guy must not dare to intervene in our sect's affairs. Besides you, who else?"

There is a circle of dark lines on the forehead of the bald man, like a tattoo, he said swearingly, and after he finished speaking, he bowed to the depths of the hall and said: "Master, the guy who ruined my sect's alchemy has been caught, what should I do?" disposal?"

Master Ling Chong's expression changed when he heard this, and he hastily shouted: "You two seniors, you went to Nanyue Kingdom to find a murderer who killed my nephew Li Tianhong with extremely powerful methods. In the Nanyue Kingdom, I can understand it as soon as I inquire, and I have never met Liu Chuanzong, let alone a disciple of the Corpse Yin Sect. How could he kill him for no reason? And I am a member of the Master Geng faction of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance. How could it be possible? Interfere in the affairs of the noble sect!"

As soon as he heard the word 'Rendan', his thoughts suddenly changed, and he immediately figured out the origin of the other party.


There was no sound in the darkness, and the bald man stood respectfully on the spot, as if waiting for a response.

After a long time.

"Geng Chunqiu?"

An old and hoarse voice came from the darkness.

Accompanied by the voice, the bean-like blue flame was constantly fluctuating.

Master Spirit Insect quickly nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, senior, I'm from Geng Chunqiu's lineage!"

"Do you have proof?"

The cyan flame moved again.

"Yes, yes!" Master Ling Chong flipped his hands quickly, trying to take out the contents of the storage ring, but suddenly found that he could not use a trace of spiritual power because of the Nascent Soul's ban, and he looked at him for help. That bald man.

The strong man patted his forehead lightly, and said impatiently: "Hmph, what a trouble!"

After a flash of yellow light, Master Spirit Insect found that the seal had loosened a bit, and quickly urged his divine sense to take out the token from the ring.

It was a cyan token that was neither gold nor wood, with a strange nine-headed dragon engraved on the front and the word 'Spring and Autumn' engraved on the back.

A suction came from the darkness, and the token came out instantly.

"Well... it really is the token of old monster Geng. It seems that you are right, but just in case, I still have to search for your soul. Don't worry, my soul-searching secret method of the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect It won't hurt the soul too much, and it can fully recover after a year or two, and it won't cause irreversible damage!"

The old voice came again from the darkness.

"Search for the soul?" Master Ling Chong's face was pale, and he cursed in his heart: "Isn't this equivalent to stripping naked for others to see? My secrets and some opportunities will be seen clearly, and even myself and my younger sister will be seen. That part of the..."

"Senior, I can swear to the Dao of Heaven that I never killed Liu Chuanzong and the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect. There is no need to search for souls..." Master Ling Chong hurriedly added, and raised his right hand as he spoke. It is necessary to make an oath of heaven.

Just as he was speaking, an invisible suction force came suddenly, Master Spirit Insect's expression froze, he secretly thought something was wrong, his old face was full of despair.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, there are too many secret methods that can avoid the punishment of the oath of heaven. This old man never believes in any bullshit oath!"

In the blue light, Master Ling Chong saw a bald old man with a skinny face. There were criss-crossing black lines on his head, which looked very hideous. There were no whites in his deep eyes, and they were all strange black. After that, He was hypnotized by a strange force.

The bald old man's eyes emitted a blue-purple light, and light and shadows kept appearing in his mind, and the memory of Master Spirit Insect was also interpreted.

"Hehehe... You really wronged him!"

With a wave of his hand, the bald old man threw the fainted Master Spirit Insect into the center of the hall, "She Dai, there is someone else who killed Liu Chuanzong, you should go and investigate carefully!"

"Yes!" The bald man clasped his fists in a salute and was about to leave.


"Master, what else do you want?"

"Take this dead dog out, and lift the ban on his Nascent Soul!"



The bald man held Master Spirit Insect's collar and disappeared in place while taking steps. When he reappeared, he had already arrived on a mountain tens of thousands of miles away.

He threw it casually, and threw Master Spirit Insect on the ground, and then he made another talisman, a light and shadow of a yellow lotus appeared, and slowly landed on the center of Master Spirit Insect's eyebrows.

"What a hassle!"

She Dai curled his lips, and threw the token engraved with the word "Spring and Autumn" beside him, then turned around, and disappeared in place in a blur of light and shadow.


The next morning.

Nanyue Kingdom, Five Elements Sect.

The second round of the six factions will begin soon.

After the elimination on the first day, a total of 150 monks entered the 'Top [-] Contest'!
On the mountain road, figures rushed towards the peak, and there were some spectators who strolled up leisurely. They were all disciples who were eliminated on the first day, so naturally they would not rush to the summit to participate in the martial arts competition.

Not long after Su Poman went out, he saw a slim figure wearing a black gauze hat on the road, his eyes lit up, and he called out, "Senior Sister Ling?"

"I didn't expect you to recognize it like this!"

Ling Xingxue's soft voice came.

"Haha, Senior Sister Ling is naturally beautiful, so it's easy to recognize!" Su Poman said without thinking.

Ling Xingxue's pretty face under the hat blushed, and she couldn't help rolling her eyes, "You bastard, you are so glib!"

"Ah? Senior Sister, have you tried it?" Su Poman showed an innocent and bewildered look on his face.

Ling Xingxue asked suspiciously: "What have you tried?"

"'s nothing, I'll just say it casually, senior sister, don't worry about it!" Su Poman hurriedly explained.

But at this moment, under his super vision, seeing Ling Xingxue's pretty face suddenly turned pink, as if thinking of something, her delicate body trembled slightly, as if trying to suppress the prehistoric power that was about to go berserk.

"Senior Sister Ling, what's wrong with you?" Su Poman continued to pretend to be stupid and asked.

This bamboo hat can block the detection of her spiritual sense, Ling Xingxue subconsciously feels that no one can see her expression, but Su Poman has the same supernatural power as the 'Sky Eye Technique', and can see all the changes in her expression, Although she was teased a little earlier, in this situation, it's better to pretend to be stupid.

Ling Xingxue's chest heaved two or three times, then her expression became flat, and she said softly, "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

The two stepped onto the stone steps and climbed up together.

When they reached the summit, the two separated, and Su Poman came to the second arena. He stood silently in the corner, waiting for the start of the martial arts competition.

At this moment, a tall figure walked in front of him.

Su Poman looked up, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"You really don't know, or do you pretend you don't know?" Gao Feihong said while shaking the jade token in his hand.

"After the martial arts competition ended yesterday, my deacon disciple of the Five Elements Sect listed the order of the second round of the battle and their respective opponents!"

"So what?" Su Poman asked lazily.

Gao Feihong sneered and said, "Your opponent today is me!"


Su Poman's face still showed no emotion, as if winning or losing the martial arts was of no importance to him.

"I advise you to go up later and admit defeat quickly, so as not to be seriously injured by my spells and be embarrassing!" Gao Feihong leaned over and whispered in Su Poman's ear.

Su Poman raised his eyes to look at Gao Feihong's forehead, then glanced at him again, "Hehe..."

"why are you laughing?"

Gao Feihong felt a little baffled, as if he punched cotton and was ridiculed for being weak.

"I laugh at you!" The corners of Su Poman's mouth slowly curled up, a tactful yet polite smile appeared on his face.

Gao Feihong frowned, his face gradually darkened, and he said angrily, "Why are you laughing at me?"

"I laugh at you... idiot!" Su Poman still had an elegant smile on his face, as if he was greeting the other party cordially.


Gao Feihong's face was livid, and he sneered coldly: "You have sharp teeth and sharp mouth, let's see how long you can laugh when you get on the stage!"

"Let's wait and see!" Su Poman's expression remained unchanged, looking at Gao Feihong as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped child.

[How can there be such a low EQ person in the world... Could it be that he is Shi Lezhi?Sister Xingxue's charm is really great, there is Zhang Cang in the front, and Gao Feihong in the back, the beauty is a disaster, but fortunately, I am stronger and can kill the disaster! 】

On the arena, the black and thin old man stepped on the magical weapon slowly descending, and soon began a new round of fighting skills.

(End of this chapter)

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