Chapter 221
Eighty percent of the monks who participated in the second round of martial arts are the eleventh level of Qi Refining, very few are the lucky ones of the tenth level of Qi Refining, and a small number of the favorites to win the championship at the [-]th level of Qi Refining.

This round of fighting skills is also more exciting than the previous day, making everyone in the field watch with gusto.

Su Poman stood in an unoccupied corner, looking towards the third arena on the north side.

Ling Xingxue was wearing a veiled hat and a red dress. Her opponent was a yellow-faced monk from the Yin Sha Sect who was on the eleventh level of Qi Refining.

"Little lady, you have a really good figure! Master will be gentler and love you well!" The yellow-faced man showed a smirk on his face and couldn't help teasing.

A strange look appeared on Su Poman's face, and he thought to himself: "This guy is really not afraid of death, he dares to moles Miss Xingxue, according to her little stubborn temper, this person is going to be miserable!"

The next scene happened as he expected. After the referee announced the start, Ling Xingxue first cast the 'fire cloud technique' to burn the two refined corpses of the man's imperial envoy under the pressure of fire clouds, and then relied on the 'clear cloud technique' to burn them down. The magic technique shortened the casting time and used the five-finger continuous flick method to release five fireballs to bombard the yellow-faced cultivator of the Yin Sha sect until his face was ashamed and his body suffered severe burns. Burned out.

Seeing this, Su Poman withdrew his gaze and silently waited for his own session.

Under the arena, Qin Ming was chatting among a group of fellow monks.

"Senior Brother Qin, what happened yesterday? At that time, there was a ghostly fog and I couldn't see it clearly. Can you tell us something about it?"

"That's right, senior brother Qin, tell me, does the sword cultivator of Lie Yangzong have a trick?"


Under the booing of everyone, Qin Ming glanced at Su Poman in the corner, and then slowly said: "That flying sword is fast and powerful, it should be a high-grade magic weapon, and it can be killed within a few breaths." The fierce ghosts that I have carefully cultivated, and their Lie Yangzong's exercises are extremely restrained from ghosts..."

"So that's it! I've also heard of the Sunshine Kungfu of the Lieyang Sect. The spiritual power contains the energy of the sun attribute, which is very restraining to me and other ghost monks. Brother Qin is not wronged, so don't be discouraged!"

"That's right, Senior Brother Qin, after returning to the sect, you won't be afraid of such restraint if you raise ghosts!"


On the second arena, a fight ended, and the black and thin old man came slowly, cleaned up many sundries in the arena with his giant hands formed by patterns, and then chanted loudly: "Five Elements Sect Gao Feihong, In the battle, Lieyang Zongsu is full!"

"It's up to me!"

Su Poman's eyes lit up, and he jumped up onto the arena.

On the other side, Gao Feihong, who was surrounded by everyone, turned into a blue shadow and jumped towards the arena. He had a confident smile on his face, and he even made a very chic gesture when he landed.

Seeing this, the female cultivators under the arena couldn't help showing a look of nympho.

"Brother Gao is so handsome!"

"This posture is really handsome! Hee hee, the person is also handsome, Senior Brother Gao, I want to have a monkey with you!"

"Senior Brother Gao, teach that brat from the Lieyang Sect a lesson!"


At this moment, a beautiful figure wearing a black gauze hat walked over from the area of ​​the first arena. She stared at Su Poman on the arena with a look of anticipation in her beautiful eyes.

[I don't know how strong Susu is, she shouldn't be bullied by that guy surnamed Gao, right? 】

The next moment, Ling Xingxue realized that she called someone strange in her heart, and her face blushed.

On the arena, Gao Feihong caught sight of Ling Xingxue from the corner of his eye, and he couldn't help being greatly encouraged. He even wanted to show off his strength in front of the beautiful woman. His eyes showed a fiery look, and his eyes were fixed on Su Poman's face. figure.


The spiritual pressure suddenly disappeared, and the black and thin old man stepped on the magic weapon and flew away.

Gao Feihong seemed to have specially studied the method of dealing with Su Poman. At the same time as his body retreated violently, one after another spiritual talismans were scattered like money, forming layers of water-blue defensive shields around his body.

Use water to overcome fire!

He waved his hand again, and hundreds of green seeds the size of sesame seeds poured out.

The lid of the dragon-scale sword box on Su Poman's back opened with a "click", and accompanied by the sound of the sword, a fiery red light flew out from it.

The fiery red flying sword was as nimble as a swimming fish, swimming back and forth in the area above Su Poman's head, drawing arcs of various shapes in the air.

"What is Uncle Su waiting for? Why didn't you use the flying sword?"

"Maybe waiting for the opponent to complete the spell..."

"This is too much, the other party is also a monk on the twelfth level of Qi Refining!"


Ling Xingxue couldn't help becoming nervous, "This guy..."

While everyone was astonished, Gao Feihong took the opportunity to complete his spell.

"Poison ivy strangles!"

The sea of ​​green vines instantly submerged Su Poman in it.

Seeing this, everyone in the field exclaimed.

"Is this the end?"

"No way, so fast?"


In the next moment, a red light shot out from among the layers of green vines.

The fiery red flying sword shuttled back and forth non-stop, like a shuttle in a loom, at a speed so fast that even the consciousness could hardly catch it, leaving behind fiery red lines in midair.

Where the red line passed, the green vines were instantly burned into coke.

In a few breaths, the green vines cleared a large area, and Su Poman walked out with a layer of fiery red aura covering his body.

"This is……"

"Gang Qi!"

"God, it's awesome, this buddy is actually a sword body dual cultivation!"

"No wonder you have nothing to fear!"

"This person from Lieyang Sect is too perverted. Not only has he practiced the sword control technique of the sword cultivator, but he has also reached such a level in body training!"

"In this martial arts competition, he must be among the top three!"


Not only the monks off the field were amazed, but even most of the elders on the high platform were attracted by this battle.

"Elder Jia, is this son Ouyang's enshrined disciple?" Fairy Bai Yu showed surprise on her face, and her almond eyes widened. "I never thought that he is not only good at telling stories, but also has such strong fighting power!"

Jia Feng nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, Junior Brother Su is indeed Master Ouyang's personal disciple!"

"Hehe, your Lieyang Sect has produced a unicorn!" The green-robed old man from the Xi Tuo Gate said with a smile.

Jia Feng laughed out loud, "Your Daoist Zeng praised you!"


After Gao Feihong saw the stellar energy on Su Poman's body, he was terrified. He gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "Even if it is physical training, so what, my five-element rotation method is not so easy to deal with!"


The green seal in his hand turned into fiery red and shot at a large clump of thorny green vines that had not been burned.

The green vine instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and a talisman with complicated patterns was suspended in the sky. After being activated, it shone brightly!

The Fenying Sword flashed across the air like a frightened bird, and in the next instant it came in front of Gao Feihong, and then slashed heavily on the shield on his body.

Gao Feihong showed disdain on his face. He used many defensive methods and thought it would be enough to resist for a while, but in the next moment, his expression changed instantly.


Layers of water-blue shields that were strong enough to resist spells in the late stage of Qi refining were broken one after another, and even three breaths of time could not stop them.

Gao Feihong's expression changed drastically. He quickly patted the storage bag and took out a small bell-shaped defensive magic weapon. He seemed to feel that it was not enough, so he took out many defensive charms and stuck them on his body.

There are golden light talismans, earth shield talismans, water magic shields, etc. In an instant, various defensive shields appeared on his body.

Even so, it was still unable to stop the attack of the Fenying Sword, the shield was broken one after another under the sharp blade, and it didn't take long for the Fenying Sword to hit the bronze bell.


The huge impact made the surface of the copper bell tremble continuously, making a rumbling sound.

Fortunately, the bronze bell temporarily blocked Feijian's attack, which made Gao Feihong breathe a sigh of relief. He bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then muttered something.

"Five Elements Rotation - Aoki Fire Bird Technique!"


A bird chirping sounded.

A smile appeared on the corner of Gao Feihong's mouth at this time. He had great confidence in his spell, because once this spell was cast, its power had already surpassed the level of the Qi refining period.

In a flash of light, the flaming vines seemed to be attracted, and they kept gathering together, forming a giant firebird three feet high.

The green vine is the body, the flame is the body, exuding a terrifying temperature, and the surrounding air becomes distorted due to the high temperature.

Many monks off the field felt a sense of powerlessness when they saw such spells.

"This spell fluctuation is really terrifying. How can Uncle Su resist it? Can't we lose?"

"He is a sword body dual cultivation, it will be uncomfortable if he loses!"

"Hehe, the compound spell casted by my Five Elements Sect's secret method is not as simple as you imagined. Even a body-refining cultivator can't withstand the bombardment of the 'Aoki Firebird Technique'!"



The fire bird flapped its wings, and its huge fire beak pecked at Su Poman's head, at the same time, his entire body was like an eagle catching a chick, with both claws coming together.

The huge figure covered the sky and the sun, compared to Su Poman, he was like an ant under the feet of an elephant.

The black and thin old man in mid-air had a serious expression, ready to go down to rescue the scene at any time.

Seeing this, Gao Feihong, who was hiding under the copper bell, couldn't help showing a sneer, and laughed loudly: "Oh, it's just a mantis arm as a cart!"

Su Poman's expression was very calm, his head was raised slightly, and the firebird in his pupils continued to enlarge, and the flame tongue and flame-like feathers in the huge bird's beak were clearly reflected in his eyes.

Just when everyone thought that Su Poman would definitely be defeated, they saw him take a slight step back, and then a phantom of an ancient sacred mountain appeared above his head.

The huge mountains are towering and towering, as if they have the power to crush the world.

"Move the mountain!"

An invisible aura emerged from Su Poman's body, with him as the center, the fine dust on the ground was blown out horizontally by this aura, forming a huge circle.

This is a supernatural power that can be cultivated when the mountain-moving body training formula has been cultivated to the perfect state.

The imaginary shadow of Taigu Shenyue exuded red light, rose slowly but firmly, and bumped into the giant firebird that was rushing head-on.


The moment the two phases collided, there was a sound like thunder, and then flames shot out.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the huge fire bird with a height of three feet was directly smashed out by the ancient sacred mountain condensed by the stellar energy, and then was pierced through the body, turning into fragments in mid-air.

The vines with flames fell down one after another like rain, forming a beautiful scene like fireworks in the field.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

"This... what kind of spell is this, it has such power!"

"It's amazing, it was able to defeat Senior Brother Gao's Aoki Firebird Technique head-on!"

"Is the Mountain-Mounting Body-Training Art so perverted?"

"What a ruthless man!"


On the high platform, the middle-aged Confucian scholar sitting on the main seat opened his eyes, "I didn't expect that this disciple of the Lieyang Sect would have cultivated the Mountain-Mounting Body-Training Jue to a perfect state, and also mastered this little supernatural power, with a good comprehension." what!"

"This kid is really extraordinary. The body training technique created by Taoist Qianshan is widely spread in the world of immortal cultivation, but there are only a handful of people who can cultivate it to perfection. The chances of realizing this little supernatural power are even higher. It's very rare, this level of comprehension, I'm afraid it can be compared to some Taoists in the high-level cultivators..." The white-haired old man beside him said slowly, his eyes looked at the second arena, and his face showed The color of appreciation.


Just when everyone was amazed by Su Poman's ability to defeat the Fire Bird, the bronze bell protecting Gao Feihong's body was cut into pieces of copper by the Fenying Sword.

On one side was the rain of fire, and on the other side were pieces of irregular copper pieces of different sizes.

Gao Feihong stared blankly at the gorgeous flying sword floating in front of his eyes, his complexion was a little livid, he couldn't help but glanced down the stage, and saw the beautiful figure wearing a bamboo hat watching the fight, and there was even more emotion in his heart some resentment.

"Are you admitting defeat?"

Su Poman's indifferent voice reached his ears, and at the same time spread throughout the arena.

Recalling the scene of his provocation in the arena, Gao Feihong felt like a clown, and now he lost the fight in front of everyone, he felt that his face had been completely lost.


Gao Feihong roared like crazy, and then his figure flashed, and he was out of the range of the flying sword attack. His body was gleaming with green light, and layers of shields rose up at the same time.

【That's exactly what I want! 】

The corners of Su Poman's mouth showed a smile, his figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Gao Feihong. At the same time, the Fenying Sword that turned into red light broke through all the shields instantly, and then he slapped him.

Gao Feihong's right cheek swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, he only felt his ears buzzing, and his whole body was a little dazed from the beating.

"What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, you actually slapped me in the face directly!"

"Hahaha, this fellow daoist from the Lieyang Sect really has character, if he refuses to admit defeat, he will slap his face!"

"I've been annoyed by this kid from the Five Elements School for a long time. He pretends to be aggressive all day long and even seduces the female monks of our school. That's how he should be taught! Well done!"


On the high platform, the faces of the elders of the Five Elements Sect turned dark, and the dramatic scene in the field also attracted the attention of many elders of other sects.

Jia Feng was thoughtful, and secretly surprised: "I didn't expect Junior Brother Su to hide some strength. It took some time for Feijian to break through those shields before, but now it breaks through in one go. It's just that in the Five Elements Sect It's wrong to humiliate others like this..."

The anger in Gao Feihong's heart erupted like a volcano, he gritted his teeth and roared, "I want you to die!"

Afterwards, he threw himself forward recklessly, foolishly wanting to retaliate with punches and kicks, but he forgot that what he was facing was a physicist who was good at melee combat.

"Hehe, you really lost your mind!"

Su Poman showed a smile on his face, avoided the stalking, and slapped him again.

Right on the left cheek.

This time the force was even greater, and Gao Feihong's whole body was thrown out, rolling in mid-air and landing on the ground more than ten meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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