Chapter 227
Su Poman felt the golden spot of light in the sea of ​​consciousness vibrate, and then an illusory golden light and shadow emerged, and immediately after, his consciousness fell into a blank.

High in the sky, the moment the consciousness invaded, the white-robed old man's expression changed drastically, as if he had been touched by a snake or scorpion, he immediately moved his finger away.

[Can't afford to be provoked!There is a fairy god sitting in this boy's mind, it seems that the previous changes should have something to do with him!I can’t explore any more, I’ve angered that lord, I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive the Sanxian Thunder Tribulation next time...]

He was shocked in his heart, his cold face turned into an amiable expression in an instant, just like the face changing in a Sichuan opera, he smiled and said with his spiritual thoughts: "I'm really sorry, little friend, the old man was rude just now, I shouldn't force it Sohun, in order to express my apology, I will give you a token as compensation, with this token, those elders in the Cultivation Alliance will not dare to embarrass you when they see it!"

"Ah?" Su Poman's consciousness had just come to his senses, and at this moment his face was blank, completely unclear about what happened just now.

After a cyan token in the shape of a command arrow was stuffed in his hand, the white-robed old man in front of him disappeared amidst the light and shadow.

Su Poman stayed where he was in a daze, and looked down at the token in his hand. It was engraved with the words "You Fanghong", and on the back was a towering tower, and on both sides of the tower were vertically carved " Cultivation' and 'Alliance' are two characters.

"The Cultivation Alliance?"

He frowned. To be honest, Su Poman didn't have a good impression of this alliance. The incident of the demonic monster Liu Chuanzong caused countless casualties in the Nanyue Kingdom. Killing them in time, and colluding with the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect, made the whole practice world a mess.

【However, this can also be used as a hole card. If you encounter a strong enemy that you really can't deal with, maybe this token can be of some use...】

Putting away the token, Su Poman walked down the arena slowly.

All the monks present got up from the ground one after another, looked at Su Poman in astonishment, feeling that he had become a little mysterious.

Not only do they have a magic weapon-level flying sword, but they can also make the white-robed old man who was previously terrifyingly powerful treat each other with courtesy. Even the two Supreme Elders at the Golden Core Stage have to carefully consider the implications of this.

Gu Chuanzhi, who passed out, was in a very poor state, and was sent down by an elder of the Five Elements Sect. It took a lot of money to stabilize his injuries, but he was still in a coma, unable to wake up for a long time, as if he had hurt his soul .

The Six Factions' Martial Arts Competition continued, and the atmosphere in the arena became a little deserted. Many people were thinking about what happened before.

With Su Poman in front, the next battle seemed a bit ordinary, neither the elders on the high platform nor the spectators off the court were interested in watching the battle.

Soon, the top four were determined by fighting skills. After an hour of rest, the monks began to prepare for the second round of competition.

In the other two arenas, the competition for the follow-up rankings was also more intense, attracting the attention of many viewers.

Ling Xingxue's disappearance did not attract the attention of others. Many male cultivators who had been following her thought she had returned to their residence.Until the 4th to 8th ranking battle started, the elder referee in the third arena yelled for a long time, but no one responded, so Ling Xingxue was automatically judged to lose.

This result caught the attention of Elder Jia Feng and Fairy Bai Yu, and immediately sent several female disciples of the Lieyang Sect to look for Ling Xingxue's residence.

After some searching, the female disciples did not find any trace of Ling Xingxue, and there was no trace of opening the mountain guard formation at the mountain gate. Jia Feng was very surprised by this result.

"Missing?" Fairy Baiyu frowned, "Jia Daoyou, look here, I will go look for it with Yaoqing, Xingxue is Senior Sister Hongluan's disciple, if something happens, we may not Good explanation!"

Jia Feng nodded with a serious face, and said slowly: "After I finish here, I will go to the Five Elements Sect to find it myself!"

Su Poman was not in the mood to remind him, one more thing is worse than one less thing, although he knew Ling Xingxue's whereabouts in his heart, but it was difficult to explain, and the more he explained, the more troublesome it was, and at the same time Daoist Hongluan was involved, compared to the truth, it was not good end.

After some time passed, on the second arena, the competition for the top four places took place.

Since there were only four players in the last round, the elder referee directly announced that Su Poman would be the first to play, and his opponent was the Chengjing monk from Fanyinmen.

As soon as the two entered the stage, Monk Chengjing bowed to the referee elder and took the initiative to admit defeat.

For such a result, all the monks off the court could understand it. After all, the power of the magic weapon, the flying sword, was too powerful for a monk in the Qi refining period to resist.

Next is the duel between Liu Changzhi of the Five Elements School and Fei Man of the Ghost Gate.

After an hour of interest rate adjustment, Fei Man's state returned to its peak, he was not willing to admit defeat directly, and planned to compete with Su Poman for the position of the leader of the younger generation of the six factions.

The two stood facing each other in the arena.

Su Poman shook his head lightly, and said softly: "Friend Daoist, I'm afraid you are not my opponent!"

"Hmph, you're too arrogant. A strong magic weapon is strong, but it's not easy to drive it. You have to really compete to know who is stronger!" Fei Man's dark gray eyelids are a pair of cold and ruthless eyes, With a ferocious look on his face, he patted the ghost raising bag on his waist and shouted: "Hundred ghosts travel at night!"

woo woo woo...

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded between heaven and earth.

While the dark wind was whistling, all kinds of ghosts kept pouring out of the ghost raising bag, and in a blink of an eye, the arena was filled with all kinds of ghosts.

"Senior Brother Fei has bred hundreds of ghosts, how many Yin stones does it cost! What a magnanimity!"

"There are too many ants to kill the elephant, this round is really not necessarily won by the brother of the Lie Yangzong..."

"That's right, Fei Man's spell in the Ghost Spirit Sect is rather strange. He seems to have practiced an unpredictable technique that can boost the fighting power of a ghost!"


Su Poman was too lazy to tangle with the other party at this time, and directly opened his mouth to spray, and the Fen Ji sword turned into a red light, piercing through all the ghosts blocking in front of him, and turned into streaks of green smoke that drifted away.

Fei Man was startled, and when his body retreated suddenly, he kept chanting mantras in an attempt to cast a secret technique.

Suddenly, out of the empty space in front of his eyes, a gorgeous flying sword that looked like a swimming fish pierced through the protective spirit covering covering his body effortlessly, and hovered in front of his brows. .

As long as Fei Man dared to resist, the Fen Ji Sword would be able to pierce through his head in a flash!

Fei Man's face collapsed, like a deflated ball, the magic formula in his hand scattered.

"I surrender……"

He lowered his head and raised his hands to retrieve the unkilled ghosts, feeling very aggrieved in his heart.

[It's simply cheating to envoy the magic weapon to participate in the martial arts competition during the Qi refining period! 】

"In this battle, Lieyang Zongsu has completely won!"

The referee elder announced the result of the battle.

Under the eyes of everyone, Su Poman followed the referee elder to the high platform.

"This year's Six Factions Martial Arts Competition, Zongsu Poman of Lieyang won the title of leader. Next, I invite Mrs. Liang Feng to present the award to him personally!"


Under the envious eyes of all the monks, Su Poman received the reward from the leader of the martial arts.

Twenty Foundation Establishment Pills!

A low-grade spiritual weapon-level defensive magic weapon, the Flying Shield!

There is still 3000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones!
The rich rewards made countless disciples envious. Even the elders in the foundation establishment period felt a little thirsty when they saw those things.

However, for Su Poman, these things are not worth being too happy. The only thing that is useful may be the 3000 yuan spirit stones, which can be converted into [-] energy points in total.

The martial arts meeting of the six factions ended in such a dramatic way.

The two elders and many disciples of the Lieyang Sect failed to find Ling Xingxue after many days of searching. Zhang Cang was so anxious that he left a letter for the elders regardless of his injuries, and left the Five Elements Sect alone to set foot on the road. Find the way.

This trip suddenly lost two sequence disciples, which caused Jia Feng and Bai Yu a great headache. They stayed in the Five Elements Sect for a few more days and searched the area of ​​the Five Elements Sect for hundreds of miles. Lingzhou, after returning to the Lieyang Sect, we will make a long-term plan.

Without Ling Xingxue, Su Poman didn't bother to go to the deck to tell stories, and stayed in the room to practice the newly obtained "Golden Wuhua Rigong". When the spirit boat flew to the Cloud Chasing Mountains, Su Poman had just completed the transfer. , the cultivation base on the body did not increase but decreased, and fell to the realm of the tenth level of refining Qi, but the combat power of the immortal way has increased several times, and the spiritual power contains all the characteristics of the real fire of the sun. There has been an earth-shaking improvement.

Previously, the refining efficiency of the aura of the 'Flaming Sun Kung Fu' seriously hindered the speed of cultivation. Once the kung fu was used, the aura of heaven and earth would fill the meridians, and he could only refine it slowly. Now he switched to 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun Kung Fu' Afterwards, I can clearly feel that the refinement efficiency of the aura of this exercise is countless times stronger than before, and the dilemma of not being able to continue to practice will never appear again.

Su Poman walked out of the door, came to the deck, leaned on the railing and looked down.

Under the heavy and thin clouds, the mountains are rolling and rolling, and the mountains are covered with touches of green and green. The huge scorching sun statue glows with a faint red glow under the sunlight, which is particularly eye-catching among the mountains.

The dark silver spirit boat swooped down and landed towards the mountain gate of the Lie Yangzong.

At this time, festive red lanterns were hung on the mountain road within the Lieyang Sect, and a red ribbon was wrapped around the chest of the disciples at the mountain gate, and the entire sect was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

The spirit boat landed slowly on the platform, and the two elders flew directly to the main peak with the magic weapon to report the results of the martial arts meeting of the six factions. After the monks got off the spirit boat, they dispersed.

"Junior Brother Wang, has there been any happy event in the sect recently? Why are there lights and festoons everywhere?"

"Ah, Senior Brother Liu, you are back from participating in the martial arts competition! You don't know that Aunt Hongluan broke through to the Jindan stage on a whim some time ago, and she suddenly became the Supreme Elder of my sect. From now on, we will call Master Hongluan Ancestor!"

"What? Aunt Hongluan has formed alchemy? That's a great thing. In this way, my Lieyang Sect will have five golden alchemy monks!"

"Haha, yes, the background of our sect has increased a lot! Sect Master Chi has been very happy these past few days, and personally held a coronation ceremony for Grand Master Hongluan!"


Hearing the discussion of several disciples at the mountain gate, Su Poman squeezed his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face.

[At this time, the alchemy was successful?The timing is too coincidental! 】

【Looks like Xingxue went back to Lie Yangzong before returning to Immortal Realm! 】

While he was in a daze, a sound transmission directly appeared in his mind.

"Disciple, I'm back as a teacher, come to Wanjianfang!"


Su Poman's eyes lit up, and his face immediately showed a look of surprise. There was wind under his feet, and he hurried towards the direction of the Sword Monastery.

Before the Wujiaohei Tower, Zhong Yue seemed to have got the news long ago. He stood at the door and looked out. After seeing Su Poman's figure, he quickly walked up to meet him.

"Master Su, you are back!" Zhong Yue smiled all over his face, and said as he walked, "Master Ouyang also came back a few days ago, it's all right now, as you said, all the previous rumors are true. broken!"


Su Poman smiled at Zhong Yue and nodded, "Master just sent me over via sound transmission!"

"Mr. Su, what's the result of the martial arts meeting of the six factions? This time, with Lord Ouyang's support, it doesn't matter if you don't get the top three!"

"Hehe, it's okay, I accidentally brought back a leader!"

"What? Mr. Su, you... got the position of leader?"


The two walked and chatted, and entered Wanjianfang together.

As usual, Su Poman urged the 'Black Sword Order' to reach the top floor in one breath.Seeing that the wooden door was open, he walked in directly and saw Ouyang Hong sitting behind the low table.

"Disciple pays respects to Master!"

"There's no need to be too polite, apprentice. During the few days when I was away, did that kid from Chi ever feel sorry for you?" Ouyang Hong fiddled with the tea set in his hand like no one else, with a relaxed expression.

Su Poman chuckled lightly, and said with a relaxed expression: "It's not a problem directly, but this disciple beat Tang Ze and the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall before, and he caught him. I'm going to hand over your old 'Sword Forging Inheritance'!"

"Hmph! This guy really coveted the old man's way of making swords, but after he returned to the sect for his master, he ordered someone to send half a 'Phantom Flower', which should be an apology for this matter!" Ouyang Hong said with a smile on his face. Said sarcastically.

Su Poman sneered, and said in a cold voice: "He obviously has the Phantom Flower in his hand, and he also knows that Master needs to use it to recover from his injuries, so he hides it, it seems that this Great Sect Master Chi is not a good bird either! Master, if it doesn’t work, let’s leave the Lieyang Sect! How nice it is to be a casual cultivator, free and unfettered, with your strength, in the second-class cultivator country, no matter where you go, you will be regarded as a distinguished guest!"

Now that Su Poman has the "Golden Crow Transforming the Sun Kung Fu", he no longer needs to rely on the skills of the Lieyang Sect, and the status of a disciple of the sect may become a burden instead. It is better to be a casual cultivator, which is more convenient and much less scruples.At that time, we can ask Ouyang Hong to help take care of Caier, Ruizhu and others. By the way, he can also teach Kong Qi and the others to practice. He can go to other places by himself, killing evil cultivators everywhere, destroying demon gates, and constantly accumulating energy point.

"As a teacher, I have also considered this path, but... Chi Zaiyue probably still has one or two phantom flowers in his hand!" Ouyang Hong frowned and said slowly, because of the injury of the soul, he also had his own considerations.

After taking a sip of the tea in the cup, Ouyang Hong sighed slowly and said, "Let's talk about this later!"

Su Poman nodded and didn't persuade him any more. When he returned from Qianfan's secret realm, Ouyang Hong wouldn't have to be restrained by Chi Zaiyue.

(End of this chapter)

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