Chapter 228 Mountain Giant Ape
"Disciple, what's the matter with your cultivation? Why is it fluctuating? I heard before that your cultivation has reached the twelfth level of the Qi refining stage?" Full of doubts.

For this, Su Poman couldn't find a suitable reason for a while, so he could only prevaricate casually: "Master, there are some opportunities for this disciple's practice, and he did reach the twelfth level of Qi Refining. The impact is a good change!"

"Hey, although your boy's spiritual root aptitude is poor, but the fate is not small. It has only been a long time since you started, and you are already in the late stage of Qi refining! It seems that I don't have to worry about your future practice!" Ouyang Hong smiled gratifiedly, no Then focus on this point and ask carefully. After all, everyone has their own secrets, so there is no need to get to the bottom of it. He changed the topic and asked again: "Then... what is the result of the six factions' martial arts meeting?"

"Master, I just wanted to tell you about this..." Su Poman said with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Su Poman's eyes dodging, Ouyang Hong had some guesses in his heart, "You boy, why don't you show off the Fen Ji sword?"

Su Poman could only nod his head in embarrassment, and forcefully explained: "The kid from Yin Shazong is too deceitful. This disciple couldn't see it for a while, so he used the Fen Ji Sword to teach him a lesson!"

"You're still young!" Ouyang Hong sighed, "Go back and reflect on what the consequences of your actions will be. You are only in the Qi refining stage, and you have a magic weapon in your body. You are guilty of it! Stay at the mountain gate, don't go out yet!"

"Yes, Master."

Su Po replied reluctantly, thinking that it was just a matter of using this time to complete the foundation establishment.

The master and apprentice chatted for a while, and Su Poman took this opportunity to get information about the 'Huan Konghua', and then he left and returned to his small courtyard.

After spending several hours warmly with Cai'er and Rui Zhu, it was already afternoon.

Taking advantage of the sunshine, Su Poman flew to the training platform, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to practice the 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun'.


Exhaling softly, a phantom of a three-legged golden crow vaguely appeared behind Su Poman's back. Afterwards, the light of the sun in the sky with a radius of ten thousand miles suddenly dimmed, as if it was covered with a layer of smog.

It was a three-legged crow with black and red feathers. The crow squatted in the center of the red sun, surrounded by golden rays of light, like a small sun.

Strands of pure golden sun flames that cannot be seen by the naked eye gathered together, scrambling to rush towards the small courtyard on the top of the cliff.

If the real sun fire attracted by the 'Yan Ri Gong' is a stream in the valley, then the real sun fire attracted by the 'Jin Wu Hua Ri Gong' is like a torrential river that spans tens of thousands of meters. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was about to turn into liquid droplets poured into Su Poman's body violently.

Su Poman's 'Superman's Dantian', which was ten thousand times faster than that of ordinary monks, was filled at a speed visible to the naked eye under such a terrifying cultivation speed, and the superman's body was also benefited at this time, because of the sudden increase of the sun's true fire , the strengthening speed soared a thousand times in an instant.

Su Poman seemed to see the 'Body of Silver Superman' beckoning to him. According to such a frightening speed of improvement, the time required to strengthen his physique to the level of Silver Superman would be greatly reduced.

The superhuman body facilitates the absorption of the real fire of the sun, and the real fire of the sun can contain a large amount of aura to speed up cultivation, and at the same time it can continuously strengthen the "superhuman body". Under various interactions, Su Poman feels that his strength has entered a period of rapid improvement .

At this time, the Fenji Sword was suspended behind Su Poman in a state of 'without a trace', enjoying the scour and baptism of the real fire of the sun, constantly strengthening the foundation of the magic weapon itself.

Time passed by every minute and every second, with the help of the 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun', the aura of heaven and earth absorbed into the body was rapidly refined, and continuously transformed into high-quality spiritual power of gold and red.

Su Poman's dantian was slowly filled with spiritual power, and after an hour, there was a slight fluctuation in his body.

A sense of transparency of a broken mirror came from the mind. Immediately afterwards, the dantian began to expand, and the golden-red spiritual power seemed to boil. The spiritual power whirls rapidly, and the spiritual consciousness is also getting stronger.

The eleventh floor of the Qi refining period!
Reaching this realm again, Su Poman has a deeper understanding of the cultivation of immortality, and at the same time the spiritual power in his body has also reached a jaw-dropping level.

He slowly opened his eyes, saw the sun hanging in the sky, and couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: "The exercises given by my father-in-law are amazing, and the speed of this practice is almost as fast as opening the hang!"

"Continue to practice, and strive to reach the twelfth floor of the Qi refining period before sunset today!"

Su Poman cleared the messy thoughts in his head, closed his eyes, and continued to enter the cultivation state.

Three days later.

The small courtyard on the top of the cliff, above the training platform.

An astonishing momentum soared into the sky, and then, a crow called "Wow".

In the hazy formation, the robe on Su Poman's body swelled automatically without wind, and the three-legged Golden Crow phantom behind him became more solid, and a drop of gold and red liquid emerged from the center of the spiritual power cyclone in his body. , as the cyclone rotated rapidly, the surrounding spiritual power fell into it like swallows returning to their nests. The round droplets of spiritual power continued to grow larger, and a unique spiritual pressure in the foundation building period leaked from his body.

Su Poman opened his eyes, touched his nose subconsciously, and smiled wryly, "I didn't expect to use eight 'top-grade foundation-building pills' to successfully build the foundation. The initial state of this pseudo-chaotic spiritual root is really bad! "

"However, after entering the foundation-building period, this pseudo-chaotic spiritual root is equivalent to a monk with four spiritual roots. At least it is no longer as slow as the 'disused spiritual root', which is hopelessly slow. With the bonus, my cultivation speed will definitely get faster and faster in the future!"

"Next, it's time to go to the 'Thousand Fan Secret Realm'. Now that I have succeeded in building a foundation, I have the ability to protect myself in the eyes of Master..."

With a smile on Su Poman's face, he got up and jumped down, his body slowly landed in the middle of the yard.

"My lord, have you successfully broken through?" Cai'er asked with a smile on her eyes.

Su Poman nodded, "Naturally, the foundation establishment was successful!"

"Wow, you are so powerful, you have only been back for a few days, and you have become a master of the foundation period!" Ruizhu said with a look of admiration, her eyes full of little stars.

Although the two of them never went out, they had a good relationship with Cai Yan'er, learned a lot of common sense about the world of cultivating immortals from her, and were very happy that their young master was able to break through to the realm of the foundation-building stage.

After arguing with the two girls for a while, Su Poman left the courtyard.

The cultivation base of the foundation building period is enough to hold the position of elder in Lieyangzong, but Su Poman has no intention of staying here for a long time, so he has no intention of applying for the position of elder. After leaving the house, he went straight to the direction of the sword monastery. went.

On the top floor of the Wujiaohei Building, Ouyang Hong was very happy to see that Su Poman succeeded in establishing the foundation. He also agreed with Su Poman's plan to leave the sect. With the help of magic weapon-level flying swords, there is generally no danger.

So, Su Poman left the mountain gate excitedly, stepping on the flying sword to fly away.

Qianfan Secret Realm, located at the junction of Qinghe Kingdom and Tiancang Kingdom, is one of the desperate places recognized by the monks of the two countries.

Although there are many spiritual objects in it, there are many dangers. Except for those powerful monks who have reached the Nascent Soul stage, low-level monks always take a detour when they pass by this place, and they dare not even take a look.

Here is a vast forest, with undulating terrain and strange mountains. On the outskirts is a birch forest. Looking from a distance, it is white and bare, as if it has been painted with a layer of white paint. The forest stands in the shade of the tree crown. There is a unique beauty in it.Above the forest, there are dense layers and intertwined branches. It is difficult for the sun to hit the ground, and the rare sunlight that is missed is like brightly colored insects, as if crawling on the moss and reddish withered ferns.

The Qianfan Secret Realm is located in the deepest part of this forest, within the Kongming Valley.

This forest is within the scope of the third-class cultivation country. The aura of heaven and earth is relatively abundant, which has nourished many monsters. Practitioners with insufficient strength cannot cross this place at all. Over time, a natural national boundary has been formed here.

Among the clouds in the sky, Su Poman hovered here, and looked down, only to see that there are many monsters among the mountains, rivers and waters, there are weird crocodiles the size of buffaloes, and there are white phosphorous giants coiled on towering ancient trees. python.

He had no intention of dealing with these monsters, so he stretched out his arms and flew straight to the direction of Kongming Valley.

It is enough for Yujian to fly handsomely, but it is faster to fly in the flesh.

On both sides of Kongming Valley are gray-brown rocks, many moss has grown on them, and some broken stones are scattered on the ground.

Su Poman lowered his figure, his super vision pierced through the barrier, and saw the deepest cave, which was the entrance of the 'Qianfan Secret Realm'.

Although there were many twists and turns in the cave, and there were several forks, this did not stop Su Poman. He followed the chosen route, and after a while, he saw a secret entrance emitting a faint white light.

For the sake of caution, Su Poman covered his body with a biological force field, and then stepped into the secret realm in one step.

There was a change of light and shadow in front of him. Su Poman felt his body fall from a high place. He looked around and found that this place was also in a cave on the mountain. Looking back, the exit of the secret realm was suspended at the end of this cave. above.

In front of Su Poman was the exit of a tunnel that was as high as a person's height, and rows of dusty handwriting were engraved on the mountain wall above.

"In order to prevent the monsters in the secret realm from escaping and causing the outside world to suffer, this exit has been sealed by the small five-element formation. Our human monks can come and go freely without being restricted. The formula of the formation is..."

Thousands of words were eloquent, and it probably said that in order to prevent the monsters in this secret realm from escaping, a master formation repairer arranged a formation here, and also left a way to enter and exit the formation on the mountain wall.

Su Poman memorized the formulas, and under the blessing of the super brain, he quickly learned this set of seals for entering and exiting the formation.

Not long after walking along the tunnel, Su Poman felt the fluctuation of the formation coming from the exit in front. When he walked to the front of the formation, he pinched the seal with his hand and muttered something.

"Chenxu chime collar, Muke don't pick;

Zixu Youdian, Inch Mang is born;
Let's go! "

Fayin flew out and fell into the flowing formation in front of him. In the blink of an eye, a passage about three feet high appeared in front of him.

Five colors of light radiated from the tunnel, and Su Poman strode in without hesitation, and soon left the tunnel, appearing in a halfway up the mountain full of green radishes.

Looking around, Su Poman was immediately shocked by the scenery here. In front of his eyes, there were towering giant mountains, which were more majestic and dangerous than any other mountains in Blue Star. It may not be possible to see the whole picture.

A scream echoed among the mountains.

Su Poman saw a demon-tailed green kite waving its huge wings and flying between two majestic mountain peaks. The turquoise wings looked extraordinarily beautiful under the skylight. There are spots like eyes at the end of the belt, and it is holding a green python shaped like a dragon under its sharp claws.

This giant python is dark blue in color, stretching vertically, it may be as high as ten stories. Its head has scaled wings branching out like a fan, but it has lost its vitality at this time, and the center of its head was pecked open The thick blood hole in the water tank.

"What a big bird! This size... is actually a circle bigger than the passenger plane on Blue Star!"

Just when Su Poman was amazed, a mountain-like silver-haired orangutan jumped out from nowhere. Its height seemed to be at least two thousand feet, with a layer of frost and snow hanging on the top of its head. He easily grabbed Fairy Tail Biyuan's long neck.


The mountain giant ape pulled the demon-tailed green kite into two pieces, and the creepy sound of bones breaking spread all over the field. The blue blood fell into the mountain stream like rain, and soon the whole body was wiped out. Dipping large areas of water.

In the flowing water, dolphin-sized black-scaled monster fish scrambled forward to devour the blue-blue monster blood.

The silver-haired gorilla roared, stuffed the giant bird's neck into its mouth, and squeezed its cavity forcefully. More blue blood was squeezed out, which also contained pieces of internal organs.

"Gudong, gudong..."

The canine teeth of the silver-haired gorilla were exposed, and the corners of its mouth and chest were dyed blue. It was like a strong man drinking heavily. It didn't care about its own hair. It threw away the bird carcass and hammered it with both fists. There was a huge bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang from his mouth, as if announcing his status, the monsters with a radius of tens of thousands of miles were frightened by the sound and lay down on the ground trembling.

It jumped up and squatted on the top of the mountain, like sitting on a small bench, slowly hidden in the high clouds and mist, and faintly blended with the whole mountain.After a while, the mountain shook violently, the rocks pierced through the air, and the house-sized gravel kept rolling down. In the clouds and mist, the mountain giant ape leaped and ran towards the distance.

The ground trembled continuously, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred all around.

"Damn!! I shouldn't have come to the Kun beast world, right? It's so chicken-like, there is a white-haired gorilla as high as a mountain, bigger than King Kong! It should be the mountain recorded in the record of practice experience The giant ape is really big, especially the one under the crotch, tsk tsk, it looks like a launch vehicle... No wonder the master said that coming to the Qianfan Secret Realm after the Nascent Soul stage is a dead end, just this giant ape, You can easily crush a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators!"

The corners of Su Poman's mouth twitched, and then he stretched his neck to look as far as the eye could see. With the help of super vision, the situation of the entire secret realm was unreservedly revealed in his eyes.

"Fortunately, that mountain giant ape should be one of the monster kings in the secret realm. If such monsters can be seen everywhere, I am afraid that few Nascent Soul Stages would dare to come here to explore!"

(End of this chapter)

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