Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 229 The Golden Spirit Dominates the Eagle

Chapter 229 The Golden Spirit Dominates the Eagle

After finding out the general situation of the Qianfan Secret Realm, Su Poman stretched out his arms and flew into the air, heading towards the origin of the 'Phantom Sky Flower'. He planned to complete the mission of this trip first, and then come to search for it. Take a look at the spirits in this secret realm.

Among the barren mountains and ravines, there are many huge monsters. They follow the law of the jungle of "the weak eat the strong". Every fight is bloody and cruel.

Every creature, from birth, has struggled to survive.Avoid natural enemies, obtain food in a crisis, and cultivate by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

There are as many little monsters in the Qi refining stage as a cow's hair, and they are at the bottom of the food chain in this secret realm. Even the monsters in the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core Stages are blood-eating animals raised by some powerful Nascent Soul stage monsters.

The big monster beasts in the Nascent Soul Stage are not low in intelligence, and most of them have a sense of territory. Here, fierce fighting due to the territory is staged at all times.

In the outside world, the Nascent Soul Stage is already considered a giant in the world of cultivating immortals, but in the secret realm, life is precarious. One day, due to lack of strength, he will be brutally attacked by monsters of the same level who come to snatch the territory. kill.

Although the human race is small in size, they have strong spiritual power in their flesh and blood, which is very easy to attract the attention of powerful monsters. Therefore, even a powerful monk in the Nascent Soul Stage came to Qianfan Secret Realm, and he had to put his tail between his legs and behave like a human being. Keep a low profile.

Su Poman was very confident in his own strength, and blatantly flew fast in the air, not afraid of the dangers lurking all around.

Due to the faster speed, the low-strength monsters don't even have the capital to stop them, they can only watch the farther and farther away ray of light and howl endlessly.

Every time Su Poman passes through the sky above a territory, Su Poman will be chased and blocked by monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage. , even if there are a few super-talented speed-type monsters to stop him by teleportation, they can't keep him at all. The sharp claws and fangs that are as powerful as magic weapons can't break through the defense of the biological force field, so they can only watch helplessly. Escape light into another territory.

Su Poman has no intention of fighting with these monsters for the time being. After reaching the foundation building stage, his superhuman body has been strengthened a lot due to the baptism of the real fire of the sun. , even if the cultivator at the transformation stage comes, unless he uses the Great Teleportation technique to catch up one after another, he will not be able to catch up with him at all.

After a monk reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, he will have the ability to 'teleport'. He can take advantage of the Nascent Soul's clear spirit and void attribute to carry his physical body for short-distance teleportation, but this distance will not be too far. Generally, according to the strength The strength and the amount of Nascent Soul Qi consumed can be teleported within a range of ten kilometers to a hundred kilometers.

Nascent Soul Qi is very important for Nascent Soul monks, it is related to the improvement of the subsequent realm, once consumed too much, it is easy to cause the Nascent Soul to become weak, and in severe cases, it may even cause the cultivation base to regress, so as long as it is not particularly urgent and important The thing is, monks in the Nascent Soul stage will not consume their own Nascent Soul Qi to teleport.

The same is true for the "big teleportation" technique in the transformation stage, which is equivalent to a longer-distance "teleportation" method, which can consume tens of thousands to one hundred thousand kilometers in one breath. For monks who are new to Huashen, it is too extravagant, and it is not a common means of traveling.

Unless you encounter an unending enemy, the fighting skills between monks in the Nascent Soul stage are generally limited. One party launched the 'teleportation', and the other party would not use the teleportation if there was no reason for deep hatred or killing Go after it, it's similar to the 'flash and don't kill' in the moba game.

The emergence of this unspoken rule is also due to the formation of monks. If someone has set up a trap in advance, even if the previous fighting method can suppress and kill the opponent with confidence, once he plunges into the formation prepared by the formation, it will become a trap. The fish on the chopping board, this is also the usual tactic of array repairers, first pretending to be invincible to the opponent, teleporting away, and then using the array to kill the enemy.

There are countless cases like this, and there is one such case recorded in the "Cultivation Experience Record". A monk named "Tianluo Master" in the Nascent Soul stage studied the formation method painstakingly in order to avenge the death of the sect, and spent a lot of money. A lot of time and resources were spent to set up a 'Nine Dragons Divine Fire Formation', and then deliberately went to the enemy's mountain gate to provoke, successfully led five monks of the same level into the formation, relied on the power of the formation to fight back successfully, and used the same method Killed the remaining two Nascent Soul stage monks, became famous with one against seven, and finally succeeded in eradicating the sect of the enemy's family, and the blood revenge was avenged.

The top combat power in the Qianfan Secret Realm is the four monster kings. They all have combat power comparable to monks in the transformation stage. Among them, there is hidden a black jade dragon emperor that is comparable to the power of the fusion stage. Its strength is extremely terrifying, but it has never appeared in the sight of everyone for the past 1000 years. Many people suspect that it failed to transform. The thunder calamity turned into flying ash.

Su Poman once used his super vision to spy on the direction of Fulongting Lake, but there seemed to be some kind of obstacle in the lake below thousands of meters, which blocked his sight.

Su Poman has an urge to try the monsters in the 'fit stage'. After all, his immortal father-in-law once said that a monk in the fit stage should not be able to kill him, so it is just to test the limit of his combat power. level.

The red light flashed high in the sky at an astonishingly fast speed. From time to time, in the forest and hills below, there would be huge beasts jumping up, but they all missed, and it was impossible to keep this uninvited guest who had invaded the territory .

The journey was smooth and unimpeded. After spending half an hour, Su Poman finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

A palm-sized indigo-blue flower grows under a cliff in front of me, blooming on the long purple neck, and the breeze blows, and the phantom flower floats with the wind.

Su Poman roughly counted, there were about forty or fifty flowers, and his face showed joy, "So many should be enough!"

quack quack!
Just as he was hanging in mid-air, there was a rapid cry of frogs, and a flash of purple light shot directly into Niwan Palace.

In the altar, Su Poman's spirit was only the size of a fist, and his skin was extremely solid, like a primordial spirit only in the transformation stage. The moment the purple light invaded, the little man's spirit opened his mouth lazily , the purple light was dragged and swallowed.

Su Poman glanced over the phantom flower growing on the cliff, and found a red-skinned toad about ten feet tall lying on the bottom of the cliff. Its skin was light vermilion, and it looked like a The ninja beast Toad Bunta in Naruto is the same. At this time, his belly is constantly bulging, and strange purple lines are shining on his greasy belly, just like the eyes of demons. With the sound of frogs, a series of Purple light uninterrupted from the 'devil's eye' shot.

"This toad is actually a spirit-attacking monster, which is rare! It should have something to do with these phantom flowers..."

Beside the cliff, Su Poman was suspended in mid-air, the depths of his eyes slowly glowed red, his eyes became like hot irons, and two wrist-thick lasers shot out from his eyes.

Chi Chi!

The red-skinned toad was instantly pierced by two high-temperature rays and died instantly. The two swollen frog eyes quickly lost their luster.There were also two bottomless potholes on the rocky ground where it lay prostrate, and the molten magma was flowing slowly, exuding a crimson light.

There was a smell of frog meat in the air.

Su Poman took out the jade box he had prepared in advance, stepped forward and carefully plucked the phantom flowers, and then pasted a sealing talisman paper on the jade box to prevent the loss of its aura.

After picking the phantom flowers, the most important task of this trip was completed. Next, he planned to start searching for the spiritual treasures in this secret place centered on this cliff.

Compared with Myriad Insects Secret Realm, Qianfan Secret Realm is higher by more than one level. Not only is the aura of heaven and earth stronger, but all kinds of spiritual things have been unpicked for a long time, and old elixir is everywhere. Once the search of the entire secret realm is completed, purple The energy points on the source roulette will definitely reach an extremely exaggerated level.

Su Poman spread the biological force field to form transparent tentacles. First, he dug out the demon core from the red-skinned toad, and then transported it to him. When he touched it, it transformed into more than 8 energy points.

Afterwards, his biological force field covered a range of dozens of miles. Under the dual protection of divine sense and super vision, no matter in the sky or on the ground, any items containing spiritual power would be spared.

Ordinary-looking but star-spotted grass inches long, large red flowers exposing purple stamens, small trees with bowl-shaped crowns like wheels exuding aura fluctuations throughout the body, and even buried rocks underground, demons above the foundation-building stage. beast……

The ambiguous vegetation was uprooted, and the monsters died one after another under the transparent tentacles, without even having time to scream. Some towering giant trees had their cores hollowed out and fell to the ground. The spirit fish and the monster birds in the sky were all transformed into energy points.

The light curtain of Ziyuan Roulette was continuously swiped, and a bright smile appeared on Su Poman's face.

"Ding, detected energy, is it converted into energy points?"

"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 50000 energy points!"

"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 80000 energy points!"

"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 45000 energy points!"


Not only the monsters in the Jindan stage, but even the monsters in the Nascent Soul stage can hardly escape his claws. They are caught by the colorless and invisible characteristics of the biological force field, and then they are caught and exploded, and the monster pills are cut out and transformed into energy points.

The value of Jindan stage monsters converted into energy points is 300 to 600 energy points, the value of Nascent Soul stage monsters ranges from [-] million to [-] million energy points, and the value of spiritual objects depends on different types and years. have different values.

In just a few quarters of an hour, Su Poman was pleasantly surprised to find that the balance of energy points on the light screen of Ziyuan Roulette had exceeded [-] million. This made him even more excited, constantly moving his position, and slowly advancing in a constant direction with.

He unscrupulously harvested the lives of spirits and monsters in the secret realm. Slowly, some smarter monsters had already noticed something was wrong. In the Qianfan secret realm, as long as the monsters above the Jindan stage would give birth to a trace of spirit. Wisdom, the stronger the strength, the higher the spiritual wisdom. The spiritual wisdom of monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage is no less than that of ordinary humans.After discovering this terrifying 'monster-swallowing' vortex, like a forest on fire, the monsters began to flee in groups away from Su Poman.

The situation of the Nascent Soul stage monsters in the territory farther away was unknown, and another battle broke out in order to defend the territory from being violated, until the vortex gradually approached, and some Nascent Soul stage monsters turned into blood mist amidst howling, The monster lords who were fighting fiercely dispersed one after another, ignoring the fight and fleeing for their lives further away together.

At the back, the largest beast tide in history appeared in Qianfan Secret Realm. The ancient trees were knocked to the ground by the herd of beasts, the birds in the forest flew around, and under the huge beast's feet were densely packed monsters of the Qi refining period.

There was a hustle and bustle everywhere, the sky was full of dust, the forest and the ground were rumbling, and the place where the beast horde passed was a mess, leaving behind many corpses that had been trampled into flesh.

Soon, the appearance of the horde of beasts alarmed a big monster in the secret realm, the "Golden Lingba Sky Eagle", one of the four kings of monster beasts in the Qianfan Secret Realm.

The golden feathers and wings cover the sky and the sun, making the two mountains under the shadow, just like the legendary Kunpeng, its sharp eagle eyes reveal a trace of human fear, Looking at the horde of beasts rumbling past the ground, the Decepticon Eagle felt that his position had been challenged.

The four kings lived on each side. In the current situation, another creature of the same level must have been born to demonstrate against it in this form.

As the overlord of the sky, the Decepticon Eagle has its own pride, and it is never afraid of any challenge.

While the giant wings were waving, a huge storm was generated on the ground, and the monsters that couldn't dodge were instantly smashed to death on the ground by the wind pressure.

The Decepticon Eagle descended from the sky, its huge figure covered the sky and the sun, and its huge wrinkled yellow eagle claws, like a small town, fluttered on the tallest nearby mountain.

In an instant, the mountain shook, and countless gravels rolled down, as if it was overwhelmed.

There was an eagle howling that broke gold and broken stones, and it spread its wings, and the golden collar on its head was erected, making a fighting posture.

With a wingspan of several thousand feet, it shrouded the two nearby mountain peaks in shadow.

In the amber-colored and jet-black pupils, there was a cold murderous intent.

Su Poman was searching for spiritual objects at first, but when he heard the sound, he looked into the distance, and his face suddenly showed shock, "Damn it, what a big bird!"

The giant eagle in front of him is as huge as the pterosaur, bird, and beast "Ladon" in "Godzilla". With the backdrop of the majestic mountains, it produced an unparalleled visual impact, which made Su Poman dumbfounded. .

"Is it declaring war on me?" Su Poman showed a eager smile on his face, "I don't know if my current strength can kill this eagle beast at the transformation stage! Give it a try, its demon core Definitely worth the money!"

Su Poman paused his search, retracted the biological force field, and then slowly floated up into the air, reaching the same level as the Decepticon Eagle. His cheeks puffed up slightly, and he roared: "Big bird, come on!" Have a good fight with your Grandpa Su!"

Under the blessing of Superman's breath, the sound was extremely loud, and the sound waves produced directly plowed the messy land in front of him.

The Decepticon Eagle tilted his head, carefully staring at the ant-like little guy in front of him, his eyes were full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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