Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 230 New Ability: Resurrection!

Chapter 230 New Ability: Resurrection!

Is it the beast tide caused by this little one?

Such a small body is not even enough to fit between the teeth!

And... the spiritual power fluctuations on his body are not too big, just like those low-level monsters, what a weak little bug!
Although he was a bit puzzled, seeing the power of the little bug's roar, Jin Lingba Tianying still became serious. His sharp eyes were full of coldness, and with a wave of his wings, a huge figure appeared amidst the crumbling mountains. Disappeared above the mountain peak.

The next moment, the shadow covered the dome light, and Su Poman looked up, and saw the wrinkled yellow claws the size of a city slapped down like the palm of a Tathagata.

The sharp claws were black in color and exuded a cold light, Su Poman had no doubt that when encountering such claws, even magic weapons could not escape being scratched to pieces.

The sharp claws grabbed at an extremely fast speed, and the air was rapidly compressed, creating a rumbling sound of air explosion.

Su Poman hangs in mid-air, the wind pressure makes his robes rattle, his eyes gradually gather red light, and the blood vessels near his temples bulge slightly. This time, he is going to be serious and use all his strength line of sight' ability.

When the sharp claws were only three feet away from him, two red beams of light suddenly soared into the sky.

The high-temperature laser pierced through the Decepticon Eagle's toes in an instant, and then passed through its body, opening two bowl-sized holes in its body, and several feathers were burned into fine ash.

The Decepticon Eagle screamed, and quickly flew into the air, and flew tens of thousands of kilometers away in an instant. It avoided the two red beams of light vigilantly, and was obviously frightened by such a powerful attack. The bowl-sized hole was like a needle prick to it, and it did not cause serious injuries, but the deep tingling pain made it feel the threat of death.

What a cruel little bug!
A trace of fear flashed in the eagle's eyes, but as the overlord of the sky, it would naturally not be intimidated by this kind of attack. Facing this kind of poisonous scorpion-like bug, it had its own way to deal with it. Change the injury.

Just as it was planning to launch its next attack, the red light shot up from the ground suddenly moved, and then swept back and forth several times between the lightning and flint.

The red light passed over the Decepticon Eagle's body in the blink of an eye. The eagle stared blankly, as if realizing something, then let out a mournful cry, and criss-crossing red lights emerged from the eagle's body. The pieces, the huge feathers, the gold-rimmed wings covering the mountains, the dim half-eagle head, the viscera in the belly, the blue demon blood... began to fall from the sky with a splash.

The temperature in the sky was extremely low, the blood water slowly condensed into ice, and the blue snow fell between the sky and the earth, and the smell of blood permeated the entire sky and the earth.

At this moment, a blood-colored illusory eagle wrapped around a large demon pill, and after casting a hateful glance at Su Poman below, it turned into a streak of blood and disappeared into the sky.

Su Poman couldn't react in time, and when he was about to chase after him, he had completely lost sight of the scarlet eaglet.

"Fuck, why did I forget this, and let it escape from the primordial spirit! It's a waste of effort, the demon core is gone..." Su Poman patted his forehead, with a look of annoyance on his brows, and then He changed his expression, looked at the pieces of flesh and blood that kept falling from the sky, and said slowly: "The flesh and blood of this demonic beast in the transformation stage should be good, it must be a great tonic!"

Su Poman took out several storage rings, his flesh body flew up into the air, divided pieces of meat again and put them into the storage rings.

Except for some inedible parts and feathers, Su Poman even collected a lot of cyan demon blood, and the three storage rings were quickly filled.After packing all these high-quality ingredients into different categories, he returned to the original place and continued to search for the spiritual essence around him.

After defeating the Decepticon Eagle, one of the four kings of monster beasts, Su Poman's confidence was unprecedentedly high. He scanned the situation in the secret realm with his super vision, stood there and thought for a moment, and made a decision.He planned to stop halfway through the search of this secret realm, and leave some foundations for it. Hundreds of years later, when the vitality of the secret realm recovered, he would come back to harvest another crop, just like cutting leeks.

In the future, he will explore more secret realms, and he can draw another 'clone' ability to send clones to sit in various secret realms, and search once every fixed period of time, and he can 'receive vegetables with one click' without the deity himself being present, thus Get a steady stream of energy point income.

After understanding this point, Su Poman will deliberately select some rare species to keep in the next search, so that their numbers can be kept in a state where they can reproduce and grow. After this wave of search is over, Qianfan Secret Realm There will be a large empty area in which these surviving species can grow and multiply.Sunshine, rain, and aura are all no one can compete with them. In this way, these species will flourish within a few years, providing suitable habitats for some low-level monsters to grow.

Even within a few hundred years, this area will become as prosperous as it was before the search.

With this idea in mind, Su Poman was a lot more careful when searching. When encountering special spiritual objects, he tried not to damage their roots, or only took half of them. Comers are not rejected, and all of them are transformed into energy points.

A few hours passed, and the energy points on the resource roulette had exceeded [-] million. This made Su Poman even more excited, and accelerated the search speed. He rampaged in the Qianfan Secret Realm, and the scope of the beast horde became larger and larger. All kinds of monsters are running wildly, just to avoid the invisible 'monster swallowing' vortex behind them.

In addition to the mountain giant ape, the other two monster beast kings in the transformation stage also died in his hands, and became the top ingredients in the storage ring. food.

After being nourished by the primordial spirit of the two transformation stages, Su Poman's fist-sized "Soul of Swallow" has become the size of an ordinary person, exuding a thick purple brilliance throughout his body, and the range of his consciousness has expanded several times , His eyes are full of radiance, and from time to time there is a clear light, which is the manifestation of strong soul energy. After a while, the state of spirit and soul stabilizes, and this abnormal phenomenon can be restrained.

Under the transparent tentacles, the monster beast in the Nascent Soul stage let out a silent wail, and then the demon pill was cut out from its head, and it opened its mouth to inhale again, sucking the soul attached to the demon pill into its mouth.The essence of devouring souls made Su Poman's soul always come to him. After devouring the two monsters at the stage of transforming gods, he discovered that the souls of monsters are usually hidden in the demon core. The spirits of monsters cannot be revealed, but they can be sucked out by swallowing souls. If nothing is done, the spirits in these demon pills will be transformed into a very small amount of energy points. At that time, he began to devour the souls of monsters to strengthen himself, and the cultivation base of the souls was improving rapidly.

Su Poman felt that his divine soul seemed to have reached a state far beyond his cultivation, and he had a faint feeling of wanting to get out of his body and roam the world. As he continued to devour the demon soul, this feeling became more and more intense. powerful.

"Could it be that the soul has to be conceived in advance to produce the soul? No, the soul is similar to the soul, but it is the product of the integration of the monk's spirit, energy, and spirit. I have a powerful soul, but my immortal cultivation can't keep up. What you have trained should not be a primordial spirit, but at most... a yin god?"

Su Poman suddenly remembered the cultivation method in the world of 'Yangshen'. His current situation is very similar. Although he has not cultivated the idea of ​​contemplation, but the divine soul is constantly strengthening in the process of devouring the demon soul. This is another kind of cultivation method. The cultivation method of the soul.

"Calm down, come out of shell, night tour, day tour, yin god, appearance, possession, seizing the body (ghost fairy), thunder calamity, yang god... I don't know what state my soul is in the yang god system, is it? Out of the shell? It shouldn't be that weak!"

After thinking for a while, Su Poman didn't intend to try to get out of his body, after all, that would be too dangerous.

That mountain giant ape had a high level of intelligence, and after knowing the fall of the other three kings of monster beasts, it hid itself, not giving Su Poman a chance to kill it at all.

Two days later.

Su Poman stood on a mountain top, behind him was a mess of ruins, many places were exposed to bare soil, in front of him was a lush jungle, in front of him and behind him, it was as if he was in two different worlds.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After these two days of non-stop searching, he finally cleared half of the Qianfan Secret Realm.

"A full 20 ​​billion energy points should be enough to extract 'resurrection'!"

Closing his eyes, Su Poman opened the Ziyuan Roulette, skillfully submerged his consciousness on the light curtain of the roulette, and tapped lightly on the word "click to extract" with his mind.

In an instant, 15 billion energy points were reduced from the light curtain, and it turned into a bright light and disappeared on the purple source wheel.


The simple and mysterious roulette spins rapidly, and lights and shadows representing different abilities flash on the roulette, constantly disillusioned and replaced.

"Among the search targets..."

"Determine the target of this draw is the undead forensic doctor-Henry Morgan!"

"The link is being established, extracting..."

"Ding, spend 1500 energy points, draw successfully, and get a new ability [Water Resurrection], you have been blessed by the gods, and every time you die, you will be resurrected from the full state of the anchored water, and your body and soul will be restored. Return to the state a year ago, and the new abilities or increased cultivation bases obtained within a year will disappear accordingly, no consumption, no cooling, unlimited times, after the first death, if the time is less than a year, it will be restored to the first time Anchoring the state of the resurrection waters..."

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Early stage of foundation establishment
[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)
[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Water resurrection (the current resurrection water is not anchored, if you change the location after anchoring, it will cost 1000 million energy points each time.)
[Energy Points]: 568 (a minimum of 090 energy points can be drawn once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of draws remaining this month is 2)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

A quaint silver pocket watch submerged into Su Poman's body with a faint light. The mysterious fluctuations penetrated his flesh and blood and spirit, and at the same time gradually enveloped a bit of true spirit in the deepest part of his spirit.

Su Poman opened his eyes, with surprise on his face, his eyes widened, "This new ability is amazing! It's like an awesome Tesla! It's great, I can do whatever I want in the future, In addition to losing a year of cultivation, this is simply a life-saving magic skill, no one can kill me! Hahahaha..."

He pinched his waist and looked up to the sky with a long smile, showing a big smile on his face, laughing unscrupulously, and his voice kept echoing in the nearby mountains.

From time travel to now, Su Poman had a sense of security for the first time, he would no longer be afraid of this and that, and be wary of those old monsters in the world of cultivating immortals with fear, his heart was completely at ease.

"From now on, I can slap whoever I want in the face! Heh heh, let Grandpa Su wait for those demon sects!"

Su Poman ignored the dust on the ground, and lay directly on the ground. His eyes fixed on the sky, and he felt that this moment was so wonderful. The sense of steadfastness and security in his heart filled him with joy. There was some sleepiness.

The light in the sky gradually dimmed, and Su Poman lay on the top of the mountain, falling into a dreamland beautifully.This sleep lasted for more than ten hours, and he didn't wake up until noon the next day.

"Great sleep!"

As a time traveler, although Su Poman's strength was much stronger than those around him in the early stage, he had always been tense in his heart, but now he has completely relaxed. The city is full of wind and rain, and I am not afraid anymore.

When I used to read novels in the university dormitory, I always thought the protagonist was very handsome, but after traveling by himself, in such a treacherous world of cultivating immortals, he deeply realized the suffocating beauty. pressure.

Human-eating beasts may also be hidden in the ordinary pools of water, supernatural events in the mortal kingdom, demon heads who slaughtered villages and villages, and even weirder monsters who are doing evil everywhere, and people from the Heavenly Soul Dao Sect are also involved. The Dan' incident made Su Poman, who grew up on the blue star, feel a chill from the bottom of his heart. He understood that only by 'holding up' can he have a chance to develop.

Until now, the shackles in my heart have finally been removed.

Su Poman stood up, took a look into the distance, and said slowly: "It's time to go to the 'Longting Lake' to have a look, I don't know if the black jade dragon is still there, the small five-element formation can't be troubled A monster living in the fusion stage!"

"However... before that, find a piece of water to anchor the resurrection point!"

He turned his gaze to the easternmost side of the secret realm, stretched his arms, and turned into a red shadow, disappearing into the sky.

It didn't take long for Su Poman to come to a wide lake. This place is close to the eastern mountain range. The water flow from the melted ice and snow all converges here, forming a water area no less than an inland sea.Not only is the water area here wide, but its depth also reaches hundreds of thousands of feet. At the same time, due to the gathering of mountains, cumulonimbus clouds are often formed, and rainwater will fall every now and then. Since the appearance of the Qianfan Secret Realm, it has never dried up.

(End of this chapter)

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