Chapter 236 Soul Kingdom

The old man surnamed Fang had a dull expression on his face, he even forgot to tease the yellow bird in the cage behind him, only half of his body felt numb.

This is the rhythm of exhausting the old man!

The two boys in green beside them kept nodding their heads, counting the number of storage bags.

The fat manager was also stunned, and hurriedly said: "Senior, wait a moment, the amount of this transaction is too large, and has exceeded the authority of the villain. I will immediately invite the elder who is in charge of the shop to come over!"

After finishing speaking, he saluted, and then ran out with a "thump, thud, thud" under his feet.

Not long after, the door of the private room was pushed open again, and an old man in the middle stage of foundation establishment walked in. He was wearing a blue satin robe of Baibaolou, strands of silver threads on his head were carefully coiled, and there was red A few small braids were tied into the thin thread, which was quite exotic.

"Ru Hanshan has met this fellow Taoist, and I heard from the people below that you have a lot of items to sell, right?" There was a professional smile on Ru Hanshan's face, giving off a very friendly and friendly feeling.

Su Poman nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, it's all in these storage bags!"

Chu Hanshan stepped forward and invaded it with his spiritual consciousness, his face was constantly changing, and he was even more shocked in his heart.

[Could it be that the person in front of him went to a city to rob, and there is still a spiritual weapon? It's too exaggerated! 】

[He came to rob a monk of the same level?impossible!I think he's only at the early stage of foundation establishment, so it's not bad if he doesn't get robbed when he meets an existence of the same level! 】

[If this is the case, he may be a representative launched by a certain force, who is responsible for handling these goods, we must make good friends, and it is best to take over his future transactions...]

After thinking about this, Chu Hanshan gently put down the storage bag, with a more enthusiastic smile on his face, and said slowly: "It may take some time to count these items, just wait a moment, I will put them in the bag later." The other five master craftsmen in the shop in the capital have all been transferred to speed up, and it is estimated that it will take half an hour!"

"Okay, I'm fine. Is there a magical vessel in Baibaolou that can hold wine and liquids? I want to buy a few..."

"This bag is on the old man, Hong Biao, why don't you go to the warehouse and get the magic weapon requested by this fellow Taoist?"

"Yes, Elder Chu, the villain will do it right away!"


After some negotiations, Su Po walked out of the Baibao Building full of satisfaction. The contents of those storage bags were sold for more than 30 pieces of low-grade spirit stones. In addition, he also bought eleven pieces of 'jade pots'. ', 'wine gourd' and other instruments are specially used to hold the blood of monsters.

After dealing with these sundries, Su Poman felt that the ribbons on the inside of his clothes were a lot easier, and he no longer needed to hang so many storage bags. It can be said that he was light without bags.

Su Poman walked to an unoccupied corner outside Xiandu City, disappeared in place as soon as he moved his thoughts, and returned to the gate of the small courtyard by 'teleporting'.He took out the jade card from the flip hand, shook it, and opened the formation at the gate. Then, he walked into the backyard area, took out buckets of demon blood of different colors from the flip hand, and filled them all up. Among the newly purchased instruments.

The combined blood of the three monsters in the transformation stage weighs hundreds of thousands of tons, which is enough to support the consumption of Caier and Ruizhu for ten years.

After handing over the magic weapon to the two women, Su Poman jumped onto the training platform again. He first converted the 30 low-grade spirit stones he had just obtained into 600 million energy points, and then thought about storage.

[In this situation, it is best to extract a storage space that binds the soul, so that even if you are accidentally killed, the valuables on your body will not fall...]

[600 million energy points should not be enough... But this month is already at the end of the month, and there is still one chance to draw the purple source roulette, which is useless, why not let go and gamble! 】

To be on the safe side, he converted the remaining 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones that Ouyang Hong gave him before into 400 million energy points, making up a full 1000 million energy points.

Su Poman rubbed his palms together, with a very excited expression on his face, like a fanatical gambler.

"Gods and Buddhas from all walks of life bless you, and ask for the possession of the Emperor of Europe..."

Closing his eyes, he turned on the Purple Source Roulette, skillfully immersed his consciousness on the light curtain of the roulette, and tapped lightly on the word 'click to extract' with his mind.

The 1000 million energy points on the light curtain emptied instantly, turning into a gleam of light and disappearing above the purple source wheel.


The quaint and mysterious roulette rotated a few squares, and lights and shadows representing different abilities flashed on the roulette, constantly generating disillusionment and changing constantly.

"Among the search targets..."

"Determine the target of this draw to devour the Great World - Origin Continent - King Jiang Shen!"

"The link is being established, extracting..."

"Ding, spend 10 energy points, draw successfully, and get a new ability [Soul God Kingdom (Disabled)]. Due to insufficient energy points, you have obtained the prototype state of Soul God Kingdom - [Soul Space], in the soul Open up the world in the middle, condense the soul into yin and yang, and develop the five elements, and the immortal life will be endless..."

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Early stage of foundation establishment
[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)
Zombie: The bloodline of the first Pangu clan (100%)
[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Resurrection in the water area (the current resurrection water area has been anchored, if you change the location after anchoring, it will cost 1000 million energy points each time.)
4. Pangu Divine Body
5. Soul Space
[Energy Points]: 0 (minimum 10 energy points can be extracted once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of draws remaining this month is 0)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

A bit of spiritual light exploded in Su Poman's soul, the turbid air descended, the clear air rose, opened up Yin and Yang, drew five elements, and a chaotic space of Zhang Xu's length and width slowly formed in the soul.

There are miniature clouds suspended above, and the translucent brown sandstone below has gathered into soil. Outside the space is a vast void, without any light.

"Soul God Kingdom? I don't seem to have heard of this ability before. What kind of Jiang Shenwang is there? Is it a strong man in the devouring world?"

"The space is less than ten cubic meters, let alone the Kingdom of God, even a low-level storage bag has less space..."

Su Poman opened his eyes, and his brows were deeply frowned, "It seems that the poor ability needs a lot of energy points to extract it to the most perfect state..."

Flipping his hands, he took out a dark blue pill from the storage ring, and with a thought, the Foundation Establishment Pill in his hand disappeared instantly, appearing in the 'soul space'.

"Since it's called the Kingdom of God, can we make nesting dolls?" Su Poman muttered to himself, and took out a high-level storage bag, which contained the flesh and blood of many monsters in the transformation stage.

With a thought, the storage bag in the hand disappeared immediately, and appeared in the 'soul space' the next moment.

Su Poman's eyes widened, and his brows were beaming with joy, "Tsk tsk tsk, this is more practical. Although the space is not large, you can store storage rings and storage bags in it. 1000 million energy points are really worthless. !"

After solving the storage problem, Su Poman now has no worries at all, and only needs to wait for Ouyang Hong's spirit to recover before he can go out wandering.

Half a month passed in a flash.

Su Poman practiced the 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun Kung Fu' during the day, and used his spiritual power to refine the seal in the 'Black Ring' while basking in the moonlight at night.During this period of time, his cultivation has progressed rapidly, and he has faintly touched the threshold of the middle stage of foundation establishment. He feels that he only needs to practice for a while before he can easily break through.

The crimson spiritual power in the pitch-black ring was also worn away by him by nearly one-third, and it was not far from breaking the seal completely.

During this period of time, the Lieyang Sect was calm and nothing major happened.

After Su Poman left the small courtyard, he went straight to Guangchi Peak. He planned to meet Nie Rongchuan before leaving.

This time when he went out, Su Poman brought Cai'er and Ruizhu with him, they followed behind him one by one on the left and one on the right, just like the two little maids accompanying the young master.

Due to his special status, he didn't meet any meddling people along the way.

The Chiyan battle robes of the disciples of the Lieyang Sect have been destroyed, and he is now wearing a white robe, which seems a bit out of place with the disciples around him.

Walking to the stone house area, Su Poman activated a sound transmission talisman and sent it into Nie Rongchuan's residence.

Not long after, the stone door opened with a bang.

"No wonder I heard magpies calling at the door today, it turned out that it was Brother Su who came!"

A chubby figure rushed out from the stone gate, his eyes were slightly squinted, and the smile on his face was extraordinarily bright.

"Hey, Brother Nie, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you all right?"

While speaking, Su Poman sized him up with his divine sense, and immediately saw clearly the cultivation level of Nie Rongchuan.

Qi refining four layers!

This guy's cultivation speed is not slow. In just two years, his cultivation base has increased by two small realms. It seems that he is not lazy on weekdays.

Of course, there is no way to compare with him, after all, he is a peg.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that the cultivation is too hard, and it takes time to practice secret techniques and spells. I feel that splitting the time in half is not enough!" Nie Rongchuan grinned wryly, and then he saw Su Poman behind him. The two daughters poked his ribs and teased in a low voice: "Yes, Brother Su, now with Meijiao Niang, life is boundless joy!"

Su Poman shook his head with a smile. He took out a black storage bag from his waist and handed it to Nie Rongchuan, "Brother Nie, I may have to leave Lie Yangzong for a while, and here are some pills and other I don’t even need the cultivation resources, so you can accept them!”

"I can't accept it, Brother Su, although you are a sequence disciple, it will definitely consume a lot of resources to build a foundation, I absolutely can't accept it..." The smile on Nie Rongchuan's face disappeared, and he kept waving his hands , sternly refused.


Su Poman immediately laughed when he heard the words, the robe on his body suddenly became windless, and a spiritual pressure permeated the air.

Nie Rongchuan's small eyes widened. Feeling the powerful spiritual pressure, he looked at Su Poman in disbelief, "You have succeeded in building the foundation? It shouldn't be, there is no news from the sect..."

"Now you don't have to worry, don't you? Hurry up and accept it. You still say it's my brother. You are only at the fourth level of qi refining now, so you have to practice quickly. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for me to spread it!" Su Poman He directly stuffed the storage bag into his arms, and then took out another jade token, "This is the formation jade token in my Tianyang Peak yard, if anything happens to the gate, you can go there for a while, After that, I will let my master sit there!"

"Lord Ouyang?"

"That's right!"


After the two chatted for more than half an hour, Su Poman found an excuse and left.

Nie Rongchuan returned to the stone house, his heart was full of sighs, he did not expect that the little fellow daoist who had accidentally made friends with him back then would now become a master in the foundation building period.

That is the foundation building period, the existence that holds great power in the sect.

"Why is the gap between people so big?"

Sighing, Nie Rongchuan closed the stone door casually, and sat on the bed. He took out the black storage bag with a strange expression on his face, and probed inside with his spiritual sense——

The next moment, his hand holding the storage bag began to tremble, and his expression seemed to have seen a ghost.

He rubbed his face violently with both hands, and said in disbelief: "What did I just see?"

Immediately afterwards, he poked his divine sense in again, only to see a row of elixirs and jade bottles neatly placed in the space of the storage bag.

Among them are Huanglong Pill, Bingmai Pill, Xisui Pill...

In addition, there are piles of talismans, three high-grade magic tools, and 1000 yuan low-grade spirit stones!

Needless to say, the Bingmai Pill is the best auxiliary pill for cultivating 'Sunri Kung Fu'. In comparison, the Sui Sui Pill is even scarcer. After swallowing it, it can wash the tendons and cut the marrow, so that the practitioner can get rid of the body of dirt , can increase the probability of successful foundation building.

The three high-grade instruments were also specially selected by Su Poman, a shield for defense, a gold brick for attack, and a spirit rope for restraint. If they are properly combined, they will have a good effect combat power.

Nie Rongchuan's small face was flushed, and his chest was heaving and heaving. He really wanted to yell, but he was afraid that others would know about his possessions.

"Brother Su really gave too much..."

After forcibly suppressing his emotions, Nie Rongchuan couldn't help poking in again with his divine sense, "Hey, what is this?"

With a thought, he took out a jade bottle without a label. After pulling off the bottle cap, he poured out a dark blue pill with purple lines. The surface of the pill was filled with thin mist, and the surface of the pill was engraved with Several pill patterns.

"God, is this the legendary Foundation Establishment Pill? One pill pattern, two, turned out to be a high-grade Foundation Establishment Pill!" Nie Rongchuan's small eyes widened, and a smile appeared on his fat face. He showed an extremely distorted expression, and in the next moment, the soybean-sized tiger eyes burst into tears, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oh this, you're so kind to me! Right? How can I refuse..."

Back in the small courtyard, Su Poman continued to practice under the sunlight. The Golden Crow Dharma Body behind him was faintly visible, as if breathing. The Fenji Sword was also in a state of 'disappearing', greedily absorbing the real fire of the sun around. .

The Golden Crow falls in the west, and the Moon Rabbit rises in the east.

After more than half a month of preparation, Ouyang Hong decided to take the elixir refined from the 'Huan Kong Hua' at midnight, when the yin energy was the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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