Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 237 Ten Thousand Caves Purgatory

Chapter 237 Ten Thousand Caves Purgatory
Su Poman had known about this for a long time, he looked up at the moonlight, and felt that the time should be almost up, so he jumped off the training platform, explained to the two women, and launched a "teleport" to Wanjianfang in front of the door.

After entering the door, he said hello to Zhong Yue and went upstairs directly. Although he was sure of everything this time, just in case, Su Poman decided to personally protect Ouyang Hong.

In the training room on the top floor, Ouyang Hong was cross-legged and closed his eyes at this time, and he put his hands in front of his stomach, and pinched the 'Cultivation Seal'. After hearing the movement, he slowly opened his slightly cloudy eyes, "You come here Yeah..."

"Master, I'll protect you!" Su Poman replied honestly.

Ouyang Hong shook his head and said with a smile: "In the Lieyang Sect, no one knows about this matter, and no one should come to make trouble. Since you have the heart, just watch from the sidelines!"

"Yes, Master!"

Su Poman nodded when he heard the words, didn't say much, and silently walked to the side of the futon and sat down cross-legged, waiting for the time to arrive.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Wanjianfang was operating normally as usual. The formations on the top floor of the Wujiaohei Building were all opened at this time, and the colorful light and shadows of the formations flickered non-stop.

Under the huge moon, in the vast night, through the gaps in the windows on the top floor, you can faintly see a magnificent light that is different from usual.

Above the Sovereign Peak.

Chi Zaiyue stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the highest point and leaning on the railing to look into the distance.

"What is that old guy doing?" His red eyebrows were slowly lowered, and the character "Chuan" gradually formed between his brows, his eyes were like a bottomless lake, and he murmured: "I hope nothing will happen recently." There is a mess, and after a while, Muchen will be able to build a foundation, and then I will be able to replace him and quickly accumulate strength with a single resource..."

After drinking the spiritual wine in the cup, his figure slowly disappeared in the darkness.

month to midday.

Ouyang Hong felt that the yin energy between the heaven and the earth had reached the strongest moment at this time, and he began to make secret formulas in his hands continuously, and he continued to print out one after another, gradually forming a formation space with blue light shining in front of him, and then turned his hands again and again. , and took out five purple elixir made from 'Huankonghua'.

The spiritual power turned into a big hand and lightly grasped it, and the five purple pills instantly turned into powder and fell down in midair.

At this time, a sub-suction force suddenly appeared in the formation space, and the powder formed by those elixirs was sucked into it.

The powder particles are suspended in the formation space, like the nebula dust in the universe, shining brightly, appearing incomparably mysterious.

Next, came the most important step of recovering the soul's injury.

Ouyang Hong's expression became serious, his right hand formed a palm, and he slapped his forehead heavily, and softly shouted: "Leaving the shell!"

A golden light appeared in his abdomen, quickly swept across his chest and throat, and came to Tianling Point, and finally a small man holding a blue giant sword jumped out above his head. Looking at his appearance, he was eight times the same as Ouyang Hong himself. Nine points are similar.

This is Ouyang Hong's divine soul, even though he is no longer a Nascent Soul, it is still more miraculous than ordinary Jindan stage monks.

The little man seemed to be in a bad state right now, his body was covered with cracks, he glanced at Su Poman hastily, and then plunged headlong into the blue formation space.

The cyan formation is a square space with a length and width of about [-] centimeters. It looks very delicate. As soon as Ouyang Hong's spirit enters it, the suspended nebula particles seem to be attracted, like moths to a flame. They all fell onto his soul body.


A clear voice like a flute came out.

The nebula particles shone with light, quickly repairing the wounds on the spirit villain, and the criss-crossing cracks were filled in a short time.

After the cyan light flashed again, Ouyang Hong's soul was filled with a powerful soul power, which made Su Poman's soul swallowing ready to move.

"Hahaha... It's been so many years, I didn't expect that the old man's injury will fully recover one day!"

The villain laughed for a while, then jumped out of the formation space, and then retreated back into Ouyang Hong's body.

Su Poman observed carefully with his 'super vision' at this time, and he found that a huge change was taking place in Master's body at this time.

After the return of the soul, the originally round golden pill began to melt gradually, slowly forming strands of golden water that poured on the slightly illusory soul.

The spiritual pressure on Ouyang Hong's body is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, he has surpassed the late stage of Jindan and reached the realm of a fake baby, but the changes have not stopped yet!
The golden liquid cast the spirit villain like a 'golden arhat', with a faint smile on its face, and the little golden hands were constantly making formulas, and one after another magic seal was formed skillfully.

"Thousands of cast secrets, three treasures into one, cast my Nascent Soul!"

A voice that only the soul can hear came out, and then a purple ray of light lit up on the little golden man's body, and the spiritual altar was immediately occupied by this ray of light, even blocking Su Poman's sight.

After the light flashed, the spiritual pressure on Ouyang Hong's body became stronger, and an invisible aura swept out, breaking through part of the formation outside the attic in a blink of an eye.

The original golden villain has now turned into a Nascent Soul wearing a simple robe and skin like white jade. I saw it holding the giant sword in its hand, with a neither sad nor happy expression on its face, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed At the same time, pieces of mid-grade spirit stones suddenly appeared around Ouyang Hong's body.

clap clap clap...

Under the crazy suction, the middle-grade spirit stones shattered one after another, and the spirit energy contained in them was instantly sucked into Ouyang Hong's body.

Ouyang Hong's expression suddenly tightened, and with a slight movement of his fingers, there were tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones around him.

Accompanied by the sound of shattering spirit stones, those low-grade spirit stones were all shattered into useless white powder.

Seeing this, Su Poman quickly took out all the spirit stones on his body. This time, he left a lot of spirit stones for himself for going out, but not all of them were converted into energy points.

After a flash of white light, all the spirit stones shattered instantly, turning into a huge tide of spirit energy, filling the entire attic.

Ouyang Hong's whole body was levitated, and the spiritual fog in his breath decreased sharply. After a long time, the spiritual pressure on his body suddenly rose a lot, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect this old man to be a blessing in disguise. After recovering from his injuries, he was lucky enough to break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

When the spiritual mist cleared, Su Poman was stunned for a moment, looking at Ouyang Hong in front of him, feeling that his face had become a little strange now.

All the wrinkles on his face were gone, his face was as smooth as a baby's, his original white hair had also turned into black, the stagnation on his body was swept away, exuding vitality.

How could this be the old man half buried in the soil before?He is a handsome and charming middle-aged uncle!
Ouyang Hong lowered his eyes, landed on Su Poman, then slowly landed, and said kindly: "Apprentice, this time is really thanks to you, otherwise the breakthrough would not be so smooth!"

"Hey, it should be, it should be, congratulations to Master for improving his cultivation to a higher level!" Su Poman showed a bright smile on his face, he was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

[Now I can finally go out and surf without worry! 】

While speaking, a flash of light and shadow flashed across Ouyang Hong's body, his aura slowly returned to the golden core stage, and his appearance also changed to that of the bad old man before.

"Master, what do you mean?" Su Po looked puzzled and looked at him puzzled.

A calm expression appeared on Ouyang Hong's face, and he said slowly: "Master, I am tired of fighting and killing in the world of cultivating immortals, and I don't want to get involved in it anymore. Now I feel that it is good to stay in a low-level cultivating country like Nanyue Kingdom. , after recovering from the injury, there will be more time to study the 'Way of Forging Swords', the Thousand Casting Sect has been destroyed, Qingjiang Kingdom has no old friends, and that enemy has also fallen, so it is meaningless to go back..."

"Okay!" Su Poman nodded and understood his current state of mind, "Master, I would like to invite you to live in my small courtyard of Tianyang Peak. The disciple may go outside for a period of experience, and I want you to help take care of it. there!"

"I've seen for a long time that you are a restless master, okay, you will be the shopkeeper and take care of the rear for you as a teacher. As for this Wanjianfang, it has no meaning to exist, so let Luo Bingyue continue to operate it. ! That girl has a good character, and she won't do anything out of the ordinary..." Ouyang Hong seemed to have seen through Su Poman's thoughts long ago, agreed without hesitation, and made arrangements for the future development of Wanjianfang.

Su Poman smiled "hehe", and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Master! When I go back, I will clean up the main hall in the front yard and prepare it for you! Also, that senior brother Zhong is also good, so let him sit in the hall all the time." Bar!"

"Well, yes..." Ouyang Hong nodded, then looked at Su Poman carefully, and asked with a serious face: "Teacher, where are you going to practice this time?"

"Uh... I'm not sure about this, but don't worry, I will definitely not go to places that are too dangerous!" Su Poman assured him.

Hearing this, Ouyang Hong squinted his eyes, curled his lips and said, "I hope it's true!"

"Master, since there is nothing else to do, the disciple will go back first, and I will come to pick you up after the yard is cleaned up!"

"it is good!"


the following afternoon.

Under the reluctant eyes of the two women, Su Poman walked out of the gate of the Lieyang Sect, stepped on a flying sword, and shot into the high-altitude clouds.

This scene was also seen by Lu Yu, the captain of the guard at the mountain gate. His eyes were full of regret, and he thought to himself: "The 'Destroy the Country Plan' is about to start, and he left early. Damn, it will be later. One day, I will be able to avenge my shame!"

After leaving the range of the Fierce Sun Sect, Su Poman's speed was fully deployed, and he quickly escaped from the border of the Nanyue Kingdom.

This time he didn't just go out aimlessly. His first destination was the 'Nation of Ten Thousand Caves'. As a fifth-class cultivator country, the strongest sect in the country was the 'Corpse Yin Sect', which belonged to an uncompromising sect. The sect of the Demon Dao sect that was locked, and there are monks in the integration period sitting in the gate.

In addition, there are dozens of sects of demons, large and small, in Wanku Kingdom. The atmosphere of the whole country is that demons are rampant. Mortals live in dire straits and suffer from the devastation of demon cultivators all the time.

Su Poman is a generation who grew up under the "Light Profound Truth". When he was a child, he often played the role of Ultraman. There is light and justice in his heart, and the meaning of light is to save suffering and save all people Of course, the main reason for choosing to come to Ten Thousand Grottoes is that he has had contact with the Corpse Yin Sect before, and he has a very bad impression of this sect.

After getting a rough map of the Cangyun Continent in Fangshi, Su Poman fled in the direction of the "Kingdom of Ten Thousand Caves". His speed is now much faster than before. The ability to "fly" and Pan Gu's divine body also has the ability to "fly to the sky and escape from the earth". The combination of the two greatly increased his flying speed. The boundary of Wanku Kingdom'.

Su Poman landed slowly, he clearly felt that the aura of heaven and earth here was much thicker than that of Nanyue Kingdom, and he could feel the aura of heaven and earth wandering around his body with a light breath.

At this moment, a stinky smell entered his nostrils, and he unexpectedly found that he had landed on a mass grave, among the rubble mounds, corpses were lying here and there. Placed here, the degree of decay varies, there are freshly dead corpses, and there are rotten corpses whose stomachs have burst and yellow thick paste is flowing out, and there is a backlog of white bones underneath.

Fat maggots as thick as fingers crawled around on the surface of the carrion. (deleted)
The death appearances of these corpses are also different, some are covered in blood and flesh, like a 'blood gourd', with blood smeared everywhere; some have lost their heads... (deleted)
In some cases, a large gash was opened in the abdomen, and the internal organs were missing, and in some corpses, only the heart was lost.

The black crow in the wilderness pecked at an eyeball and fluttered its wings and flew into the distance. The teeth of the red-eyed wild dogs were bloodshot. They kept biting the corpse, and some of them even got into the cavity of the corpse in a hurry. , the upper body was stained red with blood, and the mouth kept grunting ferociously to protect the food.

Su Poman felt a chill in his heart, and frowned deeply.

【What a hell on earth! 】

Looking further into the distance, one after another low earthen houses are distributed in a patchwork pattern under the hill, less than [-] meters away from this mass grave.

Coffins are usually placed at the door of the earthen houses, white lanterns are hung on the door, paper money is strewn all over the sidewalk, and low and feeble wails can be heard from the dark room.

Looking at the passers-by on the road, their expressions were numb, like walking corpses, they seemed to have gotten used to the stench in the air, they didn't say hello to each other, and dragged their heavy steps to plan food in the ground.

The skin of the children here is as pale as ghosts, and most of them are hiding in the burrows under the earthen houses. Although their expressions are a little more lively, there is no hope in the depths of those holey eyes.

At this time, there was smoke from cooking in a mud house, and the smell of meat soon spread throughout the village.

... (All deleted due to too much bloody violence!)

This is the way of word of mouth to "raise yin people". It is said that children who grow up eating dead human flesh are full of yin energy, and will be ignored by ghost zombies during the ghost festival, so they can live longer.

 This chapter has been deleted a lot due to too bloody violence, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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