Chapter 238 Seven Towers Demon Sect
Whether it is changing children to eat, hiding children in underground caves, or the method of 'raising Yin people', they are all for living.

The mortals in Wanku Kingdom have been indoctrinated with the idea of ​​'carrying on the lineage' since they were born, and regard this as the ultimate destiny of life.Death, for people in this country, is a kind of relief.There has always been a folk saying similar to Catholicism. After death, the soul will return to the underworld to enjoy bliss, but the premise is that there are descendants who enshrine themselves in the underworld. Only then will they not become lonely ghosts.

Although this kind of saying is passed on by word of mouth, it has been widely spread, and it has become one of the motivations for the local people to persevere in life.

Ordinary people in Ten Thousand Grottoes are like surviving on an isolated island surrounded by wolves. From time to time, there will be demon cultivators flying past their heads. They burn, kill, loot, and commit all kinds of evil.

Among mortals, there are also smart people. They have come up with the method of digging burrows, smearing the top of the burrows with foul-smelling corpse water, and using corpse gas to cover up their anger, so as to avoid the search and capture of ghosts and devils.Because of this, there are countless burrows under the land of Ten Thousand Grottoes, which are connected with intricate and maze-like passages. When the demon cultivator comes, those mortals will hide in and flee crazily along the passages, while those who have no time to hide Those in the Catacombs often end up very miserable, and are very likely to be caught by the demon cultivator to practice kung fu.

Although most of the demon cultivators who came out to loot were from the Qi refining and foundation building stages, as a high-ranking immortal cultivator, he still wanted to save face, and kept a blind eye to the rats fleeing in the pit.It's not that they can't find out the mortals hiding in the burrow, but they think it's too much trouble, and they don't want to go into the burrow to catch the mouse, which makes them look like a mouse and lose their identity for nothing.

Because of this, the mortals of this country have survived tenaciously from generation to generation, and the name of the "Nation of Thousand Caves" has gradually replaced the original name of the country.

Although the catacombs can avoid the ferocious magic cultivators, there are also extremely dangerous existences underground.There are often some underground monsters that often come out from a certain corner, and ruthlessly devour the humans hiding in the caves. Basically, every once in a while, the caves in the human settlements will be patronized by monsters. When, they will desperately run to the ground.

The suffering of life is far beyond what ordinary people in other countries can imagine.

Su Poman couldn't bear to watch it any longer. He felt that there was a mass of anger suppressed in his chest. Although he had guessed the cruelty of the demon cultivator before, he was still deeply shocked after seeing the scene in front of him.

The executioner is cold-blooded and ruthless, and the victim is horrific!
The hands of every monk in Wanku Kingdom are stained with blood. In this environment, 'good people' cannot survive at all. They will either be killed or assimilated.

The whole land was filled with a faint stench of corpses, and everything in sight was desolate. Su Po's eyes were filled with frost. He glanced into the distance, and disappeared in the same place in an instant. At the 'Holy Gate' where the rapid flight.

The sects of cultivating immortals in Wanku Kingdom are all called "Sacred Gate" or "Sacred Sect", which is obviously different from the style of "Xianmen" in Nanyue Kingdom.

On the plain of thousands of miles of red wilds, stands a majestic Jingguan of bones, behind which are buildings made of black stones.

Most of these buildings are in the shape of tall towers, one connected to another, with different objects inlaid on the top of the towers.

Some are human skulls, some are a tattered piece of clothing or a shoe, and some are the skull of a bull demon...

Six small round towers surround a huge square tower in the middle. The diameter of the small tower is about ten feet, and the middle tower is at least more than 50 feet long and wide. The tip has sunk into the clouds.

The Seven Pagoda Sect belongs to the third-class sect in Wanku Kingdom, one level higher than the Lieyang Sect. There are two ancestors of the Nascent Soul Stage in its sect, and it belongs to one of the lower sects of the "Corpse Yin Sect" .The practice method is the "Blood Tower Magic Jue". During the Qi refining period, disciples need to refine the foundation of the Blood Tower in the dantian. Just to get started, they need to pour the blood of hundreds of people into the magic weapon to stimulate the blood tower in the dantian. phantom.When the foundation of the tower in the dantian is completed, its cultivation will automatically break through to the foundation stage.

The blood tower has the highest three floors in the foundation building period, six floors in the Jindan stage, and nine floors in the Nascent Soul stage... These blood towers are all made of flesh and blood, and can be summoned as magic weapons to defend against enemies. It can defile people's instruments.

Due to the cultivation method, all the monks of this sect fell into the evil way, bloodthirsty, perverted and vicious, with blood debts stained on their hands.

Su Poman was suspended high in the sky, his lower eyelids had shimmering lights, and he scanned everything in the tower, feeling as if he was watching eighteen levels of hell.

Every hidden room is full of blood and sin, and corpses with distorted faces silently recount the torture they encountered during their lifetime.

"What a bunch of scum, they don't deserve to live in this world at all, the atmosphere of the whole country is like this, everything must be clarified before the mortals in this country can be saved!"

His eyes were icy cold, traces of murderous aura emerged from his eyes, a little bit of red flame gradually formed, his eyes and temples became like red-hot irons.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Su Poman set the primary target of beheading on the giant tower in the center, and the two fiery red laser rays shot out from his eyes cut dozens of times in an instant, forming a huge net to engulf all the people in the tower. The monks are all shrouded.

Under the gray sky, the mountain protection array was completely powerless to stop this level of attack. Suddenly, dozens of criss-crossing rays of light flashed across the surface of the giant tower.

The two Nascent Soul Stages and the thirteen Golden Core Stages couldn't even utter a scream before their bodies were chopped into pieces. The two Nascent Soul Stages were terrified and wanted to escape with a scream.

"Want to escape? No way!"

Su Poman snorted coldly, and clawed with one hand across the air, the biological force field instantly turned into a big hand and grabbed the two Nascent Souls, and then opened his mouth again, and swallowed the Nascent Souls into his stomach.


In the Lingtai, Tunhun hiccupped, and his soul grew a little.

The remaining Nascent Soul Qi was absorbed by Ziyuan Roulette and transformed into more than 1000 million energy points.

At this time, a foundation-building demon cultivator wearing a blue robe happened to see what happened just now. He watched helplessly as the holy pagoda fell apart, and all the masters and uncles fell. The ancestor's Nascent Soul was also swallowed by that life. He stood there dumbfounded, as if he was frightened by the brutal scene.

"Devil, he is a devil!" the blue-robed monk roared hoarsely, his face was earthy, his eyes were full of horror, he even forgot to fly the imperial weapon in his panic, and fled to the outside of the sect quickly with his legs.Before taking a few steps, a red light flashed, and the upper body of the blue-robed Moxiu instantly separated from his body, flew out, and hit the ground heavily. Before he lost consciousness, he vaguely saw a lower body that staggered and fell.

"Those legs look familiar..."

Immediately afterwards, his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

The giant tower disintegrated on the spot, scattered in the smoke and dust.

Immediately afterwards, the red beam of light swept across the four directions again.

For monks below the golden core stage, Su Poman doesn't have to worry so much, he just needs to keep those storage bags.

Under precise control, the six small towers were quickly cut into ruins as the lasers intersected, and all the demon cultivators in them died.

Before Su Poman came to the giant tower, the biological force field turned into tentacles and penetrated into the ruins, and soon dug out thirteen round golden pills and dozens of storage rings.

The golden core was transformed into energy points, and the storage ring was collected by him into the 'soul space'.

A total of more than 900 storage bags were excavated from the ruins where the six small towers were located. Blood water spread from the ruins. Under the sweep of 'super vision', the warehouse hidden under the stone towers was also discovered. After opening the formation, there are a large number of cultivation resources stored in it.

As a sect higher than the Lieyang Sect, although there are not many disciples, the overall strength and resource abundance are far from what the Lieyang Sect can match. All kinds of ores, elixir, and elixir are stored in different categories In a storage bag on a shelf in the warehouse.

Having snatched so many resources, Su Poman didn't feel too happy. Instead, he thought of those innocent creatures who died tragically, and felt a little inexplicably heavy.

A large amount of blood water containing spiritual power gathered together and flowed along the low terrain, and soon formed a creek, in which various debris floated and sank.

If Su Poman had drawn the blood of the second-generation Pangu clan zombies before, he would definitely be greedy for the spiritual blood now, but as a first-generation Pangu clansman, under normal circumstances, he would not have bloodthirsty desires at all, so he did not feel any. attraction.

Su Poman chanted a short mantra, and a huge fireball the size of a wheel suddenly appeared in front of him, with the sun's real fire mixed in it, so that it would not be extinguished by Yin Qi and blood.

The fireball smashed into the ruins of the stone tower, sparks shot out, and quickly ignited some of the flammable items. In the blink of an eye, the fire became bigger and bigger, and even the blood that was about to gather into a stream could not stop the spread of the fire.

After all kinds of items were ignited, various colors of smoke were emitted, and there were crackling and crackling sounds.

Su Poman stood in mid-air and quietly watched the sea of ​​flames. After the corpse, evil, ghost, and yin qi came into contact with the sea of ​​flames, they continued to burst into flames, as if they were exposed to water mist, and the momentum of the flames was suppressed and extinguished. indefinite.He chanted the mantra again, and released another giant fireball. The momentum of the flame suddenly rose several feet high, overwhelming it.

The fire lasted for a full day and night, and the gray clouds and mist in the sky dispersed in the light of the fire, and the evil atmosphere accumulated in this place was completely burned away.

The next day, the sun shines on the land for the first time.

A hundred miles around, there is a piece of scorched earth, and there are still some areas that are emitting white smoke.

Su Poman was not idle during this time, he counted out the items in the storage equipment one by one, including—

A total of 500 million low-grade spirit stones!

Zhongpin Lingshi totals 4906 million yuan!
A total of 33 top-grade spirit stones!
Qi refining period pills, a total of 75 pills!

There are a total of 1 pills in the foundation building period!

There are 460 elixir pills in total!
Nascent Soul Stage pills, a total of [-] pills!
A total of 160 pieces of various magical instruments!

A total of 340 pieces of various spirit weapons!

Eighteen golden elixir magic weapons!
Nascent Soul stage magic weapon, six pieces!

In addition, there are spirit clothes, spirit rice, black iron ore, mithril ore, yellow dragon wood, sea sunken wood, purple leaf flower, lizard grass...

Similarly, there were human blood, living soul banners, ghost corpses and other evil things, all of which were destroyed by him.

After leaving some spirit stones behind, Su Poman converted all items containing energy points into energy points, a total of 490 billion energy points.

Looking at the series of zeros behind the numbers, Su Poman's mood recovered a lot.

"This is just the beginning!"

Su Poman raised his head and looked into the distance. At this moment, his eyes were full of spirit.

In a human settlement not far from here, an old man hunched over and looked towards the direction of the 'Seven Pagodas'. His hair had all fallen off, and he tremblingly returned to the ground with his crutches in his mouth. in the cave.

There are very few people who can live to his age, and Zong Yan relies on his own wisdom and keen intuition to avoid crises time and time again and help most people in the village survive.

Just like moles in the animal world, mortals need a vigilant lookout to keep an eye on the surrounding situation and guard against the attack of the devil when they work outside.

"Uncle Zong, what's the matter over there?" A thin, big-headed middle-aged man asked nervously, his expression was a little stiff, and his eyes looked extremely dull.

There are many children hidden in this cave, and they all stare at this side with big eyes, and if the situation is not good, they will flee in all directions.

Zong Yan shook his head, with deep worry in his eyes, "Last night...the fire burned all night, it was in the direction of the Holy Sect, I don't know what the devils are doing, I hope it's not a sign of a 'big hunt'! "

"Big hunting..." The middle-aged man had no expression other than a flash of fear in the depths of his eyes, and asked dryly, "Then... are you still going out to work today?"

Zong Yan looked back at the group of children, and said firmly: "Go! I will help you watch, if you go hungry, the kids will be full of dead eggs even if they grow up..."

"Then... well then, the big guy is going to work today, Uncle Zong will give us a break!"

Greeting feebly, the thin middle-aged man dragged a handful of agricultural implements and walked out of the burrow.

Along with him, there were several other 'adults' with numb expressions. They dragged into a long line, walked out of the burrow, and walked towards the plowed fields outside the settlement.

Zong Yan followed behind, holding a crutch in one hand and a gong in the other, turning his neck around from time to time, looking towards the surrounding sky or the end of the wilderness.

His old eyes were already cloudy, at this moment, he suddenly saw a white light flashing high in the sky, and without hesitation, he rang the gong in his hand.

clang clang...

The sound of the gong was like a reminder, and those 'adults' panicked and drilled into the nearby cave, even discarding the farm tools in their hands on the way.

Although Zong Yan was old, his movements were not sluggish at all, and he jumped into a cave with three steps and two steps.

(End of this chapter)

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