Chapter 242 General Tongguang
In the black mist, three figures stood in the void. The leader was an old man of medium build and wearing a hood. Behind him were the Fourth Elder with a white face who did not need to hold a clarinet, and the Seventh Elder with a red nose.

They looked at the majestic figure shrouded in golden energy not far away, their expressions revealing caution.

"It's strange, it looks like it's only in the realm of the foundation establishment stage, but it's so powerful!" The old man with a red nose scratched his disheveled hair and said with a trembling mustache.

The Fourth Elder's long and narrow eyes seemed to have the light of wisdom pearls in his hands, and said in a deep voice: "This person should not be a human race, look at his golden hair and the tail around his waist!"

"Could it be a demon cultivator who sneaked in from other star cultivators?" the Seventh Elder asked suspiciously.

The third elder turned over his hood, revealing his bald oval head, nodded and said: "It's not impossible, I heard news from the main channel that many star cultivators in the nearby star field have been completely controlled by demon cultivators." !He looks a bit like the demon cultivator of 'Fire Ape', but the hair of those fire apes is red..."

"Third Elder, just to be on the safe side, let's invite 'General Tong Guang' before we start!" The Fourth Elder twirled the clarinet in his hand and said with a straight face.

"it is good!"

The bald old man nodded lightly. He flipped his hands and took out three blood-colored seal incense sticks as thick as thighs. With a wave of his hand, flames lit up from the top of the seal incense sticks, and traces of red smoke rose up.

The three of them bowed to the huge silver coffin behind them.

"Please 'General Tong Guang' come out of the coffin!"

There was a heavy breathing sound from the giant silver coffin, and the flame at the top of the blood incense suddenly lit up with the sound of inhalation, and the originally slow burning incense was consumed rapidly, turning into huge clusters of blood-colored smoke that entered the silver giant coffin. In the coffin.


"What's calling me?"

clack clack...

The huge coffin lid was lifted, and a general wearing bright silver armor and a crown of flower feathers opened his dark green eyes in the coffin. Two long sharp teeth were exposed in his mouth, and his body reached ten meters. The height of it looks like a giant spirit god.

General Tongguang didn't show any trace of corpse aura, and his red-tasseled cloak fluttered in the wind, majestic and majestic, like a mortal general in all battles.


The huge silver coffin behind him slowly shrunk into a buckle inlaid on the bright silver armor, which fit perfectly, as if it was originally one.

"General Tong Guang, I am following the orders of the Fifth Patriarch, please bring that monster back to the sect!" The bald old man replied respectfully.

The intelligence of the zombies in the combined stage is already the same as that of ordinary people, full of spirituality, self-awareness, and can exert most of their combat power without the master's manipulation.


General Tong Guang nodded, his green eyes pierced through the black mist to look at Su Poman who was not far away.

[Something is wrong, why does he have an aura of fear and awe on him...]

General Tongguang frowned, the sharp fangs in his mouth were itching, as if he had been electrocuted, and the corpse aura all over his body also rioted uncontrollably at this moment.

"You... use the corpse to test his depth first!"

When the three elders heard this, they all showed doubts on their faces.

Generally speaking, since the 'General Tong Guang' was invited, the generals must be allowed to suppress it directly, and they are responsible for coordinating on the sidelines, but this time, it is a bit unusual.

However, facing this order, the three of them did not dare to disobey, and hastily made a hand gesture, and each took out a corpse puppet from the corpse bag.

This time because it was a temptation, they didn't use their own life to refine the corpse.

"go with!"

Three black shadows escaped into the void.

Su Poman had already discovered the whereabouts of several people, but he had just been immersed in the powerful power of the Saiyans, so he didn't take these people to heart.

The strongest of the Corpse Yin Sect is only a monk at the stage of integration, and they can at most reach the level of the Dragon Emperor.

In the 'Super Saiyan' form, his combat power has increased dozens of times, so now he doesn't take the fit monks into consideration at all.

What's more, most of the cultivators of the Corpse Yin Sect use their own life to refine corpses as their main combat power, and their identity is the "Zombie True Ancestor", which has a strong bloodline suppression effect on all zombie-like creatures in the world.

The space in front of him fluctuated, and in the blink of an eye, three corpses in the transformation stage appeared.

Their corpses were as strong as their bodies, their fangs were exposed, and their faces were extremely ferocious, enclosing Su Poman in the shape of the word 'pin'.

"I was just about to test the combat power of Chaosai, so you came here. It's really the right time to give pillows when you are sleepy!"

Su Poman showed a smile on his face, and punched three times in succession at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The huge air waves formed circles of tornadoes, penetrating in three directions, as if they wanted to poke a hole in the sky.

Under the shocked gazes of the three members of the Corpse Yin Sect, the three corpse puppets at the transformation stage began to shatter into pieces, and exploded into powder all over the sky in a blink of an eye.

The fourth elder's pupils shrank, and he felt a little horrified. Although this corpse puppet was not as tyrannical as his original corpse refinement, he still had the combat power of the middle stage of transforming gods, but he was punched into powder. This level of strength may have reached the fusion stage.

"General, this beast is so powerful, you should do it yourself!" The Seventh Elder's voice trembled a little, obviously frightened by this scene.

The strength of the corpse puppet of the third elder is close to that of his natal corpse refinement. Even if such a corpse refinement is broken, even if he does it himself, he will definitely be smashed into scum.

"How weak! You rats in the coffin, is this the only thing you can do?"

Su Poman's lazy voice spread into the black mist.

General Tongguang's face was a bit dignified, and there was some fear in his dark green eyes, but at this moment the arrow had to be fired, he took a step forward, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next instant, his sharp claws that were as sharp as a knife had already tore Su Poman's body apart.

The three people in the black mist were just about to smile, but they were shocked to find that there was no blood on the body.


General Tongguang's huge body stretched across the sky. Behind him, the golden-haired Su Poman appeared in the air fluctuations. With a sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth, he punched the bright silver armor with a fist.

The three-foot-high body fell to the ground like a meteor, smashing the ground into a bottomless hole.

"Is this the strength of a zombie at the fusion stage? It's much weaker than the Flood Dragon Emperor!"

Su Po was a little disappointed in his heart, "It seems that the upper limit of the strength of the 'Super Saiyan' form cannot be tested today!"


There was a roar from the pit, and then a dazzling purple beam of light rose into the sky.

Seeing this, Su Poman frowned, with joy on his face, he didn't dodge, and directly broke into the beam of light full of destructive aura.

"Is he crazy? He wants to resist General Tongguang's 'Great Extermination Yuan'!" The seventh elder with a red nose widened his eyes.

The moment Su Poman was hit by the purple beam of light, he felt a strong impact and tearing energy, but although this energy was strong, it couldn't break through his defense.

Su Poman's expression was relaxed, the white light in his eyes was dazzling, and the golden energy aura on his body was like a burning flame. He was facing the purple beam of light at this moment, going against the current!

"Come out for the young master!"

Under the shocked eyes of the three members of Corpse Yin Sect, the golden figure descended into the bottomless pit.

The three divine senses quickly swept over and saw the scene inside.

A huge corpse with bone spurs on its back was spraying the purple beam of light. The next moment, the golden figure descending from the purple beam of light hit its huge jaw with a fist, directly interrupting the jet of the beam of light.

Immediately afterwards, another uppercut comparable to the speed of light!
The tens of feet tall corpse monster was smashed into the sky.

The golden figure followed up at a faster speed, and overtook it. It was another heavy kick, like kicking a football.

call out!
At this moment, General Tong Guang was completely stunned, his body was flying around in the air, and he couldn't react at all.

The heavy blows not only contained extremely strong strength, but also contained indescribable terrifying energy, which made it difficult for his body to move.

The two figures, one big and one small, have a huge gap.

But the smaller Su Poman was ravaging that huge corpse, making it completely powerless to fight back.

General Tongguang was beaten to the point of roaring, and the corpse energy on his body rose up and turned into huge chains to wrap around Su Poman. At the same time, he activated the ability of being a zombie in the fusion stage, and his figure teleported tens of thousands of people. Here, trying to reverse from being suppressed.

Su Poman couldn't do what he wanted, when there was a slight fluctuation in the space, he used the biological force field to restrain the corpse monster's body, forcibly interrupting his method of moving.

General Tongguang was extremely depressed, and could only use other methods to get out of the disadvantage. He let out a roar, and colorful rays of light appeared on the surface of the bright silver armor.

The Xiaguang gradually became brighter and turned into a round cover.

Finally, Su Poman's attack was blocked, and General Tongguang got a chance to breathe, and hurriedly fled for several hundred kilometers. At this moment, a strong sense of fear arose in his heart.

"This person's strength is far beyond my imagination. He should not be able to deal with it during the normal fusion period. Without the master here, many corpse techniques cannot be performed. In this way, I am afraid that the purpose of this trip will be defeated!"

While thinking, a golden figure descended again.

Su Poman teleported to the front of General Tongguang, and said with a smile: "Next, I will give a serious punch with one-tenth of the strength, I won't die! After all, someone as strong as you It's really hard to find a boxing target!"

"One-tenth? Huangkou kid, don't be arrogant!"

Although General Tong Guang spoke tough, his heart sank again and again.

【It turns out that he just regarded me as a target for punching and kicking?One-tenth of the strength is worried that I will die, so wouldn't his real strength be even more terrifying... This person can't be messed with!If you want to escape, you must first escape back to the Corpse Yin Sect! 】

Thinking of this, the bright silver armor on General Tong Guang's body glowed, as if he was ready for battle.

"It's getting late today, this general plans to choose another day to fight again, so I'll go back home first!"

As he said that, the bright silver armor exploded suddenly, pieces of armor floated up, and instantly formed a small teleportation formation in the void.

The power of space immediately spread, and the corpse was about to be sent back.


As if words followed the law, the surrounding world fell into a state of stagnation.

The silver light lit by the formation was fixed in the void, and the space power of the formation also suspended its operation.

"Come out you!"

Stretching out his hand to grab it, Su Poman grabbed the corpse out of the area covered by the teleportation array, and flung it out.


After the power of space completed its operation, a beam of light rose into the sky, and then the bright silver armor disappeared in place.

Corpse Yin Sect.

A silver light flashed across the mountain of corpses.


A huge silver armor fell into the teleportation array.

The disciple in charge of guarding the teleportation array was stunned, "Which senior is it, why did only the armor teleport back?"


Near the sea bream ghost sect.

General Tong Guang was stunned. He felt that he had completed the teleportation and was about to return to the Corpse Yin Sect, but the next moment he appeared outside the formation.

"Interrupted? It shouldn't be, as long as the teleportation array on the armor is pulled, it is basically impossible to be interrupted, unless I jump out on my own initiative..."

While General Tong Guang was thinking, a palpitating terrifying aura appeared in the sky.

When he looked up, he saw a golden figure, slowly raising his hand, traces of bluish-white electric current kept flowing...

General Tongguang's expression was solemn. He felt the fatal crisis, and quickly used corpse aura to build a layer of defense in front of him, and then spit out a blue light from his mouth, condensing the corpse aura into one, linking it into a large corpse aura formation .

On the ground, the aura of corpses is overwhelming, like a black ocean.

Su Poman locked his gaze on the corpse monster in the center of the corpse aura array, and his figure suddenly fell down like a meteorite.

A huge golden air wave erupted from the center of the pitch-black corpse aura formation, and then instantly destroyed the entire formation.

The right fist pierced through the air, and the space was punched out with black cracks like fragile glass.


The earth with a radius of [-] li vibrated violently, the slabs of the veins shattered one after another amidst the roar, and the magma in the nearby volcano erupted thinly, forming billowing smoke and dust.

The golden light broke through the corpse aura, earth and rocks flew, and after the smoke and dust cleared, a huge sinkhole appeared in the center of the formation.

In the center of the giant pit, 'General Tongguang' has passed out completely. A transparent hole several feet in size appeared on his body, and his flesh and blood disappeared. At the same time, other parts of his body were torn apart by the aftermath. Humanoid.

"He didn't die like this, the vitality of the zombie is really strong..."

Su Poman looked at 'General Tongguang' on the ground, and couldn't help admiring.

"However, with an injury like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up in hundreds of years..."

As he said that, Su Poman released the 'Super Saiyan' form and returned to his normal state. He had an idea, and suddenly had a bold idea.

Walking slowly in front of 'General Tong Guang', Su Poman sent a drop of zombie blood into his mouth with a snap of his fingers.

As soon as the blood entered the mouth, a series of black runes emerged from the forehead of 'Tong Guang General', layer by layer, looking complicated and mysterious.

While the red light was shining, the black runes kept collapsing, and at the same time, the terrifying injuries on his body were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Corpse Yin Sect, ancestral land.

"Tong Guang has fallen?"

"Who is it? I'm going to kill him! Fu Niansheng, come see me quickly!"

There was a voice of panic and anger in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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