Chapter 243 Ninth Class Sect
Seeing that the situation was not good, the three elders of Corpse Yin Sect were about to flee when a golden light suddenly appeared in their vision.

In the depths of Su Poman's eyes, the lines of the magic hexagram appeared, and he said in an indifferent tone: "Sinners, I sentence you to death!"

As soon as the words fell, a fist shining with golden light came to him in an instant, and under the traction of Qi, it was too late to even move.

"Do not……"

The bald old man showed fear, and before he could ask for mercy, his body exploded with a bang, leaving only a cracked light and shadow in the air.

Su Poman grabbed the storage ring first, and then opened his mouth to suck it in. The Soul Swallowing ability in his body immediately activated, and sucked the primordial spirit into his belly like a giant whale sucking water.


The divine soul in the primordial spirit of the transformation stage was absorbed by the swallowing soul, and he burped.

"Ding, detected energy, is it converted into energy points?"


"The conversion is complete, you have obtained 900 million energy points!"

This is the energy substance contained in the primordial spirit, which was also absorbed by the purple source roulette.

Su Poman was very satisfied, and sighed in his heart: "The Yuanshen of the transformation stage is much more valuable than the Yuanying!"

Then, he looked at the remaining two.

Generally speaking, fighting techniques above the god transformation stage will cause space shocks and cause space instability. Therefore, when you are not out of battle, you cannot directly use the method of teleportation or teleportation.

If it is used forcibly, it is easy to be drawn into the turbulent flow of space, which is an extremely dangerous situation for monks below the void stage.

The Fourth Elder and the Seventh Elder saw Su Poman blowing up the body of the Third Elder and devouring his primordial spirit with their divine sense, they were almost scared to pee, so they fled away without hesitation , like a frightened rabbit.


The two people in the blood light package were fixed in place, and the surrounding time fell into a state of stillness.

Su Poman walked up to the old man with a red nose, first took off the storage equipment on his body, and then punched his body to the ground, then swallowed the stagnant primordial spirit, and then swallowed the primordial spirit contained in the primordial spirit Energy is transformed into energy points.

Afterwards, he repeated his tricks and killed the sinister Fourth Elder with one punch.

Among the three, the Fourth Elder had the most serious sin, and a large cloud of evil had already formed on his head.

After killing the two of them, Su Poman released the 'Time Stopped' state. When the breeze blew, a large cloud of blood fog gathered together, and it rained blood in a small area.

The spiritual power contained in the flesh and blood of great cultivators in the stage of transformation into gods is abundant, and the plants on this piece of land have been nourished, and many of them have turned into panacea in a burst of brilliance.

"It was taken from heaven and earth, and now it can be regarded as waste utilization after returning to heaven and earth after falling..."

Su Poman smiled, his figure flashed, and he returned to the sinkhole.

At this time, 'General Tongguang' had recovered from the appearance of a corpse to its original shape, the horrible wounds on his body had disappeared, his original ten-meter-high body had shrunk to more than 1.9 meters, and his face had returned to normal.


General Tongguang slowly opened his eyes, a gleam of red light flashed in his dark green eyes, the moment he saw Su Poman, a strong sense of awe suddenly surged in his heart, as if he was looking at Su Poman. Same to God the Father who created his own life.

The zombie blood of the Pangu tribe transformed him from a "Yin corpse" into a "Pangu tribe zombie", and at the same time got rid of the control of the fifth ancestor of the corpse Yin sect.

Many vague memories suddenly drilled into General Tongguang's mind, and the scenes of his life flashed through his mind like a slideshow.

In his memory, he was originally a general who fought on the battlefield, but he was buried alive in an extremely dark place when he encountered an accidental collapse of the sky and the earth.

A few years later, when the yin and qi converged, an old man took the blood of his dearest relatives and poured it on the place where his corpse was buried, causing him to breed infinite resentment.

As one after another dharma seals sank into his body, his memories of his life were erased, and he became a refined corpse who only knew how to obey orders.Due to his extraordinary talent, his strength improved extremely rapidly. In just tens of thousands of years, he broke through to the realm of 'King of Corpse', and at the same time gave birth to wisdom, and was named 'General Tongguang' by Corpse Yin Sect.

Not long after, he breathed out a long breath, turned around and knelt down facing Su Poman, with a bit of fanaticism in his eyes, and shouted: "Zhao Yuanjing greets the master! Thank you for helping me recover my memory, from now on , I am your most loyal servant!"

This is the zombie descendant developed by Su Poman by relying on the energy of his blood. From the moment that drop of zombie blood came into play, he felt that he had an inexplicable connection with General Tongguang, and he seemed to be able to decide the other party's life and death with a single thought.In addition, the energy contained in the bloodline will make the descendants involuntarily have a strong sense of trust and intimacy with the master, just like their biological parents, they can do anything for the master, including sacrificing their own lives.

"Zhao Yuanjing? Is this your previous name?" Su Poman asked casually.

Zhao Yuanjing raised his head, with reverence on his face, and respectfully replied: "Master, Zhao Yuanjing is the original name of his subordinates, and General Tongguang is the fifth patriarch of the Corpse Yin Sect!"

"En!" Su Poman nodded lightly, "Get up, and tell me about the situation of the Corpse Yin Sect!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Yuanjing stood up, followed behind Su Poman, and said cautiously: "The Corpse Yin Sect is one of the five major and ninth sects in this star field..."

"What? A ninth-class sect?" Su Poman's face showed surprise.

Zhao Yuan nodded, and quickly explained: "Master, you don't have to worry, the Corpse Yin Sect on this cultivator can only be regarded as a 'fifth-class' sect, which belongs to the branch of the main branch of the 'Corpse Yin Sect'..."

After Zhao Yuanjing's explanation, Su Poman felt that he had discovered a brand new world.

The planet where Cangyun Continent is located is called 'Qiong Xing', on which there exists a cultivating alliance that is comparable to the ninth-rank sect, and its leader has the strength of the Three Tribulations and Loose Immortals.

The Corpse Yin Sect belongs to another cultivating planet, the ninth-rank sect on the 'Corpse Ancestor Planet', and there are also masters of Sanxian level sitting in the sect.

The so-called Sanxian refers to the failure of crossing the catastrophe of becoming a fairy, losing the body, but the primordial spirit still exists, and after receiving the infusion of immortal energy, a fairy baby is born in the body of the primordial spirit, and can continue to practice. A real fairy.

Due to the birth of the fairy baby, the strength of the Sanxian far exceeds that of the ordinary Transcending Tribulation Stage. The Sanxian of the First Tribulation can compete with the monks of the Mahayana stage, while the combat power of the Sanxian of the Second Tribulation far exceeds that of the Mahayana stage. Among them, Sanxian represents the top combat power.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Although Sanxian enjoys endless lifespan, every 60 years, Sanxian needs to go through the thunder disaster of Sanxian.

If you pass through, you can continue to survive, but if you don't get through, you will be lost, and you won't even have the chance to be reincarnated.

The Sanxian Thunder Tribulation is extremely terrifying, and the later the stage, the power of the Thunder Tribulation will increase exponentially, just like going straight to the fairy gods in the world.

Among the scattered immortals, there are very few people who can survive one thunder calamity, and those who can survive two thunder calamities are even rarer.

People who can break through twelve thunder tribulations and ascend to the immortal world only exist in legends, and the most powerful Sanxian known to the world has not passed through six thunder tribulations.

The Corpse Yin Sect on Qiongxing belongs to the branch of the main line. Although it can be connected with the main line, the Cultivation Alliance has restrictions on this kind of external power. The normal development of fairyland.

"That is to say, Qiong Xing's corpse Yin sect's strongest are the five ancestors at the fusion stage?" Su Poman's face showed an eager look.

Zhao Yuan nodded, and said in a deep voice: "That's right, but master, you should pay attention. Although the five ancestors are only monks in the fusion stage on the surface, they have the means to make the natal corpses reach the strength of the cave stage in a short time. , this is also one of their trump cards..."

"Oh, this is not a big problem. What I want to know is if I go to destroy the Yin Yin Sect now, will they summon the Sanxian masters from the main line?"


Hearing this, Su Poman fell into a brief moment of contemplation, and soon he came up with a solution.

Since he has the ability of unlimited resurrection, he is not afraid of being killed, but he is only worried that two star cultivators will fight because of his actions, which will lead to the loss of life, and the crime will be serious.

Su Poman decided to fly out of the starry sky to see the situation of other star cultivators, and then draw a "transformation" ability to become a demon cultivator of a certain race, creating an alien demon cultivator that destroys the corpse Yin sect illusion.

At that time, the main line of the Corpse Yin Sect will definitely not trouble the 'Qiong Xing' cultivator world, but will deepen the hatred with the demon cultivators.

Anyway, Corpse Yin Sect and Yaoxiu are not good birds. If they can fight and consume each other's strength, it will be good for Qiong Xing.

According to Zhao Yuanjing, monsters have been sworn enemies since ancient times, and in this star field, demon cultivators also have great power and have enslaved many living planets.

On the planet dominated by demon cultivators, human beings are kept in captivity like livestock and become food for demon cultivators.

The demon cultivator is different from the monster beast. The demon cultivator is a humanoid monster that was born together with other transformed monster beasts after the transformation of the demon beast. He was born with the power of a monster, and his talent is powerful, comparable to the spirit body among human beings.

The monsters will intermarry, and after generations of reproduction, although the power of the blood of the monsters has decreased, their ethnic group has expanded a lot, and gradually evolved into a clan of monster cultivators.

Before Su Poman was mistaken by the three members of the Corpse Yin Sect for being a demon cultivator because of his tail and golden hair, most demon cultivators in this world also look like this, some have tails, and some have scales on their faces , and some have wings on their backs, just like the unformed little monsters in Journey to the West.

After making a decision in his heart, Su Poman put his finger on the center of Zhao Yuanjing's eyebrows, and said slowly: "I'll give you a mission to go to Nanyue Kingdom to protect the safety of these people... If you have any problems, you can ask my master Ouyang Hong When I am away, you can follow his orders, and besides, you are holding this sound transmission talisman, if there is something urgent, you can use it to transmit sound to me..."

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Yuanjing took the jade talisman respectfully, and at the same time firmly remembered the image that flashed in his mind just now.

"Also, take this flying sword and go back, so as not to cause misunderstandings with my master..."

Saying that, Su Poman handed him the dragon scale sword box again.

Zhao Yuan nodded, and said with a serious face: "Master, don't worry, as long as I haven't fallen, I will definitely protect them!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"It is an honor for a subordinate to be able to do things for the master!"


Zhao Yuanjing moved away with the Fenying Sword, and arrived at the border of Nanyue Kingdom not long after.

At this time, the Liangyuan Kingdom and the Qianchuan Kingdom joined forces to declare war on the Nanyue Kingdom, and dispatched an army of monks to overwhelm them from the border.

Coincidentally, the suzerain Chi Zaiyue disappeared at this moment. Everyone searched for several days but couldn't find him, and couldn't get in touch. Now it all depends on this real Cangxi, 'Longyang Sword' Wu Bai The three golden elixir masters, Lingling and Fairy Hongluan, take charge of the overall situation.

Although Ouyang Hong served in the Lieyang Sect, he was only an enshrined position and did not fully join the Lieyang Sect, so he was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, he maintained the illusion that his life energy was about to be exhausted. Research 'The Way of Forging a Sword'.Since he moved into the small courtyard on the top of the cliff, whenever he had free time, he would teach Kong Qi and others to practice. Under the guidance of the great monk of the Nascent Soul Stage, those people's progress was rapid.

In addition, Ouyang Hong also found that Caier and Ruizhu were a little strange, and he could faintly feel a dangerous aura in them, but fortunately, both women were respectful and polite to him, and their personalities were also pure and kind, which made him Dispelled some doubts, and did not delve into it.

The peaceful days were broken not long after.

The pressure created by the union of the two Xiu kingdoms was simply not something that Nanyue kingdom could resist in its current state. After holding on for a while, it was finally forced into the mountain gate, and could only deal with it with its back against the mountain guard formation.

It seems that the army of monks in the Qianchuan Kingdom only wanted to drag the Lieyang Sect, and did not send anyone to attack the mountain protection formation.Although the resource points outside the Lieyang Sect have lost a lot, they are considered lucky compared to the other sects. The army of monks composed of the Five Elements Sect, the Sanskrit Sect and the Ghost Spirit Sect were defeated by the Liangyuan Kingdom's offensive. They were defeated steadily and suffered heavy casualties.

The ancestor Jiang Lan of Liangyuan Kingdom even set up a "blood clotting evil formation" on the battlefield to gather the blood energy of the monks. After more than ten days of continuous fighting, he successfully conceived with the blood energy of thousands of miles, and even killed two Golden Core stage The monk has become famous since then.The morale of the monk army of Liangyuan Kingdom was greatly boosted, and they attacked the hinterland in one fell swoop, and surrounded the mountain gate of the Fanyin Gate. After a few days, the ancestor Jiang Lan personally broke through their mountain guard formation, and the Fanyin Gate was forced by the situation. If he didn't choose to surrender, he became a subsidiary force of Liangyuan Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Jiang Lan led people to surround the Five Elements Sect, trying to force him to surrender by virtue of his strength in the Nascent Soul Stage.

However, Liangyuan Kingdom obviously underestimated the strength of the Five Elements Sect.

As one of the three sects of the Nanyue Kingdom, the Five Elements Sect naturally has the background to fight against the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage.

The suzerain took out a large number of treasures and awakened the three-eyed clam, the beast that protects the mountain again. The ancestor Jiang Lan fought with it, but because he had just conceived a baby, he was accidentally injured by the three-eyed clam of this beast.He can only retreat for the time being, and come back to chew on this hard bone after the realm is stabilized.

Next, the army of monks from Liangyuan Kingdom turned their target to the Ghost Spirit Gate. Although Patriarch Jiang Lan was injured, he did not pay attention to the Ghost Spirit Gate.

However, the moment he broke through the large formation protecting the Ghost Spirit Gate, a tragedy happened.

A strange blood-red phantom with vertical eyes emerged from a disciple named 'Fei Man', and then, under the shocked eyes of all the monks, annihilated the Nascent Soul of the ancestor Jiang Lan, and then took 'Fei Man' escaped into the space crack and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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