Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 261 The Patriarch of the Corpse Yin Sect

Chapter 261 The Patriarch of the Corpse Yin Sect
The shadow clones were scattered all over the place, punishing the evil and promoting the good, setting off a series of bloody storms.

All the monks who have completely fallen into the evil way and the evil way have been cleaned by the demon suppressing envoys.

None of the sixth-class sects were spared.

The name of the Temple of Demon Suppression gradually spread.

Massive energy points, various secret techniques, and resources came to Su Poman's hands along with the return of the shadow clone.

The skyrocketing speed of energy points on Ziyuan Roulette is far faster than before, with an increase of more than 800 billion in just half a day.

At the same time, secret news in Qiong Xing's world of cultivating immortals also reached his ears through the shadow avatar.

Looking at the scene outside the gang wind layer, Su Poman's figure moved, and a shadow clone separated from his body, transforming into the appearance of 'Han Li' as the brilliance flowed.

As soon as he raised his hand, Su Poman handed a token and a storage bag into his hand.

"As soon as this avatar comes out, it will definitely stir up the situation, attract a large number of people with evil intentions, and also lead the disaster to the east..."

'Han Li' tied the storage bag around his waist, touched his nose, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He turned around and disappeared in place.

Above the endless sea area, there is a huge island floating, and on the highest peak of the floating island stands a magnificent palace.

A stream of light flew from a distance.

"Who dares to trespass on the Immortal Cultivation Alliance?"

The light dissipated, revealing an ordinary-looking Golden Core cultivator in green robes.

"Aren't you looking for me?"

A faint smile hung on Han Li's face.

The guard of the floating island was a bearded monk in the first transformation stage, his eyes widened, and he looked at 'Han Li' fixedly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"You are the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'!"

After a strange cry, the bearded monk quickly took out a token, and after it was activated, a blood-colored beam of light rose into the sky.

After hearing the movement, several other guards teleported over.

"Ke Han, what happened? You actually used the 'Blood Light Technique'. If you don't give an explanation, when the leaders arrive later, you will..."

As he was talking, the man in armor suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Han Li, "This is... the number one cultivator of Blue Star? Damn, Kehan, you really stood up this time!" great merit!"

Several other people were also startled, carefully sizing up Han Li who was standing nearby, with different expressions.

Not long after, several spatial fluctuations came again.

"Kehan, what happened, you want to use the 'blood light technique' to send a message!"

A body-fitting cultivator in golden armor came out frowning, stepping on the empty air and approaching the bearded cultivator aggressively, looking as if he wanted to ask a teacher for a crime. Han Li, who was at the Golden Core stage, was completely ignored by him. .

The bearded monk clasped his fists high above his head, and said respectfully: "Commander Jin, my subordinates have found the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'!"

"Blue Star First Cultivator?"

Commander Jin narrowed his eyes, glanced around, and finally set his sights on Han Li, "Are you the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' who is No.1 on the Ten Thousand Races List?"

"Not bad!"

Han Li nodded and admitted it very simply.

"Hmph, it doesn't look like anything special!" Commander Jin snorted coldly. Due to his cultivation, he hadn't participated too much in the Trial Tower, so he didn't understand the meaning of "the top of the list of all races".

As the true disciple of the eighth-class sect "Liu Ren Zhenzong", Jin Yue is now serving as the chief commander in the "Alliance of Cultivation of Immortals", so the arrogance in his heart can be imagined.

In his opinion, if his cultivation base were lower, he would be able to easily enter the top ten of the Ten Thousand Races Ranking.

Han Li smiled helplessly and nodded, "There is really nothing special about it!"

"Let's go, since the elders are looking for you, then follow me to 'Tianxuan Island'!"

The contempt in Jin Yue's eyes was even worse. He stepped forward and grabbed Han Li's arm. With a flash of his figure, he came to the suspended island by means of teleportation.

"What about people?"

Jin Yue felt a lightness in his hand, turned around, and suddenly found that the little monk at the golden core stage who had just stood beside him had disappeared.

Wanchao Peak, in front of the Skyfire Hall.

A figure in green robe stood tall, took out a 'Sky Thunder' from his hand, threw it into the air, and detonated it with his spiritual sense.

In the sky, a large group of thunder appeared.

Suddenly, several huge divine senses swept across.

Amidst the rippling space, portals opened slowly.


In the sky outside the sky.

The ancestor Lingshan's eyes were full of murderous intent. While waving the demon banner in his hand, he stared at the direction of Qiong Xing with a gloomy expression, "You can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple. When I break the star guard formation, You are dead!"

Powerhouses from various forces are hidden in the Flowing Light Starfield, and they all have their own thoughts and look at everything coldly.

When the Star Guardian formation breaks open, it will be the moment when fish and dragons rise together.


The sound of a chain chain suddenly came from the depths of the starry sky.

This voice seemed to go straight to the soul, and one couldn't help but feel an inexplicable chill.

In other places, the sound of the chains is very common, but in the vacuum environment of Tianwaitian, the existence that can make sound is all existence with a cultivation base that reaches the sky.

Thousands of feet long gray bone dragon, dragging a golden coffin, slowly appeared not far from Qiong Xing.

"The old zombie of the Necromancy Sect has arrived!"

"This person is so blatant, isn't he afraid of arousing the resentment of the ancestors of the 'Sky Punishment Clan'?"

"It's not easy for this old zombie to develop a ninth-level force. There are three corpse-refining bodies that are comparable to the Sanxian level. Killing, not weaker than the ordinary Four Tribulations Loose Immortal..."


At this moment, there was another wave in the depths of the starry sky.

The two gray shadows were accompanied by a large mist, and there were screams of monks from time to time wherever they passed.

The huge phantom of the sickle lay in the depths of the starry sky. It did no harm to matter, but it killed many practitioners hidden in the meteorite.

"Run, the people from the Earth Soul Palace are here! That sickle is specially designed to harvest the souls of monks. If they are not cultivated enough, they will surely fall!"

"To act so domineeringly, what is the origin of this Earth Soul Palace?"

"Among the five major and ninth forces in the Liuguang Starfield, the second one is the Earth Soul Hall!"


Whoosh whoosh!
Tianwaitian, which was originally quiet, suddenly became lively at this moment.

Driven by the giant scythe, figures emerged from meteorites and asteroids, turning into streaks of light and fleeing to the distance like desperately.

The people in the Earth Soul Hall did not intend to kill them all. When they came near Qiong Xing, they put away the huge sickle phantom.

Two gray shadows silently floated not far from the golden coffin, and fell silent.

Not long after, a space portal appeared near Qiong Xing.

Three majestic fire ape clan scattered demons stepped out of it, and the surrounding void suddenly seemed to be burning with flames, and the temperature suddenly rose to a higher level.

The leader is an old ape with eyebrows more than half a meter long, and the other two demons all look like middle-aged people.

"Friends of the Heavenly Punishment Clan, I'm here to help you!"

Ancestor Lingshan sensed the demonic aura on the three of them, and immediately showed a kind smile on his face, "The old man, Lingshan, represents the Tianxing Clan, thank you to the three friends of the Fire Ape Clan! I don't know the three friends, How to call it!"

"The old demon named 'Lingzun', this is my second brother 'Lingye' and third brother 'Lingxuan'!" the long-browed old ape hurriedly introduced.

The strength of the Tianxing clan is many times stronger than that of the fire ape clan, and the two ancestors randomly sent out have the strength to disperse demons for four tribulations.

In contrast, the top strength of the fire ape clan came out in full force, but it was just a three-kalpa loose demon and two two-kalpa loose monsters, with a lot of difference in background.


At this time, a gap was cracked in the golden coffin, and a golden palm with nails more than half a meter long protruded slowly from it.

"Lingzun, my Corpse Yin Sect has never provoked you, why did you send your clansmen to destroy my branch sect on Qiong Xing?"

A shriveled and hoarse voice reached the minds of the three loose monsters of the Fire Ape Clan.


The long-browed old ape looked in the direction of the golden coffin, with a puzzled expression on his face, and said coldly: "Old zombie, don't slander people, your branch of the corpse Yin sect has been exterminated, what does it have to do with our fire ape clan?"

"Old zombie, could it be that you are lying in the coffin stupidly? We, members of the Fire Ape clan, are strictly restrained on the Fire Ape planet. How could we go to Qiongxing to destroy your branch clan!" Ling Ye couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Seeing the attitude of the two elder brothers, Lingxuan said, not to be outdone, "You're talking nonsense. Could it be that your skin is itchy and you want my three brothers to relax your muscles and bones?"

"Humph! Courting death!"

The coffin lid was opened, and a golden zombie with a terrifying aura slowly floated up. His skin was pale gold, and his eyes glowed with a red light that was about a foot long. With a flick of his fangs, the space around him shattered.

Corpse air billowed like a tidal wave, covering the void with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. The light of the stars could not be projected in, and the entire starry sky sank into the dark night.

"No, the old zombie is going to get real!"

Lingzun's complexion tightened, and then he took a slightly apologetic look at Patriarch Lengshan, and brought two loose monsters of his own clan to meet him.


A voice like a dragon and a tiger sounded.

The golden zombie's eyes glowed red, his claws crossed, and he bowed down from top to bottom.

The two claw shadows staggered to split the void, and then instantly enveloped the three scattered monsters of the fire ape clan.

At this moment, a purple shadow flashed out from the golden coffin, disappeared into the void.


The patriarch Lingzun took out a Panlong stick with extremely powerful fluctuations in demon power, and while he was waving it, strong winds howled towards the claw shadow.

The two people behind were not idle either, one on the left and the other on the right, directly charged towards the giant golden coffin.

"Second brother, third brother, come back quickly, that old zombie is not so easy to deal with!"


A burst of ghostly laughter emerged from the darkness, and five skulls more than ten feet in size opened and closed their jaws to block the way of the two demons.

Seeing this scene, Lingzun breathed a sigh of relief, he knew the details of the corpse Yin sect in his heart, if the corpse controllers were so easy to deal with, this sect would not become a ninth-class power.

The golden zombie and the spiritual master fought together. Wherever they fought, the space was shattered. Later, the two directly entered the turbulent flow of space and started fighting.

Patriarch Lingshan looked at Lingzun who disappeared into the turbulent space, and frowned. For practitioners of this level, the turbulent space cannot cause them any harm, but if they want to return to their original position , but it takes a few breaths.

The ghost fire was shining in the eye sockets of the skull. Under the attack of the two loose monsters, it kept retreating. One of the sky caps was damaged. A crack spread from the eye socket to the jaw, and it looked like it was about to shatter at any time. .

"Haha, this old zombie's methods are still too weak. We'll take him out of the coffin after we smash these skeletons!" Lingxuan said with a big smile, with a relaxed expression on his face.

In contrast, Ling Ye's personality was calmer, and he began to persuade: "Third brother, just now the eldest brother sent me a voice transmission, and didn't let us have the idea of ​​the golden coffin. After we destroy these five skeletons, we will go to the same place together." Go look for the bad luck of that golden zombie, if you can join hands with big brother to destroy that golden zombie, it will be regarded as breaking an arm of the old zombie!"

"Well, since the elder brother has the order, the younger brother will naturally obey!" Lingxuan nodded, and the spear of the demon weapon in his hand shot out, breaking through the space and hitting the cracked skull heavily on the forehead.

There was a muffled sound, and the skeleton suddenly exploded into gray fog.

"Haha, one was killed!"

Ling dazzled with pride, glanced at Ling Ye proudly, and then rushed into the gray mist with a gun, wanting to take advantage of the victory and pursue.

"Ho ho ho..."

A ray of purple light suddenly emerged from the gray mist, followed by a panting sound like a dying person, and appeared behind Lingxuan like a ghost.


There was a cry like a night crow.

A terrifying divine soul force rushed into Lingxuan's sea of ​​consciousness violently.

Lingxuan only felt his head sinking, and his spiritual perception was mostly blinded. At this moment, he was horrified, and his body quickly backed away.

At this time, a purple-skinned zombie appeared, with two sharp claws clawing towards his chest, and the silver fangs in its mouth instantly pierced Lingxuan's neck.

Chi Chi!

A strong corpse breath poured into it, and for a moment, Lingxuan felt the breath of death.

Cold and terrifying, the soul is gradually sinking into the abyss.

"Third brother!"

Ling Ye's furious roar could be faintly heard in his ears, but he felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and it was difficult to release his consciousness.

The sky is like a cover, and it closes in an instant.

"Tsk tsk tsk, if such a powerful body is made into a refined corpse, how powerful it would be! Five elements god zombies plus this one, we have already gathered four, only the last wood attribute refined corpse is left, hahaha, My 'Five Elements God's Stomach' is about to be completed!"

In the darkness, there came a voice like raving.

At this moment, Lingxuan's divine soul was shaken out of his wits by a magic seal full of undead breath.

"Hehe, there's another one outside, it's not bad as a backup!"

Ling Ye watched helplessly as his third brother was dragged into the golden coffin. He was extremely anxious, but he was afraid of the power of the ancestor of the corpse Yin sect, so he did not dare to step forward easily.

"Do you think it's safe to stay there?"

The hoarse voice echoed in the surrounding void.

Ling Ye's face was gloomy, and while retreating violently, he hastily used the secret method of the family to contact the Lingzun who was in the turbulent space.

After noticing his action, the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect sneered again and again, "He is deeply trapped in the turbulent flow of space and is entangled by my golden corpse. I'm afraid he won't be able to get back in a while!"

Saying that, under the huge golden coffin, the purple-skinned zombie came out of the void, and saw a round eye the size of a castanopsis, round and big, as black as ink, like a dark abyss, between his brows. Any light projected out.

Immediately afterwards, another ugly giant brown-yellow corpse emerged from the golden coffin. It was hundreds of thousands of feet high. Its back was like a mountain range, with some uneven stone protrusions. .

(End of this chapter)

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