Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 262 Inheritance of the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 262 Inheritance of the Immortal Emperor

The purple-skinned zombie screamed like a night crow again, and a faint light suddenly shot out from the third eye.

Seeing this, Ling Ye roared angrily, and cast the secret method of soul defense.

As the light flashed, a piece of cyan armor emerged from his primordial spirit.


Ling Ye felt his soul tremble twice, but he was not affected too much.

At this moment, his eyes darkened, and when he looked up, he was suddenly shocked.

I saw a big brown-yellow hand covering the sky covering the sky, carrying traces of terrifying khaki airflow on it.

The surrounding space was suppressed by Huang Mengmeng's earth attribute immortal power, and every move became extremely slow.

"Brother, why haven't you arrived yet..."

With difficulty, Ling Ye pushed the only demon weapon in his hand, the Hun Tian Lance, with a look of madness in his eyes.


He gritted his teeth, the red hair on his body stood upright, and a wild breath rose from his body.

A huge phantom of a demon god slowly emerged from behind him. His majestic body was hundreds of thousands of feet high. From a distance, it looked like an ancient sacred mountain. His hair was red, and there were complex red lines between his eyebrows. He held a handle in his right hand. A golden trident with a flame in his left hand.

"Hehe, so what if you activate the bloody demon shadow? You're still going to die!"

The hoarse voice sounded again.

In the golden coffin, a dharma seal composed of jet-black corpse aura suddenly gushed out, and the corpse aura pervading all around was sucked into the dharma seal like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

"Fellow Daoist, give this old man some face and spare his life!"

The huge demon banner broke through the void and suddenly landed between the two, on which sat cross-legged ancestor Lingshan of the Tianxing Clan.

The pitch-black seal was stagnant, and the golden coffin was silent for a long time, and then a sigh came out, "Since the Taoist friend of the Heavenly Punishment Clan begged for mercy, I will spare him once and eliminate my sect's enmity, so it will be evened! If you want to seek revenge, you can come to the corpse ancestor star to find me..."

At this time, Lingzun flashed out from the crack in the space, his face was a little gloomy, and he was staring at the golden coffin.

"Old Zombie, if you dare to kill my third brother, this feud cannot be shared!"

The golden zombie also slowly walked out from the space crack on the side. His appearance was a bit miserable, his forearm was beaten into a reverse bending state, and his chest collapsed.However, the aura on his body has not weakened. It seems that this kind of injury is nothing to this zombie.

"Ho-ho-ho, you Huoyuan tribe killed my corpse sect, thinking that this seat is made of mud?" A slightly angry voice came from the golden coffin again.

Lingzun squinted his eyes, he didn't believe it at all in his heart, his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent, he opened his mouth and asked: "You said that the fire ape tribe killed your branch clan, what evidence do you have?"

call out!
A stream of light flew out from the gap in the coffin.

Lingzun raised his hand, grabbed it, and took a closer look, it was a jade slip with a rancid smell.

Suppressing the discomfort, he penetrated his consciousness into it, and suddenly an image appeared in his mind.

Outside the corpse sect, a demon cultivator wantonly slaughtered the monks below.

Fiery red hair, lavender face, and erect canine teeth.

All the features on his body revealed his identity.

"Ling Ye, look, which family's son is this!" Lingzun showed surprise in his eyes, and handed the jade slip in his hand to Ling Ye who was beside him.

After Ling Ye took the jade slip, he looked at it carefully, shook his head and said: "Brother, this son should not be from my Fire Ape Planet, but may be the blood of a clansman living outside!"

"The clansmen living outside?"

Anger appeared on Lingzun's face, and he said coldly: "Although this monster is the son of my fire ape clan, he has harmed the third younger brother. He deserves death! Disposal by family rules..."


"Since this demon cultivator of the Fire Ape Clan is not from your Fire Ape Planet, then leave it to me to deal with it. He destroyed the branch of my Corpse Yin Sect. I will let him taste the pain of soul-dividing! "

A hoarse voice came from the golden coffin again.

"Hmph, old zombie, it's okay to want this ape, first return the body of my third brother!" Lingzun glared angrily.

"Forget it, the little fire ape is yours, hahaha, it's not a bad deal to exchange a branch sect for the body of a second robbery loose demon!"

With a burst of laughter, the huge bone dragon dragged the golden coffin and slowly disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.


Lingzun was trembling with anger, took several deep breaths before calming down slowly, then turned to look at Patriarch Lingshan, with a smile on his face, bowed and said: "This time, thank you Fellow Daoist Lingshan for your help , if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid my second brother would have escaped the murderous hands!"

"We are both monsters, so we should watch and help each other. Fellow Daoist Lingzun, you don't have to be polite!" Ancestor Lingshan nodded slightly, then returned to Qiong Xing's formation again, and continued to arrange things to break the formation.

At this moment, Ling Ye quietly transmitted voice: "Brother, how can you avenge the third brother!"

"After killing the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', I will return to the ancestral land and ask for the ancestral artifact. I must get rid of the old zombie, otherwise, when the third brother's body is made into a corpse by him, his strength will be greatly reduced." Become stronger!" Lingzun's eyes were a little dark, and his tone was filled with murderous intent.

Ling Ye nodded, looking at the direction in which the ancestor of the corpse Yin disappeared, feeling a little bit of fear in addition to anger in his heart.

If it wasn't for the ancestors of the Tianxing clan, his fate would not be much better.

That old zombie is hiding too deep!

Even if the three of them confronted each other, they still couldn't force his real body out.

"Lingye, let's go, help Fellow Daoist Lengshan break through that star-protecting array!"

After the Lingzun greeted him, he flew in the direction of the Tianxing Clan's chariot.

"I didn't expect that the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect, who usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, is so strong."

"Yeah, one against three, and even beheaded one! The strength is really terrifying!"

"In the Flowing Light Star Field, the Fire Ape Clan was originally the strongest, but now it seems that's not the case! In the past, the Corpse Yin Sect was too low-key..."

"It's also understandable. What the Corpse Yin Sect does is stealing and selling corpses. Being too high-profile can easily arouse public outrage!"

"That's right, the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect possessed such strength, but never showed it. It's really insidious and cunning! The Fire Ape Clan suffered a big loss this time, and lost a second robbery loose demon!"


All over the starry sky, many powerhouses are communicating with each other with their spiritual consciousness.

After several hours, the trial started again.

As soon as he entered the trial tower, Su Poman was stunned. He looked around suspiciously, "This is not my palace..."

The surrounding walls seem to be made of fairy gold, and the space is extremely wide, with a single pillar being hundreds of thousands of feet high.

Su Poman stood in the center of the golden palace, looking extremely small, like an ant entering a dinosaur's living room.

Above the palace, there was a burst of light and shadow.


A huge phantom more than ten feet high descended from the sky. It was an old man with white hair and white beard. His eyes were clear and his skin was rosy. He looked like an old Confucian scholar who had read a lot of poetry and books.

"Little guy, do you remember the old man's voice?" The white-haired old man put his hands behind his back, looking like an outsider.

"Senior Taling?"

Su Poman raised his head and asked tentatively.

"The memory is not bad!"

At this time, Tian Lingzi suddenly put on a serious face, and said seriously: "My name is 'Tian Lingzi', and I used to be a big shot in the Aoxiao side of the fairy world. Back then, I followed my master and fought in all directions, from the Nine Heavens Demon Land, to the The Buddha Demon Realm, it is really beautiful..."

"It turns out that senior 'Tian Lingzi' is actually a great figure in the fairy world, and he has such a strong record, which really makes the younger generation admire him!" Su Poman's eyes widened, and he showed a "mysterious brother" expression at the right time .

Seeing Su Poman's performance, the corner of Tian Lingzi's mouth curled up.

【Heh, so what about the talent against the sky, you are not shocked by the deity's domineering past! 】

"Do you know why I came here for you?" Tian Lingzi pretended to be mysterious and asked, at this time he had his hands behind his back, leaving only Su Poman's profile.

Su Poman shook his head, and answered honestly: "I don't know!"


Tian Lingzi pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "I see that you are quite talented and can inherit the inheritance of the old master, so I will give you a unique opportunity!"

"Peerless chance?" Su Poman's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Which immortal is it the inheritance?"

"Immortal Emperor Shocking Hong!"

"Immortal Emperor?" Su Poman's eyes burst into light when he heard the words. This title was no stranger to him. He had read many novels about cultivating immortals when he was in Blue Star. Immortal Emperors were the supreme beings in the fairy world.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Tian Lingzi, "Why did you choose me?"

"Throughout the ages, countless epochs, and billions of trials, you are the only one who has passed the No.90 floor!"

"Only your talent is worthy of this inheritance. There is a slight possibility to avenge the old master!"

Having said this, a trace of pain flashed in the depths of Tian Lingzi's eyes.

"Revenge? Did Immortal Emperor Jinghong fall?"

Su Poman was shocked in his heart, being able to kill an existence at the level of an immortal emperor, what a terrifying cultivation it must be!
"That's right, the old master, Immortal Emperor Jinghong, was originally one of the four great immortal emperors in the Immortal Realm, and even half of his foot has stepped into the realm of Celestial Venerable..." Tian Lingzi had a look of reminiscence on his face.

Su Poman looked confused, "Tianzun? Is that a great realm above the Immortal Emperor?"

"I forgot. You are still a cultivator and don't know much about the fairy world. Let me tell you about the situation in the fairy world first!"

"After you ascend, you will be in the Yuanxian Realm. From there, you will be in the Heavenly Fairyland, the True Fairyland, the Mysterious Fairyland, the Golden Fairyland, the Immortal Monarch Realm, and the Immortal Emperor Realm; It is the limit, in the long years, the number of immortal emperors born is only the number of two palms. And above the immortal emperor realm, there is still a legendary realm-the heavenly realm!"

"It is said that if an immortal can reach the realm of heaven, he will be able to truly transcend himself. Once certified forever, the fruit of Taoism will project into the myriad worlds and obtain eternity in the immeasurable world. He will not be affected by cause and effect, and will not be in disaster. There is no way to make it fall, its strength is beyond imagination, the Immortal Emperor is like an ant in front of him, he can be destroyed with a flick of a finger..."

"Although the immortal emperor has eternal life, he will also fall. There are many taboo places in the immortal world. Even the immortal emperor dare not explore deeply. In addition, there are often frictions with the demon world and the demon world. Now the longest-lived One immortal emperor is Changqing Immortal Emperor. He has existed since the beginning of records in the immortal world. However, the old master once said that this old immortal emperor has lost his courage and diligence. Can't reach the realm of Heavenly Venerable!"

"Immortal Emperor Jinghong, that is, my old master, has stood in the fairy world for hundreds of millions of years. With his amazing wisdom, he finally took half a step and touched the rumored realm of Tianzun. However, because of this, he attracted a real Tianzun's sniper kill!"

"That kind of existence is extremely terrifying. With a flick of a finger, the old master's immortal body was shattered, and the immortal soul died, while I was sent to the lower realm by the magic technique that the old master had just comprehended, and I escaped by luck. !"

"This tower, formerly known as the 'Tianbao Illusory Spirit Tower', is of the highest grade. Thanks to the improved foundation of the old master's technique, it has been upgraded to the level of a half-step Tianzun weapon. This time, the inheritance is not only about inheriting the old master. You have to complete the recognition of the master of this tower..."

"The old man also wanted to go to the fairyland to find a fairy to recognize the master, but the old master also had many enemies before, and I am afraid I can't help myself if I go to the fairyland! Although I am a tower spirit, I can't play without recognizing the master Its full power, now, can only barely display the strength of the Xuanxian level, in order to prevent the inheritance of the old master from being taken by the enemies, so I started the "Trial of Ten Thousand Races" in the lower realm."

"It's a pity that countless years have passed, and only you have reached the standard for accepting inheritance!"


Listening to Tian Lingzi's narration, Su Poman figured out the cause and effect, and felt inexplicably excited.

[Inheritance of the Immortal Emperor!Doesn't this take off directly? 】

[The trial tower is actually a half-step Celestial Artifact, it seems that there will be no need to replace the magic weapon for a long time in the future! 】

[Wow, Tianzun is even more powerful than the Immortal Emperor, what does my father-in-law seem to be called Guyang Datianzun?Could it be Tianzun Realm, these thighs are really thick, if you can find Ling Xingxue in the Immortal Realm, if you come to a wave of soft food to eat hard, wouldn't you just catapult and take off...]


Just when Su Po was full of sexual desires, Tian Lingzi's face turned serious, his eyes were fixed on him, and he said: "If you accept the inheritance, you must swear by the way of heaven to avenge my old master; if you don't have the guts, I will I will kill you..."


Su Po was stunned for a moment, and was extremely speechless in his heart.

[Is there still a choice? 】

"Why, are you scared?" Tian Lingzi suddenly lowered his tone a lot, and looked at him with burning eyes.


Su Poman shook his head with a smile, "I, Su Poman, don't have the word 'fear' in my dictionary! This inheritance is about to be decided!"

Looking at Su Poman's insolent appearance, Tian Lingzi couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, his heart was suddenly shaken.

[Is it really reliable to give the inheritance to this kid? 】

Su Poman raised his right palm and swore without hesitation: "Heaven is above, I, Su Poman, swear here that after accepting the inheritance, I will avenge the 'Emperor Jinghong Immortal', and that..."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Tian Lingzi, blinked his eyes and asked: "That...Senior Tian Lingzi, what is the name of the enemy of Immortal Emperor Jinghong?"

"I don't know!" Tian Lingzi shook his head.

"You don't even know the name of your enemy?"

"All right!"

Su Poman smiled awkwardly, raised his right hand and continued: "Heaven is above, I, Su Poman, swear here that after accepting the inheritance, I will avenge my death for 'Emperor Jinghong', no matter who the enemy is If Qiongbi falls into the underworld, I will definitely kill him. If I violate this oath, I am willing to throw away this life, and my soul will never enter reincarnation..."

(End of this chapter)

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