Chapter 264
Qiong Xing, the Immortal Cultivation Alliance.

The sudden arrival of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' surprised You Fanghong and others, and immediately led him into a secret training room.

"Little friend, don't worry, once the star protection array is broken, I will try my best to send you to Tianlan ancient star, which is a holy land of the human race, and can provide you with an absolutely safe cultivation environment!" You Fanghong's eyes were burning. Looking at Su Poman, his expression was very gentle, just like the neighbor's grandfather.

Han Li raised the corners of his mouth stiffly, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "Senior, I have something to say, I want to talk to you in private!"

"it is good!"

You Fanghong waved his hand, and moved back and forth.

Then with another wave of his hand, an isolating mask was placed in the secret room.

"Little friend, what's the matter, you can rest assured!"

Han Li flipped his hand, and a cyan token in the shape of an arrow appeared in his palm.

"Hey, this token..."

As soon as You Fanghong waved, the token flew into his hand, "I gave this to that little friend of the Lieyang Sect..."

His eyes slowly opened wide, and he looked at Han Li, "Could it be him?"

"Senior, we meet again!"

As he spoke, Han Li's face slowly changed, returning to its original appearance.

"No wonder..."

"I should have guessed a long time ago that Qiong Xing can have such a talented junior, and only you are valued by the gods of the upper world..."

A look of sudden realization appeared on You Fanghong's face.

"Senior, you can hand me over and deal with them first!"

While Su Poman was talking, he changed into the appearance of 'Han Li' again.

"No..." You Fanghong shook his head firmly.

Su Poman interrupted with a smile: "Senior, don't worry, my body has already left Qiong Xing, this is just my phantom body, no one can threaten my life! In this regard, you should be better than me." To understanding……"

[Phantom body?As expected of a person who is concerned by the upper world, he even has such a method, and the method of transformation just now, I can't find the clue with my Sanxian-level divine sense...]

You Fanghong frowned slightly, moved his eyes to other places, and began to make up his own mind in his heart.

Raising his head again, his whole body seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden, and he looked at Su Poman with a look of admiration.

In his mind, since they have already left Qiong Xing, there is no need to come back to take risks, and there will be no loss.


The junior in front of him sent a phantom body back without hesitation.

He knows that if he wants to cultivate this kind of phantom body with substance, it will definitely cost a very high price, and he can save his life at critical moments.

However, Su Poman came back, and he wanted to use his phantom body to lure away those alien monsters so that Qiong Xing would not be slaughtered.

You Fanghong was deeply touched by this sense of responsibility.

[Old man, you read the right person! 】

"So good!"

You Fanghong nodded, agreeing to Su Poman's suggestion.

The next day.

The evil spirit of Tianwaitian covered the sky and the sun, and the yellow-green ink clouds covered the sky.

In the mountain forest, the wolf demon howled and howled excitedly.

In the dense forest, all the birds and beasts lost their voices and lay down on the ground trembling.

In the kingdom of mortals, there was chaos, and the words of 'the demons and immortals will destroy the world' spread everywhere.

Panic, helplessness, confusion!
At this moment, some people were weeping bitterly, cowering and hiding under the bed, the terror in their hearts was suffocating, and even the rhythm of breathing needed to be deliberately guided.

Robbers and bandits are more rampant than ever, robbing civilian women and openly confronting the government. Many countries have lost their laws.

"Hahaha, I'm about to die anyway, give me a break, stop pretending, your man has been dead for so many years, I don't believe you don't want a man!"

The black and thin old man in his [-]s swallowed his saliva, untied his belt with one hand, and grabbed Widow Liu's hand with the other, spattering his saliva as he spoke, and completely lost his usual honest look.

Outside the gazebo.

A long knife swept across, rolling people's heads down.

When the green forest despots come down the mountain, it is like a tiger out of its cage, and ordinary people can hardly resist it.

The strong man reined in the reins and came to a tavern. He laughed wildly, dragging a series of heads behind his back, looking extremely terrifying.

"Xiao Er, bring out your family's good wine, the Sa family wants to have a good drink today!"


Above the sky, the demonic aura billowed like ink.

Occasionally there was a thunderbolt, but it was quickly annihilated in the overwhelming demonic aura.

"What kind of power is this?"

A monk in the Foundation Establishment period looked up at the sky, filled with fear.


A "honeycomb" hexagonal light curtain in the sky suddenly lit up, with cyan electric snakes running on it, struggling to resist the impact of the evil spirit outside.

The phantom of the huge demon banner pierces the sky and the earth, and the banner face alone has covered most of the sky. The pole of the banner is like a pillar of heaven, and it is heavily inserted on the star protection array.

There were suddenly a large number of light curtains, and the night part of the entire planet was illuminated by the dazzling dome light at the same time.

"Mu Taoist, remove the star protection formation, if you carry it on, the formation will be blown up..."

You Fanghong walked out of the secret room with 'Han Li', his expression was gloomy at this time, as if he had made some difficult decision.

Taoist Mu heard the words, doubts appeared in his eyes, "Leader You, once they are withdrawn, they will all come in, and they can't be stopped!"

"It's okay, I'll take him out, those people won't come in! You should withdraw first!" You Fanghong said in a deep voice.

"Leader You, are you going to take him away personally?" an elder at the Mahayana stage asked.

You Fanghong shook his head, "No, this seat has decided to hand over this 'Little Friend Han' in exchange for the safety of hundreds of millions of souls on my Qiong Xing!"

"What?" Mu Taoist's expression changed greatly, "How can this be done, he is the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'!"

"You don't have to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind!"

You Fanghong's eyes were fixed, he raised his head at this time, looked at the sky, and said meaningfully: "This child is so talented, he must be accompanied by great luck, that group of alien races seems to be menacing, but each has his own thoughts, Han Xiaoyou Not necessarily lifeless!"

"Leader You is right. This person is not related to us, and although he is talented, it is nothing compared to the safety of hundreds of millions of Qiong Xing. I agree to send him out. In that case, Qiong Xing The Star Cultivator Realm has also been spared from being robbed, and the younger disciples of the elders don't have to flee to other Cultivation Stars..." The Grand Commander Jin Yue glanced at 'Han Li' gloatingly, and said with a smile.

All the monks present were Sanxian and Mahayana monks. Although Jin Yue was the leader of the Cultivation Alliance, it was obviously inappropriate to interrupt like this.

However, now is the critical moment, and no one cares about him.

Only You Fanghong glanced at him, and there was something strange in his eyes.

Jin Yue thought it was a look of admiration, and for a moment, he was greatly encouraged, and he raised his chest even higher.

Mu Taoist's eyes were full of entanglements, he looked at 'Han Li', and thought of his group of juniors in his mind, finally sighed, took out a gold plate, and tapped it twice.

At this time, in the endless sea.

From the depths of the islands, streamers of light shot up into the sky, connecting with the light curtain of the dome.

There was a vibration in the void, and the originally supporting light curtain slowly disappeared.

"Let's go!"

You Fanghong grabbed Su Poman and flashed, and immediately passed through the infinite void, and came to the outer sky.

As soon as he came out, countless spiritual senses swept over him, and You Fanghong's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that there were so many masters hidden in the dark.

"Hehe, you guys came out on your own before I exerted my strength, Patriarch?"

There was a bone shield floating in front of Patriarch Lingshan, holding a huge demon banner in his left hand, he teleported to the two of them, followed by two loose demons from the Fire Ape Clan.

"Is he the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'? Yes, it looks exactly the same as that image!" Ling Ye licked his lips and said, his eyes fixed on 'Han Li', like a hungry wolf, as if he was going to kill him He swallowed it bone by bone.

"I really underestimated you, You Fanghong, you killed my ancestor Jiao Luo of the Tianxing Clan, I thought you would sneak away, but I didn't expect you to show up here with the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' openly, yes Are you here to seek death?"

Patriarch Lingshan waved the demon banner in his hand, and shot instantly, wanting to kill the two of them directly here.

Seeing this situation, Lingzun and Lingye quickly shot, not wanting to give You Fanghong a chance to escape.

For Yaozu, killing the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' is a great achievement, and there is no need to study his secrets.

Only the dead human geniuses are the best for them!

You Fanghong's face tightened, and he quickly took out the blue fairy sword, cut through the void, and fled tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"This son is the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', named 'Han Li', if anyone wants it, take him away!"

As he spoke, he pushed 'Han Li' into the turbulent void on the other side, while he himself greeted the three loose demons with his sword.

As soon as the two separated, many cultivators hiding in the dark couldn't sit still immediately, and several ray of light emerged from the darkness, heading straight for the direction where 'Han Li' was.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Lingshan felt very anxious, and said: "Fellow Lingzun, you two first entangle You Fanghong, and I will kill that 'Han Li'!"

Compared with revenge, getting rid of this human genius is obviously more important.

Moreover, as long as he kills that person, he can go directly to Wan Yao Temple to receive the reward.

He is still very clear about which is more important.

Although Lingzun and Lingzun didn't want to, but thinking of the other party's help before, they could only recognize it with their noses pinched.

The rewards from the Wan Yao Temple are even more attractive to them!

Once they get that reward, the entire Fire Ape Clan will get countless benefits, and it is even possible to catch up with the 'Sky Punishment Clan'.

At this time, both of their minds were on 'Han Li' on the other side, so they didn't try their best when fighting You Fanghong.

"Jump out to pick peaches now, get out of here!"

Patriarch Lengshan let out an angry roar, and without hesitation shot at those figures who were approaching 'Han Li', the spur formed by the monster power shattered the light, slowing down their speed and revealing themselves.

Five men and one woman, including the female cultivator of the fox clan and the "Barbarian Bear Clan" Xiong Zhan. Three of them are brothers who were carved out of the same mold. He held a bloody long knife in his hand.

"A mere cultivator during the tribulation period dares to intervene in this seat's affairs, and he really doesn't know how to live or die!"

At this time, Patriarch Lingshan was already approaching, and with a wave of his hand, the monster power formed a giant palm that covered the sky and slapped the six people.

The void exploded, and the invisible spiritual consciousness had already suppressed these people, making them unable to move at all.

"Zhan, are we going to die?"

The female nun of the fox clan showed despair in her eyes.

"Drink! Shenxu Yudao!"

Yijie Sanxian stepped forward with a long knife in his hand, and the blood-colored long knife whined, exuding an astonishing sword intent.

In the next moment, the blood knife cut through the void, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and the figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The three evil cultivators faced each other palm to palm, and a bluish-white light burst out from the top of their heads.

Xiong Zhan shook his body, feeling a strong sense of nausea rising from his heart.

Before they could make any other moves, the giant palm that covered the sky had already been photographed.

The remaining five people were turned into ashes in the giant palm, and their spirits and souls were all wiped out!

Not far away, the Sanxian who escaped by chance saw this scene, his face was extremely gloomy, and he was very remorseful.

"I was too careless just now, almost, I also fell!"

Patriarch Lingshan didn't turn his head back after he slapped that palm, he took a step forward and came to the side of 'Han Li' in an instant.

With a big hand, he captured 'Han Li' in his hand.

"Hehe, this is the number one monk of Blue Star? He caught you so easily, hehe, come on, how do you want to die? As the top of the list of all races, I can give you a decent way to die! "

Han Li touched his nose helplessly, smiled bitterly and said, "Look... do I still have a chance?"

"Today you will definitely die!" Patriarch Lengshan sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

At this time, figures emerged from the darkness, came not far away, and watched silently.

The purpose of their coming here is to top the list of all races.

Most of them have dirty minds, and there are one or two "Daoist sects" among them, but due to their low strength, they can't compete with the ancestors of the Heavenly Punishment Clan, so they dare not show up to rescue them.

The fighting between You Fanghong and Lingzun also paused, and they both looked in this direction.

'Han Li' turned his neck and scanned them back and forth, taking in all the expressions on their faces.

There is gloating, regret, and greed.

【If I don't have the technique of clone, I'm afraid I really have to die once to survive this calamity. People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. It's all the fault of reputation...】

Under the eyes of everyone watching, 'Han Li' raised his head and looked directly at Patriarch Lengshan, and said loudly: "I've made up my mind!"

"Huh? Come on, how do you want to die?" Patriarch Lengshan stared at the young man of the human race in front of him. Seeing the calmness and calmness in his eyes, he couldn't help but praise him in his heart. He is worthy of the title of "top of the list of all races"! If he is a monster race, the old man will definitely accept him as a disciple, so that he can teach... Hehe, those pedantic old bones in the holy land of the human race have not come yet , is ridiculous, the human race is destined not to prosper!"

'Han Li' took a deep breath, and then said in a calm tone: "Let me fight with you!"

"I'm going to die in battle!"

As soon as these words came out, many people present showed different reactions.

"I'm about to die, but I still go to provoke a loose demon, saying that he has courage? Or is it stupid?"

"If this son can survive, the human race will give birth to a figure like a holy emperor!"

"It's a pity, with such a magnanimity, why is he a short-lived ghost!"


"Human Han Li, do you know that I am a fourth-order loose demon?" Patriarch Lengshan asked with a frown.

Even if this battle is won, it is dishonorable, and it may be left in bad taste for thousands of years.

But since I have promised the other party that he can choose the way of death, he cannot refuse.

'Han Li' sneered, and said coldly, "So what, don't you dare?"

(End of this chapter)

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