Chapter 265 Monster Race?

"Okay! Today, I will fulfill you and let you die with dignity!" Ancestor Lingshan's complexion was cloudy and sunny, and his expression seemed a little tangled.

This time, he really shot himself in the foot.

【I really should have crushed him to death just now. What should I say? That’s good. I’m afraid I’m going to leave a mark in the history of the human race... I’ll fight against the juniors of the Jindan stage, alas...】


'Han Li' moved, and in the next moment, he teleported out of the hands of the ancestor of Lingshan, and his figure retreated violently.

As the two distanced themselves, the pupils of 'Han Li' suddenly turned red, and immediately after that, the clone's 'Doomsday Zombie Prime Ancestor Form' was activated.


His body was getting taller and taller, with two pairs of giant gold-patterned dragon wings about four meters long stretching out from his back, and his hair stood up on end.Two dragon-like wings protruded from the back of 'Han Li', his muscles bulged explosively, and the surface of his body reflected a faint metallic luster, as if cast from molten steel.


Han Li shouted again, and his whole body lit up brilliantly.

A huge white beam of light shot up into the sky, opening a huge hole in the space.

In the beam of light, Han Li's body was surrounded by flame-like golden energy. From time to time, traces of bluish-white electric light flashed across his body. , formed a series of mini-hurricanes.

The golden hair stood up like an explosion, a blood-colored pupil shone in the white eyes under the golden eyebrows, the sharp fangs that belonged to zombies protruded from the lips, and a long tail grew out of the back and wrapped around his waist.

The tyrannical airflow surrounds the whole body, like a dragon protecting the body!
Shadow Clone - Doomsday Zombie Progenitor Form + 'Super Saiyan' Transformation!
Han Li's overall combat effectiveness has once again risen to a great level. Originally, he could only compete with the cultivators in the fusion stage, but now, even against the monks in the void stage, he can kill them with one punch!

Under the supernatural power of '72 Transformation', Han Li also deliberately released a faint trace of evil spirit.

These changes took less than one breath, and everyone present was shocked.

"what is this?"

"What a strong aura, is he really just a monk in the golden core stage? Why do I feel a sense of fright!"

"This breath is probably comparable to some monks in the Tribulation Stage!"

"Monster aura, how could there be a monster aura on this person?"

"Could it be that 'Blue Star's First Cultivator' is a demon race?"

"It's possible that he has the blood of the demon clan. Look at his appearance, he doesn't look like a human race, with long canine teeth, blood-red eyes, wings on the back, and golden hair..."

"If he is really a demon clan, then the fun will be great. So many scattered monsters came to surround and kill him, only to find that they are obliterating the pride of their own clan!"


While everyone was discussing, the eyes of Patriarch Lingshan also changed drastically.

Originally, he wanted to suppress and kill this person directly, but seeing Han Li's current appearance and wisps of evil spirit, he hesitated.

【If he is really a member of my demon clan, then he doesn't have to die, maybe he still has a chance to become the ancient demon sequence of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace! 】

"Are you... are you a human race?"

Patriarch Lingshan asked with some doubts, but now, he dared not make a move.

Once it is confirmed that the other party is a demon clan, and he strikes to kill him, then the Wan Yao Temple will definitely not let him go, and the entire Tian Xing clan may be buried with him.

Han Li flapped the dragon wings on his back lightly, and said with a smile, "Do you think I'm a human race?"

While speaking, the long canine teeth in the mouth were undoubtedly revealed, which made the people present feel a kind of bloodthirsty breath.

Patriarch Lingshan released his consciousness and swept Han Li, and immediately felt a lot of messy aura that did not belong to the human race.

Some are cold and bloodthirsty, some are violent and warlike...

You Fanghong on the other side was also stunned, and he was shocked in his heart: "What is the situation, Han Xiaoyou's phantom body is so strong? Could it be forged from some kind of monster material?"

At this moment, the moon star was fully revealed from the other side of the Qiong star.

The cold silver glow fell on everyone, Han Li suddenly felt a "boom, boom, boom" in his heart, and saw the full moon in the blink of an eye.

Those blood-colored pupils were instantly filled by the full moon!


In the field, the regeneration mutation!
Golden flames ignited all over 'Han Li', and layers of golden hair grew from all over his body. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he turned into a golden giant ape.

He is thousands of feet tall, as tall as a mortal mountain, with huge dragon wings waving behind his back, and his eyes are full of bloody light.

The breath is more terrifying than before, and the combat power at this time is infinitely close to the Mahayana period!

In Tianbao Phantom Spirit Pagoda.

Su Poman suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise on his face, "Hehe, interesting change! I never thought that so many bloodlines would be combined without any conflict!"

"Xiao Su, your avatar's supernatural powers are really strange, and you can even perform such a strange 'transformation'!" Tian Lingzi sighed from the side.

Su Poman smiled, and said frankly: "This is not just a clone, it also contains the supernatural power of '72 Transformation', and a drop of my blood essence!"

"What a freak, just one clone can have such combat power, and the old master couldn't reach such a level..." Tian Lingzi's gaze at Su Poman suddenly became even weirder, as if he was looking at an alien. Same.



A monstrous demonic aura erupted from the golden giant ape, like a peerless monster just born.

Lingzun stared at the giant ape, his heart beat twice, and he hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist Lingshan, please be merciful, this son is the blood of my monster clan!"


A strange light appeared in the eyes of the old ancestor Lingshan, staring at 'Han Li' firmly, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

If the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' is a member of the Yaozu side, then he will face the joint attack of many powerful people, and it is unknown whether he can escape from the Liuguang Starfield.

Once this child falls in front of him, I am afraid that many demon cultivators present will not be able to escape the accountability of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall.

"Don't make a fuss, contact the Wan Yao Temple and ask them to send someone to help. My Yao Clan has produced a great talent!"

"Fellow Daoist Lingshan, I've already summoned you, please wait for a while!"


Lingzun looked at the huge golden ape in the void, with unconcealable heat in his eyes.

【This son must belong to my ape-man clan. If he can intermarry with a female cultivator in my clan, then the blood of my fire ape clan will become stronger! 】

"Ling Ye, let's stop fighting first, and follow me to destroy the 'Blue Star First Cultivator'!"

Even though he said so, in secret, Lingzun had already made it clear what the benefits were, and the two gave up on continuing to entangle with You Fanghong, and went directly to the ancestor of the Tianxing clan.

It seems that the two of them want to besiege and kill the giant ape together, but they are actually vigilant against the hidden masters around them.


With a wave of the golden giant ape's hand, the space was suddenly shattered, and the giant furry palm waved towards Patriarch Lingshan.

"Little friend Han Li, since you belong to the demon clan, I will not kill you. There is no need to continue this battle. I will take you to the Wan Yao Temple, and you will definitely win the favor of the demon ancestor!"

Patriarch Lingshan easily caught the giant palm, and then quietly transmitted his voice.

"Roar! Zhan Zhan Zhan!"

The golden giant ape ignored him, its fangs pierced the void, and opened its mouth wide to bite him.

Patriarch Lingshan retreated one after another, only using demon power to block, but not using demon weapons, as if he had some fear.

"Crazy?" Lingzun frowned.

Ling Ye looked at the red eyes of the giant ape, and said slowly: "He seems to have lost his mind..."

"Possessing such a tyrannical bloodline, lack of strength, will definitely be backlashed! This is inevitable..." The blaze in Lingzun's eyes did not diminish, and he said again: "Ancestor Lingshan, this son's state is like a blood ape The 'crazy' of the clan has lost his sanity now, in this case, as long as he is knocked out, he should be fine!"


The giant monster palm that easily killed the five Transcending Tribulation Stage cultivators before was torn apart in one bite, and the golden giant ape flapped its dragon wings from behind, and its figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

When he reappeared, he was already on top of Patriarch Lingshan's head.

He clenched his arms into fists, and smashed it down with a frenzied fighting spirit.

"It's so strange, the patriarch of the Xing Clan was only beaten but didn't fight back that day..."

"Haven't you seen it yet? That golden giant ape is obviously a monster, and it's too late for him to protect him, so how could he fight back?"

"It seems that the situation has changed. The genius who was going to besiege and kill the clan, now we have to find a way to kill this evildoer. The golden core stage has such terrifying combat power. Once it grows up, there is no one waiting for me." living space?"

"That's right, I'll find the right time later, and my 'Blaze Demon' clan will take the lead!"

"It turned out to be Lord 'Yan Kai'. I didn't expect you to come to the Liuguang Starfield, so I won't be afraid of the Four Tribulations Scattering Demon of the Tianxing Clan!"


Ancestor Lingshan noticed that there were more and more people gathering around him, and sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He waved the demon banner in his hand, and the huge banner immediately enveloped the golden giant ape.

Although the golden giant ape transformed by 'Han Li' roared again and again, it couldn't move at all and was firmly restrained.

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Lingshan knocked on the back of the giant ape's head with the flag pole in his hand.

After being hit hard, the golden giant ape fainted instantly, and its huge size slowly shrunk, turning into the original Super Saiyan state.


Greeting to Lingzun and the two, Patriarch Lengshan held the unconscious 'Han Li' in his hand, tore open a space portal, and stepped in.

In the dark starry sky, there was a flash of cold light, shooting towards it rapidly.

Ling Ye just glanced at this scene from the corner of his eyes, and he felt a tingling sensation of his eyes being cut!

"No, that's a high-level loose sword fairy of the human race!"

Patriarch Lingshan trembled just as soon as he saw the sword light, and a great terror suddenly appeared in his heart. Without waiting for the two to follow, he closed the space portal with a wave of his hand, and then fled the place alone.

I saw the cold light flickering, and in the next moment, it had already escaped in front of Lingzun and the two, like a butterfly piercing flowers, circling around in an '∞' shape.

The monster bodies of the two suddenly stiffened.

The person who came was an old monk with fair beard and hair. He was wearing a star-blue Taoist robe and stood in the air. Surrounded by more than a dozen sword pills the size of castanopsis, the sharp sword intent shocked all the monks present. Terrified.

"It's still a step too late..." He frowned slightly, and looked in the direction where Patriarch Lingshan left, with a trembling sword intent in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, the two heads fell suddenly, and the loose demon spirit contained in them had already been strangled by the sword energy.

In the darkness, the demon cultivator 'Yan Kai' stepped back quietly, and his figure turned into a black smoke and drifted away.

The Four Tribulations Scattered the Demons, and at this time they ran away directly.

"Who is this person, who can instantly kill two loose monsters with one sword!"

"He... should be the Sanxian sent by the Human Race Holy Court!"


Others didn't know, but when You Fanghong saw the jade pendant on the old man's waist, he was terrified.

[It turned out to be True Monarch Xingjian, I never expected that the Tianlan Dynasty would directly send out this Six Tribulations Sanxian...]

He hastily stepped forward, bowed and bowed, and said respectfully: "Tianlan Auction House is enshrined, You Fanghong, and I pay my respects to senior Xingjian!"


The white-haired old man turned his head to look, and You Fanghong couldn't help lowering his head because of the cold sword intent in his eyes, "The 'First Cultivator of Blue Star' was captured by the Heavenly Punishment Clan just now?"

"Senior, the thing is like this, little friend Han Li..."

You Fanghong didn't dare to hide anything, and told everything that happened before in detail.

After listening, True Monarch Xingjian couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and then said via voice transmission: "You did a good job. Although little friend Han Li is not in danger of life, you have to do a full set of acting. It is best to let the demons and The evil guy is also involved... Hehe, he can stir up the situation like this before he grows up, I am very optimistic about him! If you meet the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' again, give him a word, just say Tianlan Dynasty invites If he joins, the little princess's dowry is ready!"

"The junior must bring the words!"

You Fanghong bowed again.

The conversation between the two was extremely fast due to the sound transmission of the spiritual consciousness.

True Monarch Xingjian glanced over several areas intentionally or unintentionally, and said lightly: "I didn't expect the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' to be from the monster race, so he must not be allowed to grow up!"

After all, the sword pills around him broke through the space, and the whole person turned into a beam of sword light and escaped into it.

Immediately afterwards, one after another space portals opened quietly, followed by many monks hiding in the dark.

At the same time, the news was also sent back to the major forces.

A series of murderous intentions that were originally aimed at the human race have now changed, and the targets have become monster races.

From the Liuguang Starfield to the void of the Wan Yao Temple, countless blocking magic circles have been opened, and people who are good at divination have also formulated detailed plans for this.

Ancient Star of Heavenly Fire, Hall of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The bluish-red demonic aura churned like ocean waves, wave after wave, looking from a distance, it seemed to be connected to the sky.

A majestic yet indifferent voice came from the hall, and rumbled throughout the entire Xiu Xing.

"Handling, Mo Lun, Death Kuang, and Day Chaos, go out together to welcome back the arrogance of my monster clan!"

Ancient demon forbidden land.

The terrifying breath gradually revived, and the cyan skeletal hand protruded from the ground. After a landslide and tsunami earthquake, the cyan giant monster slowly rose.

The big tree hugged by ten people was uprooted, and the roots rolled down with a large piece of earth and stone, which seemed to have grown on him for countless years.

The giant cyan monster opened its eyes, and the cyan-white pupils were erect ovals like the eyes of a snake, which looked extremely strange.

"Moron, take orders!"

His voice was like an ancient trumpet, filled with endless murderous aura in the dullness, making people couldn't help but see a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in their minds.

The huge mountain-like bone hand cut open the space, and the whole person turned into a cloud of monster wind and disappeared into the turbulent flow of space.

(End of this chapter)

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