Chapter 266
In the entire Qianyuan world, undercurrents surged.

Patriarch Lengshan took 'Han Li' around and encountered numerous attacks. Fortunately, every time a strong man from the monster clan arrived in time to help him out.

Fight after fight, demon cultivators fell like rain.

However, in the eyes of the higher-ups of the Wan Yao Temple, as long as the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' can be brought back smoothly, all sacrifices will be worthwhile.

True Monarch Xingjian chased halfway, but was stopped by a six-robbed scattered demon. After a battle between the two, True Monarch Star Sword was slightly better and beheaded the opponent, but because of this, he lost Patriarch Lingshan in the void. left traces.

The monster clan lost a Six Tribulations Scattered Monster, which was already a traumatic injury. True Monarch Xingjian knew the details of 'Han Li', so he didn't continue to chase him.However, the forces of evil ways and evil ways did not want to give up at this point, and laid a killing trap on the only way.

After the powerhouses of various races left, the Liuguang Starfield regained its calm.

The Fire Ape Clan lost three Loose Demons this time, and the enslaved Xiu Xing also rebelled at this time, causing great turmoil to the entire Fire Ape Clan.

In the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda, Su Poman was practicing 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong' with his eyes closed.

The body training part of Xuanyuan Zhenshigong can not only give birth to Gangyuan with the attribute of "Hunyuan", but also gradually transform the physique into "Xuanyuan Immortal Physique", possessing all kinds of incredible powers, enough to crush [-]% of the fairy world Nine body exercises.

Su Poman opened his mouth, and spit out the white air like a swimming dragon, and there was an explosion sound of "puchipuchi" in the air.

Two rays of divine light shining like morning stars shot out from his eyes, and his palms slowly moved back to his dantian.

"Boy Su, why did you only practice the body training part of the 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong'?"

Tian Lingzi took a small look, and saw clearly what was going on in Su Poman's body, and couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Su Poman stood up, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, golden-red spiritual power gushed out from his palm, "God, I already have the most suitable qigong method for me!"

"What other skills in this world can compare with the old master's skills? That's the Immortal Emperor level skills, Xiao Su, don't be stupid, there is no existence in the lower world that can compare to the Immortal Emperor's skills?" The old man said with a displeased face.

Seeing this, Su Poman smiled slightly and said, "Heaven, can you take another look at this method?"

"Hmph, old man, let's see what you're up to!"

A clear light appeared in Tian Lingzi's eyes, and he looked at the ball of golden-red spiritual power in Su Poman's hand.

"Eh? It's the Sha of Yang Yuan!"

As soon as he checked, Tian Lingzi showed surprise on his face, and his figure came to Su Poman in an instant.

When the imaginary finger lightly touched the golden-red spiritual power, his eyes suddenly burst into light.

"What kind of exercise is this? How can you cultivate such a powerful spiritual power? It's even stronger than the 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong'..." Tian Lingzi's face was flushed, and he looked very excited. The clear light shot out of his eyes seemed to be continuously analyzing the spiritual power in front of him.

Su Poman replied with a smile: "This is a kung fu method given to me by a senior who is stronger than Master Jinghong, and it is called 'Golden Crow's Sun Kung Fu'!"

"What, stronger than the old master? Isn't that Tianzun?!" Tian Lingzi's eyes widened, and he turned his gaze to Su Poman, as if he wanted to scrutinize him from head to toe.

Su Poman nodded, "That senior seems to be called Gu..."

Just when he was about to say his title, Tian Lingzi's expression changed drastically, and he waved his hand quickly, Su Poman was speechless immediately.

"Boy, why are you so careless? The name of Tianzun cannot be mentioned casually. Even through infinite space, as long as you mention Tianzun's name or name, that existence will be born instantly. If you get angry, you will be directly shot. Killed from afar!"

"Little Su, it's really lucky that you were able to meet the law bestowed by the Heavenly Venerable, and now you have received the inheritance from the Immortal Emperor!"

"Can you tell me, how did you meet that big man?"

"Forget it, forget it, you'd better stop talking, I'd better not know!"

"Since you have such a chance, let's use the 'Golden Crow' as the foundation!"

Tian Lingzi waved his hand again, and Su Poman found that he could speak again.

"Heaven, what kind of spell did you cast just now? It's really strange that you can silence me!"

"This is just a low-grade immortal technique, it only works on immortals whose cultivation level is lower than mine!" Tian Lingzi explained casually.

Su Poman nodded, and then asked: "Is the fairy art in the fairy world based on the level of the caster? If a person's level is not high, but the combat power is strong, is it possible to be exempted from this kind of magic? "

"Exemption from fairy arts?" Tian Lingzi showed an expression like looking at a fool, "You boy, what are you thinking?"

As he said that, he couldn't help but conjure up a short stick and hit Su Poman on the head.

"In the fairy world, cultivation is the foundation!"

"In the lower realm, there is still the possibility of leapfrogging and fighting, but in the fairy world, it is impossible for such a situation to happen!"

Speaking of this, Tian Lingzi thought of the golden giant ape again, and glanced at Su Poman strangely, "Of course, you may be a freak, and you have methods that I have never seen before!"

"For ordinary immortals, the realm of cultivation is a gap!"

"No matter how many secret methods you practice, no matter how powerful the fairy art is, you will not be able to leapfrog the ranks!"

"In the fairy world, fairy art is divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. The power of immortals in different realms is not at the same level at all, because it involves the comprehension of the laws of immortality!"

"The cultivation of the immortals is for the way of immortality!"

"The Dao of Immortals contains three thousand laws, which contain infinite changes!"

"The tyranny of the immortal body is reflected in the comprehension of the law. The body will give birth to the law of the law and the fairy pattern, which can comprehend the law faster! In the realm of Yuanxian, the comprehension of the law is only in a superficial state, and you can understand the laws corresponding to your own spiritual roots. Generally speaking, if the comprehension level of a certain law reaches the third level, one can achieve the Celestial Fruit Status!"

"The so-called Fruit Status is endowed by the Dao of Immortals. It can not only increase combat power, but also increase the degree of comprehension of the laws. When a certain law reaches the corresponding level of comprehension, it will automatically obtain the Fruit Status. The rumored ' Once enlightened, it is not false to transform into a fairy!"

"As for fairy art, it is the external manifestation of the application of laws. No matter how powerful the immortal art secret method is, the immortals in the Yuanxian Realm cannot exert their full power, while the upper-level immortals can use only one of the lowest-level spells. Defeat, this is the so-called 'law suppression'!"

"If you want to be exempt from the 'suppression of the law', you are thinking of fart! From ancient times to the present, there has never been a character who can be exempted from the 'suppression of the law', even Immortal Emperor Jinghong couldn't do it in his youth !"


"Okay..." Su Poman replied absent-mindedly.

Looking at him like this, Tian Lingzi thought that he might have hit him too hard, stroked the beard on his chin and comforted him: "There are many secrets hidden in your body, and it is very easy to escape from the hands of the high-ranking immortal! Besides, you And the old man, even if he can't fight, you can ask the old man to take action, after you have completely refined this tower and provided enough immortal power, not to mention the Xuanxian, even the Golden Immortal, the old man can turn his hand to suppress..."

"What about Xianjun?"

"Ahem, a strong person in the Immortal Monarch Realm has at least comprehended the existence of a thousand laws. Although the old man's body is a half-step heavenly weapon, it is still a bit difficult to suppress such a strong person, unless your strength can be improved to In the Golden Immortal Realm, after possessing the Golden Immortal Fruit Status, one can display a large part of the power of the Tianbao Pagoda..."

"Let's not talk about this, right now, let's raise your cultivation level first! The old man's body has been hidden in the void of the lower realm for countless years, and there are many good things hidden in the treasure house! Boy, you want to improve your Qi refining first! Cultivation, or body training?"

"Heaven, let me improve my qi refining cultivation first! The 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun Kungfu' needs to be cultivated near the sun star..."

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Poman's eyes blurred, and he suddenly found that his body had appeared in front of the sun star, and his field of vision was completely occupied by the huge sun star.

The intense heat and radiation instantly melted the white practice clothes on his body!
A small tower about three inches high quietly floated behind Su Poman's head, emitting an incomparably magnificent fairy light.


A piece of white dragon armor filled with fairy light automatically appeared on his body.

"This is a high-grade fairy weapon. After you recognize the owner with a drop of blood, you can control its appearance as you like, but if you want to activate its defensive fairy shield, you have to wait until you become a fairy queen..."

Tian Lingzi's voice came directly from Su Poman's mind.

Su Poman nodded slightly, his canine teeth burst out from his mouth, and after cutting his finger, he quickly smeared blood on the white dragon armor.

A strange connection appeared in his mind instantly.

With a thought, this handsome white dragon armor slowly changed, turning into a pair of shorts in a flash of light.

With his upper body bare, Su Poman faced the terrifying fire of Sun Star.

The trillions of superhuman cells in the body began to brighten one after another, eagerly absorbing the real fire of the sun, and the speed of physical enhancement began to soar like a rocket!
Now this position is closer than when he took the 'Hao Ri Zhenzong' last time, and has come to the core of the death zone.

Here, the monks during the tribulation period will be burned into fly ash in an instant, and even the soul cannot escape!

Because of Su Poman's 'superhuman physique', he turned a blind eye to the terrifying heat emitted by the sun star, and even felt his whole body was warm and very comfortable.

The phantom transformed by Tian Lingzi stood not far away, looking at Su Poman with suspicious eyes.

"This kid is really a freak. The physical body can gradually become stronger in such an environment. If he can practice tens of thousands of years on the sun star, he may be able to use his physical body to forcibly break through the void and become an immortal!"

Su Poman sat cross-legged in the air, slowly closed his eyes, followed the "Golden Crow Transforming the Sun Kung Fu" movement route to form a strange imprint on his hands, and a golden crow figure instantly emerged from his back.

"Is this the condensed Golden Crow Dharma Body? This exercise is really terrifying!"

Tian Lingzi's eyes widened, staring fixedly at the golden-crow statue behind Su Poman, unable to calm down for a long time.

Boom boom boom!
Not far away, the surface of the sun star seemed to be attracted, and a riot broke out in an instant!
Huge tongues of fire licked the void, and the pale golden sun's real fire swarmed in!

The real fire of the sun penetrated into Su Poman's ear, nose, thousands of pores and other acupoints in his body. The superhuman cells trembled one after another as if he had taken a stimulant, and the surrounding space produced circles of fluctuations.

Seeing this, Tian Lingzi waved his hand, and a large area of ​​treasures suddenly appeared around him.

Thousand-year-old dragon scale fruit exuding blazing light, deep-sea chalcedony beads bursting with the sound of waves, Wushou elixir filled with immortal energy, jade-like mopan Dasheng Xianzhi...

bang bang bang...

After a series of crackling sounds, these treasures instantly turned into powder.

Tian Lingzi stretched out his finger, and a ball of transparent fairy fire flew out from his fingertip.

In an instant, the world darkened.

It seems that in this star field, only this fairy fire is the only bright color.

The light of the sun star seemed a bit eclipsed in front of this fairy fire, and a big hole was silently burned in the surrounding space.

chi chi chi...

A trace of black air invisible to the naked eye flew into the void from the powder, and then, the remaining powder slowly turned into mist, forming an endless cloud.

Tian Lingzi smiled in satisfaction, waved his hand, put away the fairy fire, and then squeezed it from the air, the continuous cloud cluster suddenly shrunk, and finally formed a mist ball about Zhang Xu.

"go with!"

The fog ball appeared on top of Su Poman's head in a teleport, and several fog tentacles protruded from it.

Puff puff……

Su Poman only felt that groups of extremely pure energy suddenly poured into several important acupuncture points on his body, which was stronger than drinking 'Huoyang Dao Tea' before.

His cultivation base exploded like a rocket.

In the dantian, the golden core kept spinning, and it didn't take long for a crack to appear.

The spiritual consciousness gathers in the Niwan Palace, the room is filled with rays of light, and the body turns white, and returns to the golden core in the abdomen, where it merges into the fetus of life.

A purple light suddenly appeared in the life-born golden elixir, and the dantian was filled with purple light, accompanied by a sound of "Ka Ka Ka".

The golden core suddenly shattered, and the surface fell off, as if a new life was born from a broken shell.

The moment the fragments fell off, they turned into purple air and re-injected into the fetus.

Su Poman suddenly felt a burst of unspeakable joy in his heart. At this moment, a strong baby who looked exactly like Su Poman appeared in his dantian.


The baby yawned and stretched his limbs, as if sensing something, he sipped decisively: "Ha~~~"

His pupils gradually turned red, and two rays of divine light shot into the void from them.

Canine teeth emerged from his mouth, his hair changed from black to golden yellow, and the roots stood on end. Golden wings sprouted from his back, and a tyrannical aura permeated his body.

Tian Lingzi was still watching Su Poman conceive a baby, but at this moment his face revealed a look of astonishment, and exclaimed: "The Nascent Soul cultivated by this exercise can actually refine the power of blood into it, this Su My boy, you are so lucky, with this skill and blood, your future achievements will be limitless..."

The magic seal in Su Poman's hand changed for a moment. The Nascent Soul who was originally in the lower dantian seemed to feel something, and his figure gradually became blurred. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the Purple Mansion of Lingtai.

At the same time, a ray of clear spiritual light emerged from his body, and the pseudo-chaotic spiritual root also transformed.

Su Poman felt that in the dark, he was getting closer to the aura of heaven and earth, and his cultivation speed increased a bit.

"Pseudo Chaos Spiritual Root!"

Tian Lingzi's pupils shrank, "This kind of spiritual root is very popular in the fairy world..."

(End of this chapter)

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