Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 267 The Temple of Suppressing Demons

Chapter 267 The Temple of Suppressing Demons

The Nascent Soul was quietly suspended in the Niwan Shrine, and the original spiritual power gradually transformed into a more powerful energy—mana!
At this time, Su Poman's Nascent Soul returned to its normal state, identical to his human appearance, exuding a pure infantile aura, as if carved from jewels.

The Golden Crow Fa phase on the back has grown bigger, making it even more miraculous.

With a thought in Su Po's mind, the Nascent Soul came out of his body, flew out from the back of his head, and escaped into the three-legged Golden Crow's dharma body.

The Golden Crow's eyes radiated spiritual light, fluttered its wings, and the pale golden sun's real fire swarmed towards it, filling its illusory body with gold.


In the bright golden light, the three-legged golden crow uttered a resonant cry, and the sun star suddenly burst into a flash of light, as if responding.

On the land of Qiong Xing, many people noticed the wonderful scene in the sky, and the brilliance of that moment shocked many people.

"Did you see it? The sun suddenly burst into a circle of light, it's amazing!"

"Could it be that some treasure was born on Sun Planet?"

"Hehe, even if there are treasures born, those places are not something that low-level monks like us can explore!"

"It's too bad luck. The female ghost I raised was seriously injured, and it will take a long time to recover..."

"It's broad daylight, why did you release the ghosts? The strength has been weakened so much by the sun, and the low-level ghosts still need to gather ghost fog to barely survive..."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Sima, don't ask him. Daoyou Liang has just subdued a charming succubus. I'm afraid you didn't taste enough of gentleness last night!"

"Preaching prostitution in the daytime? Or in the wild? Liang Daoyou is indeed a man of temperament!"

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you don't do evil, you shouldn't be targeted by the people from the Demon Suppressing Palace!"

"Speaking of which, the Town Demon Palace has been around for a long time, and no one from the Cultivation Alliance has come out to take care of it..."

"Who can care? Haven't you heard that even the evil spirit sect was wiped out by the Demon Suppressing Hall some time ago! It's a sixth-class sect, and there are masters in the sect in the sect, and there is no news about it. It was turned into ruins overnight, and it is said that even the disciples who went out to perform missions were not spared..."

"Suppressing Demon Palace is too mysterious and powerful. If the Immortal Cultivation Alliance wants to find them, it may be very difficult!"

"However, since the emergence of the Temple of Demon Suppression, the atmosphere in the world of cultivating immortals seems to have improved a lot. Many monks of evil spirits dare not show their faces. The monks who have done evil before are now desperately doing good deeds. Rumor has it The messenger can see the evil value of a person. There was once a disciple of the Demon Sect who survived. The reason is that he was a good person, did a lot of good deeds, and did not cause too many killings after joining the Demon Sect, so he was suppressed. The demon messenger spared his life, and from then on, this person has become a famous Dashanxiu in Xianyun Prefecture, is it strange to you!"

"Hehe, I've seen even more outrageous things! Do you know about the nearby Evil Tiger Temple? I used to entrap casual cultivators passing by and kill mortals wantonly, but now it seems that I have changed my temper and run down the mountain every day to do good deeds. The old man without a daughter sent rice grains, cast spells to heal the sick, and the temple owner even opened a special porridge shop, giving free porridge to the poor every day, that scene is really eye-opening!"

"Indeed, since the Demon Town Hall appeared, the atmosphere in the entire world of cultivating immortals has changed. In the past, when exploring in secret realms, you would worry about your companions killing people and stealing treasures. Now this kind of thing rarely happens..."


After trying the power of the Golden Crow Dharma Body, Nascent Soul returned to Su Poman's Purple Mansion again.

At this moment, the fog ball above his head didn't seem to be consumed at all, it was still about the size of Zhang Xu, and the pure energy inside it was pouring into his physical body continuously.

With the continuous increase of cultivation base, the distance between Su Poman and Sun Star is constantly shortening, and the strengthening rate of superhuman physique is also constantly increasing!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon, a new round of trials began.

On the trial square, the monks were surprised to find that the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' did not start the battle, and the points value did not increase any more.

At the same time, his personal information column has also undergone some changes.

Code Name: Blue Star First Cultivator
Race: Demon

Scope of influence: Streamer Star Field - Joan Star
Point value: 6
Trial tower: 99 floors
Wanzu rank: 1
"It's true, the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' is actually of the blood of the monster race! The trial tower will definitely not lie!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this person to be a member of my Yaozu. That's great, the Yaozu is mighty!"

"In a few hundred years, the monster race will probably crush the human race, and become the leader of the three races!"

"The human race is really a bunch of weak chickens, and only my demon cultivators can give birth to such powerful geniuses!"

"I didn't expect that the rumors turned out to be true. I thought the human race finally had a ZTE master. Alas, I'm really disappointed. I didn't expect him to be a monster!"

"Hmph, there are already countless masters going to snipe and kill. It's not certain whether the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' will survive to reach the 'Skyfire Ancient Star'!"

"Haha, I won't bother you about my monster clan's affairs. The three ancient monsters in the clan will go to pick them up in person, and it will be absolutely safe. In addition, there are experts from the Taixu Dragon Clan to help, so he is naturally extremely safe!"

"Then why hasn't he started the battle? Unless he has already fallen..."

"If stupid and ignorant human beings fall, the ranking will be erased from the list of all races. Don't you know that?"


The area where the demon cultivator is located is full of joy, but the forces of the human race and the demon race are somewhat bleak.

The birth of the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' has become a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the eyes of many people, and countless monks want to get rid of it quickly.

Once such a genius rises, it will have a huge impact on the luck of a group.

The change on the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking was naturally Su Poman's idea. Only in this way could the doubts of the monster clan be dispelled, and they would be convinced that the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' belonged to the monster clan side.

Profound Sky Island, Immortal Cultivation Alliance.

When You Fanghong learned that the information of the "No. [-] Blue Star Cultivator" on the Ten Thousand Races List had changed, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart, and after a while of brainstorming, a gloating smile appeared on his face.

"Could it be that the fairy gods can't do it, and they can even modify the list of the pagoda of the Tianling Myriad Clans? This time the Yaozu will be miserable, and I don't know how many babies will be harmed by his phantom body!"

At this moment, a flame shot from outside the hall.

"Leader, the plan failed. The demon-suppressing envoy turned into a cloud of mist when it was caught, and there was no trace of it..."

"Failed?" You Fanghong showed surprise. During this time, the Immortal Cultivation Alliance has been dealing with the Trial of Ten Thousand Clans. Unexpectedly, a new force was born on the mainland. He wanted to take the opportunity to find out the people behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, several masters of the Mahayana stage arranged formations in advance, but they failed to catch the demon suppressing emissary.

You Fanghong has also heard a little about what the Town Demon Palace is doing. Although the purpose is to keep the righteousness and ward off evil spirits, this is the star cultivator of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance. If you want to develop power here, you must first obtain their consent.

It is obviously disrespectful to enter without warning, and there may be some ulterior purpose at the same time.

You Fanghong frowned, and slowly said: "The matter of the Temple of Demon Suppression, please wait for a while, the fox will show its tail after all, we can adapt to all changes without change! Order Bai Zun to come over!"

The sound transmission talisman shot out of the hall, and not long after, an elegant middle-aged man in a loose white robe walked into the hall.

"Master You, are you looking for me?"

"Follow me to South Vietnam!"

"South Vietnam?"

"A second-class cultivator, don't ask, you'll know when you get there!"



Nanyue Kingdom, Dongshengzhou, Chasing Cloud Mountains.

Due to the opening of the Trial of Ten Thousand Races, the city of Immortal City is very lively. Many monks gathered together to exchange experience in fighting with each other. At the same time, there were also many mortal warriors who came here to prepare for the upcoming "Mountain Opening Ceremony".

Lie Yangzong.

Since the invasion of the Liangyuan Kingdom, although the suzerain Chi Zaiyue disappeared inexplicably, the Lieyang Sect has preserved most of its heritage, and the development of the sect has become more and more prosperous.

At present, Master Cangxi is in charge of the overall situation, Fairy Hongluan is assisting, and 'Longyang Sword' Wu Bailing is focused on cultivation and doesn't care about world affairs.

On this day, a space portal opened above the Sovereign Peak, and two figures walked out from it.

The two extremely terrifying divine senses suppressed and swept the Lie Yangzong in an instant.

"Leader You, I didn't expect that in this small second-class cultivation country, there would be a zombie at the fusion stage and a monk at the Nascent Soul stage..." Bai Zun said puzzledly.

After You Fanghong experienced the "Yinxiantai" incident, he secretly sent someone to inquire about Su Poman's origin.

Out of reverence for the god from the upper world, he did not take other measures after learning the origin.

Some time ago, after learning that Su Poman was the 'No. [-] Blue Star Cultivator', he felt that it was necessary to form a good relationship with him and take care of his relatives and friends in the Lieyang Sect.

In addition, it is better to inquire from other people to confirm whether Su Poman is a demon cultivator or not.

"Hey, there is a strange power in those people!" Bai Zun frowned suddenly, under his powerful consciousness, the formation in the small courtyard on the top of the cliff was as transparent as it was, and there was no secret at all.

You Fanghong smiled slightly, "You also found out?"

Cliff top courtyard.

"Sister Cai'er, these demon blood are so delicious, every time I drink it, I feel as if I'm drinking fine liquid!" Rui Zhu wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, showing a very satisfied expression on her small face.

Cai'er smiled slightly, "I heard from General Zhao that these monster bloods are extracted from the monsters in the transformation stage. They contain abundant soul blood, so they are naturally delicious! But it's a pity... with the help of so much monster blood, we still can't get enough blood." If you have not evolved into red eyes, not only will you not be able to help the young master, but you will also not be able to eat normal food, it is really uncomfortable!"

"Young master said to let us understand the power of 'love', I still don't quite understand it..." Ruizhu tilted her head, her big eyes were full of confusion.

At this moment, a 1.9-meter-high majestic figure in bright silver armor suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

"You two ladies, there is a strong enemy coming, hurry up and dodge with me!" Zhao Yuanjing said solemnly, his fangs were exposed at this time, and he had already manifested a zombie real body under tremendous pressure.

Cai'er's expression tightened, "Strong enemy? What about Master Ouyang and the others?"

"They have entered the trial tower, and their lives are not in danger..."

Before finishing speaking, a space portal appeared in front of the three of them. Zhao Yuanjing roared angrily, and wanted to forcefully move away with the second daughter.

"You don't need to panic, the old man has no malicious intentions!"

You Fanghong showed a kind smile on his face.

Since being Tonghua's second-generation green-eyed zombie, although Zhao Yuanjing's strength has increased a lot, he still has no power to parry in front of Sanxian.

The power of shifting dissipated out of thin air, Zhao Yuanjing looked at the person vigilantly, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Hehe, don't be afraid, this old man is Su Poman's friend..."


Beyond the sun.

Su Poman was in the state of cultivation. At this time, his realm had been raised to the early stage of transformation, and the fog ball above his head was also smaller.

"Boy Su, two Sanxians have gone to the Lieyang Sect..."

Tian Lingzi's voice rang directly in his mind.

"who is it?"

Su Poman opened his eyes, and there was a cold light in them.

With a wave of Tian Lingzi's hand, the picture of the small courtyard on the top of the cliff suddenly appeared in front of him.

"So it's them...God, send me there directly!"

Su Po opened his mouth, immediately inhaled the ball of mist into his body, and stored it temporarily.

Tian Lingzi nodded, and when he waved his hands, time and space changed, as if he was riding a teleportation array. In a burst of light and shadow, Su Poman came to the small courtyard on the top of the cliff.



"Young master, you are back!"

As soon as they saw Su Poman, Cai'er and Rui Zhu ran over happily.

Bai Zun's expression was startled. As a Sanxian-level cultivator, he failed to notice the spatial fluctuation of this person's arrival.

"Little friend Su!"

You Fanghong showed a kind expression on his face.

This title and performance made Bai Zun even more surprised. When did the leader of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, a powerhouse of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals, be so friendly to a junior, and even call him a peer, with a faint sense of respect.

"Old man, I'm really disturbing you by taking the liberty to visit!"

Su Poman smiled slightly, and said: "Senior's arrival makes the humble house luxuriant, so why bother!"

"Did Su Xiaoyou just come back from the stars?" You Fanghong asked with a smile.

Su Poman nodded, and said with a smile: "The magic circle I left here sensed that a master came to visit, so I came back to take a look, but I didn't expect it to be a senior! If I knew it, I wouldn't have to come back!"

"I'm really ashamed that I interrupted Su Xiaoyou's practice!"

You Fanghong was a little ashamed, he wanted to make a good relationship, but he didn't expect to force his deity to return, wondering if the other party would hate him because of this.

"Young Master, this old man gave us the blood of some high-level monsters, and asked us if we would like to be guests in the Cultivation Alliance, so we shouldn't be bad people!" Rui Zhu whispered.

You Fanghong glanced at Ruizhu gratefully, and he was relieved immediately.

Bai Zun on the side was a little dumbfounded at this time, he felt as if he was dreaming.

[What's wrong with League Leader You, to please such a small cultivator at the stage of transformation, could it be that this person is a young master from a big family? 】

(End of this chapter)

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