Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 268 Heaven and Earth in the Tower

Chapter 268 Heaven and Earth in the Tower
"Senior, don't worry about it. I've finished my practice and I'm about to come back!" Su Poman smiled freely, with a natural expression, without showing the slightest displeasure.

"That's good! That's good!" You Fanghong nodded, and then changed the subject: "Little friend, today's list of ten thousand races..."

"Senior, don't worry, that was specially modified by the junior, in order to deceive the monster race! As for the blood of the few of them, it is also the result of acquired practice, it is not born like this, and it does not belong to the monster race..." Su Poman explained slowly.

"I see!"

You Fanghong showed a look of surprise on his face, he took out more than a dozen tokens from his hands, and handed them over, "I have a few tokens here. If Mr. Su's relatives and friends need it, they can go to the Cultivation Alliance to work in it. There will be great benefits!"

"Then I would like to thank Senior You!"

Su Poman took the token, held it in his hand for a moment, then put it away, he suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, Senior You, the Town Demon Palace is a force created by the boy. If you don't do it properly, please forgive me!"

"What? You made the Town Demon Palace?"

Bai Zun beside him couldn't help but interjected, with a look of surprise on his face.

As far as he knew, each of the envoys in the Hall of Soul Suppression has the strength of the fusion stage, and the number is unknown, at least hundreds of them.

Such a large organization was actually created by this kid in the early stage of transformation?

You Fanghong was also stunned, but after thinking about the fairy god sitting in his mind, he made a wave of self-brain supplements, and soon felt that it made sense. After thinking for a while, he coughed lightly and said: "Little friend , are you interested in subordinating the Town Demon Palace under the Immortal Cultivation Alliance and making it an orthodox law enforcement department in the alliance?"

"Is that okay too?"

Su Poman's heart moved, if he could really merge the Temple of Demon Suppression into the Alliance of Immortal Cultivators, then everything he did would represent orthodoxy and righteousness, and he would be able to eradicate evil in a fair and just manner.

"Of course, as long as my friend is willing, the old man can make a decision now. After returning, he will enter the structure of the Town Demon Palace into the system of the Cultivation Alliance, and then notify all Cultivation Nations. Will admit the existence of the Town Demon Palace!" You Fanghong said slowly.

Su Poman nodded with a smile, "Senior You, I have to trouble you with this matter!"

As he spoke, he beckoned, and a man in black wearing a bronze ghost mask appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the Vice-Hallmaster of the Town Demon Palace. You can ask him to go back and discuss with the senior about the specific matters of merging into the Immortal Cultivation Alliance!"

"Okay, since there is nothing wrong, the old man will go back first. If Mr. Su needs anything, you can come to the Immortal Cultivation Alliance to find me at any time!"

"it is good!"


The space portal was slowly closed, and everyone present looked at Su Poman at this moment.

"Master, what kind of cultivation were those two people just now? When they first came, they broke my teleportation power!" Zhao Yuanjing asked suspiciously.

"Those two are both Loose Immortals, and their cultivation is among the top existences in the Lower Realm!"

"What? Sanxian?"

Zhao Yuanjing was completely dumbfounded, recalling the attitude and performance of the two of them just now, it felt a little unreal.

"My lord, do you want to leave this time when you come back?" Cai'er asked softly.

Ruizhu held his arm tightly, raised her head, her green eyes had a hint of anticipation, she looked like the flower fairy Lulu.

Su Poman rubbed the heads of the two girls, and said with a smile: "Hehe, this time when I come back, I will take you with me!"

"Really? Young Master, you are so kind!" Cai'er buried her head in Su Poman's arms, she was like a deer having fun, she almost jumped up with joy.

Rui Zhu directly expressed her joy with actions, she stood on tiptoe, kissed Su Poman's cheek with her cherry lips.

"Mu! Slap!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuanjing teleported away immediately.

Su Poman hugged the two girls, entered the big bed in the room, and had a friendly discussion.

Several hours later, a meteor shower returned from the sky.

The day's trial was over, and Ouyang Hong and the others also came back from the trial tower.

"Haha, Brother Kong, I have won several battles today. The power of the bloodline that General Zhao bestowed on me is too strong! I feel that I will be able to step up and fight against the Foundation Establishment Stage next time!" Yin Wanchou hooked Kong Qi's shoulders laughed loudly, his expression was overjoyed, and a faint blue light flashed in his eyes.

Cai Yaner rolled her eyes, and muttered softly: "I haven't been in shape all day..."

When Yu Liang and Jiang Darui heard the movement, they also walked out of their practice room, and hurriedly greeted Kong Qi and others after seeing them.

At this moment, Su Poman's clothes changed into a white robe, and he walked out from the backyard.

"Master Su!"

"Meet Hall Master Su!"


The five of them stepped forward to salute respectfully, their gazes more respectful than usual, as if they were facing the god who created them.

Su Poman glanced at the situation with his divine sense, and saw the current situation of these people, and asked curiously: "Why are you all transformed into the Pangu clan?"

"Master, I was originally transformed into a Pangu tribe by General Zhao. They saw that my strength has improved so quickly, and after learning about the benefits of being a Pangu tribe, they begged General Zhao to transform them into Pangu tribe as well!" Yin Yin Wan Qiu said frankly, his expression was a little nervous, as if he was afraid that Su Poman would be unhappy.

At this time, Cai Yaner cautiously said: "Master Su, I begged Sister Caier to help me transform, you won't blame me, will you?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, but you have to be clear about one thing. Before you advance to the real red-eyed Pangu tribe, you have to live on blood. You can't kill innocent mortals, and don't turn outsiders into zombies at will! Of course, if There are also immediate family members in the family, which can be transformed, but only immediate family members!"

"Yes, Hall Master Su!"

The expressions of the five people relaxed, and under the pressure of their heavy blood, they fell to their knees directly and thanked them a thousand times.

At this moment, Cai'er and Rui Zhu came out of the backyard with blushing faces.

"My lord, your bloodline contains mysterious power. As long as their descendants don't overuse their superpowers, they can stay alive in the sun every day, and don't need to drink blood to live!" Cai'er said with a smile on her eyes.

Su Poman nodded, "Get up quickly, recently I got a chance to let you work in the Ninth Class Cultivation Alliance, and you can get in touch with more powerful exercises. I don't know who among you would like to Go? If you don't want to go, you can stay in Lieyangzong, or you can choose to leave Qiongxing with me!"

"Leaving Qiong Xing?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Kong Qi's paralyzed face.

"Master, if we leave Qiong Xing with you, is there any chance to come back?"

Su Poman shook his head and said: "I'm not sure about this either, you guys go back and think about it carefully, and after you've considered it, come and tell me!"

"Master, can I go to the Cultivation Alliance if I want to?"

From behind, a young man with a thin face and a slender frame spoke.

Su Poman nodded, "Of course!"

While speaking, he threw a token to him.

"Yu Liang, you take this token. Whenever you want to go, you can use your spiritual power to stimulate it. The Immortal Cultivation Alliance will send someone to pick you up! In fact, going to the Immortal Cultivation Alliance is also a good choice. You have almost unlimited lifespan. Don't provoke any enemies, you can use your endless life energy to break through to a higher level!"

Su Poman said slowly.

"Master, I also want to go to the Cultivation Alliance. I'm sorry, but I can't continue to follow you. I have some relatives who are still in Pu Country..." Jiang Darui said with a little embarrassment.

Su Poman nodded with a smile, delivered a token to his hand, and said lightly: "It's okay, everyone has his own ambition, and it is a good thing for me that you can go to the Cultivation Alliance! By the way, help if you can!"

"Hallmaster, don't worry, I will definitely not forget to take care of that side!" Jiang Darui assured, patting his chest.

"Well... if you have nothing to do, go to practice first!"

"Yes, hall master, I will take my leave first!"


"Teacher, you are back!"

Ouyang Hong walked out of the training room and came to Su Poman in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, his expression became a little surprised, "Your cultivation level..."

At this time, he was surprised to find that his cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage could not tell the depth of Su Poman's cultivation.


Su Poman bowed and said with a smile: "Recently, this disciple has encountered some opportunities, and his cultivation has made some breakthroughs!"

Ouyang Hong didn't speak, walked over and directly grabbed Su Poman's arm, a trace of magic power was annihilated as soon as it entered.

"You call this a little breakthrough?" He widened his eyes, "Now your cultivation is higher than being a teacher, right?"

Su Poman didn't make a sound, just nodded slightly.


Ouyang Hong couldn't help taking a breath, and hurriedly transmitted his spiritual sense: "Disciple, this matter must not be made public, if others know that you have got such a chance, there will be powerful people coming to snatch it! "

"Master, don't worry, no one will know, and no one will come to snatch it!" Su Poman said indifferently.

Seeing his expression, Ouyang Hong couldn't help reminding again: "Teacher, you can't take it lightly. Every change in your cultivation base will fall into the eyes of those who care about you. It has improved a lot, but if faced with such a big opportunity, countless people will still be jealous!"

"Okay, this disciple knows, and I will definitely not spread the word! Master, I came back this time to take you to other places. I wonder if you would like to?" Su Poman changed the subject.

Ouyang Hong raised his brows, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Go to other places? The old man is staying here well, not going anywhere..."

"Master, listen to me, that place is a treasured place for cultivation, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth is extremely abundant..."

"Don't go, don't go, since it's so good, apprentice, you go first, and wait until you think about it as a teacher!"

Su Poman looked at Ouyang Hong's recalcitrant appearance, suddenly lost his mind, and with a thought, "God, let my master be directly included in the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda!"

"Hmph, my cultivation level is not high, but my temper is quite evil..."

Tian Lingzi murmured in dissatisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

In Tianbao Phantom Spirit Pagoda.

On a continent where the aura of heaven and earth is abnormally full, a courtyard that is exactly the same as the small courtyard on the top of the cliff rises from the ground.

"Hey, what happened just now?" Ouyang Hong's eyes were full of doubts.

The strong light just now made him lose all five senses. When he opened his eyes again, although he was still in the small courtyard on the top of the cliff, he clearly felt that the surrounding environment had changed.

"What a rich aura! The aura in the high-level cultivation country has not reached such a level!"

Ouyang Hong looked at the white mist around him, stretched out his hand to touch the condensed aura, his eyes were full of shock, he said to himself, "In such an environment, even if a pig spends time here After a long time, you can cultivate to become a master!"

"Sister Cai'er, the air here is so fresh!"

Ruizhu took a deep breath and couldn't help but close her eyes.

Ouyang Hong's spiritual consciousness exploded, and it quickly spread out.

On a cliff with the same landform, a small courtyard on the top of the cliff stands here alone. Outside is a beautiful landscape, the sunset on the long river, the raging waves of the vast sea...


"This is definitely not the country of Nanyue!"

Ouyang Hong said with great certainty, after thinking about it, he suddenly understood, and couldn't help scolding: "This little bastard, you didn't ask my old man's opinion, and brought me here. Many of the old man's things are still there. In the yard!"

"Hey, Master, don't blame me! This is a good place where there is no conflict, and it is the most suitable place to study the 'Way of Forging Swords', this is your thing!" Su Poman's figure slowly fell from mid-air, and at this time he held Holding a pile of sundries, he said with a hippie smile.

"You ah you!"

Ouyang Hong flicked his sleeves, as if he was angry, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed that he was very satisfied with this place.

For a cultivator who is obsessed with "The Way of Forging Swords", it must be his dream to find a place where he can study his own things peacefully.

"Master, I found this in the storage ring of a Sanxian. It contains many novel methods and experience in refining weapons and swords. You can study it, maybe it will be helpful to your "sword casting method." ' is inspiring!"

With a wave of Su Poman's hand, one after another jade slips emerged and landed around Ouyang Hong's body.

At the same time, he also removed the two rows of bookshelves and placed them directly in the middle of the yard.

"These are all left by that senior Sanxian. There are alchemy, formations, exercises, and secret techniques. Master, if you need to change the exercises, you can come here to have a look!"

The corner of Ouyang Hong's mouth twitched, feeling that the jade slips floating around him at this moment were like cat's claws, scratching his heart.

[What is the difference between Sanxian Da Neng's refining experience? 】

【Hmph, brat, you actually want to use this method to calm down the old man. The old man is determined not to be moved by foreign objects. Even if he dies, he will definitely not look at the jade slip today! 】

[I don’t know how the ancient treasure-level flying sword will be different in casting, there should be records in these jade slips...]


While Ouyang Hong was struggling, Su Poman brought the two girls to the other side of the cliff. After communicating with Tian Lingzi, magnificent courtyards rose up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. The layout and furnishings were like fairyland. .

(End of this chapter)

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