Chapter 269 On the Guangchi Peak
"My lord, is this the Xanadu you mentioned?" Cai'er's beautiful eyes widened, sparkling in her eyes, and she was very excited when she saw the miraculous scene.

Rui Zhu's eyes were full of little stars, "Master, can we live in all these yards?"

"Of course, this world is in a fairy artifact. After I refine it, I will be able to get along with you anytime, anywhere!" Su Poman said with a smile.

"A fairy?"

The two women's eyes widened suddenly, their faces full of disbelief.

Su Poman intends to keep the other courtyards for backup, and if anyone wants to follow him, he will be allowed to live in these courtyards.

Su Poman stood on a high place, glanced at the world, and found that the space here is wider than some large-scale secret realms, enough to accommodate hundreds of countries in it, and the products are rich, but there are no creatures such as birds, fish and insects. , With a thought, he said: "Heaven, although this world is full of vitality, it lacks some vitality. Why don't you bring in some harmless creatures..."

"it is good!"

The light flickered between the sky and the earth, and colorful streamers emerged.

In the Qianyuan world, many ordinary creatures disappeared out of thin air on many repair stars, but they were not discovered.

All of a sudden, all kinds of birds suddenly appeared in the sky and the sky inside the tower.

There are also more fish, shrimps, turtles and crabs in the water lakes, more yaks and wild horses on the grasslands, elk and apes in the mountains and forests, and various insects on the grass leaves.

"Well, that's a bit of fun!"

"Cai'er, Ruizhu, pick a yard to live in first! I'm going out to do some business, and I'll come see you when I have time!"

"Okay, son!"


Su Poman's figure gradually blurred, and he appeared in the small courtyard on the cliff top of the Lieyang Sect.

After tidying up some things, he left the yard and walked towards Guangchi Peak.

"I don't know how that guy Nie Rongchuan is doing now!"

After sweeping his consciousness, he was surprised to find that Nie Rongchuan was not in the original stone house area, but moved to Shangdaoyuan.

"Hehe, the improvement in strength is not slow!"

In a house where the disciples of the upper Taoist school lived, a fat man with big eyes and a round belly was trying to comprehend the jade slips in his hand, his expression was very distressed, as if he was stumped by the secret method in front of him.

At this moment, a flame flew in from the outside.

"Nie Xiaopang, I'm here to see you!"

The sound came out from the sound transmission talisman, and Nie Rongchuan, who was helpless at first, immediately jumped up from the cultivation stone bed when he heard the sound.

"Brother Su is back!"

There was a gleam of light in his pair of small eyes, and his expression was very happy.He got up and walked out the door quickly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the figure of Xin Chang who was looking at him with a smile.

"Brother Su, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been all this time? Recently, the 'Trial of Thousands of Races' started, and the sect is buying points from us. It is said that we can exchange them for a lot of good things!"

Nie Rongchuan was still dressed in a green robe, with the badge of an inner disciple hanging on his waist, and his eyes were narrowed, like a boy dancing a lion.

Su Poman came over, smiled and hammered Nie Rongchuan's chest, and said: "Recently, I went to explore other countries, hehe, Nie Xiaopang, have you gained weight recently?"

"Oh, I will grow flesh even if I drink cold water now!" Nie Rongchuan showed helplessness, then glanced up and down a few times, stared at Su Poman with a smile and said: "Brother Su, since you were accepted as a personal disciple by Master Ouyang, I think you are not ordinary, and now you have gone to other countries to explore, it is really enviable, I am only in the stage of Qi refining, I am afraid that it will be dangerous to leave East Holy Continent!"

"Little Fatty, I came back this time just to take you to a good place. I don't know if you are willing. There will be a very safe cultivation environment, and there may be someone to guide you in cultivation... By the way, you are in South Vietnam Are there any family members or worries in the country?" Su Poman said seriously.

When Nie Rongchuan heard this, his small eyes widened in an instant, and he said with surprise: "Really? Brother Su, do you want to take me to wander? But I am only in the late stage of Qi refining, will I hold you back?" ! I don’t have any worries here, I’m just a casual cultivator, and I have nothing to worry about in Nanyue Kingdom!”

"Don't worry, I will find a way to improve your cultivation first! I will follow my elder brother to take you to eat and drink spicy food, hahaha..." Su Poman laughed freely, then suddenly thought of other people, and said casually Asked: "By the way, how are Lu Man and Quan Yuan doing?"


There was a little hesitation on Nie Rongchuan's face, obviously hesitant.

"Is there something unspeakable?" Su Poman asked after seeing this.

Nie Rongchuan sighed, "They've been in some trouble recently!"

"What's the trouble?" Su Poman frowned.

Nie Rongchuan said slowly: "Do you know that Lu Yu is the captain of the Law Enforcement Hall. Some time ago, I didn't know what kind of opportunity he had, but he succeeded in building the foundation. Recently, he fell in love with Lu Man's younger sister, Lu Xin'er, and wanted to rely on his status as an elder. , forcing Lu Xiner to be his concubine, I wanted to tell you about it, but now apart from you, no one in the sect can save them!"

"Lu Yu?"

A sneer appeared on Su Po's face, "Not only did I know this guy, I even slapped him in the face! Come on, little fat, take me to find him!"

"Brother Su, don't be impulsive. There are people behind this Lu Yu. Although the strength is not as good as Master Ouyang, he is also a master of the fake alchemy realm. Don't go head-to-head!" Nie Rongchuan urged Su Poman's arm urgently.

Su Poman snorted coldly, "Don't be afraid, even if his master comes, it's useless!"

For a second-class cultivator, the God Transformation Stage is an invincible existence. In the past, Su Poman had to consider Ouyang Hong, Cai Er and others living here, and it didn't make too much noise, but now, there is no need to be afraid of anything.

The powerful spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped the entire sect, including some forbidden areas and areas covered by formations.


Stone House area.

"Lu Man, think about it clearly. Elder Lu's patience is limited. You are just not allowed to accept sect missions. You don't have any income from spirit stones. How can you two practice? That fat man has been warned by Elder Lu. I dare not come to help you again! I advise you to wash your sister obediently and send it to the room of our Elder Lu!" A monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks with triangular eyes roared aggressively, beside him, There were still four or five fierce law enforcement monks standing there.

Lu Man's right eye was black and his clothes were torn. He protected Lu Xiner behind him, and stared coldly at the people in front of him, "Get out! Get out!"

"Yo, who do you think you are? How dare you be so angry! Brothers, let's go together and loosen his bones!"

"I'm stubborn, I have to suffer, what a way to become a master in the foundation period, what a fool!"

The triangular-eyed monk muttered and waved his hand, and the people behind immediately rushed up and surrounded the two of them.

"Woooooo, don't hit my brother! Please..."

Lu Xiner cried pear blossoms with rain, and said pitifully.

"Don't beg these scumbags! As long as I don't use my spiritual power, they won't dare to kill me..." Lu Man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. Because of the excessive force, the surface of the skin showed some The color of blue and white.

"Come on, everything is coming at me, if you dare to touch my sister, I will fight you hard!"

Lu Man rushed a few steps staggeringly, with his head lowered, his eyes were like a ferocious beast in a desperate situation, with a penetrating cold light.

This aura frightened the skinny monkey with triangular eyes back half a step. Afterwards, his face became hot and he felt ashamed. He yelled: "I know bluff! Fuck, brothers, do it for me!" he!"

Lu Man raised his arms to cover his head, and sweet blood oozes from the gap between his teeth because of too much force.

After waiting for a long time, the expected raindrops of fists did not fall. He raised his arm and saw two figures, one fat and one thin, standing in front of him.

As soon as Lu Man glanced, he recognized the chubby figure. He couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, and shouted, "Fatty Nie, you have just been promoted to the Upper Daoist Academy, so don't meddle in my affairs." !"

At this time, Nie Rongchuan hadn't recovered from his senses, and he felt that he came here just before his eyes.

[This doesn't look like a method in the foundation building period! 】

He looked at Su Poman next to him with a puzzled face, then turned his head and smiled and said, "Brother Lu, look who I invited back?"

"Brother Su!"

"Hurry up and save my brother, these people come to bully us every day!"

Lu Xiner exclaimed, although she hadn't seen him for a long time, she recognized the person from the side at a glance.

Su Poman turned his head and smiled at the two, then looked coldly at the five people in front of him.

"Su Poman?" The triangular-eyed monk was stunned for a moment, and then said sternly: "Even if you come, don't think that you can do whatever you want with Master Ouyang as your backer! Elder Lu is not easy to mess with, I advise you not to have a finger in the pie!"

"Hehe, you are not allowed to use your spiritual power in front of our Law Enforcement Hall disciples. As long as you dare to meddle in other people's business, we will beat you!"

"I heard that he was the leader of the six factions last time! I don't know how many punches he can resist us, hahaha..."


Su Poman smiled coldly, a six-pointed star slowly lit up in his eyes, and the pupils of judgment swept over these people one by one.

A cloud of blood condensed on the head of the monk with triangular eyes, and the unbearable past emerged in the cloud of blood.

Ren Debiao, a member of the Black Dragon Society, used his status as an immortal cultivator to defile hundreds of mortal girls, and even murdered several of his fellow disciples during his adventures in secret realms. His crime is unforgivable.

Ma Wang, a member of the Black Dragon Society, once massacred a family of nine in a village, just to test the power of the fireball technique, and then caused a mountain fire, causing the entire village to be engulfed in flames, which is an unforgivable crime.

Although the other three were not considered good people, they had not done any heinous things, so there were only a few bloodshots on their heads.

"You two...will die!"

Su Poman stretched out his arms, paused on Ren Debiao and Ma Wang's body, flicked his fingers lightly, and immediately an invisible wind blade shot out from his fingertips.

The two were about to laugh, but the next moment——

The wind blade swirls and cuts past!

Chi Chi!

"Ah ah ah..."

The lower legs of Ren Debiao and Ma Wang were cut off at the knee, and the two of them rolled all over the ground in pain instantly, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Seeing this, another monk was furious and reprimanded loudly: "You dare to use spiritual power within the sect, you are provoking the sect's rules..."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body seemed to have been hit hard, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he passed out directly.

"Did you talk?"

Su Poman said in a cold tone.

Nie Rongchuan was also startled, and hurriedly stepped forward and tugged on Lasu's ragged sleeves, "Brother, we can't play like this, it won't make sense!"

"As long as my fist is big enough, I'm right!"

Su Poman muttered to himself as if no one was around, his eyes full of confidence.

"Just watch from the sidelines. I've endured them for a long time. It's not easy for anyone to come today. Now they are bullying my friend Su Poman. Then I will let these people have a taste of regret." !"

With a wave of his hand, the three of Nie Rongchuan were gently sent to the stone house by him.

"Brother Nie, what kind of strength is Fellow Daoist Su now? Why do I feel a little..." Lu Man asked hesitantly.

Nie Rongchuan recalled the scene of the sudden teleportation just now, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart, and then he shook his head violently.

"How is it possible? It's only been two or three years. Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"


In the arena, the remaining two looked shocked and glanced at each other, only feeling that things were a little messed up.

They had never seen such means before, and they had already lost three before they even saw spells.

"Ahem, Senior Brother, I know I was wrong, please let me go!" One of them said with a fearful expression.

Another black and thin young man also begged for mercy: "Yes, we know we were wrong, and please forgive me, brother!"

Beads of sweat flowed down his face, and seeing Ren Debiao and Ma Wang who were already in pain and almost passed by, he felt unprecedented fear in his heart.

How could the Lieyang Sect have such an evil star!

"Hehe, capital crimes are inevitable, but living crimes are inevitable! Since you two committed evil, you should be mentally prepared..."

While talking and laughing, Su Poman pointed out with his fingers.

Three dull sounds came, and a finger-thick blood hole appeared in the abdomen of the three of them!
"You actually abolished us?" The burly young man gritted his teeth, cold sweat seeped out of his face layer by layer, his face was full of disbelief and deep hatred.

"My cultivation!"

The black and thin young man cried out in pain, as if he couldn't bear the huge blow, he passed out directly.

"When you fight others, you should have this kind of awareness!" Su Poman said coldly, "As the saying goes, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that you don't repay, the time has not yet come!"

"Then you are going too far! Abolishing your cultivation base is like killing your parents!"

The burly young man gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word between his teeth.

"Oh, I don't think... If you dare to hurt my friend, I will cut off your minions, so that you will have no chance to bully others with your strength! Have you passed? Maybe, but I am willing, you bite me?" Su With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Go away, call your master quickly, maybe...he can avenge you!"

The latter sentence instantly awakened the burly young man. He gave Su Poman a fierce look, took a deep breath, and staggered away along the mountain road.

The commotion here has already attracted many disciples from the Lower Taoist Academy to watch from a distance, pointing and talking about something.

Ren Debiao and Ma Wang had already taken out the 'Little Rejuvenation Talisman' to control their injuries, and sat slumped aside, staring at Su Poman with hatred.

Chi Chi!

Another finger shot out.

"Ah ah ah..."

The arms of the two were broken at the same root, and the field once again sounded one after another in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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