Chapter 270 Spy
Su Poman looked at the two people who had lost their limbs, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said softly, "Well, it's comfortable!"

"Devil, you are a devil! Evil devils are heretics, everyone can kill them!" Ren Debiao was covered in blood, his face was extremely pale, his lips were blue and purple, and he roared angrily.

Su Poman sneered, "To those hundreds of mortal girls, you are the real devil!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the half of Ren Debiao's straddled flesh instantly separated from his body, and then turned into ashes along with a flame.

" baby root!"

Ren Debiao vomited blood from his mouth, rolled his eyes and passed out immediately.

"I can't stand this little torture, it's cheap for you!"

A finger shot out, and there was a fist-sized hole between Ren Debiao's eyebrows, and the red and white fluid flowed all over the place, and the fishy smell permeated the surrounding area, making people sick.

The three of Nie Rongchuan stood beside the stone house, watching what happened in front of them in silence, their hearts were already shocked by Su Poman's tough methods.

Looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar figure from the back, their hearts were very complicated.

This is completely different from the gentle and handsome young man in their impression!
It was as if a tiger had escaped from the cage in his heart.

However, what Su Poman did made them feel very satisfied, and they did what they wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

"It's your turn, Mawang!"

Su Poman's gaze moved, and landed on the trembling young man.

"How do you know my name?"

"Hehe, not only do I know your name, I also know that you are good at using fireball!"

A gigantic fireball emerged, and Ma Wang felt a scalding sensation due to the scorching heat.

"Well, do you remember anything?"

Dreamlike words suddenly appeared in his ears.

Ma Wang's pupils lost focus, and tragic pictures emerged in the back of his mind.

The young man returned from cultivating immortals, and in the countryside and mountain village, he laughed wildly. The flames reflected his cheeks, making his expression look a little crazy.

"Fireball, I have mastered it! Hahaha..."

Wildfires spread all over the mountains and fields, and the entire village was reduced to ashes amidst the screams of screaming.

In the early morning of the next day, a cooked baby corpse floated up from the water tank. His eyes were wide open, and the pupils of his eyes had turned gray-white. His mouth and nose were full of black fly ash. An odd scent.

The nine members of the family who were first affected by the fireball technique had no bones left. Among the village households that were devoured by the wildfire, there were distorted charred corpses on display.


When he came back to his senses, the huge fireball had already enveloped his whole body.

Under the scorching heat, his skin began to scorch and crack, and his subcutaneous nerves were instantly ignited. The severe pain made him cry out for help even more painfully.

"Help! Help me..."

An inhuman torch rolled over and over on the ground, screaming in pain.

However, none of the disciples watching around dared to step forward to save him, and they all looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

"The method is so cruel, aren't you afraid of attracting law enforcement disciples?"

"Law enforcement disciples? Those lying on the ground are all disciples of the law enforcement hall. I am afraid that only the elders can clean up this mess this time!"

"Who is that person?"

"At first glance, you are a latecomer. That is the sequence disciple of our Lieyang Sect, the No. 1 of the six sects' martial arts meeting last time, Senior Brother Su Poman, but I don't know why these people fell into his hands. Killing two directly is too cruel!"

"I know, it is said that the brothers and sisters of the Lu family are friends of Senior Brother Su, and the newly promoted Elder Lu wants Lu Xiner to be his concubine, but the girl disagrees, and has sent people to trouble them many times. Out of anger for them!"

"Exhaust? Killed two people directly and crippled three people. This is a bit over, I don't know how he will end up later!"

"It's really hard to say. Senior Brother Su is a direct disciple enshrined by Ouyang. If you want to punish him, I'm afraid it can only be done by Master Cangxi..."

"Hehe, it's none of our business, just watch the fun later!"


Not long after, there was a sound of wind in the sky.

"Little bastard, how dare you hurt my men!"

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first!
A spiritual pressure belonging to the foundation building stage descended from the sky, causing many low-level disciples in the Qi refining stage to feel tremendous pressure.

Su Poman raised his head, and saw two figures descending slowly, one of them was handsome and dressed in elder clothes, the other had sword-shaped eyebrows, slightly thin lips, and was carrying a bottle of Zitong sword box on his back.

"I didn't expect that the two of you got mixed up together, what a nest of snakes and rats!"

Su Poman's body was tall and straight, and he was not affected by the spiritual pressure at all.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

As soon as Tang Ze saw Su Poman, there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes, "Su Poman, you destroyed my natal sword last time, which made it difficult for me to build a foundation. Today I want to make you look good!"

"Make me look good?" Su Poman smiled contemptuously, and looked at Lu Yu, "Just rely on him, a weak chicken in the foundation building stage? It seems that he was forced to pile up with pills, spiritual power is really vain..."

The strong man whose dantian was destroyed was also standing on the magic weapon at this time, staring at Su Poman fiercely, and said angrily: "Elder Lu, he is the one who destroyed the dantian of the three of us, you must give it to Su Poman." Let's take revenge!"

"Bold thief, you dare to openly kill the disciple of Law Enforcement Hall, it seems that you can't be kept!" Lu Yu snorted righteously, and was about to strike from the air.

"Still forcing Lai Lai up there, come down for me!"

Su Poman reached out and grabbed it, and the three people who were originally standing on the magic weapon were suddenly pulled down by a powerful force.

Bang bang bang!

The strong young man was already injured, this fall directly killed half of his life, and he was lying on the spot unable to move.

Although Tang Ze and Lu Yu fell and made a fool of themselves, they were not injured because of their spiritual protection, and they just stared at Su Poman with gloomy expressions.

This kind of method is very strange, and even Lu Yu in the foundation establishment stage didn't realize it. If such a move is used in the fighting method, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Elder Lu, if you don't do anything yet, what are you waiting for? This kid is getting more and more arrogant!" Tang Ze said angrily.

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes, looked at the contemptuous expression on Su Poman's face, and recalled the scene when he was slapped at the mountain gate many years ago, and the anger in his heart kept rising.

At this moment, the six-pointed star in Su Poman's eyes faintly shone.

In the blood cloud, streaks of light and shadow slowly emerged.Some of the pictures were combined, and under the analysis of the super brain, he quickly captured many of the key points.

"Hey, interesting, I didn't expect you to be a spy sent by Liangyuan Kingdom!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You actually framed Elder Ben, you're courting death!"

Lu Yu was terrified, at this moment he couldn't care about anything else, the spiritual weapon in his hand turned into a cold glow, and he chopped it out instantly.

This type of attack used all his spiritual energy, it was his strongest method, it was aimed at killing Su Poman, and did not give him a chance to speak again.

Lu Yu didn't know how Su Poman knew his secret, but once this matter was revealed, his life and that of his master would be seriously threatened!

An ice-blue flying knife was wrapped in the cold light, and after a whistling sound, it shot towards Su Poman's face.

Su Poman gently raised his hand, only stretched out two fingers, and pinched it lightly——


The flying knife was caught between his two fingers, and the whole body vibrated endlessly, making a buzzing sound.

Needle dropping could be heard in the arena, only the ice-blue flying knife was making noise. Everyone was obviously shocked by this scene.


"That spirit weapon was caught by him empty-handed!"

"What kind of cultivation is Senior Brother Su? Shouldn't he be building a foundation too?"

"But...even if you are a master at the foundation establishment stage, you can't catch the spirit weapon with your bare hands!"


"call out!"

Su Poman waved his hand, and the ice-blue throwing knife was thrown out by him, turning into a blue shadow in the air.


Lu Yu felt a pain in his lower abdomen, and lowered his head in horror. He saw a hole bleeding out, and the spiritual power in his body began to leak out crazily like a punctured balloon.


Not long after he was promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, he didn't expect that his cultivation would be abolished now. At this time, he also felt the overwhelming hatred in the heart of the strong young man.

He glared at Su Poman, his eyes seemed to eat people.

"Look at what?"

Su Poman's figure instantly appeared in front of him, and then he slapped cleanly——

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu's eyes went dark, and he felt a burning pain in his face, and almost fainted.

The onlookers outside exclaimed.

This method is too domineering, first abolishing people's cultivation, and then slapping people, it is simply offending people to death all at once.

Tang Ze's lips turned slightly pale, obviously frightened, he took a few steps back, as if he wanted to escape.


Su Poman yelled violently, and the sound exploded in Tang Ze's ears, like the sound of ancient thunder, his legs trembled in fright, and he almost fell to the ground.

"You...don't act recklessly! There are many elders in the sect. If you act recklessly, it will be a violation of the sect rules and you will be severely punished..." Tang Ze said in a trembling voice, his confidence was a little lacking, so that the words came Behind, it's almost inaudible.

Su Poman smiled lightly, and said in a serious tone: "But haven't I already violated many school rules? I'm not afraid, if I violate one more, I will destroy you!"

"No, you can't do this! I'm a relative of Sect Master Chi, if you dare to do this, Sect Master Chi will definitely not let you go when he comes back!" Tang Ze was so frightened that his face turned pale, he sat on the ground and backed away repeatedly.

"Tang Ze, quickly send a signal to the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall! When my master comes, he will definitely be able to kill him..."

Lu Yu's voice came from behind.

Su Poman's expression was indifferent, turning a blind eye to this.

Tang Ze gritted his teeth, took out a round object from the storage bag, and threw it vigorously into the air.


The red mist exploded, and the sound instantly spread throughout the Lieyang Sect.

call out!call out!call out!
One after another escaped light came quickly.

Elder Zhou Lu from the Law Enforcement Hall was the first to arrive. He frowned and watched what happened before his eyes, his face gradually darkened.

"Who did it, dare to massacre in the Lieyang Sect!"

Following the shouting, Mu Kong, Shan Yangqiu, Jia Feng and other elders also came here.

When he saw Su Poman, Jia Feng looked a little happy, but when he saw the disciples lying at his feet, his expression tightened instantly, and his eyes were full of inquiries.

"Masters and uncles, grab him quickly. Su Poman first killed the two law enforcement hall disciples, and then abolished Elder Lu and others!" Tang Ze's eyes lit up at this moment, and he hurriedly Got up and ran behind a group of elders.

Shan Yangqiu hurriedly stepped forward, helped Lu Yu, looked at his injury with a frown, and fed another elixir.

"Elder Lu's dantian has been broken, I'm afraid, he won't be able to continue practicing in this life..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lu Yu with a little more pity.

"Elders, you must avenge me. Quickly inform my master, I want him to die! Quickly kill him, kill Su Poman!"

Lu Yu's eyes were red, and there was a monstrous hatred in his eyes, he pointed at Su Poman and yelled, spit flying all over the place.

"Su Poman, you killed a fellow sect within the sect, come and take him down for me, and the sect will serve you!" Zhou Lu said angrily.

"Wait a minute!"

Jia Feng stepped forward quickly, "Senior Brother Zhou, please don't be angry, Su Poman has always been calm in dealing with things, and is deeply loved by Master Ouyang, there may be something unspeakable hidden in it!"

"At this time, you still excuse him. Didn't you see Lu Yu's situation? He is mutilating his fellow sect, and he should be punished! Even if Ouyang is enshrined, he can't violate the sect rules of Lieyang Sect!"

Su Poman shook his head lightly, "Lu Yu is not from my family, but this person is a spy of Liangyuan Kingdom, don't you know?"

At this moment, a black shadow descended from the sky, "Little thief, if you dare to harm my apprentice, you will die!"

The huge claw shadow had the aura of tearing the sky, and the spiritual power contained in it shocked every elder present.

"Master, kill him quickly!" Lu Yu shouted with surprise on his face.

"Elder Tu"

Jia Feng's expression tightened, and he wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

"What? Do you want to kill people to silence them?"

With a calm expression, Su Poman stretched out his right hand to grab it across the air, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth immediately gathered into a huge palm thousands of feet long, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

The claw shadow is in front of him, like a firefly and a bright moon!
Shan Yangqiu's eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "Fuck! What kind of trick is this?"

All the elders retreated quickly, even the most stubborn Elder Zhou was no exception. He withdrew several tens of feet and looked at the sky in surprise.


A muffled sound came.

Spreading his giant palms, a hunched, one-eyed old man fell from the air. He was in a state of near-death with less air intake and more outflow.

This movement has already alarmed the Golden Core Stage cultivators of the Sovereign Peak.

Three rainbow lights flew towards them, and when the light disappeared, three figures of two men and one woman appeared.

The leader is Cangxi real person with dark skin and red nose. On the left is Wu Bailing, who is thin and tall with a red sword box on his back.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"


All the monks present bowed in unison.

"What's going on?" Master Cangxi frowned, his tone obviously filled with anger.

Since taking over the suzerain position, Master Cangxi's fiery temper has calmed down a lot, but after seeing the situation in the field, he almost exploded with anger.

Seeing the suzerain and the elders coming, Tang Ze seemed to have seen a savior, he hurriedly climbed up to them, and told the story with more details.

(End of this chapter)

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