Chapter 277 Infinite Resurrection
"Then why don't you let me out and try?" Su Poman urged, "If I lose, then I will practice hard, but if I win, you must promise me that you will not force me into Tianbao Pagoda !"

Tian Lingzi shook his head and refused: "No way, the old man followed the Immortal Emperor all over the world, how could he not know about Heavenly Tribulation? Don't mess around, just stay and practice in the pagoda!"

"But, God, my next cultivation will also use Sun Star!" Su Po said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

After contemplating for a moment, Tian Lingzi smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this, the old man can find a sun star in other star fields and move it into the Tianbao Pagoda, which is enough for you to practice!"

"Old God, just let me go, even if it doesn't work, you can take me back to the Tianbao Pagoda before Jieyun condenses! If I don't go out and try it, I will feel uncomfortable, and I won't be able to practice with peace of mind. ..."

"The old man really lost to you!"

Tian Lingzi held his forehead, with a helpless expression on his face.

A ray of light flashed, and when Su Poman recovered his vision again, he had already arrived on Qiong Xing.

The phantom of Tian Lingzi slowly emerged behind him, staring nervously at the sky.

After a while, there was still no movement in the sky.

"How could this be?" Tian Lingzi murmured to himself with a puzzled face.

Su Poman smiled indifferently, and said: "Hey, what does the thunder tribulation created by the Fire Ape Clan have to do with me, Su Poman?"

Tian Lingzi seemed to be choked by something, with a dull expression, unable to speak, and extremely depressed, he clicked his tongue and said: "It shouldn't be, although your transformation technique is miraculous, how can you deceive the heavens?" Woolen cloth?"

"Hehe, God, this is not an ordinary technique of transformation!" Su Poman explained with a smile, and secretly said in his heart: "This is the top-notch supernatural power of avoiding robbery in the prehistoric world, and it can naturally escape the perception of heaven!"

With a sweep of his consciousness, he compared the map of Cangyun Continent in his memory, and immediately confirmed his location.

This is a third-class cultivator country near the Wanku Kingdom, named 'Daliang Kingdom', with a large population, the territory is dominated by plains, and most of the cultivation forces are righteous, and ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment.

"Drive! Drive!"

On the official road, dozens of green horses galloped past, rampaging on the official road, and immediately sat shirtless men with big knives on their backs, coming menacingly, with a heavy evil spirit on their bodies.

Coming all the way quickly, smoke and dust were everywhere, all the merchants on the road were turned upside down by the rushing people, and the smarter ones avoided in advance.

In the middle of the road, stood a young man wearing a white dragon painting robe. I saw him with a handsome face and an elegant temperament, like an immortal in the sky.

"Go away!"

The leading brawny man wore a black scarf and was burly but one-eyed. With a fierce look on his face, he grabbed the horsewhip behind him and raised it high.

There were sharp barbs on the long whip, as long as a finger, and fresh blood still remained on it.

If one is hit by such a murderous weapon, at least half of one's life will be lost. If the wound is stained by the filth from the barbs due to improper treatment, it is very likely that one will die!

Su Poman squinted his eyes, he didn't expect that while he was standing here communicating with Tian Lingzi, he would still find trouble.The six-pointed lines in his pupils lit up, and after he glanced at them, he immediately found that none of these 56 Jianghu gangsters were kind people, and each of them had at least seven or eight lives in their hands.

"Since it's in my hands, it's bad luck for you!"

The biological force field turned into tough transparent threads, straddling the necks of this group of people out of thin air.

The one-eyed strong man's eyes showed a bloodthirsty light, and he was very excited. He liked to meet this kind of person who blocked the way, so that he could wrap his whip around him and drag him all the way.

It is a great pleasure in the world to listen to the howling sound and rush on the road!
At this time, Master Sun suddenly felt a chill in his neck, and then a headless body appeared in his field of vision, galloping forward on a horse, and a spring of blood rose from his chest...

His sight fell into the dust, and then he felt a terrifying suffocation, and his consciousness quickly sank into the darkness.

Su Poman's figure had already flown to the clouds at this time, looking at the more than 50 headless corpses below, his heart was as calm as water.

The evil of these people is no different from that of the demon monks. Killing them can be considered as a blessing for this area.

He raised up his fingers and made a seal with one hand.

In an instant, men in black wearing ghost masks stepped out and stood with their hands tied.

"Go, clean up the tail, and then, find the secret place and harvest energy points!"

A group of shadow clones nodded symbolically, turning into streamers of light and heading in all directions.

"Perhaps in a few years, Qiong Xing will be able to become the first 'Great Harmony Society' in the Lower Realm under the influence of the Temple of Demon Township. The house will not be closed at night, the roads will not pick up lost items, men will have a share, women will return, and mortals will love each other without conspiracy. There is no intrigue, widows, widows and lonely people are all supported, monks can have principles, do not kill people to seize treasures, do not pervert, do not slaughter mortals wantonly, abide by the law, uphold justice..."

Su Poman thought about it for a while, then jumped out of the wind layer and moved towards the sun star.

Next, the mission of his true self is to improve his cultivation of immortality!

If he can raise his cultivation level to the Mahayana stage, his avatar will become stronger accordingly, and in the future, he can expand the power of the Temple of Demon Suppression to the entire Qianyuan Realm. After cleaning up many cancers, he will be able to get countless energy crystal...

At that time, his body will also be able to take risks in various dangerous places, experience life and death again and again, and use the characteristics of the 'Super Saiyan' to continuously improve his physical strength!
"By the way, God, can you open a trial space just for me, I want to send some avatars to brush up resistance..."

"What brush resistance?"

"Um... Let me explain to you this way. The same attack method will gradually become weaker when it is applied to me. Both my clone and the main body can gradually adapt to a certain attack until they are completely immune. Moreover, the resistance generated by the clone Sex also appears in the body!"

"Hiss? You still have this kind of physique? What kind of freak are you kid..."

In the previous trials, Tian Lingzi had already seen this point, but he was not sure. Knowing that Su Poman said it himself now, his world view was refreshed again.

"Following the old master for so long, I have seen countless kinds of immortal bodies and battle bodies, but I have never seen such a perverted physique like yours. The potential is so great that it is against the sky! If it works, the old man feels that your success rate of avenging your old master will increase by at least [-]%!"

"God, take your time first, wait until my clone is immune to the spells of the lower realm, and then try the fairy spells. After all, those are attacks at the law level, and I'm not sure if I can continue to be immune!"

Not long after, Su Poman had already arrived at the death zone of the sun star, he approached slowly, and kept moving into it, he found that his physical body was already able to adapt to the closer distance.

80 million kilometers!
70 million kilometers!
40 million kilometers!
One hundred thousand kilometers!

When he got here, Su Poman only felt warm all over his body, with an indescribably refreshing feeling, so he rushed directly into the area of ​​[-] kilometers in one go.

The huge sun star filled his entire field of vision. Su Poman could even see the shape of the tiny flames on the surface of the sun star. The monstrous flames tore apart the surrounding space, and the terrifying heat penetrated the void. Radiation entered the space crack.

"I can go a little further..."

Su Poman felt his cheeks were hot, every one of the superhuman cells in his body was greedily sucking the energy emitted by the sunlight, each one was shiny and moist, like small light bulbs.

Thirty thousand kilometers!

Ten thousand kilometers!
Five thousand kilometers! !
At this point, the temperature has risen to a very terrifying level.

If it is only observed from the ground, the surface temperature of this sun star is only tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, but most of its heat is poured into the void, and at least [-]% of the energy is absorbed by another dimension.

Su Poman felt that his mouth was parched, and the skin of his physical body seemed to be cracking. He quickly stopped and sat cross-legged in the void. With a hand gesture, a huge Golden Crow Dharma Body appeared behind him.

The torrent-like real fire of the sun rushed in, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and was sucked into Su Poman's body and Dharma body.


On the three-legged Golden Crow dharma body, the golden light circulates and shines brightly!

Seeing this, Tianlingzi created another huge fog ball for Su Poman to absorb spiritual energy.

Time passed slowly.

The aura on Su Poman's body became stronger and stronger, and it only took three days from the stage of transformation to the stage of fusion.

At the same time, in a trial space, hundreds of thousands of shadow clones are suffering from various attacks, from the lowest level of fireball and water archery, to various forbidden techniques that can only be used in the Mahayana period, and swords. Formation, flying spear technique, Gangyuan attack, formation, all kinds of magic weapons...

Among them, there are several types of spells alone, as well as various magic tools, magic weapons, and ancient treasures with different effects, as well as formations and restrictions with different powers...

These shadow clones kept dying and being reborn again and again.

A battle golem's attack method will not change until it is completely immune to the same attack method.

These shadow clones are not idle either. Between death and rebirth, they begin to comprehend various spells and secret techniques recorded in their minds. Every time they die, their practice experience will return to the body.

In this way, whether it is the cultivation level, or the perception of spells and secret techniques, they are all improving at an extremely terrifying speed!

At the same time, with such a huge amount of information, an ordinary monk would feel exhausted even if his soul is powerful.

However, Su Poman has a 'super brain'. Under the sunlight, it is very easy to deal with the information without the slightest pressure. Numbered in, forming a huge database.


A month later.

Su Poman's cultivation of immortality has reached the late stage of Dongxu, and his cultivation of immortality has become an indispensable part of his own combat power. As long as he thinks of various spells, he can come at his fingertips without thinking at all. Even, he is still on this basis. Created a lot of new secrets and spells.

At this time, he vaguely felt a kind of context, and there was a strange connection between various spells.

After comprehending hundreds of millions of spells, he clearly sensed a higher level of power. This power is like the trunk of a big tree, and all kinds of spells and secrets are just on the branches. of leaves.

He slowly opened his eyes, which contained infinite wisdom, just like a wise sage.

"One month is up, and I can use Ziyuan Roulette to strengthen my ability again!"

"God, send me back to Qiong Xing!"

"it is good!"

The light and shadow flowed, and the scene in front of him changed instantly.

With a thought in Su Po's satisfaction, black-robed figures wearing bronze ghost masks emerged from the land of Qiong Xing, moving towards his direction rapidly.

After a while, storage rings containing various rare materials were delivered to his hands one by one.

Su Poman scanned them one by one with his divine sense, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, the primordial spirit is a little less, it seems that there are a lot fewer villains in Qiong Xing's world of cultivating immortals! They have all started to do good deeds..."

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes, and used his thoughts to open the light curtain of the Ziyuan Roulette.

"That's right, fifty points of energy crystals have been added in one month, which is almost the upper limit of this cultivator. If you search more, it will hurt your vitality, and it will greatly affect the survival of Qiong Xing's spiritual veins..."

"It is necessary to formulate a long-term plan. We cannot exhaust the resources for fishing. Only by following the sustainable development route can we have a steady stream of energy crystals. When my cultivation reaches the Mahayana stage, I can deploy other cultivation planets..."


The surrounding shadow clones shattered one by one, and all kinds of combat experience began to return to the main body...

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Su Poman formed a seal with one hand, and the Chakra in his physical body was mobilized again, and densely packed demon suppressors appeared around him again.

This batch of new demon-suppressing envoys has a more powerful aura, and at the same time has resistance to countless attack methods.

"Go! Continue to guard the Quartet!"

Without any response, the demon-suppressing envoys tore through the space one after another and left the place directly.

"Next, it's time to enhance the lucky draw!"

"This time, let's continue to strengthen the 'Water Resurrection', and try to see if we can eliminate the cooldown period of that day..."

Su Poman rubbed his palms together, immersed his consciousness on the light screen of the roulette, and tapped lightly on the word 'Strengthen' with his thoughts.

The only remaining 50 energy points on the light curtain disappeared in an instant, transforming into a dazzling multicolored brilliance and hitting the roulette heavily.


The quaint and mysterious roulette rotates rapidly, and lights and shadows representing different abilities flash on the roulette, constantly disillusioned and replaced.

"Please confirm the reinforcement target..."

"Water Resurrection Day Xun!"

"Determine the goal of this strengthening is, Water Resurrection Day Xun!"

"The law link is being established and strengthened on the original basis..."

"Ding, spend 50 energy crystals, the strengthening is successful, you have obtained the supernatural power of the heavens [Infinite Resurrection], after each death, your body will be resurrected from the anchored resurrection point in full state, and your body and soul will be revived. Instant full state recovery, no consumption, no cooling, unlimited times, the current resurrection point has been anchored, if you change the location after anchoring, you need to spend 10 energy crystals each time...

"Ding, you have obtained an extra void resurrection point, which is not currently anchored. After anchoring is successful, once you die, you will have two resurrection points to choose from for resurrection..."

(End of this chapter)

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