Chapter 278 New resurrection point

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Late stage of hole void
[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)
Zombie: The bloodline of the first Pangu clan (100%)
Ancient Saiyan Bloodline (100%)
[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Unlimited resurrection
The current resurrection point is anchored (1/2). If you change the position after anchoring, you need to spend 10 energy crystals each time.

You have a new void spawn that is not yet anchored.

4. Pangu Divine Body
5. Soul Space
6. Pupil of Judgment
7.72 changes
8. The art of multiple shadows

[Energy Crystal]: 0 (minimum 1 energy crystal can be extracted/enhanced once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of times that can be drawn/enhanced this month is 1 time)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

"Infinite resurrection, no water restrictions, and a new resurrection point!"

Su Poman's face showed surprise, and he muttered to himself: "Now, I can really be regarded as immortal!"

"Where should the new Void resurrection point be anchored... If there is an existence that can break through the Tianbao Pagoda in the future, it is not absolutely safe to set the resurrection point anywhere. I can calculate the location of my resurrection point, so it is best to anchor the new resurrection point in a place where no one can find it..."

"Where is more suitable..."

Su Poman's brain was fully functioning, and he started a brainstorming session. He recalled the places he had experienced since time travelling, his eyes were introverted, and he fell into the memories.

Scenes and scenes quickly emerged in his mind, and then quickly passed by.

"Have it!"

Suddenly, Su Poman's eyes lit up, and he sent his mind to Tian Lingzi and said: "Tian Lao, are you there?"

"Say something!"

The figure of Tian Lingzi emerged from a three-inch nine-story pagoda, as if he was a "Deng Shen", with a slightly illusory figure.

"Later, use the immortal method to deduce my location and see if you can find me!" Su Poman said with a smile.

Tian Lingzi stroked the beard on his chin, and said with a strange expression: "What kind of moth are you trying to do, boy? The old man's body is a half-step Heavenly Venerate weapon. Although his current strength has fallen to the level of Xuanxian, he must use the method of deduction. Even Jinxian can be easily found by me, let alone you..."

"Heaven, why don't we make another bet?"

"Uh... Forget it, you have so many secrets, and the old man is not stupid, so you can't capsize in the gutter! You go first, the old man will definitely find you!"

"Okay, God, I'll start then!"

After Su Poman finished speaking, his figure immediately disappeared in place.

Tian Lingzi frowned, and with the body of the tower spirit, he sensed it for a while, but he didn't notice the space fluctuation, and then his perception ability spread to the entire Meteor Star Field in an instant.

"No? How is it possible..."

Tian Lingzi's eyes showed a look of surprise and uncertainty, "It seems that we really need to use the method of deduction to find this kid!"

Immediately, he lowered his head and began to count, and fairy seals emitting golden light emerged from his fingers, and soon formed a miniature array with a height of one and a half meters.

The more he calculated, the more Tian Lingzi frowned, and he was shocked to find that the object of his calculation seemed to have never appeared in this world. No matter whether it was drawn by cause and effect, breath, or blood, he could not calculate Su Po. full position.

"It's strange... why did it disappear out of thin air, not even in the void! Even if you enter a secret realm, you should be able to find a trace!"


At this time, Su Poman had already entered his 'soul space', since he owned the Tianbao Pagoda, he seldom paid attention to the growth of his soul space.

When he drew this ability for the first time, it was only about ten cubic meters in size. With every increase in his strength, the soul-swallowing power continued to grow, and tremendous changes had taken place here.

The originally cramped space has now become a world of its own, and the space has expanded millions of times.

Under his feet was a continent made of brown sand and stones, without any flowers and plants on it. He scanned it with his spiritual sense, and it spread to the edge of the soul space, and found that the area of ​​this place was already comparable to a mortal country.

There are white clouds floating in the sky, and a huge luminous body is inlaid at the highest point. The faint white light illuminates the whole world.

"It's just the incomplete ability that can open up such a huge space. If it can be completed, I'm afraid it can really open up a soul kingdom!"

Su Poman bent down, grabbed a handful of gravel and observed it for a while, but found nothing abnormal.

"I don't know if the old man can deduce this space. If he can't, he can set a new resurrection point here! As long as my true spirit is immortal, this space will always exist. I You can continue to be resurrected from here!"

Su Poman sorted some storage equipment into a special area, stayed for a while, and returned to the outside world with a thought.

"Boy Su, where have you been?"

Tian Lingzi grabbed his shoulder, his expression full of doubts, "During this time, I tried hundreds of deduction methods, but I couldn't find a trace. , and failed to find your trace..."

"Didn't find it?" Su Poman was overjoyed, and immediately decided to anchor his second resurrection point in the 'soul space'.

"God, don't resist, I'll take you to that place!"

Su Poman stretched out his hand, and carefully grabbed the small nine-story pagoda, and with another thought, he returned to the soul space.

"God, you can come out now!"

After softly calling out, Su Poman saw a glimmer of light from the small nine-story pagoda in his hand, and the slightly illusory figure of Tian Lingzi emerged from the top of the pagoda.

"Where is this?"

Tian Lingzi raised his head, looked around, his eyes were full of strangeness, "Here... there is no law of immortality!"

"Is there no fairy way?"

Su Poman sensed it a little, only to find that there was no aura or immortal energy in this space, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

[The abilities drawn from other worlds, if they can be derived from the laws of the immortal way, then there will be ghosts. There must be laws here, but they must not be the laws of the immortal way... It should belong to the unique laws of the river god king in the mainland of origin! 】

"This world is a bit weird. It has no connection with Qianyuan Realm and Immortal Realm, and it doesn't belong to other lower realms... It's as if it belongs to another world!" Tian Lingzi's eyes were full of surprise, and then, He looked at Su Poman and asked, "Boy Su, tell me the truth, what is this place and why did you come in at will?"

Before Su Poman could answer, Tian Lingzi let out a light "Huh", and his figure instantly arrived at the area where those storage equipment were stored.

Looking at the storage bags and storage rings on the ground, Tian Lingzi's perception ability invaded them without any hindrance, and then his expression became even weirder, and he said: "It's all yours, no wonder you haven't seen you use it. Storage equipment, and the things I put away have never been stored with me..."

"God, this space... only belongs to me, and only I can enter!" Su Poman explained with a smile.

Tian Lingzi tilted his head, "Really?"

"Of course it is true!" Su Poman nodded.

Tian Lingzi stroked his beard and laughed loudly, "That's great, the old man has decided, after you refine the core of the Tianbao Pagoda, put that core in this space, it will be absolutely safe! Even the main body If it is destroyed, the old man will have a chance to make a comeback..."

"Huh?" Su Poman was stunned, "Is it still possible to operate like this?"

"The most important part of the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda is the core part of the pagoda. Once the core is destroyed, the old man will fall completely, but if the core is not destroyed, even if the body of the Tianbao Pagoda is completely smashed by Tianzun, the old man will have a way to restore it. To the peak state! However, the price may be higher..." Tian Lingzi talked with eloquence.

"I see!"

Su Poman's face showed a sudden look, and at the same time, he sank his thoughts into the Ziyuan Roulette.

"Anchor the resurrection point!"

Su Poman felt a slight vibration from the depths of his soul, and a little true spirit was wrapped in a silver pocket watch and flew out from it.

As soon as the silver pocket watch appeared, it burst into dazzling silver light, which continued to grow in size, and finally dissipated into the sky.

Tian Lingzi stared at the place where the silver pocket watch disappeared, with an inexplicable expression on his face, and didn't ask any further questions. He knew that this must also be Su Poman's secret.

With a thought, Su Poman returned to the outside world again. At this time, the sky was already dark, and only half of the sun was exposed at the end of the horizon, sprinkled with orange-red afterglow.

On the sky, with the arrival of night, many stars have begun to bloom.

"After cultivating for so long, it's time to take a rest! Moderately slowing down the pace, combining work and rest, is also good for improving the realm of cultivation, besides..."

Su Poman scanned the sealed primordial spirits in the storage equipment, "It will take time to eat them all, and digest them properly!"

"Tian Lao, take me into the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda!"

"it is good!"

In the golden palace, Su Poman's body floated up and came to the front of the crystal ball. He slowly stretched out his palm and attached it to the cold and smooth surface.

A golden-red magic power gushed out from his dantian and poured into the crystal ball in the heart of the tower.

At this time, the other palm was slowly stretched out, and streams of mana emitting white light were poured into the crystal ball continuously.

The mana in the late stage of Dongxu is obviously much stronger than that in the stage of transformation. The surface of the crystal ball lights up with fairy light, and gradually begins to respond.

"With your mana in the late stage of Dongxu, it only takes three years to refine the core with all your strength, Su Xiaozi, do you want to..."

"No need, God, I'd better practice until the Mahayana stage and then spend time refining it, don't worry now!"

Half an hour later, Su Poman's mana was exhausted, and he jumped into the 'inside the tower'.

Under the pale white dome light.

Green hills form clusters, surrounded by green water.

On a towering mountain, there are several magnificent courtyards scattered in an orderly manner.

The layout of the courtyard is like a fairy residence, with carved beams and painted buildings, jasper corridors, and a scene at every step, which is too beautiful to behold.

One of the two courtyards on the top is the residence of Ouyang Hong. He has immersed himself in the way of sword casting at this time. With some jade slips passed down from Sanxian, new inspirations appear every day .

The other courtyard is temporarily unoccupied, Cai'er and Rui Zhu chose the courtyard below.

In the mountainside area, Nie Rongchuan, Lu Man and others lived in the same courtyard, Kong Qi, Yin Wanchou, and Cai Yaner lived in the other courtyard, and the middle courtyard was occupied by Zhao Yuanjing.

Su Poman greeted Ouyang Hong's yard first, and then went to find Cai'er and Ruizhu.

After spending the whole night together, Su Poman didn't get up in the morning, so he slept late and had a sweet dream.

In the dream, Su Poman returned to Blue Star, where time seemed to have never passed, and he saw many relatives and friends again...

In the afternoon, Su Poman opened his eyes, stared at the sunlight outside the window for a while, and was in a daze for that dream.

After saying goodbye to the two women, he left Tianbao Pagoda and appeared in front of Sun Star again.

At this moment, a series of reminders suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding, you got 20000000 energy points!"

"Ding, you got 80000000 energy points!"

"Ding, you got 50000000 energy points!"


"Hehe, Yaozu is really generous. They have given away so many good things to train 'Han Li'!"

Su Poman closed his eyes, and a perspective suddenly appeared in his mind.

At this time, Han Li was sitting cross-legged in a hall full of demonic aura, and he was transforming the treasures bestowed by the demon ancestors into energy points.

Outside the main hall, several loose demon-level powerhouses sit in all directions and act as guards in person to protect the safety of this top genius of the demon clan.

In a gazebo not far from the main hall, there were several figures standing at this time, one of them was a red-haired young man in a luxurious robe, surrounded by stars like a moon, his eyes were dark, as if he was in a mood. not too good.

"Young Master Tianhuo, don't be angry. That kid is the number one genius on the Ten Thousand Clans List and the star of hope for the entire clan. He must spend some resources to cultivate him. Lord Yaozu also has difficulties..." Leopard on the side The head demon cultivator cautiously advised.

The red-haired young man snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Then you can't give him all the blue and blue firestones that belong to me! I am also the top genius in the monster clan. If you leave that resource to me, I will Then we can go one step further! Moreover, because of him alone, how many masters of my Yaozu have died? Even Master Day Luan has fallen because of him!"

His eye sockets were reddish, and his hair fluttered, like a raging lion beast. His cold murderous intent made people shudder!

"Young Master, you are the first heir of the Skyfire Clan. Although he is highly talented, he is definitely not comparable to you. In the future, the Wan Yao Temple will definitely be yours. The palace was cultivated by the upper realm. Once he ascends to the demon realm, my demon clan in the Qianyuan realm will definitely be favored by the upper realm. In the short term, although I have lost a lot, in the long run, this is the most wise move by Master Yaozu. Invested..." The eagle-winged old man on the other side analyzed slowly.

The red-haired young man pursed his lips, but there was still some reluctance in his eyes. He slapped the railing of the monster gold masonry into pieces, "I understand the reason, but this king just can't swallow it!"

(End of this chapter)

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