Chapter 279 Spirit Shadow Clone
One thousand kilometers away from the sun star, the space here is always in a distorted state, and there is a handsome young man with a shirtless body sitting cross-legged in the dark and boundless void.

He closed his eyes slightly, there was a mysterious golden line between his brows, and behind him stood a huge Golden Crow Dharma Body like a mountain.

The real fire of the sun enveloped him like a long golden river.

The pure spiritual energy in the mist entered Su Poman's body with every breath, and his cultivation level increased in leaps and bounds, as if he was swallowing great medicine every moment.

It will take far longer than Su Poman's estimate to upgrade from the void stage to the tribulation stage. Along with his continuous training, the "superhuman body" is also rapidly improving. The physical strength, strength, speed, The attack power of the biological force field, recovery ability, and heat vision are all getting stronger and stronger.

A month later, Su Poman opened his eyes unwillingly, wondering in his heart, "God, why did I spend a month and still not be able to advance from the late stage of the cave to the stage of the tribulation?"

"If your words are heard by other people, I'm afraid they will be pissed off!" Tian Lingzi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, curled his lips and explained: "The period from the void period to the tribulation period is a process of sympathy between heaven and man. , Heavenly Dao will have a reaction to your cultivation level, how could it be achieved overnight? Others need to spend 10,000+ years to break through to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, and you can't stand it in just a month? According to my calculations, you want to be in this state now? It will take at least two years to break through to the Transcending Tribulation Period!"

"Two years? That's too long!"

"..." Tian Lingzi twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little unable to restrain his palm.

"Okay! Compared with the training time of several 10 years, it's not too long!"

Su Poman closed his eyes again, and now he sank his consciousness into the Ziyuan Roulette.

[One month flies by so quickly, and it's time for the lucky draw!Should we strengthen our abilities this time?Or extract new abilities? 】

He opened the light curtain of Ziyuan Roulette with his mind, looked up each of his abilities, and silently analyzed them.

[For now, I don't seem to lack any new abilities, and the grandmeng-level exercises... the current energy crystals may not be enough!The most urgent thing is to strengthen the clone's ability! 】

Since entering the Void Stage, Su Poman has tried to send his avatars to other star fields to search for resources, but unexpectedly found that the shadow avatars seem to have a distance limit without the blessing of blood essence. In the void shuttle, once the distance is too far, It is easy to be shattered automatically, and the plan to expand the power of the Town Demon Palace has also been temporarily stranded.

If you want to continue to develop your own strength, you will definitely need more energy crystals, and the avatar is the only way to obtain energy crystals. Therefore, for now, strengthening the shadow avatar is the most important thing!

Looking at the 50 energy crystals on the Ziyuan roulette, Su Poman shifted his consciousness to the light curtain of the roulette, and tapped lightly on the word 'Strengthen' with his thoughts.

The only remaining 50 energy points on the light curtain disappeared in an instant, transforming into a dazzling multicolored brilliance and hitting the roulette heavily.


The quaint and mysterious roulette rotates rapidly, and lights and shadows representing different abilities flash on the roulette, constantly disillusioned and replaced.

"Please confirm the reinforcement target..."

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Determine the target of this reinforcement is the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

"The law link is being established and strengthened on the original basis..."

"Ding, spend 50 points of energy crystals, the strengthening is successful, you have obtained the plane-level supernatural power [Spiritual Shadow Clone], which can consume Chakra to condense the Shadow Clone, and the strength of the Shadow Clone will increase to [-]% of the deity. Absorb the energy of the current plane to condense the real body, the defense is the same as the deity's 'biological force field', regardless of distance, has independent fighting awareness and advanced intelligence, never betrays, can assist in cultivation, and the speed of cultivation is related to the deity's spiritual root attribute , the better the spiritual root, the faster the cultivation speed, and after the avatar is released, the memory and cultivation experience will return to the main body..."

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Late stage of hole void
Bronze Superman Body (100%)
Zombie: The bloodline of the first Pangu clan (100%)
Ancient Saiyan Bloodline (100%)
[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Unlimited resurrection
4. Pangu Divine Body
5. Soul Space
6. Pupil of Judgment
7.72 changes
8. Ghost clone
[Energy Crystal]: 0 (minimum 1 energy crystal can be extracted/enhanced once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of times that can be drawn/enhanced this month is 1 time)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

"Tsk tsk... the enhanced effect of this avatar technique is a bit strong! It's like opening a cultivation accelerator for me just to assist in cultivation. I'm so happy. It seems that it doesn't take two years to break through to the tribulation stage. Already! If I condense a million clones to help me practice, the speed will definitely fly!"

"The combat power has also improved a lot. It was originally a big realm lower than my own combat power, but now I can have [-]% of my main body's strength. With just one avatar, I have the same level of combat power as me... If you add the change Body, that scene is simply not too beautiful!"

Su Poman's face was full of excitement, he couldn't wait to try the effect of the new ability.

With a thought, the process of connecting the seals was omitted this time, and densely packed blurred figures appeared around the sun star in an instant.

This time, he exhausted all the chakra in his body, felt that his physical strength had dropped a lot, and created 200 million 'spiritual clones' in one breath.

The originally thin aura seemed to turn into a vacuum all of a sudden, and strands of heaven and earth aura and the real fire of the sun were absorbed by the shadow clone, gradually condensing out of his body.

Each shadow clone exudes a powerful aura, and its appearance is exactly the same as Su Poman's, wearing white shorts and topless.

"Go, your goals are the stars and the sea!"

Among them, more than 100 million shadow clones nodded and turned into men in black wearing ghost masks. They probed to tear open the space and fled outside the Meteor Star Field.

After sensing for a while, Su Poman was completely relieved after discovering that the avatar hadn't been broken again.

Then, he turned his attention to the remaining 100 million 'spiritual clones'.

"Half of you help me practice the 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun Kungfu', and the other half, practice the 'Xuanyuan Township Kung Fu'!"

Give an order, half of the 'spiritual clones' sit cross-legged, a blurry golden crow phantom appears behind them, and they begin to perceive the way of heaven that exists in the dark, and behind the other half of the shadow clones, there are condensed white dragons of strong origin , Practicing the 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong'.

In the previous period of cultivation, Su Poman only raised his Qi refining cultivation to the late stage of cave void, but his body refining cultivation has already stayed at the stage of transforming gods.

This time, with these millions of clones practicing together, the efficiency has improved all of a sudden.

Since his realm was promoted to the void stage, the pseudo-chaotic spiritual root has undergone several transformations, and his cultivation speed has been comparable to that of some practitioners with special spiritual root qualifications.

Although the cultivation speed of the spirit shadow avatar has been discounted, it is equivalent to a cultivator with the aptitude of the heavenly spirit root.

After Tian Lingzi saw this scene, his eyes widened, "These avatars are actually practicing on their own?"

"Heaven, help me, make some more of that kind of fog to improve cultivation..." Su Poman said with some embarrassment.

Tian Lingzi scratched his head, stroked his beard again, and finally sighed: "Although these avatars are worth cultivating, your own cultivation is the ultimate thing!"

While speaking, a large number of precious materials and medicines emerged in the golden palace.

A transparent fairy fire emerged.

Under the calcination of the fairy fire, they quickly turned into mist balls that contained pure aura and could be used to directly improve their cultivation.

Not long after, fog clusters were thrown out one after another, floating above the heads of those clones respectively.

Under the connection of mind and mind, Su Poman felt a trace of spiritual energy enter into the avatar, and after refining it according to a specific exercise route, it gradually transformed into a trace of spiritual energy and stored it in the avatar.

"That's great! This way I don't have to practice myself!"

Su Poma suddenly felt the pressure all over his body lighten. Whether it was cultivation or harvesting resources, it was now the task of the shadow avatars, and they could work tirelessly, hard-working and non-stop for him.

"Is this what it feels like to be a capitalist? It's so cool..."

At this moment, Su Poman suddenly thought of another thing, and said to himself in doubt: "I don't know if these avatars can help me refine the core of Tianbao Pagoda... I should try it, but I should wait for the investigation in my body Carat recovers, and then find a place where the world is full of aura, so that my ghost shadow clone can absorb enough aura to condense the spirit body..."

Under the sunlight, his originally exhausted physical strength and chakra are constantly recovering.

One quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

At this moment, Su Poman stretched his waist, and in just two quarters of an hour, the chakra in his body had already fully recovered.

[The recovery speed of Chakra is still too slow. I have a chance to extract a Chakra Extraction Technique. With my physical strength, I should be able to quickly extract more Chakra. Now, only a small part of my physical strength has been transformed into Chakra……】

"Heaven, help me find a place full of spiritual energy?"

"it is good!"

The light and shadow in front of his eyes changed, and when Su Poman opened his eyes, he found that he had come to a strange planet.

It was freezing cold, and there was an astonishing chill all around, and there was a thick layer of ice on the ground.

"This is the Ice Desert Star in the Yunhuan Starfield, which is one of the restricted areas of the Qianyuan Realm. The old man's body is full of illusions, scattered in every corner of the Qianyuan Realm. He has obtained many good things here. Here There is a secret realm under the ice layer, and there are twelve top-quality spiritual veins inside..." Tian Lingzi explained slowly.

Su Poman activated his 'Super Vision' at this time, looked down, and indeed saw a secret entrance, "There doesn't seem to be any danger here, why is it called a restricted area?"

"Hehe, I don't want those people to come in, so this place has naturally become a restricted area!" Tian Lingzi said meaningfully.

Seeing Tian Lingzi's old fox-like expression, Su Poman couldn't help secretly admiring him.

[Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, a good secret place has been monopolized by him, and it has become a forbidden place that everyone fears, tsk tsk, the old man is a bit black-bellied! 】

Tian Lingzi seemed to see Su Poman's thoughts, reached out his hand and slammed on his head, and said, "Stinky boy, what are you thinking about? As a half-step heavenly weapon, it is very difficult for me to maintain my own consumption." It's difficult, especially in this lower realm, where you can't absorb immortal energy, let alone hold the 'Trial of Ten Thousand Races' again and again..."

"Hiss~~ It hurts! God, I didn't think about it! I understand, I understand..."

Su Poman rubbed his head non-stop, and said hastily, that just now really made him feel a bit of pain.

He used the escape technique to pass through tens of thousands of meters of ice, and soon came to the entrance of the secret realm.

"Heaven, is there any formation or restriction at the entrance of this secret realm?"

"No, just go in without worry!"

Su Poman felt a little more at ease in his heart, and directly jumped into the secret realm.

The cold wind howled, like ice knives cutting bones, as if it was about to freeze the soul.

The cold air in this secret realm is extraordinary, not to mention mortals, even Nascent Soul Stage monks who come here without fire magic weapons to protect themselves will still be invaded by the cold air, causing serious injuries and intractable injuries, or freezing to death on the spot.

The sky and the earth are all ice blue, and the mountains are covered with thick frost and snow, stretching and twisting like giant frost dragons lying down.

The icy blue ground is made up of an unknown depth of ice, smooth as a mirror, and in the distance of the mountains, stands a tens of thousands of feet high glacier sacred tree.

The sacred tree grows in the middle of the mountains, and it seems to have absorbed the essence of the entire secret realm, exuding astonishing fluctuations in spiritual power.Its roots broke through the hard ice layer and spread to the infinite depths.

Su Poman took a deep breath, and immediately felt the coolness in his lungs, and couldn't help but admire: "Good place! Although it's a bit cold, the concentration of spiritual energy is better than any place in Qiong Xing..."

Then, with a thought, he consumed half of the chakra, and condensed 100 million 'spiritual clones'.

The aura of heaven and earth in a radius of millions of miles swarmed in, forming a huge vortex of aura.

The blurry figures gradually became solid after absorbing the spiritual energy.

On the other side of the Glacier Sacred Tree, it seemed that it had sensed a riot of spiritual energy. A powerful vitality erupted from its trunk covered in frost and snow, and a green phantom emerged from it.


Su Poman's spiritual sense noticed the abnormal movement, and he turned his head to take a look from a distance, "This big tree has actually condensed the primordial spirit, it seems that it has become a spirit a long time ago!"

At this moment, five sense organs appeared on the trunk of the Glacier Sacred Tree. It opened its huge mouth and spit out a very strange syllable.


A dull buzzing sound came from far to near, with a strong sense of threat in it.

Although Su Poman didn't understand the meaning, he could feel a sense of expulsion.

"Is this trying to drive me away?"

(End of this chapter)

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