Chapter 280 Refining
Just when Su Poman was about to teleport to kill the demon, Tian Lingzi's figure suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

His illusory figure gradually grew larger, and he stretched out his hand to caress the trunk of the big tree.


The tree man's face opened its mouth, and a series of relaxed and cheerful sounds came out, just like a puppy welcoming its owner home.

"This is... God, you raised it?"

Su Poman showed surprise on his face. He had seen dogs and cats before, but this was the first time he saw such a big tree spirit as a pet.

"When this secret realm was first born, it was still a small sapling. The old man saw that it was an extraordinary species, so he opened up its spiritual wisdom in advance and taught it a cultivation method of turning plants into essence... After so many years, I never expected it You have cultivated the primordial spirit! You don’t need to worry about it, with the old man here, it won’t interfere with your cultivation…” Tian Lingzi said slowly.

Su Poman nodded, and turned his head to look at the 'spiritual clones' that were condensing.

The huge vortex in the sky drained a full [-]% of the spiritual energy of this secret realm, and it took a long time for the twelve top-quality spiritual veins to recover.

After dozens of breaths, the avatars were all formed, and their bodies were filled with surging mana.

"It's done!"

Su Poman experienced the cultivation in the avatar, and after the main consciousness descended, he found that he could direct it like an arm, which was no different from the cultivation from normal cultivation, and it all belonged to his mana of the same root and origin.

"Tian Lao, bring me and these avatars back to Tianbao Pagoda!"

A drop of spiritual light sprinkled from Tian Lingzi's hand, landed on the glacier sacred tree, the green primordial spirit returned to the trunk, and the eyes on the facial features were closed as if in a state of epiphany.

Then, the light and shadow flashed in front of Su Poman's eyes, and he found himself in the golden palace.

One million shadow clones, a sea of ​​people, stood in spaces of different heights, stacked layer by layer, and this spacious palace suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

After Tianlingzi came, he pinched a stream of light in his hand and hit the crystal ball in the center of the pagoda. The hall immediately began to expand, and it became bigger and bigger amidst the roar.

Not long after, the golden palace expanded hundreds of times, and the million shadow clones were finally able to stand together on the ground made of fairy gold.

Su Poman stood under the crystal ball in the center of the tower, and the millions of clones below suddenly moved in unison, made the same gesture one by one, pinched out the magic seal, and began to turn the mana in his body into a beam of light, shooting it at the tower. above the heart.

Suddenly, the surface of the crystal ball burst into colorful light.

"What a fast refining speed!"

Tian Lingzi's eyes burst into light, and he looked at the million clones with burning eyes. He never expected that Su Poman could use this method to speed up the refining tower heart.

Su Poman also sat cross-legged at this time, gently stroking the surface of the crystal ball with his palm, and began to inject the mana in his body into it.

As time passed by, the celestial light blooming from the crystal ball became brighter and brighter. At last, it was like a sun, and the entire hall was filled with celestial light.

Several hours later, the light of the crystal ball faded, then gradually shrunk to the size of a billiard ball, and slowly floated in front of Su Poman.

Inexplicably, Su Poman felt a kind of connection in the dark, stretched out his hand, and touched it lightly.

Countless images flashed across his mind in an instant, from the cosmic starry sky to the secret jungle, where the avatar of the Tianbao Phantom Spirit Pagoda was located, a large starry sky flashed in his mind, and every starlight represented a place.

The sky is full of stars, spread on a huge velvet-like black curtain, and there are countless stars.

Next to each cultivator star, there are traces of the phantom body of the Tianbao Tower. At this time, the "Trial of Ten Thousand Races" has been carried out in the middle and late stages, and geniuses from various ethnic groups have begun to exert their strength in the trial tower.

In addition, information about Tianbao Phantom Spirit Pagoda was stuffed into his mind.

"Holding a 'Trial of Ten Thousand Races' will consume so many resources!"

At this time, Su Poman had completely refined the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda, became its new owner, and had a very clear understanding of it.

Including reserves, resources, energy, battle puppet data, formations, phantom positioning, trial space, etc.

From now on, Su Poman no longer needs to rely on the Tianlingzi to get in and out of the Tianbao Pagoda, he can also use the power of the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda to go to any location where the phantom body is located.

For Tian Lingzi, he also has a kind of "master" authority at this time, and can force him to do anything.

"This artifact is really too powerful! I have not yet become an immortal, and many means of suppressing and killing the enemy cannot be used for the time being, but with this tower in my body, I am already invincible..."

Su Poman showed a confident smile on his face. With a thought, he transferred the tower heart in his hand to the 'soul space' and put it away properly.

"Boy Su... In this way, you will become the new master of this old man. I hope you will never forget the old master's blood feud in the future!"

Tian Lingzi showed a sigh of relief, he stepped on the void, walked slowly to Su Poman, bowed and bowed down, saying: "My lord!"

Su Poman hurriedly stepped forward to help him, "Heaven, please get up quickly, even if I become the owner of the pagoda today, to me, you will always be the elder of the kid, how can I receive such a great gift, you are really a shame Boy!"

Although Tianlingzi was calm on the surface, he was very relieved in his heart.

【Hey, although this kid is a bit stupid, he still knows how to respect old people! 】

After the two of them argued for a while about the title, Su Poman finally persuaded Tian Lingzi with a strong attitude, and from now on, just like before, just call him 'Su Xiaozi', instead of calling him the Lord.

After refining the core of the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda, Su Poman can use part of the power of this half-step Tianzun weapon. The most direct method is to throw the main body of the Tianbao Tower to kill the enemy directly. In addition, It can also condense battle puppets of different realms to help him fight, and it can also absorb the enemy into the tower, trap and kill the opponent...

With this powerful treasure, Su Poman's strength has been directly raised to the level of an immortal. As long as the immortal power in the Tianbao Pagoda is sufficient, he can have a combat power not inferior to Xuanxian.

This kind of combat power is already invincible in the entire Qianyuan world.

Just like Tianlingzi, the entire Qianyuan Realm is like his own back garden to him, with treasures and secret treasures at his fingertips, and nothing that can threaten his existence.

Even if you ascend to the fairy world, with this treasure as your body, you will be able to gain a firm foothold quickly. If you encounter a powerful existence, even if you can't beat it, you can hide in it in one thought.

The Tianbao Phantom Spirit Pagoda was originally the existence of the supreme immortal weapon, but due to the existence of chance, it was promoted to half a level and became a half-step heavenly tool.

Such a top treasure, even if Su Poman couldn't fully activate it for a while, it was enough for him to run amok in the fairy world.

With a thought, Su Poman left the Tianbao Pagoda and reappeared near Sun Star.

At this time, the 100 million clones are still in the state of cultivation, the Golden Crow dharma body is shining with golden and red brilliance, and the white dragon formed by the Gang Yuan is gradually getting bigger.

"Heaven, I want to end the 'Trial of Ten Thousand Races' ahead of time. What do you think? Maintaining the existence of the trial space every day takes up a lot of fairy power. If I save these, I will also enter the fairy world in the future." I can have more confidence..." Su Po said through voice transmission.

Tian Lingzi nodded, and said: "That... the purpose of the Ten Thousand Clan Trial is to select the successor of Immortal Emperor Jinghong. Since you already exist, there is no need for the Ten Thousand Clan Trial to exist. The trials are burning a lot of immortal power every day, and at least half of the resources accumulated over the past 10 years will be poured into this 'Trial of Immortal Demons' sweeping the world!"

"Then what are you waiting for? God, I closed it..."

"Wait a minute, don't forget to let them redeem the points they want to redeem, otherwise, if you owe so much karma to so many people at once, it will be detrimental to your future practice!"

"Okay, I see, God!"

Saying that, Su Poman closed his eyes, a miniature pagoda floated out from between his eyebrows, with a light tap of his finger, the light above the nine-story pagoda dimmed layer by layer.


Meteors began to return from the phantom of the pagoda next to each Xiu Xing.

This scene made those monks who had not yet entered the trial look strange.

"What's going on, why did today's trial end early?"

"Strange, it's not yet three hours. Could it be that something happened in the trial tower?"


After the return of monks from various forces, a piece of news immediately caused the entire Qianyuan world to boil.

The fairy demon trial ended early!
Points redemption list is about to open!
The monks who had just returned to their sect were in different moods, and they were all discussing with each other that the "Trial of Immortals and Demons" had ended early.

At this moment, Su Poman looked at the items in the exchange list and felt his heart was bleeding. He never expected that Tian Lingzi would give them so many good things to exchange every time he held the 'Trial of Ten Thousand Races'.

Before, he hoped that the treasures on the redemption list would be better, but now Tianbao Pagoda has become his own private property, and he felt a little distressed when he saw so many things being given away for free.

"A middle-grade fairy weapon? Is it worth it... No one in the lower world can activate its full power, why not replace it with two low-grade fairy weapons!"

"This Fengmeng Xiancao can purify the spiritual root of the wind attribute, and can also enhance the understanding of the laws of the wind system. It seems that no one in the lower realm uses it. Why don't you use that Yifeng stone instead? It can refine top-grade ancient treasures and even low-grade ones. Immortal artifact materials should be what they urgently need!"

"These skills and secrets can be exchanged, but they are of no value to me!"

"Low-grade Ziyuan elixir... change!"


After some operations, the exchange list in the Ten Thousand Races Stele has undergone some changes.

Compared with before, there are many more secret books of exercises, precious pages and treasures of talismans, and less elixir and spiritual roots, or treasures containing a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Although the geniuses of various ethnic groups were puzzled, they didn't feel anything unusual. Instead, they became envious of the secret techniques on the list.

Although the spirit root of the elixir is good, it is only a consumable, while the secret arts and skills are different, and can become the foundation for the rise of a group.

In the Qianyuan Realm, each of the rich clans began to prepare points, and spent a lot of money, preparing to exchange the fancy things on the list.

For this reason, it was unavoidable to fight openly and secretly. In order to collect points, many ethnic groups even attacked some small ethnic groups one after another, forcing the monks in their clan to hand over all the points with the oath of heaven.

Heaven fire ancient star, ancient demon palace.

As the rumored 'No. [-] Blue Star Cultivator', Han Li possessed tens of billions of points comparable to several big clans, so he naturally became the 'precious cake' in the eyes of some high-ranking monster clans.

For a moment, there was a crowd of people in front of the Ancient Demon Palace.

High-level people from various ethnic groups came to visit with gifts one after another, wanting to get closer, and hoping to get one or several items on the exchange list from 'Han Li'.

To this, Han Li did not resist, but agreed wholeheartedly, accepting all the gifts sent, and said that he would use the points to exchange for the items needed by the other party.

In the ancient demon hall, Han Li took out one gift after another, and his eyes showed joy, "This group of people are really generous. The price of many gifts has even far exceeded the things that need to be exchanged..."

"Han Li, come to Wan Yao Hall..."

An old voice appeared in his mind out of thin air.

【Demon Ancestor...】

He sensed it slightly, and with a movement of his divine sense, he sent the mountain of presents directly into the 'soul space'.

Then, Han Li stood up and walked out of the ancient demon hall slowly.

The roads of Tianhuo Ancient Star are all paved with dense white bones, most of which are human bones. The blue-red evil spirit fills the air, and occasionally there are clusters of will-o'-the-wisps drifting past, bringing a gloomy cold wind.

"You! Stop!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout in his ear, which made Han Li frowned. He turned his head and saw a group of dandies from the Yaozu gathered together, who seemed to be discussing something, and ordered him to stop. A monster with a bear head and a human body.

This monster is more than three feet tall, with lush body hair on top of its sturdy body. It is dressed in blood-colored armor, with a long armor tail trailing behind it.

Han Li asked blankly, "What's the matter?"

"Are you the legendary 'No. [-] Blue Star Cultivator'? I heard that you are best at leapfrogging and fighting. I wonder if you can play with me. If you lose...just give me all your points! I am Xiong Taier from the Tianluo Xiong Clan, with Dongxu's initial cultivation, he won't be a killer! Hehe, my monster clan admires the strong most, don't you dare to fight?" The radical said.

Han Li's expression was still the same as before, but a cold evil spirit suddenly emanated from his body.

"Yo, I don't know what kind of monster looks angry!"

"Hahaha, so what if you get angry, even if you fight at a higher level, there will be an upper limit!"

"The show is about to begin!"


The demon cultivators of the other races retreated one after another, and looked at the two people in the field with great interest.


Han Li yelled violently, and a huge white beam of light rose into the sky, instantly inspiring the transformation of a Super Saiyan, and at the same time opened the form of 'Doomsday Zombie Prime Ancestor', a terrifying aura burst out suddenly, making Xiongtai Er'er's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but feel a little drummed in his heart.

[This demon... is really only at the golden core stage? 】

Thinking of this, he glanced back at the group of friends who had retreated far away, "These guys want to use me as a weapon!"

 The Chinese New Year may be busy recently, try to update
(End of this chapter)

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