Chapter 281 Demon War (Dear fellows, Happy New Year!)

The dragon wings on Han Li's back trembled, and a wave of white electric current erupted from his body, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Xiong Taier's heart trembled, and he immediately felt a fatal crisis. He let out a roar, and the evil energy on his body suddenly burst out, forming a spherical magic shield. He scanned around with his consciousness, trying to find Han Li's trace .


The space broke open suddenly, and the long nails were like sharp daggers, breaking through the protective mask in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the lightning flashed.

The thunder and lightning made Xiong Tai'er's reaction slow for a breath, and in this short breath, the claw with slender nails had already penetrated from the back of his head, and the nails pierced through his forehead again.

The cyan demon blood flowed, and there was a disgusting smell of blood in the air.

"How dare he kill demons on the ancient star of Tianhuo? And he killed the eldest prince of the Tianluo Bear Clan, offending them to death..."

"The strength is so strong, to be able to kill Xiong Tai'er face to face, his strength is at least in the late stage of Dongxu!"

"It seems that I miscalculated, but it's okay, even if I can't force it, there will be other ways to force him to submit, obediently hand over the points!"

"This Xiong Tai'er is really stupid, he didn't know how to send a guard to test the opponent's strength!"

"Most of the demon cultivators of the Tianluo Bear Clan are reckless, hehe, this is the best wayfinding stone!"

"This eldest prince of the Tianluo Bear Clan didn't even bring a guard with him when he went out. I'm afraid he didn't expect that on this ancient planet of Tianhuo, there are still people who would dare to kill him!"

"Hehe, if you die, you will die. The Tianluo Bear Clan does not lack such a fool as him!"


The remaining [-] or so monsters all watched with cold eyes. Regarding Xiong Tai'er's death, no one came out to complain for him, and some even had a hint of ridicule in their eyes.

Han Li withdrew his hand, and the huge three-foot-high corpse fell to the ground in an instant, making a loud "bang".

At this time, he did not release his transformed form, but turned his head to look at the remaining group of dandies, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

[It is impossible to use points for this group of monsters... Since you can't hide it anymore, let's kill it before leaving!Those loose monsters should not stop them, after all, they are just some juniors...]

A smile formed at the corner of Han Li's mouth. At this moment, the dragon wings behind him fluttered slightly, and his figure disappeared again, turning into a phantom that was difficult for others to see, and rushed directly into the crowd.

Chi Chi Chi!
After a series of muffled noises, several demon cultivators fell to the ground, either a large uneven hole appeared on their foreheads, or their entire heads disappeared, and even the primordial spirit failed to escape in time.

At this moment, the others were stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

"He wants to drive us all to death!" One of the fox beast demon cultivators shouted in shock.

Another strong man in crocodile armor, with a fierce look in his eyes, said: "There are so many of us, I'm afraid he won't succeed, even if he is the person favored by the demon ancestor, if he kills so many talents of all races, he will definitely be punished." Punishment, it is better for us to work together to abolish him..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind rushed over, and the surrounding space seemed to be blocked.


Half of the head of the crocodile-armored man was cut off by the dragon wings, and the primordial spirit in it also exploded with a strange force.




Originally high-spirited and high-spirited, the dandies of all ethnic groups who pointed out the country, at this moment, all ran away crying for their fathers and mothers.

Space cracks emerged one after another, and the chaotic space tide seemed to swallow everything.


With a single word, the surrounding time and space froze suddenly, and Han Li kept shooting, killing all the demon cultivators in a few breaths.


Time and space are restored, demon blood is everywhere, and the corpses of Tianjiao of various races lie here, and the space cracks that have just been torn are slowly closing.

"It is quite now……"

After Han Li finished all this, he dispelled the form of 'Doomsday Zombie Progenitor' and quit his Super Saiyan transformation, turning into a green-robed man with an ordinary face, red pupils, and sharp teeth.

In the void outside the ancient demon hall, several loose demons were communicating with each other with their spiritual consciousness.

"This son, what a cruel method... You really deserve to be my son of the monster clan!"

"If he offended thirty clans at once, isn't he afraid of revenge from those big clans?"

"With the protection of the demon ancestor, this son will definitely be fine. Even if those big clans are angry, they can't show it. After all, he is a demon named in the upper realm!"

"Just now, at the last moment, I couldn't see what kind of means Han Li used, and those juniors fell inexplicably!"

"This should be his hole card. I have been in the cultivation world for many years, and I have never seen such a weird method!"


At this time, Han Li had already walked in front of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall. In front of the gate stood two giant blue-skinned monsters more than a hundred feet tall. Seeing him coming, he turned sideways to make way for a dark passage.

Subconsciously nodding his head, he walked directly into the passage without hesitation.

Inside the Wan Yao Temple, there is a space of its own. It doesn't look tall from the outside, but inside it seems to hide a secret realm.

The huge divine seat was thousands of feet high, and sitting on it was an existence with an extremely terrifying aura.

With green hair and shawls, red eyes and purple lips, huge wings on the back, and a height of nearly ten thousand feet.

And this is just his non-combat form, once it becomes the main body, it can reach millions of feet.

This demon is the master of the Wan Yao Temple, the spiritual leader of the entire demon cultivator group, the demon ancestor Xuan Shen.

Below it, there are eight scattered monsters with terrifying auras. If one is picked out alone, they all have at least the strength of the six-kalpa scattered realm.

Han Li's face was calm, he looked up at the aloof demon ancestor, there was no fear on his face.

The size gap between the two is like a giant and an ant on the ground.

Xuan Shen lowered his gaze, looked at the standing figure of His Highness, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and said, "Han Li, the exchange list for the 'Trial of Immortals and Demons' has been opened, what items are you going to exchange for?"

"Not ready yet……"

Han Li replied neither humble nor overbearing.

At this time, a green-faced loose demon suddenly turned around, exuded a powerful spiritual pressure, and angrily said: "Bold Han Li, although you are the number one pride of my demon clan, if you see Lord Demon Ancestor, it's fine if you don't show respect!" , dare not use the honorific title, you really don't pay attention to Master Yaozu!"

"Oh... among the group of Leses outside that I killed, are there any descendants from your clan?" Han Li suddenly asked without thinking.


[It's definitely not a good word! 】

This question immediately caused the green-faced loose demon to squint his eyes subconsciously. If he told the truth, it would definitely reveal that he had ulterior motives for this attack.

But if you don't admit it, you're lying. All of you here are experts at the Six Tribulations Scattering Demon level, and you've seen what happened outside the Ancient Demon Palace a long time ago.

Although the green-faced loose demon was angry, he knew that it was the best policy not to speak at this time, so he snorted coldly, but did not respond.

A rhetorical question, even dismissal and beating, directly silenced the Qingmian Sanyao. With such a method, all the demons present couldn't help admiring secretly in their hearts.

It would be great if one of my relatives could have such a junior!
Above the high position, the corner of Yaozu Xuanchen's mouth twitched into a faint smile. He was very satisfied with the junior in front of him.

Whether it is cultivation talent or mental means, they are all the best choices.

It is indeed rare to find such a monster who is decisive and ruthless, knows how to take advantage of the situation, and has a courageous and diligent heart.

Even, for a moment, Xuanchen had the urge to pass on the position.

But then he thought of the message from the upper world, and he held his breath.

[The demon world is the stage for such arrogance! 】

"This seat has a suggestion. If you are willing to contribute to the Yaozu, you can put the third item on the list..."

Before Xuan Chen finished speaking, Han Li interrupted impatiently: "Stop talking, I don't want to!"

"What did you say?" Xuan's face suddenly darkened, and the atmosphere in the hall seemed to freeze.

Qingmian Sanxiu released an icy murderous intent, and shouted decisively: "How dare you interrupt Lord Yaozu, Han Li, are you tired of working?"

"Han Li, as a member of the monster clan, how can you talk like that?" Another old man with white hair and leopard mouth also stood up and reprimanded.

The other four also turned around and looked at Han Li with complicated eyes.

Surprise, schadenfreude, disgust, jealousy, anger...

Xuan took a deep breath and asked again: "Han Li, as a member of my monster clan, why don't you want to work for my clan?"

"Ha ha……"

"A group of big idiots!"

Han Li laughed loudly and said, "Who says I'm a member of the demon clan?"

In the main hall, his wild laughter continued to echo.

"What? Isn't it the demon clan?"

"Is he crazy, or is he really not afraid of death?"


A terrifying killing intent spread from Xuanchen's body, and the surrounding space suddenly changed, manifesting a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Han Li could even smell the bloody smell emanating from the air. This level of murderous aura had already evolved into an illusion.

How many creatures must be killed to accumulate such a level of murderous aura!

A hexagram pattern flickered in Han Li's eyes, and he looked up at Yaozu Xuanchen.

I saw that the blood cloud above his head was already red and black, with a size of tens of thousands of mu, and countless innocent souls were howling in it.

In addition, he saw scenes of horrific scenes.

When Yaozu Xuanchen was young, he traveled to many star fields and slaughtered countless creatures. Sometimes, just to satisfy his greed, he would swallow a one-star human race.

Billions of living beings all fell!

A cold light flashed in Han Li's eyes, and an astonishing murderous aura emanated from his body.

"How dare you kill me? Who gave you the courage?" Xuan Chen's face was as gloomy as water, but there was a smile that could only be seen when he was extremely angry.

"Who gave me the courage?" Han Li blinked suddenly, and replied in a playful tone, "Liang Jingru!"

After finishing speaking, he used the supernatural power of '72 Transformation' to transform all the demonic energy on his body into a blood-red demonic energy, and shot out a ten-meter-long demonic flame from his back eyes.

"Hahaha, Heavenly Demon disintegrates Dafa, you idiots, I will come back!"


After Han Li finished speaking, he instantly cast the method of 'Time Pause', and his body burst open instantly, leaving only a large cloud of devilish energy in place.

Soon, time and space flowed again.

On the high position, Yao Zuxuan stood up abruptly, staring at the location where the cloud of devilish energy was with an ugly expression.

The many loose demons below all felt the tyrannical breath in the air, and they were as frightened as a little quail seeing an eagle, and kept silent like a cicada.

"Being tricked!"

Xuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and squeezed out two blunt words from between his teeth, "Demon Race..."

"Let the order go on, and the forces of various star fields will gather together to launch an attack on the demons. This time, they must be taught a painful lesson!"

"As ordered!"


A few days later, a world-shattering battle suddenly broke out among the star cultivators.

The monster race and the demon race seem to have a sworn hatred, the forces on the various star repairs gathered together and launched a surprise attack on the demon race star repair.

In this battle, the demons were caught off guard and very confused.

Although they sent people to stop and kill the 'Blue Star First Cultivator', they failed. Such a large-scale attack also made them confused for a while.

The massacres caused countless practitioners to fall.

The cultivators below the void stage didn't even have the chance to escape from the battlefield, and they fell completely with their cultivation stars one by one.

Although the demons suffered huge losses at the beginning, their background was very profound, and they were quickly organized, and the two sides fell into a protracted tug-of-war.

As a force that cannot be ignored in the Qianyuan world, the human race has naturally become the target of the two races.

All kinds of benefits and promises have become bargaining chips to win over the human race.

Although the higher-ups of the Holy Court of the Human Race did not know the reason for the sudden outbreak of war between the two races, they were happy to see the outcome and watched the war between the two races with a cold eye.

For the subordinate forces of the human race, the Holy Court did not restrict too much, allowing them to choose who they were willing to help according to their own conditions.

Basically, there is only one principle, that is, whoever bids the most will help!
The human race forces scattered all over the Qianyuan world have become mercenary-like existences. Some strong human races above the void stage walked between the two races and took the opportunity to gain a lot of benefits.

Among them, a force named 'Suppressing Demon Palace' was the most popular among the demon clan, and was hired by the high-level demon clan at a high price, promising that as long as they killed a master of the demon clan, they would give corresponding benefits.

It didn't take long before the "Demon Town" dressed in blood turned out. They also wore ghost masks and accepted the entrustment of the demon clan to kill the monks in the demon clan to obtain corresponding benefits.

The forces of the two clans are fighting openly and secretly, and countless cultivators will fall every day. Coupled with the secret instigation of the "Suppressing Demon Palace" and "Suppressing Demon Palace", the friction between the two sides continues to escalate.

Su Poman was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai at this time, and the newly-appeared 'Suppressing Demon Palace' was naturally his method, only because the name of 'Suppressing Demon Palace' was opposed by the demons, so he deliberately came up with another code name. Forces, in fact, both are played by his shadow clone.

In the process of performing tasks, the ghost clone will change into the appearance of a monster or a demon at the right time, so as to fill up the hatred, escalate the friction, and make the conflict between the two parties more irreconcilable.

This war has far-reaching effects. Although it will occasionally affect the range of the human race, it is not a big problem.

It is time for the two races to fight, and naturally they will not offend the strong support of the human race. Once they encounter human forces, both sides will choose to avoid them as much as possible.

At this time, Su Poman finally understood what it was like for the Stars and Stripes rogue country on the blue star to make war fortunes, providing support for both sides of the war, earning money at both ends, and the wealth obtained from this is unimaginable for ordinary people.

All kinds of natural and earthly treasures, treasures treasured by the two clans, all appeared one by one, and entered Su Poman's pocket without anyone noticing.

The growth rate of energy crystals also began to soar!
 In the new year, I wish all fellow Taoists a prosperous Year of the Tiger, all the best, riches and fortunes, every step of the way, and every step of the way!
  I wish all the students success in their studies, fulfillment in life, pass in all subjects, and excellence in all subjects!

  I wish all single Taoist friends find a Taoist partner in the new year!
  I wish the motherland, the epidemic subsides, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!

  Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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