Chapter 282

A few days later, Su Poman's figure appeared in front of the sun star, looking at the mighty millions of "spiritual shadow clones" who were cultivating, he felt a faint feeling in his heart.

"Cultivation should be enough!"

With a flash of light in his eyes and a wave of his hand, one hundred thousand of the 'spiritual clones' who were cultivating were instantly shattered.

Waves of invisible brilliance spanned the void and directly descended on Su Poman's body.

A golden-red air wave suddenly erupted from his body, and behind him emerged a solid Golden Crow Dharma Body. With the continuous influx of practice experience, his cultivation level became higher and higher.

In the early stage of crossing the catastrophe!

In the middle of the tribulation!

It was not until the middle stage of the tribulation that the growth of cultivation stopped.

Su Poman slowly opened his eyes, and said to himself with surprise on his face: "With only one-tenth of the ghost clone, the cultivation base has broken through to the middle stage of the tribulation. This cultivation speed is really not ordinary fast. !"

With a thought, another [-] clones were shattered, turning into beams of brilliance and returning to the main body.

Dzogchen in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe!
In Yuanshen, a catastrophe appeared faintly, which seemed to resonate with the way of heaven.

"So soon, is it time to cross the catastrophe? My 'Xuanyuan Zhenshi Gong' has not yet reached the period of the catastrophe, so let's suppress it first!"

As he spoke, Su Poman's aura changed and immediately covered the aura of Heavenly Tribulation.

Next, Su Poman looked at the 50 'spiritual shadow clones' who were practicing the 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong', and with a thought, they were all shattered in an instant.

The practice experience turned into a huge torrent, directly descending on him, the huge Gangyuan White Dragon emerged from his body, every detail gradually became clear, lifelike scales, minions , tentacles, the huge white dragon seemed to come alive, and the faint dragon power began to spread out.

Fit period!
Hollow period!
Tribulation period!
After passing through three levels, the 'Xuanyuan Zhenshigong' has directly reached the same level as the 'Golden Crow's Transformation of the Sun'.

Su Poman's physical body also felt the improvement from the immortal way for the first time, and the defense power of the physical body was doubled.

He clenched his palms, and there were dark cracks in space around his fists, as if even the space could no longer bear the force of his palm.

"The cultivation bases of Qi refining and body refining have reached the stage of transcending the catastrophe. It's time to find a place to overcome the catastrophe!"

After glancing at the sun star, Su Poman flew away, towards a strange starry sky.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, there are countless meteorites and stars of different sizes.

The nebula is like spilled paint, blooming with colorful brilliance.

These stars and meteorites are composed of various materials, such as diamonds, gold, black iron, gold obsidian, drop copper and so on.

Su Poman even saw a whole star made entirely of silver mines, emitting silver light all over. If a mortal got even one ten-thousandth of this star, he would still have money that would never be spent in ten lifetimes.

However, such materials are of little value in the eyes of monks.

Similarly, mortal money is no different from a pile of weeds in their eyes.

Su Poman flew in one direction for a long time, and finally found a place that satisfies him.

The whole body of this planet is dark gray, a circle smaller than Qiong Xing. Su Po scanned the entire planet with full consciousness, but found no signs of life on it.

It is suspended alone in the starry sky, and there are no other planets nearby. The nearest star can only slightly see a bowl-sized light cluster, and the blue-purple slightly dim light shines on everything.

In addition, there is no wind layer on this Xiuxing star, and it is nakedly exposed to various cosmic rays. There are many craters on the ground, and various meteorites piled up. Looking from a distance, it looks like a A large interstellar garbage dump in general.

Su Poman landed slowly, and an air wave erupted all over his body, immediately pushing away the sundries on the ground, clearing out a spacious and clean square on the spot.

Feeling the calamity in Yuanshen, he sat cross-legged and slowly closed his eyes.

The gravel on the ground is gray-black, extremely hard, and has not shown any signs of weathering.

An inexplicable induction gradually sprouted in the primordial spirit, like a seed sprouting from its shell, and a mysterious aura slowly descended.

"bring it on!"

Su Poman opened his eyes again, his pupils turned red, "Let me see what the power of the double catastrophe is like!"

This time, he prepared the two primordial spirits to cross the catastrophe together and enter the Mahayana period at the same time.

woo woo woo...

Sounded like an ancient trumpet.

Suddenly, a space tide broke out in the void, and the sky was dyed a dull red!

The dark red sky exudes a kind of majesty of heaven and earth, as if it is a god who dominates all things, and the one who holds the power of heaven and earth makes people feel awe.

At this time, the sky slowly rotated like a vortex in the ocean, and the surrounding void was stirred into it. Thick purple electric snakes were born from nothingness, and then sucked into the huge funnel-like In the vortex.


A huge sound resounded from the horizon, like an ancient chariot passing by the horizon from far to near.

The vortex became more and more turbulent, and the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of millions of miles was completely chaotic. Huge electric snakes zigzag in the vortex. Gradually, the vortex stopped spinning and transformed into a purple cloud with a terrifying aura. .

Under the dark red sky, there is a purple robbery cloud floating!
Su Poman raised his head, his eyes were shining brightly, the long hair on the back of his shoulders swelled up automatically without any wind, and his robe seemed to be blown by a strong wind.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the 'Destroyer Day Zombie Progenitor' form again, intending to brush up his resistance to the thunder.

At this time, in the robbery cloud, the thunder and lightning that had been scurrying around seemed to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands, and gradually converged at one point, forming an extremely dazzling thunder light.

"This power is really extraordinary!"

The surrounding air became more oppressive, as if frozen.


Su Poman's eyes were bright, and he felt something in his heart, so he flew up alone, and took the initiative to meet the sky.

After a huge thunderclap.

Two purple thunderbolts that looked like a winding dragon slashed down!

He slowly opened his arms, as if embracing him, and he didn't defend himself, letting the thunder fall on his body that day.


The lightning instantly submerged Su Poman, and after a few breaths, his figure reappeared.

"It can't break the defense at all. It seems that the previous tribulation has already become quite resistant to the sky thunder..."

"Come again!"

Su Poman raised his head, stared straight at the robbery cloud, and hooked his hands, as if provocative.


At this time, two more thunderbolts fell from the sky. Compared with the previous two, they were thicker and the light became more dazzling.

Two lightning bolts plowed across the void, leaving dark marks in the void, and then the sky and the earth suddenly lit up, and the deafening thunder echoed continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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