Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 283 Rush into the robbery cloud

Chapter 283 Rush into the robbery cloud
Su Poman was bathed in the light of thunder, and the terrifying thunder that was dreaded by countless monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period only made him feel a little numb, but he was not injured.

He closed his eyes, carefully comprehending the power in the thunder and lightning, and at the same time, using the ability of 'thunder and lightning control', he tried to control the thunder of the catastrophe.

This is a very violent and extremely destructive feeling, just like an untamed wild horse, which cannot be controlled at all only with the ability brought by the red-eyed zombie.

Not long after, the thunder light dissipated, and the purple robbery clouds in the sky once again condensed two thunders.


The power of these two thunderbolts has been significantly improved again. However, due to the existence of "adaptive evolution", Su Poman's physical body has a higher resistance to the thunderbolt of heavenly disaster, so he can resist again without injury. bombarded by thunder.

This time, he was still comprehending the power contained in the sky thunder with his eyes closed...

Accompanied by earth-shattering thunders again and again, the originally gloomy planet lighted up from time to time, illuminating the sky and the earth like daytime.

Even in the space millions of kilometers away from this planet, you can clearly see the purple thunder that appears and disappears from time to time.

An aura of catastrophe enveloped the nearby star fields.

The powerful monks who travel to and from the starry sky can clearly see that someone is crossing the tribulation in that place just by looking at it.

A series of divine senses with different auras scanned over from the air.

"It's fine if you don't arrange a formation during the robbery, but you didn't even sacrifice a decent ancient treasure? This is too exaggerated!"

"This person's physical body has been cultivated to such an extent, I am afraid he is a body cultivator!"

"Amazing! To be able to cultivate the body training method to the stage of crossing the catastrophe..."

"The process of a body-refining cultivator polishing his body is a test of the practitioner's perseverance and Taoism. If this person can reach this level, he must be an ascetic monk who has suffered a lot!"

"He hasn't stimulated the body-protecting energy, so could it be that he is using his physical body to resist the thunder?"

"The appearance of this beast is a bit strange, which race is it?"

"It's strange, there are actually two thunderbolts falling for every thunder disaster!"

"Hahaha, it's really lucky to meet such a silly boy, there is no teacher to protect the law, and he doesn't even arrange a cover formation. When he survives the catastrophe, it will be a period of weakness, and we can just take advantage of it. Unprepared... Hehe! You can only be considered a monk in the early stage of Mahayana if you survive the catastrophe. If you can't survive it, you will be weaker. It can be killed easily!"


A group of monks with ulterior motives quietly fled to the vicinity of the gray planet, planning to deal with Su Poman after the catastrophe.

At this time, the Heavenly Tribulation has fallen seven times.

A huge bottomless pothole appeared on the ground below Su Poman. Inside the pothole was a piece of black scorched earth, which was emitting green smoke right now.

The eighth level of thunder tribulation is currently in the making.

The purple clouds were also several times larger than before, covering an area thousands of feet in radius. Under the dark red sky, strands of electric snakes gathered together to form two thunder pillars.

The two thunder pillars merged into one, and the piercing light shocked the monks lurking nearby.

Most of them can't resist this power!
The corners of Su Po's mouth twitched slightly, and a look of amazement bloomed in his eyes, "It turns out that the vitality in this sky thunder can not only temper the body, but also cause qualitative changes in the soul. No wonder I feel I don't feel like I'm about to make a breakthrough in my immortal cultivation, and my two primordial spirits are far superior to ordinary monks, and the vitality contained in the sky thunder is simply not enough to support its qualitative change!"

After a few breaths, the thunder pillar dissipated, Su Poman's expression was as usual, not a single hair was hurt.

"The idea is difficult, I will withdraw first!"

"This kid is too perverted, I don't want to participate anymore!"


Among the monks who originally wanted to take advantage of the fire, many retreated, tearing open the void one after another, wanting to leave.

"Hehe, I want to leave now, don't you think it's a bit late?"

A sigh sounded in the void, and then, men in black wearing ghost masks appeared in the field.


One of the blue-faced and beardless middle-aged Taoists recognized the origins of these shadow clones at a glance, and his face lost all color immediately. He hurriedly said: "We are just passing by here, and we did not harm anyone. Find me, and, I am a monk of the human race, shouldn't be here now!"

After this period of fermentation, the emerging force of 'Suppressing Demon Palace' has spread its reputation far and wide, and it seems to have become one of the most unoffensive forces in the Qianyuan world. On the battlefield of demons, I don't know how many The Great Cultivator of the Demon Race, wherever he went, made people tremble with fear, for fear that he would become the hunting target of the Demon Suppressing Envoy.

"Then where should I be?" one of the demon-suppressing envoys asked with a smile.

The green-faced Taoist moved his fingers slightly, and a transfer order was immediately held in his palm. At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly: "Shouldn't you be on the battlefield of demons now? Why did you come to this remote Meteor Star Field? ?”

"It's not your turn to tell me what to do in the Temple of Demon Suppression. Since you've made up your mind, don't leave!" the Envoy of Demon Suppression said in a cold tone, and then he opened the 'Pupil of Judgment' and looked at A group of monks hidden in the void.

At this time, a white-haired old man appeared and snorted coldly: "What a tone! This old man is Cang Lianxing' Shadow Killer Patriarch". What's the 'Suppressing Demon Envoy', you don't know how to live or die, just bragging about it here!"

"Shadow Killer Patriarch, shut up! Don't provoke them. These people are all from the 'Suppressing Demon Palace'. You may not have heard of them. Their strength is extremely tyrannical, and hidden in their power There are countless powerful men, and many demon monks above the void stage have fallen into their hands..."

A sound transmission came to his ears, and the complexion of the white-haired old man gradually changed. When he looked at the group of men in black again, his gaze narrowed slightly, and he no longer dared to look directly, with a strong look of fear on his face.


The surrounding time and space were immediately frozen, and the body of a 'Suppressing Demon Envoy' exploded, and was turned into ashes by the law of time.


Tens of thousands of men in black with ghost faces flickered in all directions, constantly harvesting the lives of the monks.

When time and space are about to begin to flow——


Another 'Suppressor Messenger' reduced to ashes!

This method of combat was researched by Su Poman himself on the demon battlefield. After one shadow clone casts the ability of 'time stop', before time and space are restored, another clone will perform it again to extend the time limit. Controlled time, in this way, the shadow clone can have a chance to win even if it faces a monk whose cultivation base is far superior to his own.

Although there is a little price, but in Su Poman's view, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Su Poman's side was still far away, so it was not affected. The purple robbery clouds in the sky continued to surge and spread out, covering an area tens of thousands of feet in radius.

"The ninth level of lightning tribulation is over, I guess that kind of vitality is not enough, I'd better do it myself!"

In the purple calamity cloud, thunder light flickered, as if some kind of mysterious power was hidden, and the ninth heavenly thunder was slowly condensing.

Su Poman's eyes lit up with red light, he stretched out his arms, and rushed directly into the robbery cloud.

At the same time, two fiery beams of light emerged from his eyes, carrying a terrifying temperature, and shot towards the thundercloud of heavenly tribulation!

(End of this chapter)

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