Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 284 Promotion to the Mahayana Period

Chapter 284 Promotion to the Mahayana Period

"Is he crazy?"

"You even rushed into the robbery cloud, do you want to die?"

"This is really not afraid of death!"


Farther away from this planet, several monks were shocked and amazed.

Chi Chi!

The injection of the hot gaze seemed to pour a spoonful of water on the hot oil, and the purple robbery cloud instantly rioted, and the ninth heavenly thunder that was originally condensed also changed immediately.

A dragon head as huge as a city condensed out, its eyes exuded an incomparably majestic divine light, as soon as it appeared, it stared at Su Poman.

I saw that it was crystal clear, like it was carved from the finest amethyst, and there was a terrifying thunder light circulating around it, exuding a destructive aura all the time.

Seeing this, Tian Lingzi's heart trembled. Unlike the previous situation, Su Poman had already refined the Tianbao Illusory Spirit Pagoda, and even the pagoda spirit could not forcibly take the owner back into the tower.

"This brat is really good at killing, I hope he can survive this calamity!"

Su Poman was in the cloud of calamity, lightning flashed around him, and lightning arcs struck him uninterruptedly.

"Seeing you again, this time, I won't run away!"

The laser light shot out from the eyes, which stimulated Jieyun to violently churn!

The red light swept over Zilong and made a slight sound.

The Primordial Thunder Dragon was unscathed, it was originally composed of energy, and it was least afraid of such an attack. It opened its mouth wide and let out a roar, as if it was irritated.

The moment Su Poman heard the roar of thunder, a monstrous purple light lit up in front of him.

The huge dragon body soared up in the tens of thousands of feet of robbery cloud, and then suddenly fell down. All this happened in the blink of an eye, and there was still a phantom of thunder dragon in the sky above the robbery cloud.

If it were an ordinary person, he would already be a dead person the moment he heard the whistling sound.

Su Poman closed the dragon wings behind his back, the biological force field wrapped him up, and the purple light hit him heavily, and then shuttled past.

Just like water washing away a stubborn rock, Su Poman appeared in Thunder Dragon's body, forming a dazzling light spot densely packed with lightning.

In an instant, the sky fell apart, and the end of this gray planet came!

After the Thunder Dragon passed through Su Poman's body, its momentum continued unabated, one end pierced a huge gap in the ground, and the dragon's head emerged from the other side of the planet.

At this time, the core of the planet was devastated, and the originally condensed soil plates began to separate.

From a distance, this planet looks like a piece of soil that has been crushed by fingers. Bottomless cracks spread rapidly, volcanoes erupt non-stop, and magma seeps out from the cracks in the ground.

In the space, the gray planet fell apart, the ancient thunder dragon roared to the sky, the thunder cloud gathered, turned into its wings, and rushed towards Su Poman again.


The golden dragon wings spread out, revealing Su Poman's figure, and his whole body flashed with electric light one after another, as if he had just sat in the electric chair.

His pupils reflected the image of the immemorial thunder dragon rushing towards him, and he thought to himself: "I might not be able to withstand your attack before, but now, it's different..."

A huge white dragon suddenly appeared behind him, staring at the ancient brontosaurus coldly.

The five fingers were clenched into the palm of the palm one after another, and the arm was pulled back, forming an incomparably mysterious fist.

At the same time, Gang Yuan Bailong's upper body was raised high, forming a linkage with his arm like a shadow.

"Xuanyuan Zhenshi, White Dragon Ascension Fist!"

The moment the Taikoo Thunder Dragon rushed forward, Su Po moved a lot, and swung an uppercut, followed by his whole body twirling and flying into the sky, with the white dragon circling around behind him!

A dazzling light erupted between the two, forming a huge light cluster. The color of the light cluster changed from red to white, and then illuminated the entire star field.

The land of the gray planet was instantly annihilated into fly ash.

A planet just disappeared from the sight of the monks.

Then gradually disappeared, and that amethyst-like giant dragon.

"Too...too perverted!"

"It's crazy!"

"Rushing into Jieyun with his body, he drew out the thunder dragon, and in the end he was able to scatter Jieyun with one punch!"

"Who is this person, why haven't I heard of it before!"


Su Poman sat cross-legged among the gigantic star-like Gangyuan White Dragon, and the primordial spirit in his body was undergoing tremendous changes at this moment.

Inside the Purple Mansion, the two primordial spirits are undergoing changes little by little, and a trace of more advanced energy begins to appear in the center where the mana is condensed.

The body of the primordial spirit was continuously compressed and tempered, and a large amount of mana disappeared, transformed into immortal power, and began to change in the direction of the fairy baby.

As soon as this trace of immortal power appeared, it was quickly swallowed by the body, and the body began to transform into a mortal.

The process of going from a mortal to an immortal is the Mahayana period!
When his primordial spirit is completely transformed into a fairy baby, and his body transforms into a fairy body, it will be the day when Su Poman ascends to the fairy world!
This process is extremely long and takes time to accumulate.

Generally speaking, it will take at least a million years for an ordinary monk in the Mahayana period to ascend from the early stage of the Mahayana period to the successful ascent of the Mahayana period.

This is a transformation of nature and spirit. If you rely on external objects, you can only shorten a small part of the time.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

For a powerful monk, not to mention a month, even 100 years, it is just a short-term retreat.

Su Poman slowly opened his eyes. At this time, his realm has been stabilized, reaching the stage of the early stage of Mahayana. There is no trace of aura leaking from his body, and he looks like a mortal.

The moment he stood up, the Gangyuan White Dragon disappeared into the void.

"It would be great if the lottery chances could be accumulated, so waking up once a month feels like a long time..."

Su Poman complained in his heart, and with a thought, all over the Qianyuan Realm, one by one shadow clones tore through the void and returned to the direction where the deity was.

Not long after, space portals emerged one after another, and 'spiritual clones' dressed in black or blood stepped out of them, handing over storage equipment one by one.

Most of these storage equipment are sealed primordial spirits, and others are precious materials and items that cannot be converted into energy points.

After sorting out the items one by one, they were all stored in the 'soul space'.

With another wave of his hand, the sky is full of sealed primordial spirits.

Su Poman's body continued to grow bigger, and he used the '72 Transformation' to display the effect of law, heaven and earth.

He opened his mouth wide, swallowed all the primordial spirits into his mouth in an instant, and then chewed bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang mouth, the rays of light condensed from the mouth and nose gushed out, forming beads under the feet.

"Cracky, chicken flavor!" Su Poman said, slowly returning to the size of a normal person, and smacked his mouth.

At the same time as the power of the soul increased, the speed of transforming the soul into a fairy baby was also a little faster.

"Hey, what a surprise!"

With a thought in Su Poman's mind, all the shadow clones shattered, forming torrents of chakra and mana to return to the main body.

Before they all returned, Su Poman created shadow clones with more powerful auras.

These newly born shadow avatars all have the immortal cultivation base of the Mahayana period, and their strength is even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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