Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 285 Hongmeng-level Cultivation Technique - Stars Change!

Chapter 285 Hongmeng-level Cultivation Technique - Stars Change!

Su Poman slowly closed his eyes, immersed his consciousness on the light curtain of the Ziyuan Roulette, and only saw the number in the column of energy crystals, which made his heart tremble.

"Good guy, there are so many!"

"The spirit shadow clone is too powerful, turning most of the Qianyuan world into my vegetable garden!"

"I don't know if five thousand six hundred energy crystals can extract a primordial power technique..."

"Try it! Even if it is incomplete, you can practice it first!"


Su Poman used his mind to lightly click on the word "click to extract"——

Five thousand and six hundred energy crystals were instantly reduced on the light curtain, and transformed into a dazzling ray of light that landed on the roulette.


Simple and mysterious, it rotates rapidly, and lights and shadows representing different abilities are flashing on the roulette, constantly generating disillusionment, and constantly changing.

"Among the search targets..."

A purple brilliance appeared on the roulette, and finally the pointer fell at about 1.8 meters. The face was sharp and angular, and he always had a friendly smile. He was only wearing a black vest made of special material and a pair of black trousers. body.

I saw traces of khaki air around him, and a huge universe seemed to hang under the dark sky behind him, and another golden announcement, manifested through endless primordial aura from hundreds of millions of miles away, fell on top of his head.

"Determine that the target of this draw is Qin Yu, the master of the Great Universe of Qin Meng - Master of Hong Meng!"

"The link is being established, extracting..."

"Ding, spend 5600 energy crystals, successfully extract them, and obtain the primordial power method [Star Transformation], practice to the peak to create a universe, the body achieves the 'Xuanhuang Immortal Body', half of the soul merges into the universe, the universe is immortal, and the true spirit is immortal , can be connected to the 'Hongmeng Space', and get the opportunity to be named on the Hongmeng Gold List, and the column of exercises is now open..."

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Early stage of Mahayana
[Cultivation method]: Transformation of the stars

[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)
Zombie: The bloodline of the first Pangu clan (100%)
Ancient Saiyan Bloodline (100%)
[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Unlimited resurrection
4. Pangu Divine Body
5. Soul Space
6. Pupil of Judgment
7.72 changes
8. Ghost clone
[Energy Crystal]: 0 (minimum 1 energy crystal can be extracted/enhanced once)
[Quantity that can be drawn]: 0 (the number of times that can be drawn/enhanced this month is 1 time)
[Current Extraction Target]: None

An indescribable feeling welled up in his heart, Su Poman sat cross-legged, and an indescribable and powerful exercise came from his mind.

This technique, within the astonishing good fortune, conceived stars in the body and continued to evolve until it finally formed a universe comparable to the universe of the world!

The nebula period, the stream period, the star nucleus period, the travel period, the catastrophe period, the stellar period, the dark period, the black hole period, the origin period, the realm of the universe, the master of the universe...

This is a kind of cultivation method that is completely different from the system of cultivating immortals. The opening chapter is different from other cultivation methods. It is mainly written in vernacular Chinese. The first half is created by Lei Wei, and the second part is Qin Yu's perfect chapter.

"Golden Core Yuanying must be the right way to practice? The so-called pursuit of the way of heaven, what is the way of heaven? Observing the evolution of the universe, I created this exercise, which can be regarded as a way to cultivate the truth. This exercise is divided into six realms. Let's talk about the first part first— — Nebula chapter."

"After a normal cultivator succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, in the boundless dantian, the congenital true energy must be condensed into a water ball, and then refined into a golden pill. But it must be like this, must it be gathered? My "Star Transformation" The first way is to disperse, turn the innate true energy into a gaseous state, disperse it, not only disperse it all over the dantian, but even disperse it outside the body, use the dantian as the heart, and the body as a bridge, communicate with the universe and the original mind, and jointly evolve the way of heaven nature……"


Su Poman opened his eyes and exclaimed: "This Lei Wei is really a brilliant genius, he can come up with such a cultivation method, if he doesn't die, Qin Yu's position as the controller of Hongmeng may not be as important as Qin Yu's! "

The premise of cultivating "Star Transformation" is to cultivate "Three Maps of Tongtian" first, and reach the innate realm of external skills.

This may be difficult for others, but in Su Poman's view, it can be practiced in one breath.

While his eyes flickered, silver, gold, and purple pillars of air rose from his body, and the three gradually intertwined, condensing into a three-color armor.

In just a moment of effort, the Three Drawings of Tongtian have been completed!
In the dantian, a nebula suddenly appeared, like a cloud, slowly rotating, absorbing energy from the outside universe, and slowly condensing into particles.

Gathering first and then dispersing, traces of energy transformed into purple true energy, and then covered Su Poman's whole body.

The purple mist drilled through his thousands of pores, like clouds in his dantian, gathering and dispersing at times, forming a strange cycle.

Slowly, silver particles formed a nebula, and in the center of the nebula, a light blue flame floated.

Under the sunlight, traces of the real fire of the sun were swallowed by Su Poman's cells, and a small part of the transformed energy was plundered by this nebula.

In just a few breaths, Su Poman's body seemed to have experienced vicissitudes. The nebula was evolving at an extremely fast speed, and the turbulent cosmic energy poured into it from all directions, becoming the driving force for its rapid evolution.

The silver particles gradually gathered together, forming a fist-sized stone.

At the beginning, the stone was translucent, and wisps of the real fire of the sun were immersed in it, and the flames inside began to become brighter and brighter.

Subsequently, the stone continued to grow larger, forming a meteorite that exudes a blazing light.

Flow week!
"I didn't expect that my superhuman body would actually have a blessing effect on 'Star Transformation'!"

Su Poman secretly rejoiced, he took a step forward, the time and space around him changed, and he came to the sun star in an instant.

This time, he faced the sun directly, and the turbulent flames were filled with violent energy. If his cultivation level were lower, he would definitely not be able to reach this distance.

The surface of the sun star is like a fireball, exuding dazzling light all the time, with black and red dots appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Every cell in Su Poman was almost trembling with excitement, frantically devouring the real sun fire around him, as if he had fallen into an ocean completely composed of real sun fire.

The superhuman body is strengthening the physical body at an unprecedented speed, even the physical body of the Mahayana period has improved significantly.

In the dantian, traces of the real fire of the sun reflected into the shooting star, continuously tempered, and at the same time, the cosmic energy in the void also turned into a substance different from the aura of heaven and earth, and was absorbed into the 'shooting star'.

The size of the meteor is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the void opened from the dantian is also growing accordingly, as if it is about to evolve into a small piece of starry sky.

Against a completely pitch-black background, the shooting star exudes a dark red light.

Inside the Purple Mansion, the two primordial spirits who had not completely transformed into fairy babies seemed to have sensed it, and they turned into two rays of light, escaped from the Niwan Palace, and entered the dantian of Qihai from top to bottom.

These two primordial spirits have a kind of fairy charm on their bodies, one is wearing a scarlet flame red robe, with a resolute face, the other is surrounded by a white dragon, both of them have a face similar to Su Poman, but they are exuding A very different breath.One has a violent breath like a volcano about to erupt, while the other is as calm as an abyss, with a warm breath like jade, like Mr. Pianpian.

(End of this chapter)

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