Chapter 287 Forbidden Law
joan star.

After the star protection formation was triggered, the Immortal Cultivation Alliance responded quickly and sent a team of Tianxingwei to investigate the situation.

Above the blue waves of the vast sea at dusk, white mist filled the range of tens of feet above the sea level and above.

One after another silhouettes cut through the void, piercing the mist into column-like holes. The originally calm sea suddenly sank a large area, and then bounced up violently, setting off huge waves hundreds of feet high.

The hunched old man with blue hair and blond eyes fled around with a girl in a blood-red long dress. From time to time, he used a special secret method to transform a wave of devilish energy, and at the same time he shot to destroy every small town by the sea. Even some monks was not spared.

Along the way, corpses were scattered all over the field, demonic fires raged, and thousands of miles of red ground seemed to have become a purgatory on earth.

The team led by Jin Yue came here and collided with the demon monks who were chasing after them. After the two parties met, they stood still on the surface of the sea, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"You demon cultivators have come to my human race's land to act wildly. Do you want to start a big war?" Jin Yue looked at the monsters with strange shapes and heads, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart. This made him dare not act rashly, so he could only secretly notify other experts in the alliance to come to support him.

On the other side, although they are all magic cultivators above the cave void stage, due to orders, it is not easy to confront the human monks head-on.

After being silent for a long time, the leader of the three-eyed demon cultivator slowly said: "This fellow human being, we are tracking down a mortal enemy of the monster race, and please ask the faction where the fellow daoist belongs to open the door of convenience, and don't block it, otherwise it will The monster clan will definitely cause disaster on this Xiuxing..."

As he said that, he threw a storage bag with snakeskin pattern over it.

"This is a small gift, it's not a respect, and I hope you don't dislike it."

Jin Yue took the storage bag, swept it with his consciousness, his heart suddenly became a little hot, and a friendly smile appeared on his face, and said: "Since it is the enmity between the monster clan, everyone, please do it yourself, don't wantonly kill me A human cultivator will do!"

"Haha, thank you fellow daoist, I will definitely restrain my subordinates and make sure that Qiu does not commit any crime!" The three-eyed demon cultivator laughed loudly, then he nodded to Jin Yue, and then waved his hand, leading everyone to disappear into the In situ.

"Commander Jin, isn't it good to do this? There are many mortal villages and towns on the nearby coast that have been destroyed..." a silver-armored monk behind him reminded in a serious voice.

Jin Yue frowned, his face darkened in an instant, he turned around and raised his hand to fan him——

After a crisp slap, the monk in silver armor was slapped several tens of feet away, his cheeks swelled up suddenly, and a few teeth fell out.

"You bastard, you even have to take care of my own affairs. What are those mortals? If they die, they die. No one will care about it!" Jin Yue said coldly.

After speaking, he sent a message with the communication jade pendant, explaining the reason why Moxiu came here, claiming that he would monitor them carefully, and persuaded the powerful men who had just been dispatched in the alliance to go back with such words.

"Let's go, and go to other places, maybe we can meet other demon cultivators. This time, we must kill them well!"

As he said that, Jin Yue flipped his hand and took out a spirit boat, then he threw it into the air, the spirit boat grew bigger in the air, Tian Xingwei jumped on it one after another, and then the spirit boat turned into a white light and disappeared into the sky. skyrim.


In a secret place.

Qi Yuehuan sensed that the formation he had set up along the road was touched, and said nervously: "Old Qi, those people are still behind, and this human cultivator who cultivates stars doesn't seem to be doing anything, what should we do next?"

"It seems that the only way to escape this catastrophe is to use the forbidden method of my 'Red Butterfly Clan'. Alas, destroying a life-cultivating star will definitely bring great karma and karma to your body. Now there is no material to arrange a catastrophe formation , It seems that this old man is going to stop at the Mahayana stage for the rest of his life... But, miss, it would be great if you can escape!" The hunchbacked old man's expression was desolate, with a trace of sadness, he glanced at the girl dotingly, and then he took a look from the storage ring. He took out a bloody jade slip.

"This jade slip contains the method of controlling Star Butterfly. Miss, you should familiarize yourself with it first. When the old man prepares the forbidden method, Star Butterfly needs someone to lead the way!"

Qi Yuehuan took the jade slips, and her mind was instantly filled with information like a torrent. Her eyes widened, and there was still a trace of mist from the secret realm hanging on her beautiful eyelashes. Her cherry red mouth slowly opened, and her face A look of shock was revealed.

"There is such a terrifying forbidden law in the world, and it has to be used at the cost of a whole star!"

The hunchbacked old man pursed his lips, and said in a slightly proud tone: "It is very easy for a monk after crossing the catastrophe to destroy a star cultivator, but he cannot use the power of a planet. The power generated during the collapse, combined with my 'Red Butterfly Clan''s bloodline supernatural power, summoned the projection of Taiyu Star Butterfly... Once the star butterfly comes out, even if the Three Tribulations Sanxian personally takes action, don't try to stop us from leaving! "

"However, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. The reason why this forbidden law is called forbidden law is because it is too against the sky and is not tolerated by the way of heaven, so it is cursed. Those who use this law will find it difficult to improve their cultivation base throughout their lives. It will not enter the reincarnation of, no one is willing to use this method unless it is absolutely necessary!"

As the hunchbacked old man explained, the aura on his body rose steadily, his blue hair fluttered up, and a bright blood light glowed in his body.

Chi Chi Chi!
A streak of blood turned into tentacles, penetrated the boundary membrane of the secret realm, spread to the outside world, and pierced the veins of the earth one by one, as if to penetrate the core of the earth.

Earthquakes occurred in many corners of Qiong Xing, as if a natural disaster was about to come.

At this time, a figure wearing a ghost mask appeared in the secret place filled with water vapor.

A long time ago, Su Poman left a clone in every secret realm in Qiong Xing, and used it for several years to harvest the newly grown spirits.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected discovery at this time.

These two members of the monster clan in front of them are actually going to use the forbidden method to destroy Qiong Xing!
This caused Su Poman's main consciousness to descend into this clone. He took off the mask, and in a burst of light and shadow, he restored his original appearance, and then snapped his fingers.


In the secret realm, the flow of time and space suddenly stagnated, and even the light froze in mid-air.

He walked slowly to the old and the young, and the pattern of a hexagram appeared in his pupils.

It is true that the two of them are not villains to their own people, but to other races, especially the human race, they are sinners.

This is what my hero and his enemy are talking about.

"You may not be at fault from your own standpoint. Killing other races may be the same as killing pigs and sheep with ordinary human races, but the mistake is that you were born in the demon race, and you want to sacrifice an entire cultivator." Star creatures, come to help the two of you escape!"

Su Poman controlled the avatar to come in front of the two, and clicked twice like lightning——

A blood hole instantly appeared between the eyebrows of the two of them.

Immediately after reaching out to grab it, two primordial spirits of different sizes were captured.

Afterwards, he packed the Yuanshen seal into the jade box with ease, then raised his head, and escaped directly from the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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