Chapter 288 The Array of Hot Sight

"I found it, they are hiding in this secret realm now, hurry up, go and inform Lord Demon General!"

A monk riding an elephant demon shouted excitedly.

The people next to him also had expressions of excitement.

Their team can find the target first, which is a great achievement!
In a short while, a group of demon cultivators gathered here and surrounded the exit of this secret realm.

The iron tower man with the magic pattern face screamed strangely, and holding the big mace in his hand, he entered the secret realm first.

The terrifying consciousness instantly swept across the entire secret realm, not letting go of any corner.


The strong man with the magic pattern face had a strange expression. His figure flashed and he came to a woodland.

The surrounding trees were all gone, many of them turned into fly ash, and two blue-haired corpses lay silently on the ground.

"He died...who could have done it?"

He walked forward quickly and groped the two of them for a while. When he touched the blue-haired girl, his face suddenly became happy: "Although the storage ring is gone, fortunately...the temperature is still there!"

A cloud of black smoke-like demonic energy exploded, enveloping the place.

"Exit the secret realm for me, and you are not allowed to enter without the general's permission!"

After saying that, the brawny man tossed the big mace in his hand, and threw himself on the body of the girl in the red dress.


The clothes and the clothes were torn apart at the same time, and shot into the flowers in the distance.

On the crystal clear skin, there was a trace of warmth, and the bloody hole between the brows had a special flavor in the eyes of the strong man.

The cries like the roar of a beast continued to resound, and an extremely obscene scene was staged in the forest.

Several hours later, a dilapidated body was left in the bushes. The whole body seemed to be torn apart by wild beasts. The body was torn apart, and the hole on the forehead had expanded several times. The brain inside was mixed with blood and an unknown blue color. The liquid was gurgling out.

The girl's mouth was split open, and all the teeth in it were gone, leaving only a deep hole that could not be seen to the bottom. Her eyes stared blankly at the sky, as if she was still at the moment before she was killed.


The sky began to rain, and the surrounding demon energy gradually dissipated.

Not long after, a ghost-faced figure returned from the sun star. After arriving at the secret realm, he saw the tragic situation in the bushes, and his main consciousness came again.

"It's been a long time! It's the first time I've seen this kind of pervert. The demons are indeed demons, and they really know how to play! Oh, it's disgusting, I have to wash my eyes later..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger, and a huge fireball of more than ten feet crashed into the bushes.


"I hope the flames can purify you..."

Su Poman twitched the corners of his mouth, only feeling a chill constantly impacting his appetite, making him feel that his spirit was polluted.

With a thought, the 'Suppressing Demon Envoys' moved into action one by one, and found the group of demon cultivators who were about to leave.


in the starry sky.

The strong man with the magic pattern face looked refreshed. He rode a green-scaled magic bull at the forefront of the team.

"The little princess of the Scarlet Butterfly Clan is really delicious. Although she is dead, the elasticity is really memorable! Tsk tsk tsk..."

He subconsciously grabbed his crotch, put his hand in front of his nose, took a deep sniff, his face showed a look of intoxication, then he looked at the long-haired demon and asked: "Little Six, Would you like to smell it, it also smells like the little princess of the Red Butterfly Clan!"

"Get out!" the waist-length cold-faced demon cultivator shouted with displeasure.

"Hahaha, sixth son, you just can't take jokes..."

At this time, men in black wearing ghost masks suddenly appeared in the void in front of them.

The smile of the strong man with the magic pattern face stopped abruptly, and then quickly restrained himself.

"Suppressing Demon Envoy..."

The long-haired and silver-eyed Moxiu exuded a cold killing intent, and a purple magic sword floated in front of him behind his back.

"Fuck, how did I meet these evil stars!"

The strong man with the magic pattern face cursed secretly in his heart, he raised the big mace in his hand, and shouted: "Boys, give it to me, there is no magic-scattering master among them, kill!"

With an order, the banner fluttered, the chariot hummed, and monsters roared and rushed towards the men in black who blocked the road.

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. At this time, they also understand that there is no other way to choose except to kill all the opponents.

On the battlefield of monsters, the Demon Suppressing Messenger is feared by most of the demon cultivators because of his fierce combat power.

Not only are their supernatural powers strange, but they are often not afraid of life and death. After identifying the target, they will even launch a suicide attack.

Such a force composed of lunatics, even if it is called "Suppressing Demons" and offends the reputation of the Demon Race, they dare not easily provoke them.

"Hot Sight Formation Demon Slayer!"

The men in black stood in specific positions, vaguely forming a trap that covered the sky and the sun.


Under the grimace mask, the pupils of the ghost clone lit up with red light. Immediately, lights like red rock crystals flickered in the sky and the earth.

The group of demon cultivators who were originally majestic and high-spirited stopped after seeing this scene, shaking like sifting chaff, and some of them were so scared that they peed their pants.

"This is the death ray..."

"It's terrible. On the battlefield of monsters, many of my fellow clansmen died under this kind of supernatural power. I want to go home, mother!"

"This... going up is death, Lord Demon General, stop them quickly!"


While everyone was crying and hesitating, streaks of crimson light descended suddenly.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The criss-crossing lasers enveloped the entire space.

The terrifying power directly caused the demon cultivators below the Mahayana stage to die tragically on the spot. Only a few Mahayana stage demon cultivators were still struggling to support them, but the armor on their bodies was also melting rapidly, and it seemed that they would not last long.

"Hey, little thief, how dare you bully me that there is no one in the demon race!"

"Troll real body!"

The iron tower man with the magic pattern face appeared in the middle of the demon emissary in an instant, his body swelled up like a blown air, and became like a ten thousand zhang mountain. His thick as a bull's arm was holding the same enlarged long mace, and he slammed it Waving——


The space is torn apart like cloth.

The demon-suppressing envoys were knocked out by this force one by one.

The long-haired and silver-eyed Moxiu also appeared behind one of the 'Suppressing Demon Envoys' at this time, and the purple magic sword suddenly slashed out, trying to split it in half.


One of the spirit shadow clones was backlashed and exploded in an instant. At this time, the world was stagnant for a split second.

Boom boom boom!
During this period, the demon-suppressing envoys quickly completed the switching of forms.

Not only opened the form of "Doomsday Zombie Progenitor", but also completed the transformation of Super Saiyan, and the combat power was instantly improved to a large level.

A series of attacks instantly affected the two scattered demons.

The demon cultivator with long hair and silver eyes was relatively weak in defense, and he was annihilated to ashes by the overwhelming attack after only sustaining for less than a breath.

The other strong man with the magic pattern face has the strength of a second calamity dispersing demon, and his defense is amazing. The skills he practiced seem to be good at defense. Severely injured, did not fall.

When the strong man with the magic pattern face came back to his senses, he felt excruciating pain all over his body.

All of this happened so fast that he had already been severely injured before he had time to react.

(End of this chapter)

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