Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 290 Entering the Sidereal Period

Chapter 290 Entering the Sidereal Period

The vast universe is full of wonders. There are tens of millions of star types in the Qianyuan world, and there are even some that cannot be called stars. They are bright or dark, and it is difficult for ordinary people to observe their light, but the stars on them Power is otherworldly and possesses incredible power.

There are many terrifying and desperate situations in the world of cultivating immortals due to this strange star power. If a monk of the Sanxian level strays into it, even if he does not die, he will have to shed a layer of skin.

At this moment, all the stars in the Qianyuan Realm that contained star power got in touch with Su Poman's Immortal Star God Body, and their imprints spread all over the entire Great Realm.

Wherever the starlight reaches, there is his physical imprint.

Even if Su Poman doesn't have the ability of 'infinite resurrection', he can still be resurrected in the starlight after falling, but the time it takes will be slightly longer.

The superhuman physique can only absorb the energy of the yellow sun to obtain superpowers, but the "immortal star body" is different. Every star in the universe that contains star power can provide it with energy. above.

When all the creatures on Qiongxing looked up at the sky, surrounded by the phantom shadows of the heavy stars, Su Poman's physical body transformed, and the various acupoints all over his body began to glow with pale white light, faintly related to the Qianyuan world. The major stars in the sky echoed.

Wisps of starlight of various colors, bright or dark, came one after another, and his body was like a black hole that could absorb light, absorbing all the star power contained in the starlight into his body.

At this time, in his dantian, the nine planets that were originally rotating slowly, seemed to be stimulated, and under the catalysis of star power, they began to rotate rapidly, and there was a tendency to intensify...

The star calamity descended, and blood-red lightning bolts criss-crossed down.

However, this little damage couldn't shake Su Poman's body at all.

Not long after, the red cloud disappeared, and the Star Tribulation passed easily.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light slowly rose from his dantian.

A miniature star burning with raging flames was born at the fusion of nine planets, and the light on it became brighter and brighter with the influx of a large amount of star power.

Stellar period!
At the same time, Su Poman's superhuman body also seemed to feel the changes in his body, each cell greedily absorbed the energy emitted by that miniature star.

The "Immortal Star God Body" continuously provides energy for the miniature star, and the superhuman body is also frantically absorbing the real fire of the sun emitted by that star, forming a very special circuit between them, bronze The superhuman body is constantly evolving.

In the blood, all kinds of wonderful energies are running in parallel, as if they contain the principles of heaven and earth, and the kingdom of soul gods seems to be nourished at this time, constantly expanding and growing. In just a few days, the space has already doubled in size.

In the dantian, another star exuding golden light was born!
The speed at which the superman's body could absorb the true fire of the sun doubled. Su Poman closed his eyes tightly, feeling as if his soul was soaking in the hot spring, and various strange energies were bred, which made him feel very refreshed.Thousands of hidden treasures in the body, millions of orifices all exude colorful awns, and the flesh and blood are shining brightly, as if cast from fairy gold.

The light in the entire Qianyuan world seemed to be dimmed a bit on the whole. Others thought these changes were changes in the weather, and only some truly powerful people who could not hide from the world vaguely noticed a little bit of weirdness.

Boom boom boom!
After several roars in succession, nine golden suns were neatly lined up in Su's dantian, and most of the chaotic and dark places in his dantian were dispelled, revealing a scene of cosmic emptiness.

Until this moment, Su Poman stopped his cultivation and slowly opened his eyes.


Two rays of divine light shot out from the depths of his eyes, turning into two rainbow lights and shooting into the depths of the starry sky.

At this time, he felt that the superman's body was strengthening at a speed that was against the sky. The increase in the strength of his physical body was like sitting on a rocket. It was getting stronger every moment. Now he was only relying on physical strength. It can easily suppress and kill the Four Tribulations Loose Immortals.

Streaks of silver light began to condense from the depths of his eyes, as if it was a strange omen.

Su Poman had a feeling that in this state, reaching the Silver Superman stage didn't seem so far away.

According to his estimation, with the nine suns in his body continuously providing the true sun fire, it may only take a hundred years to advance to the level of Silver Superman!

Silver Superman!

At that level, they have reached the peak state of this type of superhuman physique, possessing all kinds of supernatural abilities, which are comparable to the power of immortals and gods.

Regardless of the various restraints, as long as Su Poman completes the promotion and then spends some time to complete the transformation of the fairy baby, once he ascends to the fairy world, he can become a boss-level figure.

At this point, the practice of 'Star Transformation' can be temporarily put aside for a while. Although this technique can be advanced quickly with the help of the 'Indestructible Star God Body', it will take a long time to practice to perfection. The boost is not that great.

Now he plans to stay in the sidereal period for a hundred years, and then practice this technique after he advances to Silver Superman.

After all, it will take thousands of years before the primordial spirit is completely transformed into a fairy baby.

These 100 years, for the Mahayana monks, are nothing more than a moment of effort.

The vision in the starry sky slowly disappeared, and the big monks who saw the vision on Qiong Xing all moved their minds at this moment, tore open the void, and fled in the direction of the sun star.

Su Poman seemed to have noticed something, and shook his head slightly, "They are all full of curiosity..."

As he spoke, he took a step forward, and his figure disappeared in place immediately. When he reappeared, he appeared in a world completely composed of flames.

This is the core of the sun star, the place where the sun's real fire is the most abundant, and it is also the place with the highest temperature.

"After practicing for so long, it's time to get a good night's sleep!"

Su Poman leaned back, and the blazing flames behind him instantly formed a reclining chair made of flames. He was wearing white dragon shorts, lying on it carelessly and without image, and passed out as soon as he closed his eyes.

At this time, outside the sun star, cultivators with strong aura appeared one by one, and left one by one after searching in the surrounding void to no avail.

The original vision in the sky was also understood by them as a void projection similar to a "mirage", and they did not delve into it too much.

At this time, the war between the monster clan and the demon clan was at a fierce stage, countless practitioners fell, and a large starry sky battlefield was formed at the junction of the two clans.

Broken planets, broken ancient treasures, fragments of magic weapons, corpses that have lost their vitality, are slowly piled up together, like a combination of a garbage mountain and a mass grave.

In the chaos, there are also various opportunities, and at the same time, there are fatal dangers.

Treasure hunting teams composed of mid-level monks also came into being. They risked their lives to sweep these starry sky battlefields in order to find some treasures or inheritances left by the strong.

During this period of time, in the world of comprehension, there have been countless news about someone getting a fragment of a fairy weapon and flying into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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