Chapter 291 Starry Sky Battlefield
Ancient treasures, celestial artifact fragments, inheritance, and even the flesh and blood corpses of those monsters... are enough to attract many desperadoes.

In addition, the prevalence of this kind of exploration has also greatly promoted the development of spirit boats in the world of cultivating immortals. Some low-end versions of spirit boats have been launched in the world of cultivating immortals, which are enough for those middle and low-level monks to pass through the wind layer and go to the starry sky. Expeditions provide every practitioner with the opportunity to make a big difference with a small one.

This is a tide of the times, and the monks in each star field have been inspired by the ambition of interstellar exploration.

at this time.

On a wild beach.

"A person is dead and a bird is facing the sky, and he will not die for thousands of years. I am afraid of a ball! I am going to explore the outer sky..."

A capable young monk with short hair drove a sky-star spirit boat straight up into the sky, and soon rushed out of the wind layer and went into the vast sea of ​​stars.

In the chaotic star field, outside a giant city shrouded in darkness.

A ray of light flashed across the sky, causing rumbling thunder.

The thunder light in the dark night is particularly eye-catching.

The young man's face was a bit gloomy. There was a long scar from the peak of his eyebrows to his jaw, which looked like a ferocious centipede lying on it, washing away all the traces of delicacy and immaturity on his body. Like a lone wolf in a corner.

His eyes flickered, he looked at the enemy who was galloping behind him, and finally made up his mind, he slowly raised his head to look at the sky, and said firmly to himself:

"If I don't die, I will destroy the Liang family of Hai Lan Xing when I return!"

After finishing speaking, he moved his fingers together and pinched out a weird seal, and then he vomited a big mouthful of blood with a "wow".

In an instant, his face became as golden as paper, and his aura dropped suddenly, as if he had fallen into a weak state.

A blood-red rune kept beating and deforming irregularly.

"Qian Mu, you can't escape!"

A huge spiritual pressure descended in an instant, followed by a big bluish-green hand that was completely condensed from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and grabbed at him.

"Heh..." There was a sneer on the corner of Qian Mu's mouth, and then he coughed twice, pinching the bloody rune with his fingers.

A red light enveloped him, tearing open the space in an instant, and escaped into nothingness.


Similar scenes are constantly happening in various places in the Qianyuan world.

Whether it's an old man with twilight, or an evil cultivator being beaten by everyone, or a person who bears blood and deep hatred...

Now they regard the Starry Sky Battlefield as their only way out.

It is precisely because of this that the starry sky battlefield has become dark and full of chaos.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Poman opened his eyes. He only felt that the Lingtai was extremely clear. With a slight movement of his thoughts, he entered the "Pagoda Heaven and Earth" stored in the Soul Kingdom.

Surrounded by green mountains and green waters, there are occasional white cranes flying by. After being nourished by spiritual energy, the vegetation is lush and lush, and the flowers are in full bloom. It is a scene of a fairyland.

Ouyang Hong was obsessed with the way of refining weapons and casting swords. He held jade slips and studied tirelessly all day long. Occasionally, when he got inspiration, he went to the refining room to experiment. He lived a very fulfilling life.

Nie Rongchuan, Kong Qi and the others became good friends and often got together to study the secret arts. When they encountered any puzzles, they would ask General Zhao.

Although Zhao Yuanjing was enlightened in a different way, his realm was there, just like college students going to see a kindergarten topic, and he could easily give them appropriate advice. Therefore, he became a teacher and friend with these people.

Cai'er and Rui Zhu left the yard together because they were too bored, and went for a trip together.

As soon as Su Poman came to this world, he had already figured out everyone's situation. With a slight smile, he came to the sky above a clear pool in an instant.

This Fangshitan is located on the top of a snow mountain, but due to the topography, warm spring water gushes out from the bottom of the Tan constantly.

The entire surface of the water is surrounded by hot mist, like a sauna.

Two white figures are frolicking in the pool water, and the moving curves are faintly visible between the white mist and the pool water.

Cai'er has a tall figure, with creamy skin, long and round legs, a white ribbon is tied in the middle of her thighs, and she is emerging from the water at this time, and the water drips from her upper body, forming a very tempting picture. Sexual beauties out of the bath figure.

On the side, Rui Zhu was lying on the water and swimming on her back. Two headlights that did not match her appearance made Su Poman feel dizzy. Her waist that was tightly grasped formed a sharp contrast with the top, and then she went down...

Su Poman's heart felt hot, and the white dragon painting robe instantly disappeared from his body, and his whole body appeared directly at the bottom of the water.

Looking up, two white and tender fish are swinging wildly...

"Sister Cai'er, this place is so comfortable, it's really a pleasure to take a dip every day!"

"That's right, otherwise, chasing that purple lark, I really wouldn't be able to find this good place!"

"It would be great if you were here, the three of us can soak in the hot spring together!"

"Little girl, you really can't leave the young master with three words, I think you are itchy again, don't you?"

"How can there be!"

"I still said no, look at the water below is muddy!"

"Sister Cai'er, you are so annoying~"


While the two girls were fighting, a pair of big evil hands grabbed them.

After playing happily in the water with the two girls, Su Po left this place refreshed.

sun star.

Su Poman walked out slowly, and the big sun behind him made him extremely small.

However, in the depths of its crimson pupils, there is a trace of silver brilliance hidden in front of it, even the sun has lost its color.

This ray of silver light quickly disappeared, and Su Poman's eyes passed through the galaxy, seeing the infinite distance.

"There are not many Qianyuan Realms that can threaten my existence. It's good to play around!"

As he said that, he raised his hand, and a three-foot-high space portal suddenly appeared in front of him. The portal was extremely gorgeous, with purple patterns that exuded the breath of space wrapped around the frame, and a black vortex in the middle.

After stepping into it, Su Poman quickly locked a position with his divine sense, and then quickly traveled through the void, and the surroundings passed by like a kaleidoscope, like a distorted starry sky.

After a few breaths, he entered a very strange star field.

The Flowing Light Star Field, which has been far away from here, is already very close to the demon battlefield.

There are a lot of sundries floating in the surrounding starry sky, a monster body with cyan skin is piled up in disorder, and round spheres composed of colorful blood spread all over the entire starry sky.

Although there is no smell exposed here, just the sight gives people a bloody and tragic feeling.


One after another, giant blood-colored mosquitoes flew up from a wreckage. They had pointed and long mouthparts and were covered in black hairs. The smallest ones were the size of a buffalo.

This is a kind of starry sky alien beast called 'Blood Mosquito Beast', which does not have any monster aura, but possesses terrifying power of blood. A major disaster on the starry sky battlefield, because this kind of starry sky alien beast does not have much intelligence, it only acts on instinct, and will attack anyone who wants to approach or threaten them. Headache.

(End of this chapter)

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