Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 292 The Evil Suppression Messenger

Chapter 292 The Evil Suppression Messenger

After Su Poman appeared, the group of ferocious and domineering blood mosquitoes closed their wings one by one as if they had encountered a natural enemy, and quickly got into the pile of corpses.

Strange beasts that live on blood are especially sensitive to the power of blood!

In the perception of this group of blood mosquitoes, the power of blood in Su Poman's body is like hundreds of blazing suns shining brightly, and it seems that they can be completely crushed into scum with just a little residual power.

They know that creatures of this level can easily wipe out their entire family.

At this time, a high-level spirit boat just sailed from the depths of the starry sky, and its target was the battlefield where Su Poman was.

Inside the spirit boat.

"Lord Arondo, the battlefield in front has not been excavated by others. We have the ancient treasure that restrains the blood mosquito beast, and we will definitely be able to return with a full reward!"

A bald monk with a square gold plate on his head knelt on the ground and said very respectfully.

In front of him, was sitting a pale-faced man in black armor. His skin was as dry as a dry poplar tree. There was a blue crystal inlaid between his brows. It has a somewhat evil temperament.

He nodded slightly, stood by the porthole, silently watching the scene outside.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his eyes swept to the depths of the starry sky.

"That is……"

I saw a handsome man in a white dragon painting robe standing there. Wherever he passed, the Blood Mosquito was like an ant, lying on the rubbish mountain and shivering.

The fat-faced monk with the gold piece on his head also followed the black-armored man's line of sight to see the scene over there, opened his mouth subconsciously, and his eyes were full of disbelief, "How is this possible?"

"I worked hard to get the ancient treasure that restrains blood mosquito beasts from the Yuanjiang auction house. Who is this person, who can suppress all blood mosquito beasts by himself?" Another senior The thin brocade robed monk said with serious eyes.

The man in black armor narrowed his eyes, and a icy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "He must have a treasure that is even more powerful than the 'blood coagulation mirror'! It's really audacious to dare to come here alone, and you don't know how to live or die!"

"In the early days of Mahayana, his strength was not bad... But he was just a prey with a higher value when he met my 'Black Desert Adventure Group'! It's bad luck for him..."

A short and fat old man with a snake stick came out from the cabin. His aura was extremely powerful, as if he was a cultivator in the middle stage of Mahayana.

Not long after, two more Loose Immortals walked out, and this spirit boat activated the concealment formation, sneaked into the void, and quietly approached Su Poman.

On the deck, someone was quietly chanting a spell to cast a powerful spell, someone was pouring mana into their ancient treasures, and someone prepared golden talismans one by one. Once the spirit boat emerged from the void again, they would use it as The momentum of the thunderbolt kills the prey.

The Black Desert Adventure Group has carried out such hunts many times, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. Once the target was selected, they never missed it.

After his body passed through a layer of flocculent nebula, Su Poman showed a faint smile. He had actually noticed the spirit boat a long time ago. Even if they activated the concealment formation, they couldn't hide it from him. consciousness.

"It seems that there are not enough emissaries in the human race area, and there are still murders and treasures happening..."

Most of Su Poman's avatars are on the front line of the monster war, so they are less deterrent to the human race area. In recent days, with the rise of adventure groups, the dark side of many people's hearts has been brought out.

A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.

Adventure in the starry sky battlefield, how can you kill people and seize treasures so fast?

As long as you slaughter a fat sheep, you can easily obtain the opportunity that others have taken great risks to obtain.

Although the starry sky battlefield is full of opportunities, it is also full of dangers.Moreover, according to the current situation, the biggest danger in the starry sky battlefield in the future is not the spells left in time by those strange beasts or fallen strong men, but from other adventurers.

"Such sneaky behavior, you deserve to die!"

Su Poman showed his bright white teeth, turned around suddenly, and punched the empty area behind him.

A series of hurricane-like ripples converged, and the garbage mountain burst open, turning into wreckage flying all over the sky.

The space is like fragile straw paper, easily pierced by that punch, and a layer of white astral essence emerged on the fist, becoming bigger and bigger!
The white dragon emerged from the fist, and rushed towards the high-level spirit boat in the void.

The spirit boat was moving smoothly through the void, but a huge dragon's head filled with white light suddenly appeared in front of it.

"what is that?"

The spirit snake clinging to the staff of the short and fat old man seemed to be frightened, his originally weak body suddenly became stiff, and fell from the staff to the deck in a daze.

As the spirit snake fell to the ground, the huge white light dragon head had already hit the defensive formation of the spirit boat.


The protective dharma shield, which can resist the full attack of Mahayana monks, can block even a breath, and the next moment, a dazzling light bursts from the void.

Everyone on the spirit boat didn't have time to react, only the monk called 'Arondo' seemed to have a premonition of something in advance, and turned into a ghostly light and came to the tail of the spirit boat in advance.

However, Arondo did not retreat completely. Under the monstrous fist, his body was seriously injured, and his black armor was blasted into pieces. His whole body was miserable, like a discarded rag like a doll.

His limbs, which were as pale as poplar bark, bent into strange arcs, blood mixed with pieces of internal organs kept pouring out of his mouth.

If an ordinary person suffered this kind of injury, he would have died a long time ago. Although his aura plummeted, such an injury would not be enough for a cultivator.

For the first time, Arondo's usually calm face showed a panic expression. He glanced at the place where the spirit boat existed before in horror, and then used the escape technique without hesitation.

"Want to run?"

At this time, a voice came into his mind unexpectedly.

When he turned his head, he saw a handsome young man in a white dragon painting robe looking at him with a smile.

That smile looked very kind and warm, but Arondo felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, he smelled the breath of death.

"Senior, please spare me..."

Before he finished speaking, two red lights shot out, piercing through his head in an instant, piercing the primordial spirit inside.

"An evil cultivator actually got mixed up with the adventure group of human immortal cultivators... It seems that these evil cultivators are very restless recently!"

Su Poman broke through the space barrier and came to the starry sky again. With a thought, one by one ghost clones separated from his body in an instant.

The aura of heaven and earth in the starry sky battlefield swarmed in, each and every treasure quickly became ordinary, and the ghost clone also became solidified.

Not long after, the millions of clones were condensed, densely packed in the starry sky.

"It seems that there are a lot of them, but once they are scattered to various star fields in Qianyuan Realm, they will only be considered as a drop in the ocean!"

"Go, this time, you are all 'Suppressing Evil Envoys'!"

As soon as the words fell, the costumes of the shadow clones began to change into white-robed monks wearing bamboo hats, and then disappeared directly in place.

(End of this chapter)

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