Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 294 Passive · Extraordinary Evil Power

Chapter 294 Passive · Extraordinary Evil Power
[Extraordinary evil power]: Passive ability, Veigar is the most powerful demon, and can even attack the heart of Runeterra - and he will only become stronger and stronger!
Killing an enemy with a skill or spell will add 1 layer of supernatural power, and each layer of supernatural power will permanently increase Veigar's damage bonus by 1.

[Dark Sacrifice]: Active ability, releasing a beam of dark energy, causing magic damage based on one's own cultivation level to the first 2 enemies hit.

[Dark matter]: Active ability, pulling a dark matter to fall from the void, causing range damage to the target area.

[Distortion Space]: Active ability, create a space cage, cut off the space connection, trap the enemy in it, make it impossible to escape through teleportation, and can only move within a small space.

[Energy Burst]: Active ability, within a certain distance, use source magic to detonate the target. This skill locks on the target and releases, and cannot be dodged. The damage depends on one's own cultivation base and the number of layers of extraordinary evil power.

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: Early stage of Mahayana
[Cultivation method]: Transformation of the stars

[Bloodline]: Bronze Superman Body (100%)
Zombie: The bloodline of the first Pangu clan (100%)
Ancient Saiyan Bloodline (100%)
Immortal Star Body (100%)
[Abilities]: 1. Bronze Superman template (possesses all the abilities of a Bronze Age Superman, and can cultivate to the Silver Age by himself.)
2. Soul Swallowing (Reverse Soul Law.)
3. Unlimited resurrection
4. Pangu Divine Body
5. Soul Space
6. Pupil of Judgment
7.72 changes
8. Ghost clone
9. Veigar template (possesses all the abilities of the evil little mage, current extraordinary evil layers: 0)

[Energy Crystal]: ***** (minimum 1 energy crystal can be extracted/enhanced once)
[Quantity that can be extracted/enhanced]: 0
[Current Extraction Target]: None

An understanding of magic emerged from Su Poman's mind, and at the same time, dark purple energy began to gather from the void.

He felt something in his heart, and suddenly stretched out his finger to point a little further away at a lifeless khaki satellite not far away.

Accompanied by a strange feeling, a purple-black energy sphere hundreds of thousands of feet suddenly emerged from the void, and then fell on the khaki satellite at an extremely fast speed.

That level of power is even greater than a meteor impact!

Under the bombardment of purple-black energy, a satellite not much smaller than the moon and star instantly disintegrated in the starry sky.

The earth's crust was like an eggshell, first sunk in, and then instantly shattered into a large cloud of interstellar dust.

It's like someone throwing a box of colored chalk dust in the starry sky. Under the illumination of various stars, a large beautiful nebula is formed.

"Growing attack skills, and there is no upper limit... not bad!"

Su Poman sighed inwardly. At the same time, the methods of the demon-suppressing envoys all over the Qianyuan Realm suddenly changed. Clusters of dark purple energy appeared in their hands, and a creepy and terrifying atmosphere suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Not long after, Su Poman saw from the light curtain of Ziyuan Roulette that the number of layers of extraordinary evil power was rapidly increasing.

10 floors!
20 floors!
50 floors!

As time goes by, his attack power slowly increases!
At the beginning, due to the large base number, this increase was not obvious, but after the number of layers of extraordinary evil power exceeded 999 layers, there was a qualitative change.

Enemies that previously needed self-detonation to kill, now only need dozens of 'energy bursts' to melt them instantly.

It is more convenient to deal with those with low cultivation, 'Dark Matter' can cover the entire battlefield.

One by one, the demon-suppressing envoys or demon-suppressing envoys with the six-pointed star "Pupil of Judgment" in their eyes began to show their power on the battlefield, crazily slaughtering the practitioners of the two races of demons and demons.

The demon-suppressing envoys used to disdain to attack low-level cultivators, but today they seemed to go crazy, destroying warships one after another, killing countless low-level cultivators.

The appearance of these two forces was quite bizarre, but now they used the same method to kill their opponents, and there was an extremely evil aura in them, which undoubtedly aroused the vigilance of the upper echelons of the two monster clans.

Anyone with a discerning eye can now see that both the demon-suppressing envoy and the demon-suppressing envoy are from the same force.

In fact, many people have doubted this problem before, for example, the two have never attacked each other, and both wear grimace masks.

Now even the means of attack are exactly the same, it's really a widow who hangs lanterns in her house and doesn't carry anyone's back.

After some contact between the two parties, they decided to stop the war first, and then figure out the origin of this force.

Otherwise, if the stalemate continues, someone will definitely benefit.

Besides, their losses are already big enough!
Although the war didn't take long, it did start on all fronts. Countless masters have fallen in various star fields, and they have been damaged to the root.

There is no benefit in continuing to fight, it can only increase casualties.

It is no longer so important whether the 'Blue Star First Cultivator' is a demon or not.

At the same time, the employment mission was also terminated, and the demon-suppressing messenger would no longer be rewarded for killing the demon monks. The same was true for the demon-suppressing messenger.

However, the killing didn't stop there.

On the starry sky battlefield, messengers wearing grimace masks, like gods of death, charged the camps of the two races and took away countless lives.

At this time, on a blue and red planet.

Xuan Shen, the demon ancestor with blue hair and shawl, red eyes and purple lips, tapped on the armrest with his ferocious and thick index finger, listening to his subordinates' reports with a gloomy expression.

"So... this group of demon-suppressing envoys is actually in the same group as the one who killed my people?"

The blood-skinned monster who looked like a biochemical tyrant broke out in cold sweat at this time, and replied with a slightly trembling voice: "Master Demon Ancestor, according to the news from the front line, the demon-suppressing messenger and the demon-suppressing messenger have exactly the same spells. Obviously from the same force."

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

"Who on earth proposed to hire them to deal with the demons? My demons actually let other forces reap the benefits!"

With a shout of anger, the entire hall shook three times, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

The guard at the door heard the voice coming from inside, fear loomed in his eyes, and he shrank his neck subconsciously.

"Master Yaozu, you are about to get angry, it seems that many people will perish again!"


The same scene also happened within the sphere of influence of the Demon Race.

For a moment, the demon-suppressing envoy and the demon-suppressing envoy became public enemies of the two clans, and the army of cultivators who were fighting each other began to attack Su Poman's clone.

An army of tens of thousands of monks uses formations to condense mana together, and the energy they can exert is very powerful.

In an instant, Su Poman sensed that several clones had fallen into the overwhelming torrent of spells.In addition, there are endless rare treasures and powerful talismans, which put the ghost clone at a disadvantage at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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