Chapter 295
But soon Su Poman adjusted his strategy, using the supernatural power '72 transformation' to transform the spirit shadow clone into a demon or demon clan, break it up into pieces and mix into the armies of the two clans, backstab them from the inside, and make them Be vigilant against each other and cannot exert their full combat power.

In this way, it is tantamount to nonsense for the Yaozu and Mozu to drive out the spirit shadow clones.

Moreover, as long as Su Poman survived, he could create a large number of clones every day. With the superimposed evil power layers, the attack strength of these clones also climbed to a staggering level.

Although the army of monks composed of monsters and demons has a large number of people and a huge supply of resources, it is showing signs of retreat at this time, and some monks can't bear the huge pressure and choose to withdraw from the battlefield.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, the high-level officials of the two clans couldn't sit still, and old monsters who had been in seclusion for many years were invited out, trying to suppress the turmoil with their advanced cultivation base.

In the endless starry sky, a huge fire lotus composed of magic flames suddenly fell to the center of the battlefield.

In an instant, a little fire light burned the space into nothingness.

All those who had cultivated less than three kalpas to scatter demons all fell, even the 'devil-suppressing envoys' who were mixed in.

In the darkness, a piercing figure descended slowly, his skin was burning like magma all the time, behind him stood circles of arc-shaped rings of fire, with three eyes and six arms, like a god.

The monks in the entire star field felt fear and awe, and the aura on his body was so strong that it seemed to have reached the realm of dispersing demons for the Seven Tribulations!

The rock-red skin was like an evil god enshrined in a temple. In the third eye, wisps of light bloomed, scanning the surroundings of the battlefield.

"This group of cultivators... who are they? There are such a huge number of people, and each of them has the realm of Mahayana..."

Venerable Demon Fire muttered to himself, and as he waved his hands, bits of flame from the battlefield quickly flew back to his body, burrowing into the burning skin like scales.


There is also a dark green demonic energy overwhelmingly overwhelming, that terrifying demon power surpasses spiritual power, and is at the same level as Sanxian's immortal power.

A large area of ​​the star field was filled with this wave of monster energy, as if a peerless monster had descended!
In the realm of self-cultivation, a demon cultivator who can run rampant in a large domain in a star cultivator can already be called a big demon, and an existence at the level of a loose demon can basically dominate a star cultivator and be respected by all the demons. For the demon king.

And this demon cultivator who has swept over half of the star field is no longer an ordinary loose demon, but an existence that can be called the demon emperor!

There seemed to be the sound of heavy breathing, and with the death of planets, a huge black body suddenly squeezed out of the space,

On top of it stood a cold-looking young man with green eyebrows.

This person looks harmless to humans and animals, but the dark green demonic aura around him comes from him.

Venerable Demon Fire frowned, and snorted in a low voice, "The platoon is not small, but I don't know if the hair has grown..."

"Do you want to fight?"

An extremely old and hoarse voice came from the mouth of the green-browed boy, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

I saw a cold expression in the young man's eyes, as if he was going to murder violently if he was displeased, the murderous intent between his eyebrows did not seem to be fake.

"Heh, if Lord Mozun hadn't given the order, I'd like to play with you!" Venerable Mohuo had survived for countless years, so he naturally wouldn't be frightened by this murderous intent, and replied bluntly.

The young man with green eyebrows was frosty, but he seemed to be apprehensive. He hesitated for a moment, but he didn't make a move after all. Instead, his spiritual consciousness swept out, and a light wave composed of monster elements was shot out, smashing a series of planets.

"Heheheha, who on earth angered Lord Seventh Demon Emperor! I haven't seen Master Seven so angry for many years! It's just that so many stars are pitiful..."

An extremely charming voice, accompanied by an intoxicating fragrance, all the monks here showed dull and obsessed eyes, as if they had fallen into an endless illusion.

The light and shadow of nine furry fox tails, holding rounds of silvery moons approaching from a distance in an instant.

In the middle of the fox tail is a woman who is extremely seductive. She wears a long pink dress with slits to the waist. When she moves, there are white lights and shadows exposed. Under the high bun is a beautiful girl. Faces, glances and smiles all carried the charm of captivating all living beings. At this time, countless male cultivators on the battlefield were captivated, as if they had become puppets at the mercy of others.

Venerable Demon Fire's complexion is as usual. At his level of existence, his Dao heart is extremely firm, and he will not be easily affected by this low-level temptation.

"Little Jiu'er, are you trying to provoke me to disobey Lord Yaozu's orders?" The green-browed boy raised his eyebrows, as if he had already seen through her little trick.

The pink-skirted fox girl blushed, as if she was really shy, and posted it up delicately, "Seventh brother is really smart, and he guessed what's on his mind right away, doesn't he want to see Master Seven show his power... ..."

"Go away, I won't follow your tricks!" The green-browed boy frowned, waving his sleeves as if to repel mosquitoes and flies.

At this time, a purple shadow suddenly appeared between the two of them.

"Ha~ What an idiot who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade!"

I saw her with two horns on her head and exquisite facial features. She was laughing and teasing the green-browed boy at this time. The purple leather tights wrapped her figure exquisitely, and her white and waxy slender legs seemed to be emitting light. Attracts everyone's attention.

The corners of Venerable Mohuo's eyes suddenly twitched, and he thought to himself, "Why did Master Mozun send her here..."

A faint red light flashed in the depths of the green-browed boy's pupils, and then he reacted, his face tightened, he looked at the witch in front of him like a snake, and he also took a few steps back.

"Eight Tribulations Scattering Demons... The demons have really lost their blood this time!"

"I will direct the operation this time, do you have any objections?" The purple-clothed witch glanced at the faces of the three of them, and said lightly.

The fox girl in the pink dress waved her pink fist, and was the first to speak out in support: "This beautiful sister is in command of the battle, and she will definitely wipe out those bad guys!"

She knew very well in her heart that the strength of the scattered demons who could survive the eight thunder catastrophes must be terrifying, and it was very likely that they would not be able to survive the ninth catastrophe, so she had less worries and wanted to do something crazy. All very normal.

In the long history of the Qianyuan Realm, there have been many times when a Sanxian-level cultivator knew that he could not survive the catastrophe, so at the last moment, regardless of his karma, he slaughtered frantically, and even his relatives and friends were not spared. Extremely insane.There are also some loose immortals who are unwilling to die just like this, and try countless forbidden or bloody secret techniques, massacre monks or mortals who want to improve themselves, hoping to increase the chance of success in crossing the tribulation.

If the Seven Tribulations Loose Demon can prepare well, there is still hope to live another life, but the purple-clothed witch in front of him has a high probability of not being able to survive the next catastrophe.

For this kind of existence, even the Demon Emperor felt a little tingling in his scalp.

"I have no opinion either!"

The green-browed boy said lightly.

"Very good!" The purple-clothed witch's mouth curled up, and an inexplicable smile appeared on her face, "According to my speculation, these demon-suppressing messengers and demon-suppressing messengers should be avatars created by a powerful avatar secret method. If we can find Find out who is behind the scenes, force to find out the secret method, then you don't have to worry about the next catastrophe!"

(End of this chapter)

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