Chapter 297
As soon as Su Poman raised his hand, a three-foot-high and incomparably gorgeous space portal suddenly appeared in front of him. The frame was wrapped with patterns exuding the breath of space, and the middle part was a dark bottomless vortex.

After stepping into it, the surrounding space quickly rotated like a kaleidoscope, and big stars were distorted into small dots like fireflies.

In a starry sky filled with phantoms of purple datura flowers, a space portal quietly opened.

At the same moment, the Witch of Tiansha turned her head to look at the void behind her, the corners of her mouth slowly curled up, and said in a low voice, "The fish is hooked..."

Her figure gradually blurred, and disappeared in place in an instant. When she reappeared, she happened to see Su Poman stepping out of the space portal.

The Fox Demon Emperor came after her, and her long skirt with slits to the thigh exuded a burst of pink luster, as if it was a special effect attached to the treasure clothes. The faint pink tenderness made Su Poman who had just arrived I couldn't help but take a second look.

"Mahayana period? Sister Tiancha, did you make a mistake?" She widened her beautiful eyes, her face full of doubts.

The Seventh Demon Emperor and Venerable Demon Fire also stared at Su Poman scrutinizingly, they didn't feel anything strange, they didn't say much, but quietly waited for the Tiansha Witch to issue orders.

Cultivators of this level can wipe out a large area just by waving their hands.

"Can't be wrong!"

The Tiansha Witch touched the two sharp horns on her head, and said with a firm expression: "My 'Tiansha Clan' has a special sensory ability, and I can detect the connection between him and those demon emissaries in the dark. , even if he is not the true deity of those clones, there must be an inseparable relationship!"


At this moment, Su Poman laughed loudly: "So you are waiting for me! Coincidentally, I am here to find you!"

"He's so arrogant? Isn't he afraid of death?" The fox demon emperor had a dumbfounding expression on his face, and then lightly covered his cherry lips and let out a sneer.

Su Poman turned his head and looked at the scantily clad fox demon emperor with a half-smile, "Hehe, I, Su, don't have the word 'fear' in my dictionary! You look good, you fox-eared lady, why don't you come here?" I will be a blowjob maid under my seat?"

"Bah! A prodigal son, he is not very capable, but his tone is not small! A small Mahayana monk dares to tease me! Seventh brother, help me vent my anger and teach him a lesson!" Fox demon emperor Jiu After going through the battlefield, she naturally understood the deep meaning of the words, couldn't help but spit lightly, her pretty face turned red and white with anger, and the depths of her eyes flickered with murderous intent.

For so many years, countless cultivators have bowed down under her pomegranate skirt, and this is the first time someone dared to tease her like this.

The Seventh Demon Emperor didn't make a move, but the pitch-black monster under him seemed to be charmed, opened his huge mouth, and sound waves visible to the naked eye roared out from the big black mouth with jagged teeth and saliva. .

The red light in Su Poman's eyes flickered, and he grinned and said, "What a beast! The master didn't even make a move, but you moved your mouth first!"

As he said that, the heat rays in his eyes were like two beams of light piercing the sky, and he came to the pitch-black monster in an instant. Just as the situation was extremely critical, the green-browed boy waved his hand lightly, and a road barrier composed of green demonic energy suddenly appeared in between.

Chi Chi Chi!
The hot vision continuously burns the barrier of monster energy, just like water vapor encountering a raging fire, there is a very violent reaction.

The green-browed boy frowned slightly, and there was a hint of shock in the depths of his eyes. He did not expect the attack power of a Mahayana cultivator to reach such a level. If he put in a little more force, it would be difficult for him to block these two strange beams of light. .

You know, he is the Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal!
Being able to destroy the monster energy barrier he set up to such an extent shows that his methods have at least reached the level of the Six Tribulations Loose Immortals!

Six Tribulations Loose Immortals!
Just one realm lower than him, the most shocking thing is that the realm of this famous human monk in front of him is only Mahayana stage!
"How many great realms has this been crossed? This is so weird, you must be careful!" After the Seventh Demon Emperor released the barrier of demonic energy, he did not take the initiative to attack, but turned his attention to Tiansha witch.

Those who can cultivate to this level have certain means of dealing with affairs and the way to protect themselves wisely. Knowing that the opponent is weird, they should let the tall one stand up.

The Tiansha Witch looked at Su Poman carefully, and said with a sneer, "Sure enough, you have some tricks! However, if it's only to this extent, then next year's today will be your death day!"

When the voice reached Su Poman's ears, the figure of the purple-clothed witch had already disappeared in place.

A slender and slender hand like jade broke through the space, and gently reached his chest, and the faint purple mandala flowers inlaid with gold rims quietly bloomed at the fingertips.

Su Poman only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the front of him had already exploded, flying backwards like a cannonball.

Asteroids were knocked out of transparent holes one by one.

Su Poman only felt that his chest was tight, his internal organs seemed to be torn apart, and a mouthful of reversed blood surged in his throat, as if he had blown eight bottles of beer in one breath.

"This girl is so strong..."

"The biological force field was broken in one fell swoop, and my sternum was also broken. Is this the power of the law?"

On the way of flying backwards, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and his thoughts turned.

"Hey, you didn't get blown up, your physical body is really powerful! Is body training your strength?" Tiancha Witch showed eight bright white silver teeth and said with a cold smile on her face.

"Then I will shatter your body inch by inch, and then draw out your soul. In this way, the clone secret method will be mine!"

At the time of speaking, the wounds in Su Poman's body were almost healed under the powerful recovery ability.

He quickly stopped his flying figure, took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and shouted angrily, "Aha!"

Su Po's eyes gradually glowed with white light, and his pupils gradually disappeared in the white light. Immediately afterwards, his hair stood on end, and traces of golden aura permeated his whole body. At the same time, the color of his hair slowly changed. for golden...

The surrounding meteorite fragments trembled continuously, and then turned into meteors and flew into the depths of the starry sky in a burst of air waves.

A huge white energy column soared into the sky, as if reaching up to the heavens and down to the netherworld. Ordinary monks could not see the end at all.

In the beam of light, Su Poman's body was surrounded by flame-like golden energy, and there were traces of bluish-white electric light flashing from time to time, his body was also raised a lot, the muscle lines on his body swelled up, and the airflow kept blowing. Swing, forming a series of miniature hurricanes.

The golden hair stood up like an explosion, and under the golden eyebrows were eyes filled with white light. The whole person looked like an ancient god descended into the world.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of four-meter-long gold-patterned dragon wings stretched out behind him, and the remaining injuries on his body recovered completely in an instant during this period. Two red pupils appeared in his eye sockets filled with white light, and his mouth was even more so. Two sharp fangs burst out with a bloodthirsty aura.

Doomsday Zombie Progenitor Form!
Su Poman's aura was like a god and demon coming into the world for some reason, and the aura emanating from his blood caused all the strange beasts in the entire star field to faint in panic.

The pitch-black monster sitting down by the Seventh Demon King seemed to be frightened, and its huge mountain-like body trembled like a defeated dog with its tail between its legs.

(End of this chapter)

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