Chapter 298 Desperate?

The Tiansha Witch looked at the scene in front of her, her pretty face was like frost, and there was a trace of solemnity in her eyes.

Several other people also looked extremely surprised.

They have cultivated for countless years and have seen many talented talents, but they have never seen such a terrifying aura in the Mahayana period.

Under the huge starry sky background, Su Poman's back was slightly waving the golden dragon wings, and pale lightning flashed randomly around his body, every trace of it carried a shocking aura.

Big stars appeared behind him, as if they were summoned out of thin air.

The big star buzzed and shrank continuously, until it condensed into nebula chains.

And every particle of dust in the nebula is formed by the condensation of a star.


There was a crisp sound, as if the entire star field was about to be shattered.

The void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles exploded at the same time, and countless substances were turned into powder and swallowed into the void.

At the same time, Su Poman's heart tightened, and he secretly said in surprise: "I didn't expect the power to be so powerful. If it hurts innocent people, it will be bad. It's better to control the power and try not to let it out..."

At this time, a huge vortex appeared in the field, and the void and formed fragments were constantly stirring, swallowing the four monsters in front of them.

Before the Seventh Demon King could speak, the black monster had already fled away like lightning with its tail between its legs.

Just as a sarcasm appeared on Venerable Demon Fire's face, a chain and long whip with starlight flashed out of the vortex and passed straight through his chest. The huge force directly caused terrifying cracks to appear all over his body .

"how is this possible!"

Venerable Mohuo looked down at the Nebula Chain Whip, his face full of disbelief, his eyes widened, and he followed the Nebula to see the other end.

Su Poman opened his mouth, revealing two long canine teeth. His smile was a bit weird. His mouth moved, but he made a mouth shape instead of making a sound.


After saying that, with a seemingly slow shake of the arm, a burst of strong light appeared on the nebula chain, and the undulating ripples rose higher and higher like huge waves, and spread to the front of Venerable Demon Fire in an instant.


After a tooth-piercing sound, Venerable Demon Fire's body was torn apart and turned into pieces of black, rock-like substances that had been scorched.

At this moment, a flaming light and shadow rushed out, disregarding the chaotic void, it turned into a thin shadow and disappeared in the starry sky battlefield.

"It's too scary, what kind of method is this, to destroy a Seven Tribulations Scattering Demon so easily..." The fox demon emperor's face was a little pale, and there was a sense of fear in his heart.

Not far away, the Tiansha Witch touched the sharp horns on her head, her eyes revealed a sudden look, "The law of the stars... and it turned out to be the power of the law that comes with the body. It's weird. It is rumored that only the fairy world can give birth to this kind of relatives." How could this person be born in the lower realms!"

She licked her lips. Although she felt a little apprehensive in her heart, she didn't feel afraid. Instead, she felt a little desire in her heart.

The Seventh Demon Emperor was also surprised, but he was not flustered. A purple light emerged from his demon pupils, as if he had seen some tricks. He calmed down the black monster under him, and then raised his hand to put it away. Entered into a teapot-shaped utensil, and then said to the woman in the pink skirt: "Xiao Jiu, don't be too nervous, that idiot Mo Huo is too careless, if he resists with the power of law, he won't lose a body , there seems to be a strange power of law in this person, which is comparable to us, and after consumption, there is not much, I am afraid that in a short time, he will not be able to release the attack just now..."

"So that's how it is, Seventh Brother, you really scared me to death just now!" The fox demon emperor blushed pretty, and his demeanor was very lovable.

In fact, for Sanmo and Sanxian, the Dharma body is just a container to carry the fairy baby, and it is not the same as the physical body of ordinary cultivators. Once it is destroyed, it will lose [-]% of its combat power.

Although Venerable Demon Fire was miserable, for him, it didn't damage the root. After returning home, he could spend some precious materials to refine another dharma body soon.

Just as the two were communicating, the Tiansha Witch made another move, her figure straddled the space, and instantly appeared behind Su Poman.

Holding the purple flower in her hand, she slammed Su Poman's back hard like a heavy hammer.

A force full of death breath quietly bloomed, tearing open his biological force field in an instant, and then drove straight in, instantly opening a large hole in his body that was as thick as a bucket and transparent from front to back.

Blood stained the sky!
At the beginning, Su Poman didn't feel any pain, but after he lowered his head and saw the disappearing flesh and blood on his chest, a strong pain instantly hit his mind.


The red light in his eyes flashed away, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Tiansha Witch's mouth, and her figure disappeared in place.

When Su Poman reappeared, the flesh and bones on his chest had recovered, but his complexion looked a little immature.

The Tiansha Witch slowly appeared in front of him, with a look of surprise on her face, "You have recovered in such a short time! Did you use some secret method? Or is it the secret of your body?"

Purple vines sealed off the surrounding space, and the breath of death carried the energy of corrosion and decay. All living things that entered this range would be swallowed up and turned into a part of death.

Chi Chi!

Su Poman's face was gloomy, and two red laser beams swept out from Su Poman's eyes.


With laughter like silver bells, the figure of the woman in purple disappeared again.

The two laser beams continued unabated, and landed on the purple vines, as if passing through a phantom, without causing any damage to them.

"It's so naive, don't you know that if you want to deal with the power of law, you can only use the power of law?"

The voice of the Tiansha Witch came from the surrounding space, and the contempt for Su Poman could not be concealed in her words, just like a high-ranking ruler looking at an ignorant and ignorant beggar.

Su Poman was a little angry, he really wanted to chop the demon woman in front of him, but the blow of the 'nebula chain' just now wiped out all the star power stored in the star aperture in his body up.

At this time, he felt a soft touch as cold as jade coming from his neck, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he saw that the purple-clothed witch had grabbed his neck from behind.

That hand was filled with the power of law, and the deadly threat made Su Poman's pores all over his body shrink, and goose bumps all over his body, as if he would be ruthlessly killed if he resisted a little.

"It's really boring. I thought you could escape, but I didn't expect it to fail so soon. It seems that it is useless to kill them..."

The Tiansha Witch showed a complacent look on her face, and while speaking, she glanced at the Seventh Demon Emperor and the Fox Demon Emperor in the distance, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

"You want to kill me?"

At this moment, Su Poman became quiet instead. He lowered his arms and slowly retreated from the transformed form. With raised eyebrows, he raised his head and asked calmly.

The Witch of Tiansha snorted, and she laughed nervously, her whole body trembling, the pair of snow-white leather tights almost jumped out under her movement.

"Hahaha, it's come to this point, you still imagine that the deity will let you go? You are so naive!"

(End of this chapter)

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