Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 299 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood

Chapter 299 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood
Su Poman's eyes were indifferent, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said jokingly: "You can try, can you kill me..."

As soon as the words fell, a strong force suddenly came from his neck.

Accompanied by the increase in strength, there was a tooth-piercing "click" sound, as if what was squeezed was not the flesh, but a very high-strength treasure of heaven and earth.

"Cough cough cough... use your law power quickly, you can't pinch me to death with this strength alone!" Su Poman's eyes were full of mockery.

Seeing Su Poman's confident appearance, the Witch of Tiansha became a little bit suspicious for a while, feeling very strange, but at this moment she was already on the verge of breaking out, and she had no choice but to let go, she smiled coldly, and said slightly annoyed: "Okay, then To fulfill you, first destroy your physical body, and then take out your spirit and slowly recuperate!"

A wave full of corruption came out from her palm, and dark purple lines instantly spread from Su Poman's neck.

The dark purple pattern brightened for an instant, and then there was a bang, and the power of law destroyed Su Poman's body into a bloody mist.

The traces of blood around him were filled with the smell of blood.

The Witch of Tiansha closed her eyes, as if she was enjoying a spray of perfume.

At the same time, she stretched out her left hand, probed into the void, and called softly: "Soul-hunting!"

A strange force aimed at the soul spread rapidly, sealing off the void in all directions.


At this moment, Tiansha Witch suddenly opened her eyes and looked at a starry sky behind her.

There, the cells contained in the grains of blood gas are devouring the surrounding energy, emitting a shining divine light.

"Rebirth from a drop of blood?" Her eyes showed a puzzled look, "If you dare to perform this kind of secret technique under my nose, aren't you afraid that I will stop it?"

"Although this kind of secret technique is rare, it will have great disadvantages. Generally, it will consume a lot of power of the primordial spirit. It is also good, and it will save me from using the method of searching for souls. When his soul is scarce, I will All his secrets can be revealed by casting an enchantment at will!"

"Besides...even if I regain my physical body, I still can't escape from my grasp! Hehehe..."

The Tiansha Witch shook her head and smiled lightly, folded her arms and squeezed the pair of snow-white peaks, and waited patiently.

The starlight in the entire Qianyuan Realm seemed to be drawn, and turned into streamers of light and splendor descending from the void on the starry sky battlefield.

All of a sudden, colorful rays of light bloomed, and the blood mist was filled with dazzling rays of light, as if a fairy treasure was born here.

The light and shadow slowly condensed into an illusory figure, and then Su Poman's body emerged in a wave of light changes.

He closed his eyes tightly at this moment, and the aura on his body was rising steadily, as if there was no end to it.

Every single cell in the body is constantly becoming stronger in a strange force, and the Qi in his body forms a purple-white electric light.


A group of purple-white thunderclouds was born, and the aura on Su Poman's body seemed to have broken through a certain limit and reached a new level.

Not far away, the Seventh Demon Emperor looked here with a serious expression, "Resurrected from the dead, and even stronger? What kind of secret technique is this!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible, but there must be a price for this kind of secret technique, and this person is just trying to hold on!"

Dressed in a pink dress, the fox demon emperor said with determination, the phantom with nine tails behind her was shaking slightly at this moment.

The Tiansha Witch was very surprised, but she didn't feel afraid. The moment Su Poman appeared, she stretched out her jade hand again, and squeezed it hard against the void!
Outside the thunder light group, the deep purple mandala flowers condensed rapidly, and the flower vines, branches and leaves shrank instantly, strangling towards Su Poman in the thunder cloud.


Puff puff!
The void exploded, and thunder burst out!
After a while, the thunder light in that area disappeared, as if it had been wiped out by the power of the law of death.

"There is no movement, won't you die?"

The fox demon emperor's beautiful eyes were fixed on that direction, and at the same time, the tyrannical consciousness spread over in an instant.

"Not right!"

At this time, the Witch of Tiansha couldn't find Su Poman's trace. She flashed to the place where Leiyun was originally, stretched out her finger and swiped lightly, and a big hole was opened in the space.

"Sure you think I can't find it if it's hidden in the void?"

She snorted coldly, stretched out her lotus root arm and scooped lightly in the void, and then scooped up a cloud of shining fine dust into her hand.

"Do you still want to continue to use the previous method? Hehe, this time I won't give you another chance!" The Tiansha Witch sneered, and then she wanted to pull out the soul hidden in the cloud of dust.

"Tsk tsk, you bitch have some tricks!"

Su Poman's voice suddenly came out from the cloud of dust, "However, you want to catch me, it's just a dream, go away, I won't play with you guys anymore, I will come to you after a while!"

After saying this, the dust became darker, and the spirit of the spirit inside also disappeared.

The Tiansha Witch's pretty face was covered with frost, and her expression was very ugly. She didn't expect to be teased by a little monk at the Mahayana stage.

At this time, she was like a female leopard who was about to erupt with anger, a depressive aura emanating from her body made the hearts of the two demon emperors next to her tremble, and she quickly pretended to count ants and stars, trying her best to He lowered his sense of existence, for fear that the Eight Tribulations Scattering Demon in front of him would spread his anger on the two of them.

"Let's go, we must find this person on this trip. I want to extract his soul and refine his soul, and seal him in a sky lantern to torture him for millions of years!" The Tiansha Witch said through gritted teeth, her beautiful face became distorted and terrifying when she spoke. stand up.

The Seventh Demon Emperor and the Fox Demon Emperor hastily agreed, not daring to disobey their orders.

The three set off again, this time, their goal was the star field of the human race.


After they left, the aura of an ordinary gravel 10,000+ miles away suddenly became stronger and stronger, slowly blooming with colorful brilliance, and then, in a burst of squirming, it turned into the appearance of Su Poman.

"Hey, my life-saving ability is too strong. I thought she could kill me and let me experience the taste of resurrection. I didn't expect that she would only seriously injure me, and in the end I couldn't find my existence..."

"The supernatural-level ancient breath-holding technique combined with 72 transformations is really an impeccable means of life-saving!"

Su Poman sighed slightly, and then his figure gradually became blurred, and disappeared in a burst of subtle space fluctuations.

In a star 300 billion kilometers away from the Starry Sky Battlefield, Su Poman's whole body was wrapped in fiery star energy, and both the body of the Immortal Star God and the body of Superman were quickly repairing their previous injuries.

In less than 3 minutes, his injuries had recovered to the original state. In addition, due to the Super Saiyan physique, Su Poman's combat effectiveness was further improved, and his strength and defense were greatly improved. Wrench your wrists.

Feeling the abundant air currents in his limbs and bones, Su Po was filled with a thought, and a flame-like air current erupted all over his body, and then his hair stood on end, white electric light enveloped his whole body, his muscles knotted, and he entered the state of a super Saiyan.

"It seems to be able to open the super 2 form! Try it..."

Su Poman's eyes were a little eager to try, because once he entered the transformation form of Super Saiyan 2, his combat power would be doubled, and he would not have to be so embarrassing when fighting against the masters of other races.

(End of this chapter)

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