Chapter 301 Heavenly Demon Dances
In front of Su Poman, the space fluctuated slightly, and a blue-purple sphere filled with shocking blood energy appeared in his palm, floating quietly.

The bloody smell in it, even those demon cultivators who have become famous in the way of blood, can't help but feel their scalps go numb when they see it.

Su Po opened his mouth, and directly swallowed this ball of blood energy, the power of blood in his body quickly digested this ball of blood energy, transforming it into a kind of energy that could make the body stronger.

"Ding, the form of 'Doomsday Zombie True Ancestor' has been promoted and transformed into 'Doomsday Zombie God Form', and all abilities have been enhanced tenfold!"

[Regeneration]: Even if it is destroyed to the point where there are only a few fragments or ashes of cells left, it can be revived by absorbing the energy between heaven and earth. (Also choose to instantly resurrect from anchored waters)

[Law Level Adaptive Evolution]: Passive ability. After receiving multiple fatal attacks of the same type, this form will gradually adapt to such attacks until it is completely immune. Type law attack.

[Space Transformation]: Use the phantom area to open a portal to realize the jump between star fields. (Since there is no Phantom Zone in the current world, it cannot be used temporarily.)
[Will Spore]: The body can be buried, and the soul can also be destroyed, but the will lasts forever!When the body and soul fall completely, the will will produce billions of spores under stress conditions, and the will spores will swallow all the vitality and planetary energy around them, and grow continuously as nourishment.All the spores will fuse into a super consciousness, and the super consciousness will instinctively seize a planet suitable for resurrection, exhaust all the resources of the planet to give birth to a more powerful body, the soul will be revived, and the body will be resurrected again.


Su Poman's face showed a hint of emotion, and he muttered to himself in surprise: "Hiss! This... is really against the sky!"

"Especially the law-level 'adaptive evolution', it's simply perverted, and this 'will spore' is even more incomprehensible, it's just equivalent to invincibility in another sense!"

"It seems that there is no need to fuse into a new form. If these abilities are immediately overwritten, the gain will not be worth the loss... At present, there are Super Saiyan [-], plus the form of Doomsday Zombie God, it should be happy It's time to fight that witch!"

Su Po's eyes were full of spirits, and he looked into the depths of the starry sky. When his figure moved, it immediately turned into a shadow that broke through the space and escaped into the turbulent flow.

His consciousness spread, corresponding to the star map in his mind, and it didn't take long before he came to the area where the demonic forces were located.

Most of the real demons are creatures born from negative energies such as heaven and earth, yin, and death. From the moment they are born, they have a cruel, cold, and ruthless temperament.

On the star cultivators of the demon race, the law of the jungle of "the strong are respected and the weak prey on the strong" is extremely upheld. No matter which race the demon cultivators worship, they all worship the strong.

In this vast demon realm, which occupies nearly one-fifth of the entire Qianyuan Realm, rules such as human ethics and morality have completely lost their effect.

Not to mention murdering the father and the mother, even the person next to the pillow who gets along day and night on weekdays may be crushed directly because of a moment of unhappiness, and even extend his claws to his young children.

The weak, in the Demon Realm, have no right to speak at all, so the demons who have survived in this environment, in their cognition, feel that the strong should be superior and have everything.

Everywhere the powerful monks go, they will attract the crazily chase of the low-level demons, and the witches are galloping, showing off their beautiful faces and attractive peach-like bodies in a wave.

Among them are crazy women who will strip naked in front of the high-ranking demon, and use the available things around them to show their strong carrying capacity.

What's more, they will donate their wives or daughters and stage a dynamic scene in front of "adults", just to win the favor of "adults".

All kinds of bottomless and unscrupulous things impacted Su Poman's three views, and made him truly realize what is called "heavenly demon flurry".

"It's really uneducated and immoral!"

In front of Su Poman was a pink planet exuding a charming aura. Under his super vision and divine sense, scenes of extremely vulgar scenes almost broke his defenses.

"I thought that the islanders who lived a good life had already reached their limit in this aspect. I didn't expect that there is such a category as demons. If the directors of those special films can see these pictures, they will definitely get a lot of inspiration. ..."

Su Poman withdrew his gaze, only feeling that his eyes were polluted, and a ball of fiery red slowly reflected in his dark golden pupils.

Like flowing fire, two red hot ray lasers shot out from his eyes, as if traveling through space, and reached the sky above the pink planet in an instant.

Under the endless clouds.

Near a river beach with colorful comfrey and pink rocks.

On the ground, a blond witch was lying on her back on the grass, and was being beaten mercilessly by a monster as strong as a bull. There were soft and ecstatic offset voices coming out of her mouth, like weeping.

This sound, any male creature will feel itchy and angry when he hears it.

The blond witch bit her lower lip with her white teeth, her eyes were blurred, and her chin was raised and raised again and again driven by her body. At this time, she saw two fiery red lights passing by in the sky, and her face suddenly showed a look of doubt, " When did Sea Demon Star have such a miracle?"

"Hmph, little wave hoof, you still dare to be distracted. It seems that my lord has not satisfied you yet, so I will try my best~"

Without further ado, the burly demon spewed out two streams of white air from his nostrils, and his body suddenly swelled up. His purple skin seemed to be blown in a blink of an eye, and his whole body grew twice as big.

But at this moment, the blond witch suddenly screamed, the fascination on her face faded, and turned into endless panic.

"Vine, are you crazy?" The burly demon frowned, and he felt the panic emanating from the witch's mind.

In this world, is there anything that can scare a Demon Cultivator?

Following the sight of the blond witch, the burly demon slowly raised his head——

At this moment, the expression on his face was petrified, and there was only endless shock left in his pupils.

"That is!"

"The sky is cracked! Run!"

The witch seemed to have reacted, and she didn't care about dressing. A cloud of devilish energy rose from her body, and she fled in another direction desperately.

woo woo woo...

In a burst of rising air waves, Sea Demon Star's wind layer was broken through by two scarlet rays of light like heavenly knives, and the star protection array only resisted for an instant, and then it cracked like an egg filled with hard rocks.

There were two huge gaps in the sky, the center of which was a dazzling red light, and the surroundings were gradually changing with various colors of fire.

The extreme high temperature caused a series of explosions in the wind layer, and two huge smog-like waves descended from the sky.

All the monks of the Demon Race in Sea Demon Star changed their complexions drastically. Looking at the crimson light that seemed to destroy the world, they felt the horror of a catastrophe for a while.

"Who is here, dare to destroy my Sea Demon Star Formation!"

Three rays of light instantly escaped from this Xiuxing star into the starry sky, and when they saw Su Poman, they showed some doubts in their expressions.

It turned out to be just a Mahayana monk?

How could there be such a movement...

(End of this chapter)

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