Chapter 302 Declaring War!

At this time, Su Poman was suspended outside the pink planet, behind him was the endless void that was shining like a galaxy, and the laser beams in his eyes were slowly pressing down.

"Who is here, dare to destroy my Sea Demon Star Formation!"

A scolding sound attracted Su Poman over. When he turned his head, he saw that the two laser beams in his eyes that were pressing down slowly accelerated suddenly, cutting the pink magic star instantly like a hot knife cutting butter. It became two halves, the red light cut through the wind layer and caused an explosion of air flow!

A circle of powerful shock waves spread out, followed by extreme bright light.

The magma in the earth's core was like the juice in the berries, splashed out in a staggered moment, and then slowly changed from an irregular shape to a group of spheres suspended in the starry sky.

The huge vibration and the destruction ripples produced by the explosion killed [-]% of the demons on Xiu Xing in an instant!

Extraordinary evil power +9999...

One after another demonic lights escaped from the hustle and bustle. These are all demon monks with relatively advanced cultivation bases, and they did not fall in the shock of the earth-shattering.

With dazed and panicked looks on their faces, they broke through the obstacles from the place of practice and flew into the sea of ​​stars like dogs that lost their homes.

Among them, there are many unlucky people whose bodies were annihilated by the red light, or killed by the destructive energy generated when the planet collapsed.

At this moment, Su Poman withdrew his hot gaze, and looked at the three scattered demons who just flew out from the magic star, and saw that their complexions were very ugly, with anger in their expressions, and a trace of deep fear that couldn't be concealed.

The leader Sanmo, who is more than eight feet tall, has red meat horns in the shape of a "mountain" on his head, purple-blue pupils, two white vertical lines on his cheeks, and wisps of extremely pure true demonic aura lingering around his body. He is a Four Tribulations Scattered Demon.

The other two scattered demons are seven feet tall, and they are of the same race as the leader. They have roughly the same shape and appearance, and their realm has reached the level of Sankang scattered demons.

"Why, it's up to you to stop me?" Su Poman stared at the Three Demons and said with disdain.

"you wanna die!"

Destroying stars and destroying clans is a sworn enemy!

Rao was jealous in Sanmo's heart, but seeing the contempt in the expression of the human monk in front of him, the anger in his heart broke out instantly.

As soon as he made a shot, the magic flames were overwhelming!
Billowing smoke billowed up all around, and the snake-scale spear in the hands of the leading Sanmo seemed to pierce through the void, ignoring the distance, and landed directly on Su Poman's forehead.


A strange three-headed snake appeared on the spear, with a huge triangular head, swallowing a bright red letter, and the snake's eyes were full of cold light. Generally speaking, when people in a weak mood saw this scene, their hearts were panicked, Strength will be greatly limited.

The attacks of the other two demons followed closely behind, and the pure and pure demon energy activated the magic skills, forming two beams of light like heavenly knives, sealing off all his escape routes from both sides.

Just when the pitch-black gun tip was about to hit Su Poman's eyebrows, he suddenly made a movement, stretched out two fingers like lightning, and swept them in front of him as if to repel mosquitoes and flies, only to hear a clang.

The magic weapon spear let out a mournful cry, the body of the spear pierced through the void and turned back at a faster speed, and tiny cracks appeared at the tip of the spear.

This is a magic weapon of the same level as a fairy weapon!

Even if it is the existence at the bottom of the low rank, it is not comparable to the ancient treasures.

Under the connection of mind and mind, the leader who scattered the demons spewed out a large mouthful of purple demonic blood, and looked at Su Poman in shock.

"It almost destroyed my Snake Spear!"

At this moment, a chill suddenly surged in his heart, and then he reacted instantly, "This person is absolutely invincible, if he doesn't leave, he may be in danger of falling!"

There were two slight vibrations, and the two sword-like strikes were resisted by Su Poman's 'biological force field' all over his body.

The expressions of the other two demons changed drastically, and they also realized that something was wrong, and they had the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts.

The three scattered demons looked at each other, as if they had made a deal, they turned into three magic lights, broke through the space and entered the void.

"Am I letting you go?"

Su Poman's ethereal voice pierced through the void and fell on the ears of the three scattered demons, followed by an indescribable force descending.


The surrounding time and space froze as if the pause button had been pressed, and the only person who could act was Su Poman.

"As expected of the law of time, it is only [-] percent, but it can exert such a powerful power... If it can be completed, it is really unimaginable!"

Su Poman stretched out his right palm, and with a shot from the air, the blood in Sanmo's body instantly separated from his body, turning into three skinny bodies like mummies, followed by the black energy condensed to the extreme like three glass balls, breaking Open the space and directly submerged into their bodies.

Boom boom boom!
The magical energy full of evil aura exploded, forming a terrifying purple-black cloud, leaving traces of indelible magical energy in the void.

Extraordinary evil power +3!

With another wave of his hand, the three primordial demon spirits with dazed expressions fell into his hands, and they swallowed them with their mouths open.

Immediately afterwards, Su Poman looked at the demon star that was being destroyed, and his spiritual consciousness instantly locked on to each of the fleeing demon monks.


Bang bang bang!
The bodies of those demon cultivators exploded like firecrackers, and the blood energy in their bodies seemed to be attracted, and merged into the three balls of blood in front of Su Poman in an endless stream.

Extraordinary evil power +999!

"Well... almost!"

A huge sphere of purple-black energy suddenly emerged from the void, crashing into the pink star like a comet.

In the starry sky, there is a bright pink nebula. After a few years, these dusts will slowly gather together to form a new Xiu Xing.

Su Poman turned around and walked towards another Xiuxing star.

At the same time, men in black wearing bronze masks were born in the surrounding light, and the remaining aura in the pink nebula was completely sucked away.

Demons, ushered in catastrophe!

As if declaring war, Su Poman and his ghost shadow clones appeared in the territory of the demon clan undisguisedly to cleanse all evil.

Whether it is energy points or layers of extraordinary evil power, they are all growing at an incredible speed.

In just half a day, dozens of magic stars were destroyed.

Among the ancient blue stars hundreds of light-years away from the Starry Sky Battlefield, the light and shadow in front of Tiansha Nu gradually disappeared, and her delicate face was shrouded in a layer of mist, "That person appeared, in the Jishan Starfield, walking ! We must kill it this time!"

Standing together, her purple tights outlined a blood-pulling curve, and her white and tender jade legs moved forward alternately. With a wave of her hand, a bottomless space portal was opened in front of her, and she walked forward without hesitation. into it.

"That bastard Mo Huo is really smart, it's really miserable for the two of us..."

"Oh, there's no way, Seventh Brother, I hope that the Eight Tribulations Demon King will show up in my demon clan!"

The Fox Demon Emperor and the Seventh Demon Emperor looked at each other, with a look of helplessness in the depths of their eyes, and followed them bravely.

(End of this chapter)

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