Chapter 306 Divine Thunder
Unmoved, Yin Wanchou made a grimace at Cai Yan'er, pulling her lower eyelids and sticking out her tongue, then walked out of the room, and lay lazily on the bamboo chair under the courtyard hall.

"It's comfortable. No wonder Hall Master Su liked basking in the sun so much. It's a great joy in life!"

Yin Wanchou narrowed his eyes slightly, and his dark green emerald-like pupils revealed comfort.

Seeing his appearance, Cai Yan'er in the room stomped her feet angrily, with a look of hatred on her face.

Seeing this scene in the sky, Su Poman couldn't help but smile knowingly, "This brat!"

His bloodline descendants seem to have the ability of 'photosynthesis', they can supplement the energy in the body by basking in the sun, and they don't need to devour blood to offset the hunger, so the sunlight has many benefits for them.

Su Poman fell down and landed slowly on the open space on the top of the mountain.

Zhao Yuanjing, who had just broken through, was the first to sense it, and immediately teleported here, bowed his hands and greeted him, his eyes were full of fire, and his expression was very excited, because he could clearly sense the deadly spirit in Su Poman's body through the blood connection. At the same time, his own realm can break through, and it all depends on the power of this bloodline Pize.

"See you son!"

"Well, I have nothing else to do, go and do your work!"

Su Poman waved his hand, signaling him to back down.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanjing bowed and cupped his fists, and his figure disappeared when he turned around.

He first went to pay a visit to Ouyang Hong, and left behind some newly acquired jade slips, and then came to Cai'er and Rui Zhu's yard, and spent several days with her.


While he was enjoying the quiet time, there was an uproar in the outside world because of the fall of the Tiansha Witch, and the high-level leaders of the entire demon clan were discussing this matter.

An Eight Tribulations Scattering Demon is basically invincible in the Qianyuan Realm. Even the Demon Lord who is a Nine Tribulations Scattering Demon is not sure of killing it completely.

At this level of cultivation, the law has been added to the body, and the life-saving ability has been greatly improved.

Even if the cultivation base is higher than a big realm, it is easy to defeat, but it is extremely difficult to kill!

But now, the magic soul lamp at the top of the Tianhun Hall has been extinguished, and the incense soul in the bronze dish has disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Your Highness, stands an old man in black robe with two horns, his body is mutilated, one arm is severed from the forearm, and two purple and bright magic patterns are drawn from the corner of his forehead on his face.

He just stared blankly at the dark place, and stood silently for three days and three nights.

During this period, the Demon Lord ordered that no one should approach this place.It seems that there is a taboo in this temple.


In the early hours of the fourth day, an extremely dry laughter suddenly came from the hall, and the laughter revealed desolation.

"Ah Cha, why are you so stupid, I have already found the treasure to help you survive the next catastrophe, why..."

"How can it fall! How can..."

The following words were almost roared out, and the surrounding formations were instantly shattered, the whole hall vibrated, and many fragments scattered from the dome.

Destroying the Temple of Heavenly Soul is a major crime that should be punished by the demons, but after a long time, no guards have come over.

The black-robed old man clenched his fists tightly, and visible space cracks spread out from his thick joints. He was like an abyss, swallowing all the surrounding light.

In the darkness, a pair of magic eyes burst out with brilliance, turning the entire hall into a blood red color, his aura seemed to be extremely concentrated, the purple magic lines on his face lit up, and a roar resounded earth-shatteringly.


The Heavenly Soul Hall collapsed, and everything in it was turned into fly ash in the roar.

"No matter who dares to kill Ah Cha, I will draw out your soul and burn and torture you for thousands of years with magic fire!"


In a majestic palace shrouded in demon clouds, the majestic man sitting on the highest throne looked a little helpless, and his knife-like brows were tightly knit together.

"Your Majesty Mozun, Elder Ku'an seems to have destroyed the Heavenly Soul Palace, should I go..."

"No need! The temple can be rebuilt if it's destroyed, let him go, Tiansha girl's fall, he must be the saddest person in this world!"


At this moment, a thunderous sound came from the sky, accompanied by extremely strong Tianwei.

"That is……"

A servant stared wide-eyed, with a look of panic on his face, and couldn't help but move his throat.

"The Ninth Level of Dispelling Demons and Thunder Tribulation!"

As soon as the mortal-like majestic man stood up, the thick to substantial black devil energy formed a cloak and hung behind him.

"Let's go, you two, go to watch the ceremony with this deity. If Ku'an can survive the catastrophe, then there will be two demons in my demon clan who will scatter demons from the Nine Tribulations, hahaha..."

Above the ruins of the Temple of Heavenly Soul, an old man in black robes with two horns was suspended in the air. At this time, a huge funnel-like thick cloud of robbery formed in the sky. Under the world-like might of the sky, those with insufficient cultivation did not even have the opportunity to observe from a distance, and fainted the moment the might of the sky came.

Under the pitch-black robbery cloud, he put the soul cup that originally held the Tiansha Witch into his arms with great care, and then raised his head resolutely.

"Ah Cha, I will use the Yuanshen Flower prepared for you by myself. After I survive the thunder disaster, I will surely avenge you..."

Ku An stood with his hands behind his back with a determined face, as if Jie Yun was the only one left with him in the whole world.

Not far away, a black-gold throne quietly emerged, and a majestic man was sitting on the throne at this time, surrounded by a circle of pitch-black demonic energy, and on both sides of it, there were two statues of the Seven Tribulations Scattering Demons, one tall and one short. The guard is on the side.

One of them, a blue-faced bull-faced Sanma, said via voice transmission: "Elder Ku'an, is he sure to survive this calamity?"

"Hehe, if you are not sure, how could Elder Ku'an attract a catastrophe!" The slightly shorter Sanmo in the blood-patterned white robe and the blue-faced Sanmo looked at each other, with an expression on his face. A little bit of anticipation, "I really don't know what kind of treasure he found, which can make him survive such a terrifying catastrophe!"

"I heard that in the past 10,000+ years, in order to help Lord Tiansha overcome the calamity, he went to the 'Secret Realm' alone, and he may have obtained some incredible treasures in it!"

"Sealing the Secret Realm? What a lunatic, there is no aura of heaven and earth, and his cultivation is severely suppressed. He dares to go to such a place, and he is not afraid of death!"


While the two were talking, the demon king on the throne suddenly focused his eyes, and whispered to himself, "Here we come!"

hum! ! !
A buzzing sound came out from the robbery cloud, and the whirling thundercloud seemed to freeze, and golden lightning flashed out of it.

The subtle crackling sound gradually became louder, as if it was changing from drizzle to torrential rain.

Just the slight sound at the beginning shocked the two Seven Tribulations Scattering Demons, and a sense of horror filled their hearts crazily, as if the golden thunder and lightning, as long as it leaked out, could kill both of them. People kill in general.

"Evil God Thunder!"

The huge body of the blue-faced Demon Venerable trembled and said, the white-robed Demon Venerable beside him looked very ugly, only the figure on the throne was not affected.

"The taste of thunder is not good! I don't know if Ku'an can bear it..."

(End of this chapter)

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