Chapter 307 Yuanshen Tianmuhua

As soon as the golden lightning appeared, the demon monks in the entire galaxy felt an indescribable sense of horror, as if locked by a deadly spell.

In the sky above the Temple of Heavenly Soul, the Jieyun has solidified, like a huge upside-down mountain, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, completely blocking the sunlight, and the lower part is immersed in endless darkness.

At the tip of the bottom of the upside-down mountains and rivers, the golden divine thunder kept swallowing, and gradually condensed into a dazzling golden light spot.

In mid-air, the black-robed old man's body lit up with a crimson magic light to compete with the golden light.


The moment the thunder sounded, Venerable Ku'an's complexion changed, and he flipped his hands hastily, and took out a four-petal flower that was as white as snow and full of divine aura.

The Demon Lord, who was watching from a distance, widened his eyes and said in surprise, "It's the original god Tianmuhua! No wonder he is sure to attract the ninth stage of thunder calamity!"

"Yuan Shen Tian Mu Hua?" Qing Mian San Mo looked puzzled.

The white-robed Sanmo explained aloud: "It is said that this flower is supernatural and extraordinary, and it is the world's first-class treasure for surviving the tribulation. It can weaken the power of the evil god's thunder in the ninth thunder calamity by at least 300%. The last time it was born, It was still [-] million years ago! I didn't expect to be found by the elder Ku'an..."

in the field.

As soon as the four-petaled white flower appeared, clusters of auspicious clouds and mist appeared around it, and the quiet orchid-like fragrance spread out.

Venerable Ku'an stretched out his withered index finger, and tapped lightly on the pistil of Yuanshenhua.The four petals trembled slightly and then fell off, turning into a piece of white light and enveloping Venerable Ku'an in a burst of clear voice.

After the light dissipated, every corner of Venerable Ku'an's body was covered with a white film of light.

At this time, a little golden light the size of a firefly suddenly fell from the robbery cloud. Seeing this scene, the Demon Lord who was watching the ceremony on the throne sat up and stared at the golden star with a serious expression.

Venerable Ku'an also took out a blue umbrella-shaped magic weapon, and faced it fiercely, a light shield with a radius of thousands of feet was aroused on the umbrella surface.

The golden light fell about two feet and then began to swell crazily. It turned into a thunderball the size of a human head in an instant, and directly turned into a huge thunderball with a diameter of one hundred feet in the next instant.

The inside of the thunder group is extremely bright blue-white light, and there are golden thunder snakes like giant pythons running around the outer layer, and the momentum is getting more and more terrifying.

After a short breath, the thunderball swelled several times, like a satellite, the heavy pressure pushed the surrounding air away, creating a large vacuum area.

There was a trace of ruthlessness in the depths of Venerable Ku'an's eyes, chains of law and order emerged behind him, and he poked at the ball of thunder with his fingers.

A sword of law instantly condensed into shape, forming a sword light that spanned thousands of miles.

As soon as Jianguang touched the thunder group, he broke the stability.


The huge golden thunderbolt exploded, and the sky and the ground were covered with golden thunder and lightning, and Venerable Ku'an was submerged in the endless lightning.

A huge mouth opened in the space, swallowing Jieyun and the robber crosser.

The two Seven Tribulations Scattering Demons standing beside the Demon Lord had shocking expressions on their faces.

"This power is really terrifying!"

"That's right, even a hair-sized Thunderbolt can destroy my Dharma Body dozens of times..."

"Master Mozun, this is only the first thunderstorm, does Elder Ku'an have any hope of surviving this calamity?"

"There should be... a [-]% chance!"

"Only thirty percent?"

"Hehe, [-]% is already a lot. If there is no Yuanshen Tianmuhua, he might not even have a chance of [-]%!"



At this time, Su Poman had already left the world of Pagoda Heart, and came to a deserted planet. He sat down cross-legged, opened his arms and made a sudden move, walking in various star fields of Qianyuan Realm. The moment is called.

Brush brush!
One by one, the demon-suppressing envoys and demon-suppressing envoys wearing bronze masks tore through the space and rushed to this planet.

It didn't take long before one after another, figures arrived one after another, and then merged into Su Poman's body. Immediately afterwards, he created new avatars one by one, standing shadowy in the nearby space, as if they were A group of robots waiting for instructions.

Some of the previous avatars were dispatched a long time ago and did not possess some of his current abilities. Now he has been updated by him.

Two hours later, Su Poman had millions of "spiritual shadow clones" wearing bronze masks around him. These clones were so powerful that each of them could easily defeat the Four Tribulations Sanxian. power will be even more terrifying.

Millions of Sanxian-level masters, this is a number that is enough to shake the Qianyuan world, Su Poman opened his eyes, with divine light blooming in them, looking in the direction of the demon clan's territory, and said in a cold tone: " Today is the day to fight the demons! Go! Slay demons and demons, clarify evil, under the eyes of judgment, you will not kill any kind monk by mistake!"

With an order, one after another silhouettes penetrated into the void like locusts, heading towards the territory of the Demon Race.

"This time, the demons will be destroyed!"

In Su Poman's mind, the outrageous things Moxiu did when he entered the territory of the human race came to his mind. Although the relationship between the two races is hostile, there is no right or wrong to plunder each other, but since he is a member of the human race, Party members, they should consider their own race, and completely obliterate these evils and dirty things!

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

At the same time, he still has the idea of ​​"killing the demons first, and then destroying the evil ways" in his heart. As for the monsters, it is a little different. After judging, make a decision.

Su Poman opened a space portal leading to the territory of the Demon Race, and stepped in.

The time and space around him changed, and after a few breaths, he locked a position with his consciousness and walked out of the void.

As far as the eye can see, they are all demon realms, and the cultivators are shrouded in violent and raging demonic energy. After the pupil of judgment is opened, a powerful divine sense sweeps out, instantly distinguishing the cultivators with higher sin values.

Among them, there were also many human races who were kept in captivity for food. With a thought, Su Po used [-]% of the space law of Zombie God's blood, and quietly transferred all those human races to a secret realm in the tower heart world.

Since the state of scattering demons in this area is not high, they did not attract their attention. Before the demons in charge of blood food could react, the dark matter summoned by the ability of the evil little mage Vega transformed into Like comets, they continued to fall from everywhere to the entire Demon Realm.

"Destroy it!"

That scene was like a hailstorm in the mortal world, not letting go of an inch of corner.

At the outermost edge of this area, the space was distorted into the appearance of a purple cage, completely cutting off the spatial connection.

Su Poman was dressed in a white dragon painting robe, silently appreciating the brilliant fireworks. Not long after, the first celestial-sized deep purple dark matter hit the mainland, sending out an earth-shattering roar.

That piece of continent was torn apart in an instant, and countless demons and generals living on it died in an instant. One by one, powerful demon cultivators rose into the air in panic, and saw a series of dark purple celestial bodies approaching in a blink of an eye.

"God, what is that?"

"Meteorites are coming, why didn't the star protection formations warn in advance!"

"Could it be that some existence wants to destroy us!"

"I don't want to die yet!"


In an instant, despair and panic filled the entire Demon Realm.

Among them, a cultivator who practiced the 'Six Desire Demon Art' felt that his realm was ready to move, as if he could easily break the mirror as long as he found a place to retreat.But at this moment, the dark purple celestial body was reflected in his eyes, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that I, the Demon General of Six Desires, would like to force my opponents into a situation of despair and panic to practice magic skills. I didn't expect that I would have such a day..."

Seeing the celestial body getting closer and closer, he knew that he was struggling and hopeless, so he closed his eyes in despair.


Accompanied by a deafening sound, his consciousness fell into darkness.

Suddenly, in a state of confusion, he saw the surrounding situation again. It was a starry sky, surrounded by endless demon energy, blood energy, heaven and earth spirit essence, and... confused demon souls.

"what happened?"

Before he could think clearly, he felt a terrifying suction force, and his consciousness was quickly wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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