Chapter 326 Extinguishing Star
The improvement of the realm of spirit and soul also accelerated the process of Su Poman's primordial spirit transforming into a fairy baby, which greatly shortened the process of his ascension to the fairy world.

A complete and transparent feeling filled his mind, Su Poman felt warm all over his body, as if he was in a hot spring, and the spirit energy in the fairy baby had reached a peak.As blessed as his soul, he felt that as long as he wanted to, he could immediately summon the Ascension Platform and ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Looking at the desolate Demon Realm, Su Poman murmured to himself: "The demon race is over, and I'm about to ascend! It's time to go back to Qiong Xing to have a look!"

Casually tearing open a space portal, Su Poman threw himself into the space passage. At the same time, the clothes on his body became white dragon painting robes. He wore a white dragon silver crown on his head, and his long hair fell down. It also slowly disappeared, and turned into a handsome young man who was independent from the world.

The surrounding space is like a kaleidoscope, with various lights and shadows passing by rapidly.

Spiritual consciousness anchored the coordinates, and after the strength reached the Nine Tribulations Sanxian, the speed in the space channel was extremely fast, and it took only two sticks of incense to come to the space where the Liuguang Starfield belonged.

3000 million kilometers away from Luna Star, away from the direction of Qiong Xing, there is a dark planet surrounded by blue-gray air currents.It is filled with thick dead air, cloudy air, and extremely cold air formed due to the lack of star light.

When Su Poman's eyes fell, he saw the strange scene under the gray clouds.

Under the silver-blue moonlight, layers of corpses were piled up together, each with a different appearance. Looking around, the strong corpse aura had already formed a substantial mist.

This planet seems to be composed entirely of corpses. Those corpses are men, women, children, tall, short, fat, and thin. Their faces are all blue-gray, and wisps of dead air emerge from their bodies.

The heavens and the earth are filled with this kind of corpse aura and death aura. It is difficult for ordinary people to survive on this planet. Even if they are touched by this corpse aura, they will quickly turn into corpses without the slightest intelligence.

Mountains, rivers and rivers are all made up of corpses, some of which are mountain peaks made up of young girls' corpses, and some are hills made up of certain human limbs. The river is filled with rancid and muddy corpse water, and the bottom of the river is inlaid with a The big heads of children, they have big mouths without spirit, and strings of bubbles pop up from time to time.

Looking through the layer of corpses, the corpses below have been somewhat lithified. Under these lithified corpses are coffins and coffins, which are placed layer upon layer on the soil of the earth, covering the entire planet's ground. up.

This star is called the Corpse Ancestor Star, and it is the old nest of the corpse Yin sect of the ninth-class force, and it is also the most yearning holy place for cultivation in the hearts of all corpse practitioners in the Liuguang Starfield.

The environment here is unique, for practitioners of the corpse way, it is like a large cave.Every inch of land is a good place to raise corpses, and there is an endless supply of Yin Qi and corpse Qi. Ordinary corpses can be quickly transformed into armored corpses under the guidance of corresponding secret techniques.

Su Poman suddenly recalled the Corpse Yin Sect that was exterminated on Qiongxing. At that time, his strength was not able to fight against such a behemoth, but the situation is different now.

The strongest member of the Corpse Yin Sect is just a Sanjie Sanxian, and now this strength is not enough for his clone.

"Ho ho ho..."

A burst of hoarse laughter like a broken bellows suddenly resounded throughout the space of the Corpse Ancestor Star.

"My Five Elements God Zombie has finally been refined!"

A purple-skinned zombie soared into the sky, opened and closed its mouth wide, and made an incomparably piercing sound.

Around him, five coffins stood in the air, including golden coffin, green coffin, blue coffin, red coffin, and yellow coffin, slowly rotating around him, exuding a terrifying aura.

Bang bang bang!

Zombies hidden everywhere seemed to have been summoned, and they broke out of the coffin one after another, leaning towards the ancestor of the corpse Yin sect as if worshiping.

The elders and disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect also left the gate one after another at this moment, knelt down on the ground, congratulating loudly.

The purple skin of the ancestor of the corpse Yin sect has hardened, and there is no expression on his face, only the will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes are beating crazily, as if he is extremely excited.

With a wave of his long claws, several dark purple rays of light appeared in the air, followed by a "click" sound.

The suspended five coffins kept shaking, and the coffin lids tore through the air and fell straight into the ground.

There was a rumbling vision of thunder in the sky, and the blood-red clouds quickly gathered together, making the place below even darker.

Flying out of the golden coffin was a zombie made of gold. Its fangs stood upside down, and its eyes glowed with blood. With a slight movement, it could leave blood-stained shadows in the air.

What flew out of the green coffin was a wood attribute zombie, covered in layers of vines, with tentacles with yellow-green leaves hanging down naturally, and traces of blood streaks on it seemed to be able to breathe, constantly flickering.

The other three zombies also have different attributes, which are extraordinary.

These five elements of zombie aura are connected together to form a very peculiar field, in which the five elements alternate and change unpredictablely.

"Jie Jie, there is no one in this Liuguang Starfield who is my opponent!"

The ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect laughed wildly. He had waited too long for this day, and then he could develop his power unscrupulously, and even turn all other cultivators into a place like the Corpse Ancestor Star.

Su Poman stared at the five zombies intently, and said indifferently: "It's kind of interesting, it's a pity that you can gather all the corpses with the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It's a pity that it will only be a flash in the pan when you meet me..."

He slowly stretched out his palm, and the biological force field whizzed out in an instant, forming a colorful palm bigger than the Corpse Ancestor Star in front of him.

Within the giant palm, the power of various laws circulated in parallel, forming an extremely terrifying pressure.

The probe scooped it up, and before it touched the corpse ancestor star, the terrifying pressure destroyed the star guardian array in an instant.

This is the true strength of the Nine Tribulations Sanxian, who can easily destroy a Xiu Xing with a ninth-level power.

The sound of heaven and earth cracking came, and after the star protection array disappeared, the wind layer was also crushed!

At this time, the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect looked up, and the two will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes instantly jumped up.

"what is that?"

I saw that above the sky, where the spiritual consciousness can be seen, there are shocking giant pillars pressing across.

Only the few people with the highest cultivation bases saw the whole picture clearly with the power of spiritual consciousness, and then they all stood there dumbfounded as if they saw some incredible scene.

They saw that the shape turned out to be the palm of a person, and even the lines on the palm were clearly visible like mountains and rivers.

This is a catastrophe!

The ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect reacted very quickly. He let out a roar and wanted to tear apart the space to leave, but found that the surrounding space was blocked by some mysterious force like fine steel.

The will-o'-the-wisp flickered in the eyes of the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect, and he shouted without hesitation, "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The newly formed five-element gods are like explosives, exploding one after another, the power is extremely terrifying, even the Five Tribulations Sanxian will be killed if they encounter it.

"Oh? You can be considered a ruthless and decisive person!"

Su Poman raised his eyebrows, he didn't care, he clenched his right hand suddenly, and the seven-colored giant palm that covered the corpse ancestor star in the distance also made the same movement.

Like crushing a crisp Ferrero, the Corpse Ancestor star turned into dust and various nebulae in the shocking explosion.

None of the cultivators among them, including the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect with the highest cultivation level, survived, and countless primordial spirits and fairy babies were sucked into Su Poman's body through the air, and became food to nourish the soul.

"Why do I feel like I am becoming more and more like a big villain..."

Su Poman grinned, smiled and stopped thinking about these things.

Because all the evil cultivators were killed this time, there was nothing to worry about. With the existence of the pupil of judgment, he would not kill good people by mistake.

"Let's go!"

Su Poman took a long step and moved in front of Qiong Xing in an instant. Seeing the blue planet in front of him, he felt a sense of steadfastness in his heart for no reason.

Although Qiong Xing is not the earth, he has lived here since crossing over, and gradually formed a sense of belonging.

"It would be great if I could take Qiong Xing with me..."

Thinking of this, Su Poman first thought of the two worlds in his body.

One is the dantian of the galaxy from the cultivation of stars, and the other is the soul kingdom.

"No, the star transformation has not been cultivated to the limit, and the formed world is not stable. Every time the realm is improved, it will be broken and then erected. It is not suitable to move into a real planet, and I am afraid it will not be possible..."

"As for the Kingdom of Soul God, the space is big enough, but it's still unknown whether the creatures inside can be resurrected with me. I can't take such a risk. In comparison, the inner space of Tianbao Pagoda is a good choice..."

(End of this chapter)

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