Su Po touched the Tianbao Pagoda with all his spiritual thoughts, and a delicate tower of more than 20 centimeters emerged above his head, with countless colorful rays of light blooming all over his body.

As the master of Tianbao Pagoda, he can clearly perceive how vast the space inside this half-step Tianzun vessel is.

The core and resurrection point of Tianbao Pagoda are hidden in his soul kingdom. This space related to the soul has become extremely vast as his soul has become stronger. The stars seem to be a newly opened world.

However, this side of the world is a bit barren, and there is no breath of life.

"Every time between death and resurrection, I don't know if the state of this space can keep living creatures, or is it constantly collapsing? This matter needs a small experiment to be sure! As for Qiong Xing, just When you leave, please take action and move into the starry sky of the tower heart world!"

Su Poman made a decision in his heart, his figure blurred in place for a while, and then disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had come to a deserted island.

There is a mound in the center of the island, and the center is sunken. It seems that it has experienced collapse and heavy rain before, and has formed a shallow pool.

Beside the water pool, fallen leaves are colorful and covered with green unknown weeds.

"This is the place I just crossed over from!"

Several years have passed, and the appearance of this small island has largely remained the same, but the sword grass of the past has never grown again.

Su Poman stood where he was, his eyes were a little lost, recalling the experiences of these years, he only felt a little magical.

Before he graduated from university, he crossed in a daze, drifted on the sea, and then ended up on this small island.

Fortunately, Ziyuan Roulette exists, otherwise, he would really be Robinson Crusoe.

Learn the local language in Beishan Village, step into the martial arts world of Pu State, and then hunt down immortal cultivators across the Great Wilderness Plain...

Scene after scene, as if yesterday.

"It's like a dream!"

Su Poman let out a long sigh, his gaze pierced through the soil layer of the earth, and he stretched out his hand to grab it. A big hole was opened in the ground, and a cyan cloud-patterned robe broke through the ground while the soil was flying.

After weighing it casually, he murmured: "The material is pretty good, but it's a pity that it has lost its aura..."

He sent the robe into the soil again, and the surrounding earth and rocks quickly gathered under his magic power, submerging the pool of water, and then formed a huge tomb.

He took a hard stone slab casually, swipe his finger on it a few times, and the vigorous and powerful words appeared on the stone slab—Molu Xingsanxiu Fangmiao's Tomb.

"Senior Fang, I destroyed your bone body before and got your inheritance of the Cangyuan Ring. Today, I will set up a tomb for you. I hope your spirit in heaven can rest in peace!"

After leaving the small island, Su Poman restrained his breath, and walked on the waves on the sea.

Looking up at the scorching sun, bowing your head through the blue abyss, your thoughts are also flying.

At his level, he began to understand the importance of the power of law more and more.

The source of all spells, secret techniques, formations or talismans is the power of law, and these means are only the external manifestations of the power of law.If you comprehend the laws to the depths, you can create spells or secret methods according to the characteristics of different laws. Achieve the body of Yuanxian.

Therefore, there has been a legend in the world of cultivating immortals that "once enlightened, soaring in the daytime".

Thinking of this, Su Poman thought about the supernatural abilities of the 'Silver Superman'. It is rumored that the Silver Superman can not only travel through time and space, ignore cause and effect, but also be immune to almost all physical damage, and can evolve more quickly until he is immune to The most important point is that a new ability will be awakened every once in a while, and with the thinking of the super brain, one can learn a new ability at will.

These abilities are like spells comprehended by observing the power of laws. They have super vision to observe time, space, and everything in the world, and then deduce them through the super brain. It is essentially the same process as the comprehension of laws by immortal practitioners.

"If you speculate like this, the body of the silver superman should be similar to the existence of the top innate Taoist body in the fairy world, which is more in line with the laws of heaven and earth, combined with the super brain's comprehension Max, plus the superhuman eyes that can break the essence of all things. Effect, if you want to create a spell at will, it is really as simple as eating and drinking..."

"I can reach that level in less than two years. I really look forward to it!"

Su Poman strolled on the sea with a leisurely and composed demeanor, as if he was strolling in his own garden. Although he restrained his breath, his ethereal and refined temperament made people know it was extraordinary at a glance.

Not long after, he came to the beach outside Beishan Village, Lianyun County on the waves.

At this time, it was the Sea God Festival, and the sky was full of stars. After a burst of firecrackers exploded, chickens crowed and dogs barked.


Su Poman landed and stepped on a shell. The shore was covered with white sand. After passing through the high and low tide roads, the seawater was washed countless times, and the sand and gravel looked extremely clean.

Dengfeng Mansion is located in the south, and the climate is warm and humid all year round. Although the sea breeze is strong at night, it does not make people feel cold.

Revisiting the old place, Su Poman followed the previous route step by step and walked into the village.

Maybe it's because of Su Poman, a big man, and the patronage of Yao Dashan in Qinglin County. Compared with a few years ago, Beishan Village is more prosperous.

After sweeping his spiritual thoughts, he found several young and strong men wearing Haihe Gang costumes eating in the village. Judging from their appearance, they were all from the village.

Going forward, I was surprised to see that the dilapidated yard where he lived before had been well protected. The furnishings in the house were as clean as new, and there were no weeds in the yard. It seemed that someone would come to clean it often.

Su Po felt a little funny in his heart, and for some reason, he touched his nose subconsciously, and said with a light smile, "It seems that I have also become a legend in this small place!"

When he was about to leave, there were bursts of sad crying in his ears. He swept his spiritual sense and saw three young men in the east room of a fenced yard not far from him, anxiously flustering around the bed.

On the hospital bed, lay an old lady who was as handsome as gossamer.

I saw that her face was pale, and her whole body was twitching constantly. She looked very painful and lifeless, and she probably wouldn't be able to survive tonight.

"Mom, you can't die!"

"The Sea God's Day hasn't passed yet, you can't just let us go!"

"Why hasn't the doctor come yet, I'll go and see..."


Su Poman was a little surprised because he knew this old lady.

When he first came to Beishan Village, the old man gave him two wild vegetable dumplings and a hemp shirt, and tried to find a wife for him.

Thinking back to this point, he naturally couldn't sit idly by.

With a little space between the fingers, the surrounding spiritual power turned into a wisp of spiritual mist invisible to ordinary people and entered the old lady's body.

The old lady who had been in convulsions immediately stopped convulsing, her breathing gradually became steady, and a rosy color gradually appeared on her pale face.

Immediately afterwards, Su Poman used his spiritual sense to search through a large pile of spoils of his own, and finally found an 'Evergreen Pill' in the storage bag of a certain monk he killed.

This pill is so extraordinary that a mortal can live at least ten years if swallowed.

With a flick of the fingers, the 'Changqing Pill' was sent into the old lady's mouth through the air, the pill melted in the mouth, and with the help of Su Poman, a burst of medicinal power quickly spread throughout the body.

The old lady coughed, and opened her eyes quickly after exhaling foul breath. She heard the cries of the three sons beside her ears, and frowned angrily, "Aren't I dead yet? What are you screaming for?" "

"Mom, you're all right!"

The eldest son's eyes widened in surprise, wiped away the tears on his face, and began to look carefully.

"Perhaps your mother and I deserved to die, Lord Yan let me back again!"

"Hahaha, that's great, mother, let me take a closer look!"

"Hey, mother, why are some strands of your old hair turning black?"

"Could this be the legendary dead tree in spring? No, I have to ask the doctor to take a closer look at it later!"


Su Poman smiled, turned around and left without showing up to meet each other.

In the sky above Qinglin County, Su Poman stood in the clouds and looked down, with a strange smile on his face.

"Brother Yao has gained weight again, tsk tsk, he has become a professional fisherman..."

"I don't go home to eat during the Chinese New Year, but I even come to the moat to catch a fish, and let my wife and son come to deliver the meal. This little life is really more comfortable than mine!"


Su Poman looked at it for a while and didn't go down to see it in detail. After casting a few protective spells on Yao Dashan's family, he left.

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