When he first came to the fairyland, Su Poman was still very hazy about the seal of the fairyland, even though Tian Lingzi was there to explain it.In addition, many years have passed, and there is no guarantee that the system and system will change. We must carefully inquire about it so that we can integrate it faster.

"Joining our border defense force, especially a small border defense team like us, has a very generous salary. Not only will the immortal stone be distributed regularly, but as long as you complete certain tasks, you can also get Daoyuan fruit, which is the envy of many immortals. My dear! Merit points in the army can also be exchanged for other resources such as immortal arts, kung fu, pills, etc. As long as you have enough merit points, even the legendary imperial immortal artifacts can be exchanged..."

Qian Yunmo gave a detailed account of some of the establishments, rules, tasks, and points of merit in the border guards.

Su Poman suddenly interrupted and asked: "Then is your mission dangerous? Is the casualty rate high? Why did you suddenly find me this time?"

"Uh, this! Brother Su, to tell you the truth, we recently received a dangerous task issued by the army to go to the Yaozu area to perform it. The reward is very generous. After completion, each person will get a fire attribute Daoyuanguo.

You should also know the situation on the Yaozu side. They are all physique practitioners, and their fighting methods are relatively straightforward, so in order to ensure the safety of this mission, we plan to find another powerful teammate. Tianxian, this is undoubtedly the best choice..." Qian Yunmo explained very sincerely.

Su Poman nodded lightly, and pondered: "So it's dangerous..."

Qian Yunmo's heart arose when he heard the words, feeling that this matter might not be able to be done.

"But I like danger, I decided to join you, take me to go through the formalities!"

Su Po's eyes revealed a kind of fanaticism, and the fleeting light caused Qian Yunmo and others to look sideways.

"Brother Su, don't look at Brother Feng's cold personality, but he is very reliable and a teammate you can trust!" Qian Yunmo explained with a haha, and then he pointed to a tall female fairy and said: "This It's Zhong Lingyue, who majored in the law of wood and became a celestial immortal, and is good at the control and healing celestial arts of wood attribute celestial arts. She is currently a fourth-rank celestial immortal. If you get injured during a mission, you can rely on her!"

She took the initiative to come over and raised her hand to say hello, "Hello, new teammate, I'm Zhong Lingyue, we will be comrades in a small team from now on, please take care of me!"

As she spoke, she shook her little fist, her brow and expression looked very innocent and cute.

Feng Xinghui had two strands of blue hair hanging down in front of his forehead, and six-petal flowers bloomed on a cyan line between his brows. up.


"Haha, welcome, welcome, I thought I met another ascetic, but luckily it wasn't..." Qian Yunmo was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he laughed loudly, walked over, opened his right arm and hugged Su Poman's arms, with a smile on his face.

"It's my turn, it's my turn!"

"Hello, Brother Su!"

Although Qian Yunmo's name is quite elegant, but his appearance is very rough.With thick eyebrows and big eyes and a beard, his side profile looks a bit like the NBA star named James on the Blue Star. He is as tall as a gorilla, wearing a bright silver standard fairy armor, with a golden ring on the brim of the shoulder helmet Represents his identity as captain.

Su Poman also nodded, he knew that this kind of person might be a little socially afraid, and he was not willing to communicate with others too much.

"I've seen Brother Su!"

The two greeted each other with a smile on their faces, and Qian Yunmo pointed to the remaining two and said, "They are the reserve members of our thirteenth team, one is Tianshan and the other is Luo Wu, and they are still in the trial stage. After completing this mission, the two of them will officially become members of our No.13 team!"

The two quickly clasped their fists in salute, looking very solemn.

Most immortal cultivators retreat like a dream, hundreds or thousands of years of retreat seem to pass overnight, although their cultivation base increases, it has no effect on the growth of mental age.

"Come on, Brother Su, let me introduce you to the members of our thirteenth team!" Qian Yunmo put his arms around Su Poman, raised his finger and pointed to a handsome young man with a slender figure and handsome features, and said: "He is our tenth team member." The other vice-captain of the third team, named Feng Xinghui, is a celestial immortal who majored in the law of wind, and has superb wind attribute celestial arts, and is a sixth-grade celestial being just like you."

As she spoke, she blinked her eyes, her dark green emerald-like pupils looked very playful and lively.

Before the two of them had finished communicating, a small red-haired loli came out from behind. To be honest, she was not particularly short, she was 1.6 meters 1.8, but standing in this group averaged 1.7 meters [-] Among the big men mentioned above, they really look like children who haven’t grown up. The other female Tianxian Zhong Lingyue is about [-] meters [-] tall, and she is also half a head taller than her. In addition to her childlike face, When people see her, they automatically think of Lori.

Zhong Lingyue also wears a well-fitting women's silver armor. She has a slender figure, round and firm legs, and a sweet and picturesque appearance. She exudes a kind of vitality all over her body. Between her eyebrows is a four-petal flower extending from green. Shaped like a four-leaf clover.

"Hello, Brother Kuangtie!"

Those who can achieve the mentality of a childish child are those who have profound virtues. Those who aspire to profound virtues will naturally be able to have a heavenly heart in the upper body and a commoner body in the lower body, and the speed of cultivation is also rapid.

Before Qian Yunmo could speak, the red-haired loli walked up to Su Poman's figure, and said excitedly, "Hello, little brother, I am Luo Shuixian, who majored in the law of fire and became a celestial immortal. I am currently a fourth-rank celestial immortal." Realm, good at burning monsters, has a bad temper, and likes to beat people! Don't laugh at my height and appearance, it's all because of my major cultivation method, if you laugh at me, I will beat you too!"

Then, Qian Yunmo pointed to a burly man who was not inferior to him in stature, and said: "This is Kuangtie, who majored in the law of earth and became a celestial immortal. He is good at earth attribute celestial arts. .”

"Haha, hello, if I get hurt in the future, I will rely on you to take care of me!" Su Poman also raised his hand and said with a smile.

"Hello, hello..." Su Poman couldn't help laughing, he really didn't expect that he has reached the level of a fairy, and it is really not easy to maintain such a naughty mentality.

But it's right to think about it, the heart of a child like this, the mentality of a child, is more in line with the Dao, and it is faster to comprehend the law, and it is not surprising to be able to become a fairy.

In addition, immortal cultivators attach great importance to the cultivation of state of mind, so real immortals have less complex tempers and personalities than ordinary people. This is different from survival experience and fighting skills experience. It refers to the purity of mind, just like sword cultivators. The realm is average.

Lan Xing Daozu once said: "If you specialize in softness, can you hug it like a baby, and can you be inseparable? If you specialize in softness, can you be like a baby? If you remove the mystery, can you be flawless?"

Tianshan is tall and thin, with golden lines between the eyebrows. It should be the law of gold that made the gods. The black sword box on the back is very eye-catching.

Luo Wu's figure develops somewhat horizontally, with a stomach like a wine barrel, a kind face, and red lines between his brows. He has become a celestial being with the law of fire, and a forbidden rune flashed in his eyes. He turned out to be a rare cultivator.

"It seems that the recruitment standards of the Border Guard Patrol Team are not low. These two reserve members have their own strengths, so I can be considered exempt from the entrance exam!" Su Poman thought to himself.

"Let's go, Brother Su, since we've already known each other, I'll take you to the barracks to complete the formalities for enlisting in the army, and get your medal and battle armor along the way!"

With a wave of Qian Yunmo's hand, everyone drove Dunguang one after another and flew towards the border guard camp in the southwest direction.

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