Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 335: King Grade Immortal Artifact

Chapter 335: King Grade Immortal Artifact
The Eight Paths of Light galloped through the air like a meteor, at an extremely fast speed. While in the air, Su Poman took a look at the situation on the ground. Although this is only a small town on the border of the fairy world, it also has the prosperous atmosphere of Wuhua Tianbao.

The land exudes spiritual light and fairy energy everywhere, and the rare treasures and spirits in the Qianyuan world are like weeds that can be seen everywhere on the ground veins of the fairy world.In the mineral deposits of the earth, countless treasures of heaven and earth have been bred. The rare treasures of refining tools in the lower world are stones that no one cares about here.

Although the celestial energy is invisible to the naked eye, it fills the surrounding fields. The aura of heaven and earth is as strong as the tide. From time to time, clusters of spiritual clouds will condense in the sky, and a trace of spiritual rain will fall in a small area.

In this environment, mortals can practice extremely fast, and even those with extremely poor aptitude for the Four Spirit Roots have the possibility of becoming immortals.

[This cultivation environment is truly blessed. The Tianbao Pagoda entered the fairyland with me. If I want to come to the world of the Pagoda Heart World, it can also make up for the Immortal Yun. Get this good luck!Master Ouyang and the others should be able to practice a lot more conveniently...]

At this point, Su Poman distractedly probed a ray of divine consciousness into the Tianbao Pagoda. The scene inside surprised him. The immortal energy was more exaggerated than the real fairy world. He saw the world through the long river of time in the world of the tower heart. After the transformation, Ouyang Hong didn't practice much, and his cultivation leaped to the fusion stage in a very short period of time, and the speed of other people's cultivation was also very exaggerated.

"A mortal who was born in the fairy world really arrived in Rome ahead of time, but the environment where he grew up was a bit dangerous..."

Not long after, everyone came to a huge military camp, surrounded by huge array banners, and an upside-down bowl-shaped cyan formation enveloped the camp.

Arriving at the sky above the camp, Qian Yunmo took out a silver token and shook it, the mask below it suddenly opened, and everyone rushed in.

"The Celestial Patrol Team is back, stand up and welcome all the Celestial Lords!"

Qian Yunmo smiled lightly and introduced: "Earth Immortal Realm can be the commander in the army, Celestial Immortal is the commander, and True Immortal is the commander. When you reach the Xuanxian Realm, you can lead an army and serve as a general, and the Golden Immortal Realm can be the general. Marshal, it is rare for them to be dispatched when they sit in the camp on weekdays..."

The same is true of the martial arts fields in other places in the camp, but the attributes of the rules are slightly different. Some condense out fire phoenixes, and some transform into dark green unicorns. The most common way of fighting.

Looking at the brows of those monks again, Su Poman suddenly realized that he had found a group of monks who practiced the law of water to form an formation, and such an army formation could exert more powerful power.

Su Poman noticed that this group of soldiers were all in the realm of the Earth Immortal, and they were all in blue armor. Judging from their number, they should also be part of a patrol team.

Near the passage of the camp below, a small group of soldiers wearing blue helmets was resting in the open space, but after seeing the movement from above, they quickly greeted their colleagues and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"Brother Su has good eyesight. This fairy mirror is a king-grade fairy weapon. It is placed here to prevent spies from the second clan of monsters from joining the border guards through special means. I hope Brother Su will not be offended!" Qian Yunmo explained.

The arrival of Su Poman and the two attracted the attention of many guards nearby. After seeing the circle of golden lines on Qian Yunmo's armor, they hurried forward to salute.

Su Poman nodded silently, raised his hand with a thumbs up, and praised Qian Yunmo's dream.

The Qingjia Earth Immortal holds command flags and stands in four directions, and the celestial generals hold command arrows floating above the army formation. At this time, the army formation is rehearsing an attacking formation, and a water-blue giant dragon gathers in the sky, whose power far exceeds that of ordinary celestial monks.

"Oh, so that's the case, what ranks are the immortals in other realms?" Su Poman asked curiously.

"Brother Su, just register here. You will be considered as a member of the border guards. For heavenly beings like me, the army's shackles are not that great, and they are relatively free. Let's go, I'll take you in, and you guys will wait here." Come down!"

"What about the fairy realm?" Su Poman subconsciously asked.

Qian Yunmo nodded and said: "This is just a medium-sized camp. Camps like this are set up every 300 million miles. There are some small camps and countless outposts in the middle. All parties are watching and helping each other to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. Here There is a large camp [-] billion miles to the east, in which Marshal Jin Xianjing sits in command..."

Seeing Jin Chan, Su Poman was a little surprised and said, "Is this a weapon spirit?"

The two of them had passed through the square at this time and came to a secluded place. A sapphire stone bridge appeared in front of them. Colorful chains with emerald green vines were drawn on the railing. mirror.

"I've seen Dadutong!"

Su Po's eyes were full of surprise, and he said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, this kind of method is very necessary, understandable!"

Compared with these soldiers, patrols exist similar to scouts. They patrol the border with strong mobility and flexible combat. If they are weak, they will kill them, and if they are strong, they will warn.The Tianxian-level patrol team is more like a special force, with no more than ten members. The members of the team have their own strengths and are responsible for carrying out some more dangerous and difficult tasks. Where the border guard post is located.

Qian Yunmo smiled helplessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little: "Brother Su, don't you really know? If the cultivation level can reach the realm of immortal monarchs, it is enough to suppress a continent. Most immortal monarchs are cultivating latently, or going to the heaven External comprehension of immortality and practice of immortality, unless it is the invasion of the immortal king level of the monsters, they will generally not show up. In the war of nearly a million years, the highest combat power dispatched by the three tribes has only reached the level of golden immortals..."

The water dragon roared, and swam around in mid-air, like a real dragon.

Everyone landed on foot, and while they were talking, they came to a black stone building. The tablet on the porch was written with three big characters of "recruitment office".

Qian Yunmo waved his hand, and explained to Su Poman with his head tilted as he walked: "After joining the border guards, the ranks of the Celestial Immortal monks are all at the Dutong level. Our patrol team is half a level higher than the ordinary system, and the captain belongs to the Dadutong level. rank of..."

"Ha ha……"

"Don't be too polite!"

The diameter of the copper mirror is eight feet long, with a ring of purple thunder patterns protruding around the edge, a red rhombic crystal inlaid in the middle of the mirror surface, and a golden toad phantom crouching above the copper mirror.

Qian Yunmo turned around to signal to the others, and then led Su Poman into the conscription office.

"Of course it is powerful. Reaching the Golden Immortal Realm means that you have fully comprehended the laws of time and space, can travel the long river of time, and be able to control time and space. Those kinds of heaven-reaching means are unimaginable for monks below the Golden Immortal. Facing the Golden Immortal Immortals use the method of congealing time and space, and immortals of low realms have no chance to escape... But such a powerful golden immortal monk is as weak as a mortal baby in front of the immortal king. Just think about how powerful the immortal king is! Those who exist Countless worlds can be born and destroyed with a wave of your hand, and a large number of golden immortals can be killed with a single look..." Qian Yunmo said, his eyes could not help showing yearning and fiery color, "I have never told anyone I have said that, in fact, I am quite ambitious, and becoming a fairy is my greatest wish in this life!"

"Is the immortal level so powerful?" Su Poman whispered to himself.

"Brother Qian, there should be a lot of camps like this, right?" Su Poman asked casually from behind.

The scope of the camp is huge, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Su Poman did not use his spiritual sense to investigate, but as far as he could see, he saw thousands of Yuanxian monks wearing blue armor at the nearest place Practicing on the martial arts arena, the sound of shouting and shouting can be heard endlessly.

There is a hole in the black stone building. After stepping in, it seems that the stars have changed. On a huge square, countless immortal monks lined up in a long queue, as if they were doing some tests.

Su Poman guessed the general situation of the border guards just by relying on the layout of the camp, and he had a rough idea of ​​the position of the Celestial-level patrol team in his mind.

After finishing speaking, he strode forward and walked straight across the stone bridge without arousing the reaction of the bronze mirror above.

Seeing this, Qian Yunmo nodded imperceptibly, with a wider smile on his face, "Brother Su, the silver hall in front is the registration office of the patrol team!"

After the two left, Jin Chan, who was squatting on the fairy mirror, opened his eyes, and a voice of vicissitudes came out of his mouth.

"It's strange, this little guy has condensed the law of time and space with an unknown method of body cultivation. It's too perverted, and his blood is even more weird. Although he is a human race, it seems that there are some mysterious things... No, this matter must be let Jiu That guy with the sword knows!"

(End of this chapter)

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