Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 336 Mission: Take Food from Tiger's Mouth!

After leaving the conscription office, Su Poman has honorably become a commander of the border guards, wearing standard bright silver armor and receiving an identity token that can record merit points.

Although this silver armor is only a low-grade fairy weapon level, not as high as the white dragon fairy armor he wore before, but after Su Poman put on this set of bright silver armor, he looked extremely energetic.

His handsome face, coupled with his tall and straight figure, is quite heroic, and people can't help but admire what a heroic young general after seeing him!

At this time, the top-grade fairy-level white dragon battle armor has been transformed into a white lining, saving the trouble of wearing other clothes.

Team No.13 held a grand banquet in their camp to welcome Su Poman, a new member.While drinking and drinking, Su Poman had a preliminary understanding of the members of the thirteenth team.

Qian Yunmo is more forthright and has outstanding strength. He is the backbone of the No.13 team. He has strong appeal, rich mission experience, and a sense of responsibility. He belongs to the practical group.

Vice-captain Feng Xinghui's personality is a little cold, not very good at words, slightly social fear, and will say a few more words when encountering topics he likes, belonging to the obscurity and dedication type.There is a bit of stubbornness deep in his heart, and he will not back down easily from what he decides. He has saved Luo Shuixian's life in a mission before, so he has gained a little fan girl. However, observing the expression in his eyes, it seems that Zhong Lingyue Some extraordinary goodwill.

Zhong Lingyue's personality is biased towards Sister Yu, probably because she has been with Luo Shuixian for a long time, her eyes are more playful and very attractive.

Luo Shuixian is a lively and violent loli, who uses fire-attribute magic to scare others at every turn. She is a bit talkative, and she is a sister of Zhong Lingyue.

Kuang Tie's character is gentle and humble, with subtleties in roughness, and he introduced Su Poman a lot about the situation in the border guards at the banquet.

"Remember the map. Also, this is the pattern of blood-stained gold. Take a look at it too. Don't steal the wrong thing then!"

"Captain, you're kidding again! How could you grab something wrong? At worst, let's search the Liangxi Mountains, kill all the monsters guarding them, and then set fire to the mountain. No treasure will be left behind!" Luo Shuixian Wrinkling Joan's nose, a little devil-like expression appeared on his face.

The same is true for another skill, Star Transformation. The dantian opens up the universe and the starry sky cannot be mapped to the avatar, and naturally it cannot be assisted in cultivation.

Silent all night.


"My father-in-law is too powerful, I don't know if I like a handsome boy like me, and I don't know how much the mother-in-law asks for as a gift?
I'm only in the realm of immortality now, so I probably don't like it...

"Although the rewards for this mission are generous, the danger level is relatively high. Our team needs to go deep into the demon world to find a material called 'blood-stained gold'. This material is unique to the demon world. A master craftsman in our army recently This kind of material is urgently needed to refine a fairy weapon for the monster race...the distribution map of this kind of material is also given above, you can see—"

The corners of Feng Xinghui's mouth twitched, and he said seriously, "Little Narcissus, this time we are going to the demon world, the danger of the mission cannot be underestimated, there may be existences above the sky demon level nearby, you must not mess around! Once there is too much movement, none of us can run away!"

After all, he is also a family man, so how could he be obsessed with a sword all day long.

As he said that, Qian Yunmo flashed a fairy light in his hand, and a map suddenly appeared in the midair of the tent. The mountains, rivers and rivers on it were drawn very abstractly and briefly, giving people a feeling of being recorded at a glance.

"I don't know where Xingxue is? I have already come to the fairy world, so I should quickly find a way to find her!"

After entering the Immortal Realm, the speed of Jinwuhuarigong's cultivation has increased by leaps and bounds. His current Immortal Dao Primordial Spirit Realm is still in the Primordial Immortal Realm, and he still needs to step up his cultivation.

Luo Wu is tall and fat, rather greedy, likes delicious food, doesn't pay much attention to body management, is very proficient in formations, was busy eating and drinking at the banquet, and didn't communicate much.

"This map is not complete, but I have asked someone to compare the terrain, and I can roughly determine a few orientation points. You can see that this location is Caige City in the Demon Realm. To the north is Luoyan Valley. The destination of our trip is Luoyan Valley. The Liangxi Mountains, 6000 million miles to the west of Yangu, have the bloodstained gold we need. The terrain here is dangerous, full of formations, and guarded by demon cultivators at the level of heavenly demons. What we have to do is to go to the tiger's mouth to seize Food!"

Tianshan is a standard swordsman. When everyone else is drinking, he sits in the corner and wipes the flying sword, just like treating his own woman, a fanatical pursuer of the supreme lethality of the sword.

Strength, after improving your strength and then coming to the door, maybe the effect will be better! "

An immortal-level patrol team like theirs not only has private tents and does not need to be called on time, but also has attendants who specialize in logistics services, and their status is relatively high in the army.

Now that I think about it, it's a good thing I didn't become a pure sword cultivator, otherwise I would be a fool to hold a sword and treat her like a beautiful woman every day.

When he saw this scene, Su Poman suddenly recalled that he was also a sword cultivator before, but his strength improved too quickly, and his swordsmanship skills fell behind.

So, from now on, Su Poman can only rely on himself to cultivate steadily, but with the existence of the immortal sun and the sky full of stars, his cultivation speed is not slow.

"Oh, well... Since Brother Feng said so, I will listen to you, be careful, and make sure there will be no big disturbance!" Luo Shuixian stuck out her cherry tongue while talking.

Qian Yunmo smiled helplessly, turned to look at Feng Xinghui, the meaning was self-evident.

After thinking wildly for a while, Su Poman returned to his practice room, closed his eyes and practiced the Golden Crow Transforming Sun Kung Fu.

In the early morning of the next day, the No.13 team gathered in the tent again, and the mess from last night had been cleaned up by the people below.

If you simply accumulate aura or fairy energy, you can also cheat by relying on the shadow avatar, but after ascension, the improvement of the realm is more inclined to the primordial spirit's understanding of the law, and it is not a simple accumulation that can be improved.

Qian Yunmo waved his other hand, and the projection of the blood-stained gold pattern also appeared in the air. It was a dark golden metal block with winding blood-colored lines attached to it.

The captain's words can go in the left ear and out the right ear, but you still have to listen to Feng Xinghui's words, otherwise it would be bad if you make Brother Feng hate you. No matter what they say, it will save your life.

If I hadn't grown up yet, I would have promised myself at that time, hum!

Brother Feng, just wait, when I break through to the real fairyland, my kung fu will be complete, and then the little grape will become a big grapefruit like sister Yue, you must like it...

Luo Shuixian was thinking secretly in her heart, and there was a trace of hidden deep affection in her eyes when she peeked at Feng Xinghui.

"This time I spent a lot of money to prepare a set of teleportation formations. Once we encounter an invincible demon cultivator, we still have to protect ourselves. Remember, missions come second and lives come first!"

"Okay, let's go right away!"

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